Delay revealed-Motion to determine competency filed by defense

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Does anyone have a link to the video? I must'a missed that part or maybe IS was doing a commercial during her rant. Anyway....I'd love to see it if someone has a link! TIA

Yes...would love to have a link to that video as well
#CaseyAnthony A judge friend says lawyers request competency evals if client gives new, inconsistent info. or rejects reasonable plea bobkealing via twitter at 9:25 AM

If this actually has anything to do with this case, i would wonder if ICA wanted to backtrack and say LA never molested her? especially after the emotional testimony on Friday....

That makes sense. Must be frustrating dealing with her constantly shifting house of cards. I'm sure all of the defense team has had doubts about what they've gotten themselves into.
No, there was never a competency hearing before.

What happened before is:
Way back at her first bond hearing on the initial charges, Judge Strickland ordered a psych exam. Results of which were never released.

Then, during the pre-trial hearings, the defense wanted to have two "psych experts" added to their witness list. The state said "If they get psych witnesses in, we want to have our own psych witnesses examine her". Defense then withdrew this motion.
#CaseyAnthony A judge friend says lawyers request competency evals if client gives new, inconsistent info. or rejects reasonable plea bobkealing via twitter at 9:25 AM

If this actually has anything to do with this case, i would wonder if ICA wanted to backtrack and say LA never molested her? especially after the emotional testimony on Friday....
Shoot, if the DT ordered competency evaluations every time Casey changed her story -- lied -- she'd be on the couch 24/7.
I agree with this. I think she was really mad that they were questioning her competency . She was all smiley this morning because they found her competent.

Yup -- I bet she wanted to say "IN YOUR FACE"! She was quite happy with the outcome...obviously!


Does anyone have a link to the video? I must'a missed that part or maybe IS was doing a commercial during her rant. Anyway....I'd love to see it if someone has a link! TIA
There's a thread on the subject. I'll find you the link. :)

See the opening post, second video for outburst [ame=""]June 24 and 25 ICA Video loops saying something? (MERGED) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Excellent observation.
But, experts have commented that, the longer a jury is held, the more they seem to hold it against the defendant.

Agree with you both. I didn't say it was a smart move, LOL, but in trying to figure out this motion (why now, why here...), that was the best idea I could come up with.

I agree - the defense is the one they'll hold responsible. But I don't know about the appeals issue and the legality of the judge promising something and not delivering, and if thatt would be enough for an appeals court to overturn the decision (if she's found I think she will be).

Because, as you both said and as I agree, the jury will "blame" the DT, and it might be argued that the jury "punished" defendant for the judge's actions.

I want to read the motion...

Herding Cats
oscaseyanthony via twitter - Story/updates to come RT @BiancaMPrieto: And now I've got answers. Motions filed re #caseyanthony competency are in my hands.

We should find out soon!
Ok so- this was really filed by the DT to see if ICA was still competent? Seems so odd to me unless it was a delay tactic?
When I read the first post, for a minute I thought the DT had filed a motion about the SA not being competent, :floorlaugh: almost spit my coffee !
I think I have been outside sniffing to much weed pollen this morning ..... lol
I think ICA saw that LA was not going to accuse GA or himself of molestation and decided that she needed a different story. I think she came up with a new lie that prompted CM to question her competency. Heck, what did the DT have to lose? If JP had denied the motion there would have been a motion for dismissal. I'm also guessing that the DT hoped JP would reject the motion in order to keep the trial moving.
This was 'absolutely' a DESPARATE ATTEMPT by the DT...

The DT knows their case is NOT going well for them and basically, it has become a "joke".

Judge Perry knows that ICA is "competent" ... she has been playing "paralegal" ... "law clerk" ... "lead council" for a long time now...

Incompetent ... my butt ... :floorlaugh:
Perhaps CM demanded that she be evaluated to thwart ICA's attempt to take the stand?
I have a feeling that all is not right between the DT and CM appears to be trying to save that sinking ship he knows that they would have been better off not putting on evidence that could not be proven or explained in court without ICA having to take the stand, but ICA is running the show and JB is her willing lackey.

Not a bad idea. I am wondering if this eval TKOs any chance Casey would take the stand. Definitely think things are not rosey between her and teh DT. Not sure who's on what side but I do think CM is likely trying to save...something. He has enough experience to know crap when he sees it and I'm thinking he regrets signing on to this craziness.
So will we get to read the motion? The motion should be better than a top 10 bestseller! :floorlaugh:

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