Demolish the House?

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Sorry to say but I am thinking the owner's troubles are not over. He probably will end up with a heavy IRS fine for hiring AB probably paying him off the books. I don't know that he did that for sure or not but he might have. moo

I am thinking that someone with the money in NC will buy it, and do something nice with it.
It saddens me that Mr. Coffey attributes $30,000 worth of damage was caused by the LE.. when what I seen by the pics was a couple of drywall missing, bathroom cabinet, sink, some plumbing, and some floor boards.. which can be easily replaced...
The cause of the damage is from the tenants he allowed in to rent it.. and that is where he needs to collect his money.. but it won't happen because they are broke... so then he needs to collect from his insurance company.. If he had one... if he didn't, he's out of luck.. unless he sues the city.
Looking again at the photo's.. I think AB and EB did far more damage to that house than LE...
I'm thinking very poorly of Mr. Coffey at this time.
I don't thik that the city should buy it, nor a memorial placed there.. Horrible things may have happened there... There are hundreds of kids that are murdered that never even make it on the news or even our local paper... Zahra should be remember in spirit or as anyone would like to remember her by.... She is an inspiration to this 43 yr. old... God bless her inspiration on all of us......
Paint is an easy repair. Replacing floors, walls, plumbing, ceiling, damage to fireplace, bathroom fixtures, and now, thanks to idiot vandals windows, all VERY expensive. I know because I purchased a 100 year old home and have had to do much of that myself.

Don't you think you would be angry too?

Let's look at the wood floor for one. That is a very large hole. That entire section and surrounding sections would have to be replaced. That is a solid wood floor. Now are any of the support beams damaged? He has to do complete new plumbing. All of that is just starters. All with no reimbursement. Insurance is not going to cover any of it either. This was a rental home. How long do you think it would take to recover that kind of expense? Selling it isn't an option either. Who would buy the home knowing what happened there?
Being as this is a rental home, it is a part of how Mr. Coffey makes a living... I'd be pretty ticked off, too, if part of my financial livelihood got messed with, in a grand way like this. I mean, look at it: evil renters killed a child in the home... then LE had to tear it apart... and now people are vandalizing it... and Mr. Coffey is the one that is taking it in the pocket BIG TIME.

Should he demolish the house? I think that should be Mr. Coffey's decision... he should do what is in the best interest for his situation (especially financially). Whatever he does to it, though, should not be seen as a reflection on Zahra's memory... heck, she had barely lived there when her life was stolen by the horrible acts of someone selfish and evil.

We can love Zahra without that house


"We still do not know for sure if Zahra ever lived there. The details of her last days and death have not been divulged.

Coffey said he would not remove the shrine to Zahra from the property. That was before hate messages began to pop up in the yard and the house was vandalized.

Hickory police investigators had damaged the interior of the house in removing evidence pertinent to Zahra’s disappearance.

The damage was necessary. Coffey understands that. He wants the case solved, as do we.

But even without the damage, the vandalism and the hate signs, we could not think that Coffey would never try to reclaim the property he paid for and rented to Zahra’s parents in good faith.

Realistically, all of us knew the shrine would be removed, in time."

I'm really glad HDR ran this article. It needed to be said.

I don't know many people in this town who can afford to make a $100,000 donation to any charity. Filing a $30,000 insurance claim will really do a number on your premiums, if not get you dropped completely. And if he owns any other rentals, the higher premiums would likely apply to all of them. It really is unfortunate. What the heck were the vandals who broke out the windows trying to prove? :furious:
IF it is determined that the worst happened to Zahra in that house, then the best I can see coming from this is if Mr. C can sell the site to the owner of the businesses on 127 whose parking lots abut the long side of the 21st NW Ave property line. Use part of it to extend the businesses' parking lot, and plant a 20' or more woodland section between that and the nearest neighbor's house on 21st NW. I'm sure the city would work with them on zoning to accommodate that.

IMO it should not be a park in Zahra's memory. That is a great idea, but for another site.

And honestly, hard as it is to fathom for we who have followed this case minute-by-minute, he will have no problem renting it out for a residence again in five years or so. In the meantime, if he chooses to renovate the property, he could rent it out at slightly reduced rates to a children's charity that needs space (again with the re-zoning assistance of the city, which I do hope would be swiftly forthcoming).

Just some thoughts... :cow:
Just my opinion here but I think we have to keep in mind that this fellow, the landlord/property owner/businessman, is also personally connected to this case. I can only imagine the emotions that he is struggling with right now over all of this. I haven't heard anything via the media but for all we know he may believe that AB is innocent in this and being unfairly accused by the public, he may be rethinking things (hindsight is 20/20) and making connections he hadn't seen or noticed before causing him to believe that AB is involved, or he may be entirely confused and just completely overwhelmed by all of this and have no idea who could have committed this horrific act. I just thought it was important to keep this in mind when making our assessments of Mr. Coffey's actions right now regarding this home/property. Hope I didn't offend anyone posting this - this was just something that I was thinking about earlier and wanted to mention here.

~ All My Opinions Only ~
Wow, I am really irritated about this whole thing with Mr. C. I really wish people would remember he is a victim. I don't think poorly of him at all I feel horrible for him. And I am loosing my patience with the people of his community who live right there, are so angry about Zahra and demanding of justice but are doing nothing to help Mr. C. The damage to his home is extensive and yes it is very expensive. How about take one day to swing a hammer and help get his home back together?

He is no longer getting the rent for that house either. Oh and now he is being vandalized? Come on! :banghead:

None of this was his fault. I really wish people would bond together and help this guy, then build a shrine to Z in a beautiful place that doesn't consist of this man's shoulders.
MandyLeigh - That was extremely well put. Mr. C has been through hell with all of this and suffered extensive financial burdens due to the acts of others. I would love to see the community come together and help him get the house back together. An unpleasant task, to be sure, but no fault of his own. It would be a constructive way for people to channel their feelings and help another one of the victims of this horrendous crime.
ty, I agree with you ladies. WHATEVER this man chooses to do is okay by me. I feel badly that he has faced so much criticism here and elswhere. He is businessman, trying to run a business and take care of his family. Whether he can afford to take a financial hit or not is of no consequence to me. He has done nothing wrong. Now he is left with a big mess to deal with and rental property that is notorious in the are as "THE" house (and not in a good way).

Bless this man, bless his family, I wish him and his nothing but peace.

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