Deposition Questions that could be telling for the Anthony's

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For G & C, How many times did you or your PI actually go to a location to check out tips that you believed were credible ?

For the times when you didn't physically go to the location of the reported tip, why did you not go, if you believed the tip to be of importance ?

Did you have the locks changed after Casey informed you that ZG had a key ? If not, why not. If so, who did the lock change, what company ?

Why did you not report the Blanchard Park story as soon as you heard it to LE ?

For Lee, in your fathers FBI interview, he states you had some problems with Casey over the last couple of years because she lied to you when you questioned if she was pregnant. Your father also stated that you were upset that she lied to her parents about the pregnancy for so long. In your deposition, you said that you believe everything your sister tells you, how could this be, in light of what your father said to the FBI ?

For George, in your FBI statement you said that you saw the inside of the trunk, of Casey's car on the 24th of June, in your interview with OCSO, you stated that you did not "look inside the trunk"...which is the truth ?

For George, if on the 15th of June you smelled the odor of decomposition in your daughter's abandoned car and your daughter and Granddaughter were missing, why did you go to work that night ?

George, in your FBI Interview you stated that Caylee never said, nor responded to the name "Zanny" or Zenaida, was that a true statement ? You also stated that she never mentioned her friend "Zachary", is that a true statement ?

Cindy, when you told Casey "we forgive you for anything you have said or done", in the jail visit, what did you mean by that specifically ?
To me the most telling and shocking thing is when LA offered up ... on his own ...that he, to this day believes everything his sister tells him. He could have simply answered a yes or no ... but he chose to make that statement! Now, it could mean that he is a complete kool-aid drinker ... but couldn't it also mean that his sister, at some point told him the real truth? I know that would mean that he was perjuring himself on other questions ... but if he feels that protecting his sister at all costs and helping her conceal the truth is somehow an honorable thing for a brother to do and worth risking his own liberty ... he might be willing to take that gamble. I keep thinking that LA may have a hero complex ... and since he can't save Caylee now, he is going to try his darnedest to save KC. And that statement in particular, I felt was for KC's benefit. You know, like the statements he made at the memorial service. JMO
My question would be..

Since Casey had such a supposed "erratic" work schedule. Would you expect more calls to the house from the nanny? (scheduling drop offs/pick ups etc))

Have you ever recieved a call or heard casey call the nanny?
I'd ask Cindy if she believed KC's ZFG story had any merit at all, why was she telling Yuri in her interview she had a theory that "Zanny" was simply whoever happened to be watching Caylee at the moment?

If KC's story was so solid to them, why were they looking for all kinds of ways to throw her friends under the bus?
Keeping in mind that this is a depo for the civil suit of Z. Gonzales v. Casey M. Anthony, I would try to keep my questions as relevant as possible … Even though personally, I would want to know much more … I will save those questions for “What would you ask the A’s on the stand in “State v. Casey M. Anthony?” … (that’s a whole ‘novah level – ha ha, just a MadTv reference) … which is a thread to its own –one I am sure is inevitable!

For GA ... in addition to many of the questions already submitted in previous posts ... I would ask the following.

On or about August 23rd in an interview with WFTV, you said ... I quote

"These people (who have Caylee) know they are being watched. They know it,"

1. At the time that you made this statement, did you believe the statement to be accurate and true?

If yes

2. Who are/were “these people" you were referring to?
3. Who was watching "these people" and were they, then or ever have been, under your employ, direction or retainer?
4. At what location were "these people" located?
5. How did you become aware of the existence and whereabouts of "these people?"
6. Did you report these findings to LE, if yes --to whom did you report this to and when ... If No, why?
7. Do you believe that information about the identification, existence and whereabouts of "these people" implicated my client as being involved in the, then, Caylee Anthony, missing persons case?
8. Do you believe that the information you gained, would have exempted my client of any involvement or wrong doing, in the missing persons case or subsequent murder case?
9. Do you believe that anyone other than one named, Zenaida Gonzales, was responsible for the disappearance and subsequent murder, of the minor child --- your granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony? If Yes, who

If No to q #1

2. In what way(s) is this statement/quote inaccurate? (Then go from there)
3. (depending on response of course) why did you make this statement to the public, if you knew it to be false? (go from there)
Finally, is the name, Zenaida Gonzales, a common name in your community … i.e., have you ever known anyone, prior to this, with that name?

I would ask CA the following: (also … keeping the civil suit in mind and omitting question that, for the most part, previous posters have suggested!)

You have given a statement to the media where you were quoted as saying ... "Well, again, the people that have her — the whole reason Casey is behind bars is because she’s protecting Caylee’s safety. And I cannot say that enough. Unfortunately, you know, I can’t say things that’s going to jeopardize what we’re doing looking for this child. And I refuse to do so. And I’m not going to waste my time worrying about justifying pictures that you’re showing on your show every night that are two and three years old."

1. Did you believe this statement to be fair and accurate at the time that you made it?
If Yes,
2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. Would be the same questions as above re: GA's questions #4, 5, 6, 7, & 8
7. Upon what basis did you make the part of the statement that says "(...)she’s (Casey) protecting Caylee’s safety. And I cannot say that enough"? e.g., What threats have you or any member or you family, friends or acquaintances, received; as implied in your above statement?

8. Do you remain worried for your own or your family, friends or acquaintances, safety, if you identify the person(s) you claimed to be involved in the disappearance of your poor, defenseless granddaughter, Caylee Marie Anthony?... (Yes, I would go there as often as possible-- with George (especially) too although I didn't think of it earlier)

9. Are you seeking, either through LE or privately, any leads or information that would lead to the capture and punishment of the person(s) you believe to be Caylee's killer? If Yes, what? ... If No, Why?

10. On, November 18, you stated to Jessica D’Onofrio that you plan on writing a book.
Was this a truthful statement at the time you made it?
If No,
2. In what way(s) is this statement/quote inaccurate? (Then go from there)
3. (depending on response of course) Why did you make this statement to the public, if you knew it to be false? (go from there)

If Yes,
11. Was it, or is it, your intent to include in this book, reference to any person named Zenaida Gonzales?
If Yes,
12. How do you, or would you differentiate any one Zenaida Gonzales from any another? (Go from there)

In October of 2008, you stated to a WESH reporter that your investigators have found “what Casey says is being proven as the truth”
13. Is this a true and accurate statement reflecting your thoughts and beliefs at the time you made it?
If No, what part is inaccurate? And what was your reasoning for making this claim? (Go from there)
If Yes,
14. Who is (are) the investigator(s) to which you are referring?
15. What part of Casey’s statement to LE and to yourself, have you been able to verify through your personal investigations?
16. Did you supply LE with any and all information that you uncovered during this investigation. If yes: What and to whom?
If not, why?
17. Which parts of Casey’s story, referenced in your statement to the press, did your investigators determine to be cohesive with statements made to by Casey?
18. Do you believe that anyone other than one named, Zenaida Gonzales, was responsible for the disappearance and subsequent murder, of the minor child --- your granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony?
If yes, who
Finally, is the name, Zenaida Gonzales, a common name in your community … i.e. have you ever known anyone, prior to this, with that name?
1. Do you know, have you met, talked to, Jeff H?
2. Do you know, have you met, talked to, Juliette L?
3. When did KC begin using ZG as a nanny?
4. Is there anyway to explain the coincidence of this ZG being at the same apartment complex where another ZG supposedly lived and babysat Caylee?
5. Do you know the last date that ZG actually babysat, prior to June 15?
Who is Caylee's father? The possibility of KC paying for her defense and future books or movies, I wonder if the A's and KC are worried about a wrongful death suit by the father.
The Zanny case is totally irrelevant to the Caylee case. I wouldn't ask them diddly squat.

I would ask them one question. Have you ever met this woman? Simple yes or no is sufficient.

Casey Anthony's parent, George and Cindy Anthony, will be deposed in the civil case against their daughter by lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez Thursday.
The depositions will take place in the morning.

I forgot about this!

Will they show up? Will BC let them answer any questions?
I'm hoping Morgan will release the tapes - I don't recall hearing that he agreed he wouldn't.
Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
Just to put this out there... for those that do not know...

1. Ping records show that Casey was NOT at Sawgrass apts on June 17th. She did not scope out the Sawgrass apts.

2. Per Tony L's audio interview released on Apr. 6 - he skipped classes the morning of June 17th and had sex with Casey and stayed in bed with her till late morning. She does not leave Tony's til 2:19 PM and arrived at her parents home at 2:29 PM.
She pings at her parents until 4:05 pm. Then she pings near JG and Tony R at 5:20.
Then she back at Tony's by 8:23 Pm and is there throughout the night.

3. Per ping records she was at her parent's house and then possibly C. Stutz's before she went back to Tony L's.

4. Interviews all show that Casey used the name Zanny or the nanny to refer to her sitter UNTIL her mother called police. This is the first time anyone had heard the full name ZFG.

5. Casey did sign off on a document stating that "That was not the ZFG and did not know that person."

These are just facts released from the court documents.
Bolded and snipped by me....

Keeping in mind that this is a depo for the civil suit of Z. Gonzales v. Casey M. Anthony, I would try to keep my questions as relevant as possible … Even though personally, I would want to know much more … I will save those questions for “What would you ask the A’s on the stand in “State v. Casey M. Anthony?” … (that’s a whole ‘novah level – ha ha, just a MadTv reference) … which is a thread to its own –one I am sure is inevitable!

:clap:BINGO.. it is not that we do not think Zenaida has a case or she should not have a case.. but this is NOT the State v Casey M Anthony.

Your questions are the most revelant and are the ones that should be asked.

I have some questions for ZFG myself:

1. How do you think Casey got your name and was using you the template for her nanny?

2. How does one afford to live in a motel and afford a new 2008 Ford Focus?

3. Did you appear on a tv interview of your own accord after the case broke?

4. What time were you at the Sawgrass apts on June 17th?

6. Casey's cell phone records show that she was not at Sawgrass on June 17th. She has an alibi for the morning of June 17th. How do you propose she heard your name and seen your car there?

7. Were you viewing crime forums on the net and seen where posters were discussing you specifically?

8. Did you request those websites to not discuss you, your family or your MySpace pages?

10. Do you have any other connections friends, family that know Casey?

11. How do you know H Garcia? Is he related to you?

12. Why did H Garcia fill out and sign your Sawgrass apt card?

13. Did you really go to Sawgrass on June 17th? Did H Garcia fill out the card after the fact? Do you have any deals with H Garcia?

14. Did you lose your job to job performance? May we request a copy from your last employee of your work record?

Just saying.. it goes both ways..

I am not a champion for Casey and have spoken very clearly about my feelings for Casey. But everything is not... always "for or against".. "black or white."

But this civil case could have waited till after the trial. All those questions that the real ZFG is asking will be answered at that time.
If they lie like a rug at this deposition, could they be charged?

um, a lot o these questions are interesting, and yes they were not answered... but morgan is not trying to solve caylee's murder. she is zfg's attorney and dealing with her case, thus while we would all like answers to a variety of questions asked and unasked, a judge will not compel lee to answer questions not pertaining directly to zfg/morgan case. :bang:

IMO, a judge will compel those questions to be answered. In order to clear ZG's name, one of the ways he can do this is to find out what the family knew and who they really believed took Caylee and/or killed her.

All of the questions asked are relevant. This is in no way, these attorney's first rodeo. They know what they're doing and what they can ask. I guess we'll also see what does get allowed.
I know he doesn't need my advice, but if I were Mr. M, I'd start at the obvious starting point and then branch out as clearly relevant matters led to related matters that are within the scope of discovery. There is a reason of their own making they are witnesses in this case, so I wouldn't begin with a whine-inducing subject.

Cindy A has stated publicly, not just to LE, but on national television, that Caylee's nanny took her. I'd have a transcript or video of every statement I could find, including her sworn testimony at the bond hearing, and be prepared to discuss them. I'd ask her how she knew or came to believe this. If she was relying on Casey, I'd ask her everything Casey ever told her about the nanny and when. If she's told her mom, it isn't privileged. I'd ask what she personally did to investigate the nanny, with whom she discussed the nanny, whether she got any tips about who the Nanny might be, as did LA. I believe he specifically stated he got tips about the plaintiff ZG.

I'd ask if she had any firsthand knowledge of Zanny, whether she'd ever met her, spoken to her on the phone, etc. I'd specifically ask about the alleged phone call from Caylee and the Nanny that CA said she could prove from phone records. I'd ask if she ever did any computer searches re: ZG and when.

Everyone keeps saying that THIS ZG has been cleared, but how can someone who knows zero about her clear her? I'd ask who were the people their PI was trailing and watching while they were still publicly stating that the Nanny did it. I'd ask CA if she even any longer believes there was a ZG or whether it was a figment of her daughter's imagination, a composite of people, and who they might be. I'd discuss her lengthy LE interview in which she fed them long BS stories about the Tampa juggernaut, the wreck, etc. I'd ask what she meant by JG, AH or others "being" the nanny. If she still believes the nanny story, then why is she accusing others? Why have they complained that LE didn't research every ZG in the US/world to their satisfaction if they no longer even believe she existed or did this. What does she mean by her statements that Casey, if she did it, had help? Does she mean the nanny or others? Who?

I am sort of weary of the arguments that Casey has said she wasn't referring to THIS ZG and has said she isn't the one. Or that CA has said it's not THIS one. First, how can she know? More importantly, this presupposes there is an actual, other ZG she was referring to, and this is patently false. She can't have been referring to the "real" nanny, because she doesn't exist. It seems most likely to me that Casey stole bits of people's identities or facts and made them into a compositeNanny whose existence she thought could never be proved or disproved, but that pointed the finger right at the Orlando ZG. This all makes my head hurt., but those are some starting ideas. I'd expect to do battle for any answer to the simplest question.
Here are a few of my questions:

Lee-If you believe everything your sister tells you then you DID make advances on her?
Lee/George/Cindy...Were you on the phone with the PI when they were searching for Caylee and poking around with a stick?
Cindy/George Who paid the nanny? Did you write a check? Where are the cancelled checks? ***(would be interesting to see where they were cashed; if all at the same place or not as well as the alleged nanny's signature)
I believe the name and the kid's names were acquired from the stolen computer of the other ZG at UFC. Then names were the same. I have always believed there was some type of connection to the NG (family counselor at UFC) murder.
Cindy and George Anthony are scheduled to give depositions on Thursday in the civil suit case filed by Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez.

They will be deposed separately at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the Morgan & Morgan Law Office. The depositions are not open to the public, but transcripts of their interviews are expected to be released afterward.
Who knew what and when, as far as the remains being off of Suburban, these are some of the questions that I believe JM will ask tomorrow and I hope he does. I wonder how far BC is going to let him go though, BC seems to be a little more "on the job" that Lee's atty, TL.
Cindy and George Anthony are scheduled to give depositions on Thursday in the civil suit case filed by Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez.

They will be deposed separately at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the Morgan & Morgan Law Office. The depositions are not open to the public, but transcripts of their interviews are expected to be released afterward.

Music to my ears! :blowkiss:
I thought they were too fragile. Didn't Brad Conway speak to their conditions?
"George, as you know has attempted suicide. Cindy has not...yet."
So, is George still under a physician's care? Was he ever after he left the hospital?

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