Desperately Seeking a Source

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The pages were spread out on the hallway floor leading into the 1st floor den. That was fairly close to the phone nook in the kitchen where Patsy called the police.

The transcript and the part you're looking for:

1 struck you when you read the note? I mean your
2 first impression after reading that?
3 JOHN RAMSEY: Well you first impression was
4 that you can't believe it. And I can remember, we
5 have your daughter. And it's the strangest feeling
6 I could ever imagine.
7 LOU SMIT: Are you standing reading the
9 JOHN RAMSEY: No, I kind of got on my knees,
10 because I had them on the floor.
11 LOU SMIT: How were you dressed?
12 JOHN RAMSEY: I think I had underwear on; I
13 had a shirt on. I don't think I had on my shirt
14 shirt. It was just an underwear thing.
15 LOU SMIT: How long did it take you?
16 JOHN RAMSEY: Moments, I guess. I don't know.
17 I think I ran upstairs to look at her room. I
18 think Patsy said -- I don't know if she checked on
19 Burke. I don't know if she checked on Burke. I
20 remember running around a lot.
21 LOU SMIT: Let's think back just a little bit,
22 John, because sometimes that's important. The
23 sequence of things.
24 First of all, I notice that you need glasses
25 read. How was it that you could read that note?

There are references for this in some of the books too.
It this what you were looking for?
4/30/97, John:
"ST: Did she show the note on the second floor landing?

JR: I don’t remember, uh it seems like I came downstairs, but I think she was running up and I was running down, I think, as best as I can remember,
the note was still down on the first floor....Well I’m, it’s a lot of screaming going on around that, but we saw the note and read the first part. Ah, I think I might have run upstairs to look in JonBenet’s room. At one point I laid it on the floor and spread it out so I could read it real fast without having to sit and read."

So here John does say he touched the note, but he doesn't actually say Patsy handed it to him. Saying that they saw the note implies that it wasn't in either of their hands at that point. And he doesn't say where the note was when he first saw it.

4/30/97, Patsy:
"PR: Well, I don’t remember if I picked it or, or just leaned over and read it. I can’t remember. I don’t think I picked it up cause I remember just then bounding up the stairs toward her room....

PR: Down, down in the, you know, on, not, not in the laundry room area, but down. I said there’s a note down there....

TT: Okay. Patsy, do you recall who moved the note from the bottom of the stairs down to where John could read it with the good lighting.

PR: I think he did. I, I (inaudible)."

6/23/98, John:
"JOHN RAMSEY: Well, I think. But it seems to me that somewhere here on the second floor, partially down the stairs.

LOU SMIT: She had the note in her hand?

JOHN RAMSEY: As I recall, I remember I spread it out on the floor just kind to absorb everything quickly."

6/23/97, Patsy:
"TOM HANEY: ....You come down the spiral stairs. The note is--

PATSY RAMSEY: The note is --

PATSY RAMSEY: Somewhere in this area, maybe still on the floor or something, you know. I don't know what happened to it exactly when I bounded upstairs. I think it was right there somewhere.

TOM HANEY: The second time you don't recall exactly where it was?

PATSY RAMSEY: I think it was laying around on the floor here somewhere or something. After I went up the stairs. It was there somewhere. I know I came down here, and I either handed it to John or he went in and picked it up."

Report of Ofc. Rick French, 12/26/96, 1300
"....John directed me through the house and pointed out a three page handwritten note which was laid on the wooden floor just west of the kitchen area. He told me that his wife had found the note on the bottom step of a spiral staircase which led to the upper levels of the house. (I'm uncertain about who moved the note.)"

John, by all accounts, was calm and rational that morning. If French couldn't figure out who had moved the note, it's because John wasn't copping to it early in the morning on Dec. 26.
Thanks Rain :)

A lot of people have said John's voice can be heard in the background of the 911 call and I can't recall him ever saying he was present while Patsy made the call. I remembered something about him saying he was leaning over the ransom note, reading it.

I was trying to figure out whether he was ever pinned down on the question of where he was while she was talking to dispatch.

Well, I don’t remember if I picked it or, or just leaned over and read it.

This is so weird. Anyone would pick it up.
I know I've read that John said he was over by the stairs reading the ransom note while Patsy was on the phone with 911 but I can't find a source for it. Can someone help me, pretty please and thanks.


Boulder Police Interview April 30, 1997, Excerpt
ST: Okay. And it was then the following morning that you and Patsy got up and first discovered that JonBenet was missing, is that correct?

JR: Well, I’d gotten up at a little before the alarm went off, 5:30 a.m., 5:25 a.m. and went and took a shower; was getting dressed and uh, heard Patsy screaming, and I ran downstairs and I think probably intercepted her maybe in the landing there, the second floor landing I don’t remember exactly; but, ah she showed me the note and uh, . . .

ST: Did she show the note on the second floor landing?

JR: I don’t remember, uh it seems like I came downstairs, but I think she was running up and I was running down, I think, as best as I can remember, the note was still down on the first floor.

ST: Go ahead Tom.

TT: Telling me you shaved, showered, cleaned up, you’re out of the shower by the time I hear Patsy scream. Which set of stairs is the note, front of back did you run down?

JR: Back,

TT: OK. Is that kind of normal, the set of stairs you guys use to go up and down?

JR: Yeah.

TT: OK. You run down stairs and about where was Patsy at when she was running up the stairs?

JR: Well, I don’t remember exactly, but I think she was kind of either coming up the spiral staircase or was up fully. I just kind of remember, kind of meeting her.

TT: Actually why don’t I just talk to you and I’ll go back and try to get some of the things we missed. Kind of talk to you just like you did on the 25th. You guys meet on the landing, what happened after that?

JR: Well I’m, it’s a lot of screaming going on around that, but we saw the note and read the first part. Ah, I think I might have run upstairs to look in JonBenet’s room. At one point I laid it on the floor and spread it out so I could read it real fast without having to sit and read it. At some point we checked Burke, I think I checked Burke. Patsy asked what should we do, and I said call the police, and she called 911.

TT: Patsy called 911 (inaudible).

JR: Yeah. It was, I remember she was on the phone, I was, I think that was when I was looking at the note again, which was on the floor and I was in the back hallway.

Since I reckon JR fabricated his version of events he cannot remember exactly where he was when he told Patsy to dial 911.

From the above version he was either on the landing or at the bottom of the stairs?

Really he could have been anywhere in the house and just phoned Patsy internally to dial 911, who knows, maybe BR as he was likely present, could be he might tell us one day?

Just think some folks have based their RDI theory on the circumstances surrounding the 911 call, one has even authored a book on this basis.

Yet, we know the Ramsey's 9 call version is surely fake?

Thanks Rain :)

A lot of people have said John's voice can be heard in the background of the 911 call and I can't recall him ever saying he was present while Patsy made the call. I remembered something about him saying he was leaning over the ransom note, reading it.

I was trying to figure out whether he was ever pinned down on the question of where he was while she was talking to dispatch.

This is so weird. Anyone would pick it up.

What makes this interesting to me is JR reading the ransom note on his hands and knees and in his underwear. A few minutes later the police arrive. He is fully dressed and composed. Not out of breath for someone who ran up 3 stories to his dressing room to finish dressing and then run back downstairs and not out of breath by this time.
And yes his fingerprints weren’t found on the RN. So he actually never touched it.
I do not understand why it seems that people still accept that the narrative begins with PR finding the note on the spiral staircase. There is zero evidence that it was ever actually there. The RN was a hoax from the outset, and whatever followed in its wake was nonsense.

One of many peculiar symmetries has JR reading the RN in his underwear; just as, according to him, he had previously stripped down to his undies when he broke the basement window to get into the house after forgetting his keys.
I do not understand why it seems that people still accept that the narrative begins with PR finding the note on the spiral staircase. There is zero evidence that it was ever actually there. The RN was a hoax from the outset, and whatever followed in its wake was nonsense.

One of many peculiar symmetries has JR reading the RN in his underwear; just as, according to him, he had previously stripped down to his undies when he broke the basement window to get into the house after forgetting his keys.

Yeah, as a kid John read DC Superman comics, he liked the idea of stripping down to his pants and saving the world.

What makes this interesting to me is JR reading the ransom note on his hands and knees and in his underwear. A few minutes later the police arrive. He is fully dressed and composed. Not out of breath for someone who ran up 3 stories to his dressing room to finish dressing and then run back downstairs and not out of breath by this time.
And yes his fingerprints weren’t found on the RN. So he actually never touched it.

Rain on my Parade,
The RN saga is all fake, BR actually awake when JR said he looked in and he was asleep was revealed as being fabricated.

This blows the RN narrative out of the water, more so when JR is not sure where he was when he told Patsy to dial 911.

When not engaged in his fake RN story, JR was busy showering away any forensic evidence and making sure he had clean clothes on.

He had to take one last look at the basement staging just in case he missed anything?

Rain on my Parade,
The RN saga is all fake, BR actually awake when JR said he looked in and he was asleep was revealed as being fabricated.

This blows the RN narrative out of the water, more so when JR is not sure where he was when he told Patsy to dial 911.

When not engaged in his fake RN story, JR was busy showering away any forensic evidence and making sure he had clean clothes on.

He had to take one last look at the basement staging just in case he missed anything?


I realize the RN is fake as well as the location of said and where it was supposedly read.
If we realize this then where did the the GJ go so wrong?
I was trying to figure out whether he was ever pinned down on the question of where he was while she was talking to dispatch.

Even if he was pinned down on where he was, why should anyone believe him? They said Burke was upstairs but his voice is picked up in recording as being there, as was John's. All three were picked up on the recording. Is this not an undisputed fact of the case? Even Steve Thomas says in his book that audio recordings are very rarely ever challenged in court.
I realize the RN is fake as well as the location of said and where it was supposedly read.
If we realize this then where did the the GJ go so wrong?

Rain on my Parade,
All depends on the evidence put in front of them, might be they were fed a biased selection.

Hunter might have managed to sucker the GJ, just enough to let him not file any returns.

Could be the GJ arrived at BDI with the parents staging the rest, but Hunter told them legally its a no go and under Colorado statute here are your obligations?

The True Bills name the parents, so we know they got that far, might be they disagreed on who did what wrt First Degree Murder.

Yet from the forensic evidence it looks like minimally Patsy should have been hit with a Murder1 True Bill, could be this is what was redacted due to not enough votes?

If the GJ were taken in by Hunter's game plan, then they should have opted for JDI, could be Patsy's forensic evidence flung them off course?

I reckon the where the GJ went wrong was in being unable to distinguish fake staged evidence from that of the bona fide kind.

This was always the Ramsey fall back position, i.e. mess the crime-scene up enough and holding anyone directly responsible becomes extremely difficult.

When LE arrived JR was freshly attired, and was described as "cordial" by LA. A short while later, JR is on the phone looking for a flight out of Boulder. This combination of Calm covering up Panic suggests a pathological character. When LA looked in JR's eyes after he brought the body upstairs, she said she knew who the killer was. I do not know if she appeared before the GJ.
Rain on my Parade,
All depends on the evidence put in front of them, might be they were fed a biased selection.

Hunter might have managed to sucker the GJ, just enough to let him not file any returns.

Could be the GJ arrived at BDI with the parents staging the rest, but Hunter told them legally its a no go and under Colorado statute here are your obligations?

The True Bills name the parents, so we know they got that far, might be they disagreed on who did what wrt First Degree Murder.

Yet from the forensic evidence it looks like minimally Patsy should have been hit with a Murder1 True Bill, could be this is what was redacted due to not enough votes?

If the GJ were taken in by Hunter's game plan, then they should have opted for JDI, could be Patsy's forensic evidence flung them off course?

I reckon the where the GJ went wrong was in being unable to distinguish fake staged evidence from that of the bona fide kind.

This was always the Ramsey fall back position, i.e. mess the crime-scene up enough and holding anyone directly responsible becomes extremely difficult.


There was no intruder. What evidence exists links all of the R’s in the house that night to the RDI.
Money and connections can talk, but when we are talking about a 6 year old child? I just don’t understand how they all walked.
Even if they couldn’t reach a who done it; somebody needed to serve some time for this! They still need to be held accountable! This case so proves our judicial system is broken.
There was no intruder. What evidence exists links all of the R’s in the house that night to the RDI.
Money and connections can talk, but when we are talking about a 6 year old child? I just don’t understand how they all walked.
Even if they couldn’t reach a who done it; somebody needed to serve some time for this! They still need to be held accountable! This case so proves our judicial system is broken.

Rain on my Parade,

I just don’t understand how they all walked.
Even JR shares your sentiment. He is touring the TV studios telling everyone he is looking for an intruder while sharing JonBenet's last photo.

It's pretty simple either the case is JDI and he has arranged the outcome with Hunter's assistance, or the case is BDI, therefore nobody is held accountable, and the justice system takes the flack so Colorado state statutes can be upheld?

p.s. It could be PDI with JR staging for Patsy?

Rain on my Parade,

Even JR shares your sentiment. He is touring the TV studios telling everyone he is looking for an intruder while sharing JonBenet's last photo.

It's pretty simple either the case is JDI and he has arranged the outcome with Hunter's assistance, or the case is BDI, therefore nobody is held accountable, and the justice system takes the flack so Colorado state statutes can be upheld?

p.s. It could be PDI with JR staging for Patsy?



I see that the evidence points to all 3 people as involved; possibly a 4th. There are other things that are tied into the crime scene that are returned to their proper places, others left by mistake, and then others left on purpose. And let’s not forget items that simply vanished in the mid of night from the house.

JR and I do not share the same sentiment.
His story is an IDI.
I vote he held be accountable.

I see that the evidence points to all 3 people as involved; possibly a 4th. There are other things that are tied into the crime scene that are returned to their proper places, others left by mistake, and then others left on purpose. And let’s not forget items that simply vanished in the mid of night from the house.

JR and I do not share the same sentiment.
His story is an IDI.
I vote he held be accountable.

Rain on my Parade,
I agree, all three Ramsey's colluded to stage JonBenet's death. I hope one day, if BR ever does a TV interview that this be put to him.

I've yet to see a convincing JDI or PDI that explains away the Bloomingdale's size-12's or Burke Ramsey's long johns.

It's not that JonBenet was wearing them when found but that some stager thought they represented appropriate staging material.

Remember for years the nightgown was dismissed as arriving in the wine-cellar via static cling from the washing machine, that account no longer flies.

I reckon the case is BDI with one or both of the parents hit with Murder In The First Degree counts by the GJ, but failing to reach a majority.

Hunter knew that a trial with both parents on the stand would release the case evidence into the public domain threatening to reveal what really happened, so he declined to file the case.


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