Detective Melich and Websleuths in The News

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Funny tho...since it was old news to begin with. Like I said...slow news day!
Yeah...the reporter who did the piece in the first place should have contacted you. You could have told her just that. They need to run to keep up.
I thought that only referenced bloggers, and not in context to the TB issue- I could be wrong though, I was vaccuming in my PJ's, watching soap opera reruns with an ice cream cone in my hand- so I was less attentive than usual:blowkiss: referenced what's been written, but who is the public relations person now? I'll listen to it again before I go to bed.
I know I will get internet glares for this, but I am glad that there was action taken about this. It may not have been for the right reasons, but when you get right down to it, YM was walking a fine line here. He could have gleaned all the info he needed or wanted from the site without posting. With all the leaks in the case so far, I can't blame his superiors for trying to make sure the holes are all plugged.

You said this very well.

Tricia set up this site to help locate missing people/children, help solve crimes, and to get as much information out there as they could. We know that LE comes to this site to see the info that sleuthers have posted. This is the greatest bunch of people, who take the time to look at every angle and come up with theories, look at the facts, and spend a lot of time researching info about the case. This is the best crime forum out there. There is nothing better.

And yes, I believe that YM and many other detectives visit daily to glean info or see something they never would have thought of. I agree that YM's superiors are just trying to make sure that nothing happens to jeopardize this case.

Don't forget that the defense will pick at anything. So sad, but that is the way high-profile denfense attorneys try to derail a case.
You said this very well.

Tricia set up this site to help locate missing people/children, help solve crimes, and to get as much information out there as they could. We know that LE comes to this site to see the info that sleuthers have posted. This is the greatest bunch of people, who take the time to look at every angle and come up with theories, look at the facts, and spend a lot of time researching info about the case. This is the best crime forum out there. There is nothing better.

And yes, I believe that YM and many other detectives visit daily to glean info or see something they never would have thought of. I agree that YM's superiors are just trying to make sure that nothing happens to jeopardize this case.

Don't forget that the defense will pick at anything. So sad, but that is the way high-profile denfense attorneys try to derail a case.

Where is there a "high-profile" defense attorney on this case? All I have witnessed so far, is someone who does not site case law in court.
Thank you for your opinion.........but I don't agree.
I should have added that I am involved in the case (VERY!) but it has no bearing on my job. But, it will if I don't go to bed.

Good night folks!

what I was trying to say (sorry about my jumbling), is that if he were on here, the defense could decide to subpoena the threads to see what he was saying and to show it in court, and could also subpoena any responses or posts that were sent to him, and state that he is "muddying and leaking information" on the case. I don't doubt that he was on here.

They would be VERY disappointed if they did subpoena the thread.

But it is a thought .............maybe they should print off ALL the threads, and they could use them for KC's defense.............that is more than they have now.
Hmmm, maybe the family and attorney should focus on....let's see....ummm....

....finding C A Y L E E:waitasec:

Once again they show us all.:clown::clown::clown::clown:


Now that would be nice to see, I'm so frustrated with Caylee getting lost in the shuffle of protecting Casey. :furious:
Oh Man....The only thing this story accomplished was it brought our readership numbers waaaay up.

This was rumored a while back and I checked with certain people in the know. At that time there was no issue with Detective Melich and WS at all.

My guess is someone kept whining about it. Like fingernails on a chalkboard, to the point that someone took notice.

Wouldn't surprise me if those PWOAL (People With-Out A Life) thought by complaining about the fine Detective that somehow that would hurt WS too.

Like I said, the ironic thing is it increased our readers.

I'll post more tomorrow. I want to say something more to Detective Melich on the forum. He is such a great person and this is so unfair. This is a no news story. Almost sounds like someone was giving the fine detective a bit of payback for something. This is such a non news item that I am embarrassed for the station reporting it.

Never a dull moment. Wonder what we will wake up to tomorrow?
Originally Posted by not_my_kids
I know I will get internet glares for this, but I am glad that there was action taken about this. It may not have been for the right reasons, but when you get right down to it, YM was walking a fine line here. He could have gleaned all the info he needed or wanted from the site without posting. With all the leaks in the case so far, I can't blame his superiors for trying to make sure the holes are all plugged.

I want to stress I have no inside information on anything. Totally clue-less as usual. BUT, did it ever occure to anyone that perhaps all of this might have been planned?

Just a thought.
Oh Man....The only thing this story accomplished was it brought our readership numbers waaaay up.

This was rumored a while back and I checked with certain people in the know. At that time there was no issue with Detective Melich and WS at all.

My guess is someone kept whining about it. Like fingernails on a chalkboard, to the point that someone took notice.

Wouldn't surprise me if those PWOAL (People With-Out A Life) thought by complaining about the fine Detective that somehow that would hurt WS too.

Like I said, the ironic thing is it increased our readers.

I'll post more tomorrow. I want to say something more to Detective Melich on the forum. He is such a great person and this is so unfair. This is a no news story. Almost sounds like someone was giving the fine detective a bit of payback for something. This is such a non news item that I am embarrassed for the station reporting it.

Never a dull moment. Wonder what we will wake up to tomorrow?

Well said Tricia! I think much of the info discussed here may be getting too close for comfort for some, too close to the truth. JMO
Yuri-even if you cannot post and let us know that you are here, we will let you know that we are behind you 100% and that we support your efforts on this case and your devotion to finding Caylee. I am fairly certain that Mr. NeJames was just doing what he was PRODDED to do by his clients, and I am sure that you have done nothing unethical in any way by discussing your broken leg and offering your thanks. We still love you and I even told my hubby recently about the new "WWYMD" saying that has developed and told him what an inspiring and dedicated individual that you are...Keep up the good work and remember, if they are slinging mud your way, then you must be on the right track.
I want to stress I have no inside information on anything. Totally clue-less as usual. BUT, did it ever occure to anyone that perhaps all of this might have been planned?

Just a thought.

Now that IS an interesting thought...perhaps to "flush them out" so to speak...hmmm...:confused:
This was definetely planned. On one of the threads, I can't remember which one, the site of no name was mentioned. I went over there and looked and sure enough, it was someone over there who told well, someone from here is still going there and taking postings of our forums, even from the jury room i guess and bashing WS/ I thought it was CA and erroneously blamed her at the beginning but that's what I saw..Something is not right over there,,seriously
True dat, Turbo.
An important note- don't believe everything you read.
Don't believe everything you Read
Apply above like shave cream :)

Yes, quoting my own post as apparently missed-
PEOPLE- NOTHING, I mean nothing, is more important than:

This is the same station that was thrown out of Baez conferences- k?
QUOTE=magic-cat;2898286]Yuri-even if you cannot post and let us know that you are here, we will let you know that we are behind you 100% and that we support your efforts on this case and your devotion to finding Caylee. I am fairly certain that Mr. NeJames was just doing what he was PRODDED to do by his clients, and I am sure that you have done nothing unethical in any way by discussing your broken leg and offering your thanks. We still love you and I even told my hubby recently about the new "WWYMD" saying that has developed and told him what an inspiring and dedicated individual that you are...Keep up the good work and remember, if they are slinging mud your way, then you must be on the right track.[/QUOTE]

This was definetely planned. On one of the threads, I can't remember which one, the site of no name was mentioned. I went over there and looked and sure enough, it was someone over there who told well, someone from here is still going there and taking postings of our forums, even from the jury room i guess and bashing WS/ I thought it was CA and erroneously blamed her at the beginning but that's what I saw..Something is not right over there,,seriously

Nope, not CA. and Yep.
i wonder if anyone on the gj posts here ..or on any jury dealing with the case .. you never know who is behind the hat on the internet .. :eek:

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