Detective Melich and Websleuths in The News

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No CA is just doing what she does. She goes to different sites to see where they stand. :mad:

Wow, is she petty. And she wants everyone to go out to search for a live "little girl" while she is sitting on her *advertiser censored* at home looking for more fights to pick? Bet it is killing her that she can't be filmed every day with her hammer looking all kick *advertiser censored*. Man does she need help...pathetic.
Nothing unethical about it. That what detectives do -- find out info, test things, talk to people. He just had to treat his time here as on-duty in terms of being a professional; which he did. Nothing unethical. Even the attorneys involved in the case could come here and it would not violate any ethical rules or expectations.

I'm not entirely certain they don't post here, but who knows.
ITA-- The only think I ever saw him post was thanking people for their support about the case, his work and his leg. Right?

Do we know the # of posts he made? I hate that he got reprimanded but I can see how it "sounds" ill- advised. Hopefully it will just blow over- the report said its unlikely the defense will want to make a huge deal of it bc so many of the bloggers believe Casey's guilty. I wouldn't put anything past Jose- I'm sure he's salivating. :mad:
His boss's bosses are ELECTED. Yuri is a government employee who is not elected but Yuri's boss has to please the elected bosses. They don't want somebody calling their County elected officials to complain about one government employee being on a national blog site about an ongoing investigation. This is what happens when the government employees are directed in a way to please politicians.

Okay, okay, there's a lot of chit chat, banter and off-duty stuff going on on a forum like this. However, this forum also attracts some highly qualified, multi-disciplinary professionals who opine in their subject areas. It also attracts really smart people who have the time and patience to put together charts, catalog bits and pieces of information and people who can interconnect the disciplines for a more consistent, overview picture. Some of the posts and revelations by doing this are nothing short of spectacular! It also keeps the readers more grounded in a national groundswell of moral and social values; even if articulated in rather strange or strong terms sometimes.

Iffen I wuz god, well just for a while," ... ... or Yuri's boss, I'd say go ahead and post. Have a signature line that disavows any endorsement of any ideas or opinions other than your own posts. Keep your own posts extremely professional and courteous and don't engage with anyone over any point. Then, I would think, with some ground rules, that it might be helpful to the case to have investigators take a look at high quality sleuthing forums like Websleuths.

"Iffen I wuz god, well just for a while, I wouldn't set the sun at night, 'til everyone was treated right." (From a 1970s era Tom Sawyer record.)
I was always afraid the Anthony's would get a hold of Yuri being a member, and try to discredit him. Now, whatever would make me think that? :waitasec: :mad::furious:

I hope Yuri was able to shake it off and the media is making any dressing down from the bosses more than it really was. He said repeatedly that he could not discuss the case, and he didn't.

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The case against Casey has grown so big, even the lead detective got caught up in the publicity. Eyewitness News has learned Detective Melich has been reprimanded by his bosses for blogging about the case online.

One blogger on claimed to be the president of the "WWYMD" fan club, meaning "What Would Yuri Melich Do?" One blogger was floored over how awesome Melich's work was after watching the interview Melich did with Casey Anthony's mother a couple of weeks after Casey's arrest.

Bloggers also asked about Melich's leg after seeing him on TV with a crutch. On September 20, he posted as "Dick Tracy Orlando" about how he had broken it in three places during training. He thanked them for their concern, writing, "Thank you for keeping Caylee on the forefront. We are all working for her."

Even so, the Anthony family's attorney, Mark NeJame, took issue with it and complained to the sheriff's office. Melich's bosses then told him to stop, concerned that his communications with bloggers would be portrayed as an endorsement of some of the other opinions they expressed against Casey.

OK, fine, he has to stop blogging. But I assume he can still come on here and at least READ the posts??
I'm not entirely certain they don't post here, but who knows.

I think it's more likely than not that people working for the defense/The PR firm are amongst posters here. They are not open with that fact but I don't doubt they are here and on other blogs posting. They are planting seeds of reasonable doubt for the potential jury pool.
I think it's more likely than not that people working for the defense/The PR firm are amongst posters here. They are not open with that fact but I don't doubt they are here and on other blogs posting. They are planting seeds of reasonable doubt for the potential jury pool.

That is what I meant. Sorry if the post wasn't clear. I was trying to type while my son was talking to me. I can't do two things at once. I guess I'm getting old. :)

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The case against Casey has grown so big, even the lead detective got caught up in the publicity. Eyewitness News has learned Detective Melich has been reprimanded by his bosses for blogging about the case online.

One blogger on claimed to be the president of the "WWYMD" fan club, meaning "What Would Yuri Melich Do?" One blogger was floored over how awesome Melich's work was after watching the interview Melich did with Casey Anthony's mother a couple of weeks after Casey's arrest.

Bloggers also asked about Melich's leg after seeing him on TV with a crutch. On September 20, he posted as "Dick Tracy Orlando" about how he had broken it in three places during training. He thanked them for their concern, writing, "Thank you for keeping Caylee on the forefront. We are all working for her."

Even so, the Anthony family's attorney, Mark NeJame, took issue with it and complained to the sheriff's office. Melich's bosses then told him to stop, concerned that his communications with bloggers would be portrayed as an endorsement of some of the other opinions they expressed against Casey.

The rest of the article says Todd Black is gone. YEAH...what a piece of work.

Yuri did NOTHING wrong.
The Anthony's seem to do nothing right.
ITA-- The only think I ever saw him post was thanking people for their support about the case, his work and his leg. Right?

Do we know the # of posts he made? I hate that he got reprimanded but I can see how it "sounds" ill- advised. Hopefully it will just blow over- the report said its unlikely the defense will want to make a huge deal of it bc so many of the bloggers believe Casey's guilty. I wouldn't put anything past Jose- I'm sure he's salivating. :mad:

30 posts
This has Cindy written all over it.

Cindy, you are making me hate you. Though I confess I already started quite a while back.
So sad...I feel really bad for him. He truly was very professional in his posts and made it quite clear from the beginning that he could not and would not discuss the case. In fact, I was a little ashamed of myself when he asked that the Anthony's be kept in our prayers, because the words I have for the Anthony's (with the exception of Caylee, off course) have certainly not been appropriate for prayer in a long time. It appears to be just another undeserved attack against those that the Anthony's see as the opposing players. Well, IMO it will certainly take much more than this to discredit Detective Yuri. ITA with LeLe "Nejame needs to worry more about his clients public image that Yuri's. "
Druing the Scott Peterson trial there were many LE and lawyers and people who were in the employment of LE and lawyers from both sides online and posting.

Reporter Beth Carras (sp) using her cool device called a blackberry, lol, read straight from our (LTU) chat room on the air in several of her trial updates on CourtTV thanks to Katiecoolady and her flying fingers. People in the court room approached her (KCL) and asked her if she was Katiecoolady from the Ctv message boards. Believe me they all read here and there and everywhere.
This beats all - Grandma "C" can go around flapping those lips of hers, not caring if any of it sounds logical or not, she can take that crooked finger of hers and point it in all directions but at her own self or daughter and dashes off to her attorney whining while Yuri gets a tongue lashing because he was being HUMAN ( a nice human at that!) as well as PROFESSIONAL? Really - don't the complainers have other things to do besides SNOOP on us?
You said it all!!!! :blowkiss:

What is it with these people? Is it their mission to pizz off more people than humanly possible? What do they care that Yuri was talking about everything BUT the case? Do they ever, ever put Caylee first.....EVER?

Oh, this makes me mad:furious::furious:

No kidding!!!! :mad:
I have something to say to Nejame where this is concerned.
First, Melich came here with an opened mind and I am sure that thousands of detectives across this great nation use sites such as these for fresh thoughts and theories.
Nejame only has a problem with the things said here about Cindy and GEorge, yes there are things I am sure they don't like, which I guess is mutual because we don't like the fact she harps on what goes on here instead of looking for her grand daughter.
There is no dout in my mind that Melich will still read here, he isn't required to post to know that we all support his efforts and pray for his team. Maybe we should start a Pray for Nejame thread so he doesn't feel so left out:boohoo:

I understand that they asked him to quit posting and do see where they are all coming from, but I would like to point out the simple FACT that he did not discuss the case, he only thanked for well wishes, and talked about his love for soccer, and motorcycles. At the very least, they should have included in this story how professional this man is and how he did not break any laws that he has sworn to uphold.
I certainly give him a thumbs up for Yuri asking for prayers for a family that many of us just can bring ourselves to ask for.
I have something to say to Nejame where this is concerned.
First, Melich came here with an opened mind and I am sure that thousands of detectives across this great nation use sites such as these for fresh thoughts and theories.
Nejame only has a problem with the things said here about Cindy and GEorge, yes there are things I am sure they don't like, which I guess is mutual because we don't like the fact she harps on what goes on here instead of looking for her grand daughter.
There is no dout in my mind that Melich will still read here, he isn't required to post to know that we all support his efforts and pray for his team. Maybe we should start a Pray for Nejame thread so he doesn't feel so left out:boohoo:

I understand that they asked him to quit posting and do see where they are all coming from, but I would like to point out the simple FACT that he did not discuss the case, he only thanked for well wishes, and talked about his love for soccer, and motorcycles. At the very least, they should have included in this story how professional this man is and how he did not break any laws that he has sworn to uphold.
I certainly give him a thumbs up for Yuri asking for prayers for a family that many of us just can bring ourselves to ask for.

I have something to say to Nejame where this is concerned.
First, Melich came here with an opened mind and I am sure that thousands of detectives across this great nation use sites such as these for fresh thoughts and theories.
Nejame only has a problem with the things said here about Cindy and GEorge, yes there are things I am sure they don't like, which I guess is mutual because we don't like the fact she harps on what goes on here instead of looking for her grand daughter.
There is no dout in my mind that Melich will still read here, he isn't required to post to know that we all support his efforts and pray for his team. Maybe we should start a Pray for Nejame thread so he doesn't feel so left out:boohoo:

I understand that they asked him to quit posting and do see where they are all coming from, but I would like to point out the simple FACT that he did not discuss the case, he only thanked for well wishes, and talked about his love for soccer, and motorcycles. At the very least, they should have included in this story how professional this man is and how he did not break any laws that he has sworn to uphold.
I certainly give him a thumbs up for Yuri asking for prayers for a family that many of us just can bring ourselves to ask for.

I think I like you LOL You said what I was thinking.
Don't let them put the spot light on the innocent (Yuri) I'm over it, going back to the board to see what can be done about finding CAYLEE
Maybe we should make a call to someone about how Kobi is on the defense and should not be talking about the Caylee case at all. Sure, weigh in on other cases, but he shouldn't be discussing Caylee period.
This is a strike on the Indiana woman who called into the Florida Bar about Baez hugging Casey..That is all it boils down to...Yuri has been here for a while, why would that just pop up now?

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