Detective Melich and Websleuths in The News

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It is refreshing to see people supporting the ones who work tirelessly to protect and serve. We do not see it often enough and they rarely receive a thank you for their hard work.

Who would have ever thought when I began joking around about a WWYMD? Fan Club that anyone would take it seriously?! LOL It started because someone came on here with WWFSMD? (What Would Flying Spaghetti Monster Do?) in their signature line.
It is refreshing to see people supporting the ones who work tirelessly to protect and serve. We do not see it often enough and they rarely receive a thank you for their hard work.

Who would have ever thought when I began joking around about a WWYMD? Fan Club that anyone would take it seriously?! LOL It started because someone came on here with WWFSMD? (What Would Flying Spaghetti Monster Do?) in their signature line.

SeriouslySearching --

Now that your post and WS name have been on TV, I only have one question. Could I please have your autograph? :) :blowkiss: :clap:
I wish our posters wouldn't leave messages on the story. It will only serve to bring more attention to it and is what MN wants by stirring the pot. It won't do anything for WS or OCSO. It is easy to be drawn into something like this, but truthfully...we should let it go. We don't need to give them more attention to continue on with this nonsense.

I couldn't even find the comments! They hide them or something!

Nuff said. Some people don't think public employees should have the ability to blog about the sun, moon and clouds. Whatever. They can call thier congressperson.

I say - let's take away all public employees rights! :rolleyes:

jk of course!
:blushing: (They didn't use my screenname...Thank Goodness!)


The only thing I have to say about this is......


Yuri is a hero in my eyes and what NeJame is trying to stir up is just ridiculous. Yuri has the right to thank people for support and to talk about his leg. Give me break!
So you are of the opinion that Attorneys can only think and act as a puppet through their client, and they have no education, ethical guidelines or professional ability to speak on their own?

I think not.

Lovejac is correct - Cindy isn't at fault here.

Who is it who is complaining ALL THE TIME about LE? "nuf said. Whose hired spokeman brought it to light?
We all know she reads here!!! :mad:

Casey's defense attorney's public relations firm said Monday that "anything on the blogs we don't pay attention to," because they're unreliable.

It probably would backfire on the defense to bring up the bloggers, since many of them believe Casey Anthony murdered her daughter Caylee."
I don't care if she has nothing better to do than read these blogs. Gives her something to complain about because you know she's going to do that! I have one question, if I might ask for the millionth time...Where is Caylee?
His boss's bosses are ELECTED. Yuri is a government employee who is not elected but Yuri's boss has to please the elected bosses. They don't want somebody calling their County elected officials to complain about one government employee being on a national blog site about an ongoing investigation. This is what happens when the government employees are directed in a way to please politicians.
Okay, okay, there's a lot of chit chat, banter and off-duty stuff going on on a forum like this. However, this forum also attracts some highly qualified, multi-disciplinary professionals who opine in their subject areas. It also attracts really smart people who have the time and patience to put together charts, catalog bits and pieces of information and people who can interconnect the disciplines for a more consistent, overview picture. Some of the posts and revelations by doing this are nothing short of spectacular! It also keeps the readers more grounded in a national groundswell of moral and social values; even if articulated in rather strange or strong terms sometimes.

Iffen I wuz god, well just for a while," ... ... or Yuri's boss, I'd say go ahead and post. Have a signature line that disavows any endorsement of any ideas or opinions other than your own posts. Keep your own posts extremely professional and courteous and don't engage with anyone over any point. Then, I would think, with some ground rules, that it might be helpful to the case to have investigators take a look at high quality sleuthing forums like Websleuths.

"Iffen I wuz god, well just for a while, I wouldn't set the sun at night, 'til everyone was treated right." (From a 1970s era Tom Sawyer record.)

My father served as Sheriff for a county in Mi. He was re-elected 3 times. I'm sure my dad would have gone for a 4th term had he not been injured while on his watch. He Couldn't care less about being a "government employee" He always took his job very seriously and thought of the officers in the county as his family. All of us, the officers and their families are intertwined forever. We are a special group and those who have officers in their lives know what this means.

I shake my head at this being a political move. I actually have a lot to say about that but don't want to be T/O.

I don't think for a minute the action that Yuri's boss took was politically all. Was it right? Don't know the answer to that.
That really isn't true at all.

When LE is assigned to a case they must conduct themselves within the guidelines set forth by their superior in relation to that case both while on duty as well as off duty.

Blame the Anthonys all you want, as usual, but his superior apparently had a major problem with him blogging here, as noted, and had the ultimate word with Yuri.

Where does it say this?
All I read was his boss asked him to stop blogging. Never saw the words "major problem" or "ultimate word".
Replying to a post or posts on a message board and/or bulletin board, does not a blogger make.

Replying to a Blogger via the comment section of their blog, does not a blogger make. Replying to posts in a blog's comment section, does not a blogger make.

If Yuri started his own blog, which he did not, that'd make him a "blogger."

To be reprimanded for commenting on various sites (if that is in fact true), for thanking them for their concerrn of one's health, well then that's just plain stupid. People will reach for anything to further their so-called cause.

I guess we'll all tell them and reward them as "**** Disturbers of the World" when all is said and done, just like we'll reward Casey and be in awe as to her resolve to remain silent in the face of such terrifying kidnapping circumstances with the 30 day script, and how she followed through with the kidnappers' instructions and never notified anyone, let alone authorities, about her daughter's abduction, all the while continued on as if nothing were amiss, shopped, partied, got laid, shopped again, forged checks, got laid, bought groceries, got laid, pole danced, forged checks, crotch bumped with various chicks, cashed checks, cooked dinner, vaccuumed, attempted to pay bills online with another's checking account, picked her BFF up from the airport, went shopping again, rented movies, popped popcorn, and did laundry, OH!, and then was dragged home by Mommy Dearest...then reallized she hadn't seen her daughter in 31 days.

Mother of the year, alright! I get it, sort of. I'm just waiting for Jose to make it more clear, so that I can finally say, "Oh, now I understand." I'm just waiting to award her "mother of the year" status. I just can't quite figure out why we have to wait until it all comes out in the trial.

I wish he would've started a blog. At least he would've made sense. All five of his fingers must've been twitching like crazy during Casey's questioning, not just the first time, but especially the second time when they were at her "job" at Universal. I don't know how any of them kept themselves from wringing her lying neck, while yelling in her face "You're a lying sack of ****, just knock it off already! Tell us what you did to/with your baby!!!!!"
I'm not sure it was appropriate for the detective in an ongoing case to post here....just sayin.. seems like it could be construed as unethical.

Sinse when cant a person come to a forum and post. Construe and unethical would of been if he comment anything about the case which he didnt. This is plain and simple bullying on the A's part and totally uncalled for IMO.
Sinse when cant a person come to a forum and post. Construe and unethical would of been if he comment anything about the case which he didnt. This is plain and simple bullying on the A's part and totally uncalled for IMO.

The Anthonys didn't have the ultimate word with Yuri - his own bosses did.

"Detective Yuri Melich has been reprimanded by his bosses for blogging about the case online."
Thanks for letting me know. :blushing: (The first thing I did was check my spelling. Whew!)
The Anthonys didn't have the ultimate word with Yuri - his own bosses did.

"Detective Yuri Melich has been reprimanded by his bosses for blogging about the case online."

You seem to want to ignore the fact that the tattling came from the Anthony's paid mouthpiece.
The lines being drawn here are as well defined as they are about the case. This speaks volumes to me.
You seem to want to ignore the fact that the tattling came from the Anthony's paid mouthpiece.
Not necessarily, there are Anthony supporters who read here and then post elsewhere what they read here, so they could just have easily informed LE about this Thread.

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