*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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The reporter who originally contacted the mother is from ABC. I posted a link back a few pages that stated they were standing by what they originally reported.

I'm on iPad now and cant find the link. Don't think it was "man" though.

They might stand by whatever it is they reported. But they never explained to what question she responded with "you have the right person." She clarified that she responded to "are you a mother of James Holmes from Aurora?" with " you have the right person."
I wonder if he has a drug addiction.If it is true he took 100 milligrams of a pain killer and could drive and walk around without passing out.I would say he has a drug addiction.
None of his acquaintances at the college have said they noticed anything odd. If he was suffering from some condition that made his eyes funny.. I think they would have noticed that. Considering he was planning this for at least 4 months, and just left the school 1 month ago, I don't see how illness can be blamed for the appearance affect.
Damn, don't ya all hate it when it looks more and more like mental illiness................

Sure, that's exactly what he wanted them to think. That's why he told them he had taken vicodin when they picked him up at his car. That's why he told them he had set up his apt with bombs and probably other things to make himself look insane, besides the puppets. His acting job today was totally lame, though.
Well said I agree. He wore a gas mask, and bullet proof gear, his dating site "Will you visit me in Prison" he wrote prior to the shooting he knew the consequences of what he intended on doing.

He also knows he can get a degree in prison...and will live there in solitude no different than how he has always lived.

Sadly his parent may suffer more than he ever will. :(
IMO the lack of eyelashes is definitely a large part of the unnatural look of his eyes.. Moo is there is simply one of two things as to why.. He either singed them off playing mad scientist with his explosive potions he was in fact concocting(this IMO very likely the cause).. Or it is a nervous/anxiety issue that's not all that uncommon where people pull out their own lashes.. Again moo is his potion concoctions got the best of his lashes and a bit of his brows as well..

As for the mental illness issue this is how I look at it.. We have zero foundation or basis of his being diagnosed mentally ill at any point in his life.. Therefor IMO I'm not just gonna give this killer the benefit of the doubt to his exhibiting qualities that could be mental illness.. What I KNOW FOR A FACT is that his brutally slaughtering the innocent including tiny babies, little bitty girls who'd just learned to swim, pregnant mommies, and any other human life that he could shoot down.. WHAT I KNOW FOR A FACT AND HAVE ZERO PROBLEM HANGING MY HAT ON IS THE FACT THAT HE IS EVIL!!.. Now is he evil and mentally ill?? .. Well I have zero factual basis of that at this time and I know that he sure as hell doesn't deserve to be given the benefit of any doubt whatsoever..jmo, tho!

Could the absence of eyelashes be as simple as him removing them so as not to have dark lashes which would conflict with the orange-red hair? Perhaps it was just about image?


Looks like he colored his eyelashes red, also. In one of the older photos of him, he has about the same amount of lashes, but they're dark like his hair.
Not much new info. He didn't pay tuition and had a stipend, but I expected this all alone. The graduate program is highly competitive and accepts students with top tests scores. Again, as to be expected. He really wouldn't be able to get into a graduate program like that if he was in and out of mental institutions.
Or if he had been prescribed the correct meds, in right doses, and taking them as ordered. IMO, Most folks, suffering with mental illiness are not walking around talking to walls !

HA! If folks only knew the meds there bosses, coworkers, friends, teachers, cops fireman, judges, doctors, politicians, paramedics, are taking .............................

Most are working, managing bills, raising families, etc etc

Functioning until stressor, medication non compliance results in escalating symtptoms as we have seen with him the last 4-5 months................... ................
Could the absence of eyelashes be as simple as him removing them so as not to have dark lashes which would conflict with the orange-red hair? Perhaps it was just about image?



It also looks like he might have been shaving his eyebrows too.
None of his acquaintances at the college have said they noticed anything odd. If he was suffering from some condition that made his eyes funny.. I think they would have noticed that. Considering he was planning this for at least 4 months, and just left the school 1 month ago, I don't see how illness can be blamed for the appearance affect.

I don’t agree... sometimes they just isolate, and abscess by themselves. Sometimes you can’t pick up anything concrete for years.
Sometime it looks like the person is shy...one guy tried to bring him out socially but could not eventually all he can do is ask yes or no questions.
While people try to help and think it is just a small adjustment... there is a huge thing brewing inside and eventually it does show.

Don’t worry being insane is not going to get him off – he is never coming out.
Could i pose a question? Are we such an enabling society that we search for answers that simply are not there. There are people who commit terrible crimes. It seems some in the search for rational are willing to find an excuse. To make sense. Sometimes it's just evil. We see it with Defense Attorneys in Court. We see it with Parents who enable and excuse their child for minor bad behavior. We are a society that seems to need answers that become an excuse.
Yeh i would agree but there is so much symptomolgy
CNN just reported that the containers in the apartment contained black powder and improvised napalm. No link..it was live reporting on CNN.
We know nothing about his relationships with his parents, his sister, his internet stuff, reason out of school, $, friends, recent grades, job history.

What WE DO KNOW , is he thought he was the joker, and shot at 69 people -- that we know!
That is indicative , in and of itself , of mental illiness!

In fact in reality that is all we know factually .......he believed he was the joker, and shot at 69 people -- that we know!


No we don't. We don't know that he thought he was the joker at all. We know what he told police but that is far from the same thing, my friend.

NOt yet !!! It shall all come out- we will find invol commiment, violence towards his family in the past, long history of being prescribed serious meds and not taking them , creeping people out (gun range guy just today/ neighbor last night/ professors will have to admit etc etc)

Wow. You are really making a lot of serious assumptions.

I'm more creeped out by this, also in the article you linked:
Holmes asked for a lawyer and refused to cooperate.

Yup. Crazy like a fox, IMO.

I realize they claim they accurately reported it. But if you read there original article, it did provide "you have the right person" quote from the mother, but not a quote of what she was asked when she gave that answer.
Unless they can provide a tape of the conversation that proves otherwise, I am not buying what they are selling.
Basically, I would like to see the whole conversation between her and the reporter. Not just a quote from her.
•John Nash - Mathematician / Nobel Prize Winner (Main character in A Beautiful Mind )
•King George III of England
•Lionel Aldridge:
Played for the Green Bay Packers in the 1960's, he suffered from schizophrenia and was homeless for two years. He now gives inspirational talks on his battle against paranoid schizophrenia.•
Vivien Leigh: The actress who starred in" Gone With The Wind" suffered from mental illness, as documented in Vivien Leigh by Anne Edwards.
Charles Dickens: author of A Christmas Carol and Great Expectations, suffered from depression

Leo Tolstoy: Author of War and Peace, Tolstoy told of his own mental illness in My Confession.

Ernest Hemingway, Writer The Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist's suicidal depression is examined in the True Gen: An Intimate Portrait of Ernest Hemingway by Those Who Knew Him by Denis Brian.

John Keats, Poet The renowned poet's mental illness is documented in The Dynamics of Creation by Anthony Storr

Abraham Lincoln: The 16th president, one of the greatest Americans, suffered from severe, incapacitating and occasionally suicidal depressions

Patty Duke: The Academy Award-winning actress told of her bipolar disorder in her autobiography and made-for-TV move Call Me Anna and A Brilliant Madness: Living with Manic-Depressive Illness, co-authored by Gloria Hochman.

Richard Nixon, U.S. president

Napoleon Bonaparte

Poet Victor Hugo
•ADAM ANT- MUSICIAN in the 80's
•KURT COBAIN, musician. Kurt was diagnosed at a young age with ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER[ADD], then later with bipolar disorder
•ROSEMARY CLOONEY-- singer and actress.
•Richard Dreyfuss, actor
•Mike Doughty, musician. First described himself diagnosed as bipolar in 2007 on his blog.
•Carrie Fisher, actress and writer. "'I ended up being diagnosed as a bipolar II,' says Fisher."
•Connie Francis, singer
•Stephen Fry, actor, comedian and writer.
•Mel Gibson, actor and director.
•Macy Gray, musician and actor.
•Jack Irons, drummer, formerly of Red Hot Chili Peppers and Pearl Jam
•Kay Redfield Jamison, clinical psychologist and Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, who profiled her own bipolar disorder in her 1995 memoir An Unquiet Mind and argued for a connection between bipolar disorder and artistic creativity in her 1993 book, Touched with Fire .
•Daniel Johnston, musician: "Johnston's output in his late teens and early 20s proved to be a symptom of his worsening manic depression." The Guardian Unlimited, Saturday August 20, 2005: "Personal demons", review of film, The Devil and Daniel Johnston: [54]
•Andrew Johns, Professional Rugby League Player. — has gone public about his condition.
•Margot Kidder, actress — self-described: "I have been well and free of the symptoms that are called manic-depression for almost five years, and have been working steadily and leading a happy and productive life since then."
•Neil Lennon Footballer with Celtic FC open about his battles with depression.
•Jenifer Lewis, American actress, spoke about her diagnosis on Oprah in September 2007
•Bill Lichtenstein print and broadcast journalist and documentary filmmaker, profiled in Time magazine, October 10, 1994.
•Michelle Lombardo, model and actress.
•Florence Nightingale, nurse and health campaigner. BPW "Florence heard voices and experienced a number of severe depressive episodes in her teens and early 20s - symptoms consistent with the onset of bipolar disorder", Dr. Kathy Wisner, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
•Sinéad O'Connor, musician. She discussed her diagnosis with Oprah Winfrey in October 2007.
•Graeme Obree, Scottish racing cyclist.
•Phil Ochs, musician.
•Ozzy Osbourne, singer. Lead singer of Black Sabbath.Edgar Allan Poe, poet and writer.
•Axl Rose, lead singer and frontman best known for Guns N' Roses."I went to a clinic, thinking it would help my moods. The only thing I did was take one 500-question test - ya know, filling in the little black dots. All of sudden I'm diagnosed manic-depressive."
•Richard Rossi, filmmaker, musician, and maverick minister, revealed for the first time in a live interview on the Lynn Cullen show on June 5, 2008 the link between his artistic productivity and his depression to bipolar disorder, stating that "my father was bi-polar one, and I'm bi-polar two." He spoke of the relationship between creativity and the illness.
•Jean-Claude Van Damme, actor.
•Mark Vonnegut, author
•Brian Wilson, musician, founding member of The Beach Boys schzophrenic
•Virginia Woolf, writer.
•Jim Carrey- manic depressive
•Robin Williams-manic depressive
•Sting--has talked about being manic depressive--it is still elusive

He also knows he can get a degree in prison...and will live there in solitude no different than how he has always lived.

Sadly his parent may suffer more than he ever will. :(

No doubt about it, his parents and sister will never be able to escape the taint he decided to visit on them. Did he ever think about that once in the past 4-5 mos.?
JH was a smart young man. He had EVER advantage at life. He had great parents, at least one sibling who adored him. He graduated with honor during his early college years. Went back home to his adoring family and found he wasn't going to make the BIG difference he thought he would. Soooo, he went to grad school. They accepted him easily because he was a super smart, well adjusted child.

A year later, this well adjusted child realized things might not be as easy for him as they were in under graduated studies. Maybe he saw how hard things would become as the next 3 years passes in his Doctoral studies. Or maybe he just realized girls in general (give his recent assent into online dating) didnt want anything to do with him! (As he has betrayed himself in his online activity)

JH is not, IMO, the typical, MI individual. The illness he has is pride. He ALWAYS thought he would be GREAT. When he realized last year, he wasn't the person he thought he would be, he devised this plan to prove to others, how smart he really is. JMO
CNN just reported that the containers in the apartment contained black powder and improvised napalm. No link..it was live reporting on CNN.

Everyone living in that building are so fortunate no one opened the front door.....

...... the vacant eyes...... and guess what ..... he was diagnosed with same category IMO, mental illiness, I am referring to here!

"McDaniel himself is either so heavily medicated that he doesn’t know what is going on , or is still going by his playbook and putting on an act in an attempt to get away with murder. He just stared straight ahead the entire time, never making eye contact with anyone. Even when he left, he just stared straight ahead, didn’t look at his Mom and Dad [who were present in the courtroom; here is video of their arrival at court this morning]."

Source Above The Law
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