*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #3

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im not sure exactly what your referring to as forensic correctional, but the perp was just in a reg ol' county jail.........

in a prison - after they have been charged/sentenced - they will have had a full medical history and psyc history done.....and yes then prescribed meds if needbe...

but in a county jail just after an arrest.....no way! if he had medical issues, he would have been rushed off to a hospital. they dont medicate for BAD BEHAVIOR...they restrain!

Thank you!

Goodness, I can't imagine all the lawsuits there would be for a pattern of drugging people just for spitting! :blushing:

I just tried to get the picture of all the guns this guy , according to them , had They took the picture down?

THey sure did - cause I sent it to my talk radio folk about 45 minutes ago and now the pic is not on the page????????????????
Gave me chills

One has to handle my beloved DM with tongs - I almost always try to find a U.S. MSM link to verify info when possible, and, on UK stories, the same: BBC News, Guardian, Telegraph, etc. - but in the main its articles are trustworthy, fact-wise. And, being a tabloid, it has a preponderance of pictures.

Yes, it's MSM. It does not court controversy and is very seldom out on a limb.

What they attributed to the mother was categorically denied by her.
I know JH dad went to CO but I was wondering was he in court yesterday? I have not seen anything say one way or another. If he was how did the family of the victims react? This would be a very hard situation to be in. You love your child but HATE the act he did.

The accused Colorado mass murderer’s catatonic courtroom appearance was all an act — and not the result of prescription medications, a jail employee told the Daily News.

James Holmes, 24, was not under the influence of any medication during his strange 12-minute cameo at the Monday hearing, the source insisted Tuesday.

“We don’t just hand out meds,” the Arapahoe County Detention Center worker told the Daily News. “It just doesn’t work like that.

“If he was acting sleepy, he was faking it,” the source added.

IMHO it was not an act and you do not need meds to look like this.
ALL his pictures show us expressions that say "This guy is off"
The red hair was part of his show time get up.
but his face is not a mask, it is what it is. He is a mess...
He belongs behind a lock and key.
What they attributed to the mother was categorically denied by her.
Haven't read the story in question yet (as for the "adopted" story, it appears elsewhere only in another tabloid, New York t, from what I've found). DM will get some things wrong just as more traditional broadsheet reporting does; it generally corrects on line in subsequent postings of the story.

The troubling links we condone here - Examiner, Gather, et al. - are more of a concern to me.
Haven't read the story in question yet (as for the "adopted" story, it appears elsewhere only in another tabloid, New York Post, from what I've found). DM will get some things wrong just as more traditional broadsheet reporting does; it generally corrects on line in subsequent postings of the story.

The troubling links we condone here - Examiner, Gather, et al. - are more of a concern to me.

New York Post attributes the "adopted" story to cops telling it to the father of one of the victims. I don't know why cops would be in possession of such information to begin with.

not sure about the expert's conclusion about him not being sociopathic

But Randazzo also said there was a third possibility. He might simply be faking it.

"It's possible," she said when asked if Holmes' behavior could be all an act. "It is possible. We'll leave that open," she said, adding that most people who lie about that sort of behavior are sociopaths and "What we've heard about his history does not suggest sociopath at all."
IMO, this man is not insane.

When arrested he was sane and coherent.

He knew his constitutional rights and asked for an attorney right away.


With all due respect, I don't think asking for an attorney straight away deserves as much emphasis as you are placing on it.

It might be slightly different as I am in the UK, but the majority of criminal defence lawyers I know would prefer their clients to stay silent when arrested and only submit to questioning after a) Speaking to their lawyer and b) Having the lawyer in with them on all Police interviews.

When arrested over here, you are offered the option of legal representation.
Regardless of whether I was guilty or innocent, I would still want a lawyer next to me. This is a right (the right to a defence counsel) everyone over here knows about and is pretty much drummed in to you from an early age and reinforced through countless cop shows on TV! To me, requesting a lawyer would be just be a natural reaction.
New York Post attributes the "adopted" story to cops telling it to the father of one of the victims. I don't know why cops would be in possession of such information to begin with.
Yeppers, sounds a bit odious, it does.
This man was not mentally ill. He is just just evil. Normal people do kill. War for example. People defending themselves. They kill and they're normal.

Smart people kill, dumb people, poor, rich, drug induced, not drug induced...

This always happens when there is a mass killing or killing in general. The person must be mentally ill and is labeled as such. He knew what he was doing.
I dont agree,
Normal people do not kill... this guy was not in a war, not a cop, not defending anyone.
That would be normal.

this guy was evil and Mentaly ill. Normal folks do not do that.
Just because he knew what he was doing does not mean he is well.

I was in the streets of NYC one day this summer during the heat wave.
A guy insisted he had to take all his clothes off because he was hot.
The cops arrived, and he acted as if it was normal....
He said it is too hot to wear cloths... When the cops told him it is not allowed but he can go home and do that. he said he is home, and he lives on that street.
YES he was a homeless MI and he did know what he was doing. He kept telling the cops he does not care how they want to dress, he does not have to listen to them he is over 18...
OK - ambulance arrived and took him to mental hospital.
MAYBE he just wanted to be in the A/C and not on the hot pavement...
but he was MI.

MANY MI people are brilent and do know what they are doing. but they seem to think it is OK when they are not on meds.
With all due respect, I don't think asking for an attorney straight away deserves as much emphasis as you are placing on it.

It might be slightly different as I am in the UK, but the majority of criminal defence lawyers I know would prefer their clients to stay silent when arrested and only submit to questioning after a) Speaking to their lawyer and b) Having the lawyer in with them on all Police interviews.

When arrested over here, you are offered the option of legal representation.
Regardless of whether I was guilty or innocent, I would still want a lawyer next to me. This is a right (the right to a defence counsel) everyone over here knows about and is pretty much drummed in to you from an early age and reinforced through countless cop shows on TV! To me, requesting a lawyer would be just be a natural reaction.

It does when we are discussing legal insanity defense. If you don't know right from wrong, why would you ask for legal representation?
I think this movie is going DVD.
No more theater exposure. :waitasec:

I remember the first one it was scary movie....
This one has a stigma to it now.
I got into lots of stuff with my hang up on quote being "you have your man" indicating to me that mom knows how sick her child is and that family has struggled for years with his illness. I expressed my notions regarding this for some time! Now breaking:

as his mother admits she had feared he was disturbed ( I found this adjective compelling!) for years'

I think, IMO, as it relates to lots of dialog being about we have no information from family regarding his history IMO, this is what we need, a family member finally confirming, his chronic mental health issues No?

I shared my notions, the last 48 hours, surrounding family knowing about his mental illness for years, that he has a long history of medication noncompliance, and that mom, as result of being a nurse knows what his problems are

mother reveals she had urged him to seek help years before attack

And... we all gotta , quietly admit , that the old adage "mom knows best" might apply here is it relates to there being no speculation any longer regarding his mental health status .

As far as post earlier regarding spitting, whoever asked for link for this angle of the story report:

'He was spitting at the door and spitting at the guards,' a released inmate said outside the jail. 'He’s spitting at everything. Dude was acting crazy.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...its-feared-disturbed-years.html#ixzz21Z2nd23o

Just sharing new details and as it relates to Daily mail -----with Luka and Michael J and Amy Winehouse a lot of their stuff panned out
Sorry but "normal" people don't just wake up one day and decide, "oh I'm bored and devise an elaborate plan to murder hundreds of people at the movie theatre". I say that is mentally ill. Insane maybe not. Mentally ill, definitely.

I wouldn't include the military in the same category.

Tell that to the disabled man that two teens killed recently. They decided to play the knock out game and killed him.

Besides he didn't just wake up one day and decide to do it. When people stew in anger and self pity, they kill other people. G/F, B/F, co-workers, etc. He's not mentally ill.
We are now going to have experts coming out the wazoo giving all kind of differing opinions. Even at trail, I bet, different experts are going to say different things.

Yeah. I hate the t.v. experts, and article experts. Really this should not be done. No one can diagnose the defendant until they spend time with him. It always chaffs me. I know the public wants an "expert" to agree with their own thinking, but really, it is not good for a case. It is not even proper to give an opinion if you are an expert and have never spent time with the accused.

Yet I have no problem giving my own unprofessional opinion on a crime message board. Not conflicting much, huh? :blushing:
I think this movie is going DVD.
No more theater exposure. :waitasec:

I remember the first one it was scary movie....
This one has a stigma to it now.

Yet it's a major major box office success, although down on forecasts
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