Did Dad take a Poly?

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I'd like to know why and when his schedule changed from getting off at 10 pm to getting off at 3:30 am. That's a big time difference. And he didn't bother letting DB know at all how late he was going to work? Something is really off about that.

We also have his word only that most of the lights were left on, the front door was unlocked and the computer room window was open with the screen messed up when he got home.

Personally I would feel that he should have already been given a LDT. Alibi or not I'm not sure exactly what time he got home and if he staged anything before he woke up DB.

I'd like to know why and when his schedule changed from getting off at 10 pm to getting off at 3:30 am. That's a big time difference. And he didn't bother letting DB know at all how late he was going to work? Something is really off about that.

We also have his word only that most of the lights were left on, the front door was unlocked and the computer room window was open with the screen messed up when he got home.

Personally I would feel that he should have already been given a LDT. Alibi or not I'm not sure exactly what time he got home and if he staged anything before he woke up DB.


I think that it was established in the people article that this was a side job (literally moonlighting) at the Starbucks. he had worked his usual day shift and then taken the Starbucks job for extra cash. Also, I've seen nothing that says that she didn't know what he was doing or when he would be home, this was just the first time that he had worked an overnight.
I agree with all these questions. Why is his word taken at face value and hers isn't? Even if he was at work the entire time, there is still the question as to why he didn't come home and discover what he claims to have discovered until that time. Also, in the CO case, it seems to have been a girlfriend stalking the guy who took the child. Both parties here have exes, and his Jeremy's case, he seems to have had a custody battle in the past. Other people in their pasts may have had motive.

Although I discount polygraphs, as do courts, given to people in distress, it's still puzzling as to why LE accepted everything he said at face value. There are, after all, no witnesses other than him as to what he found when he came home.
Wait a minute, in the Judge Pirro interviews, jeremy says that he normally would get home around five p.m., and the article in people says that he worked his normal day job and then went to the Starbucks site. Either one of those is wrong or something is rotten in Denmark. If all of that is true, and it is also true that jeremy was the one that stayed with the boys and Lisa while Db was at the store earlier that day, then Jeremy Irwin has mastered the art of being in two places at the same time. He would have been at his day job, prior to going to Starbucks, when DB was at the store? Right? Not home with Lisa. Either someone somewhere is not correct in their info, or I am just massively confused.
I agree with all these questions. Why is his word taken at face value and hers isn't? Even if he was at work the entire time, there is still the question as to why he didn't come home and discover what he claims to have discovered until that time. Also, in the CO case, it seems to have been a girlfriend stalking the guy who took the child. Both parties here have exes, and his Jeremy's case, he seems to have had a custody battle in the past. Other people in their pasts may have had motive.

Although I discount polygraphs, as do courts, given to people in distress, it's still puzzling as to why LE accepted everything he said at face value. There are, after all, no witnesses other than him as to what he found when he came home.

DB claims in Oct 31 11 People magazine hard copy, not online article, page 50 (She says police didn't test Irwin because they verified his whereabouts.) - LE either has a print out of his work cell phone pings from 5:20 - 30pm to after 3:30 am or video tape from the Starbucks that night for their verification.

I think JI wasn't given a LDT because LE believed they had solid proof of where he was, imo.
DB and her brother were at the store after 5 pm. Am I imagining things or did JI say that he left for the over night job at 5:20 and got to work at 5:30?!? So it takes him 5 mins to get to work? If so and he left work at 3:30 am, why did he not call 911 until around 4:06 am? Wasn't there also a time when JI said that he helped put Lisa to bed before he went to work that night? And if I am not mistaken the original time that was suggested he went to work was 7:30 pm.

So if all of the above is true, then DB is hardly the only person in this case that has a problem with time changing.
If work was really that close, isn't it possible that he went to work, worked awhile, left his cell phone there while he went out for a pee-break, went home, something happened, went back to work, came home and "found" the child missing?

I don't think that happened. But when I first saw them as a couple, I suspect him, not her, just by body language and demeanor. Also, he very aggressively talked about how he had been ruled out. He is the one with a history of custody fights.
I'm in the process of transcribing mom and dad's statements to the media, so if there are more discrepancies I'll find them. It just struck me odd...was he home that day or not, and for how long...and when? I understand that there are things that he has likely told the police that apparently answered their questions to their satisfaction, but it still is really difficult for me to get all this in order in my own head.
Your transcriptions should help in establishing a timeline here.
If work was really that close, isn't it possible that he went to work, worked awhile, left his cell phone there while he went out for a pee-break, went home, something happened, went back to work, came home and "found" the child missing?

I don't think that happened. But when I first saw them as a couple, I suspect him, not her, just by body language and demeanor. Also, he very aggressively talked about how he had been ruled out. He is the one with a history of custody fights.

Personally I have felt that something was not right with JI from the first time that I saw them together. There was something really off about him. Then as I saw more interviews of them together I thought that maybe he was just being strong to help hold DB together. But I still had that feeling that something wasn't right. I have not seen him shed one tear for Lisa. I have said before that when I saw Susan Smith on tv that first time I knew she had done something to the boys. There are others that I have felt the same way about. With DB I have still not felt that she had anything to do with what happened to Lisa.

This is a good point. Now some guys just aren't very emotional, at least in public, and tears can be crocodile tears. But all the more reason to at least ask him to take a polygraph and question him as closely as they question her. Also question his workmates. Unless two guys were working on a two-man job, or unless the guy was late coming back with everyone's "lunch" from Carl's Jr., I'm not sure that a guy would be missed at work if he took a brief break. Or that he couldn't arrange something. He has an alibi, as he says, yet he presumably knew his wife would be drunk and out of it - he saw her come home with the box of wine and he surely knows what she typically drinks.
Since he was working at starbucks most likely there is a video of him being where he said he was. LE could just look at the video and see when he showed up and when he left.
If the video is a continuous feed showing the entire crew the entire time.
If there isn't another entrance or exit.
If he couldn't have walked somewhere, rather than driving off in his truck (and if the parking lot was surveilled).

It just feels a little like Jonah Shacknai, in the Rebecca Nalepa case, claiming to have been at the hospital the whole time.

I'm not saying the father was involved. I just want more checking than good old boys taking a good old boy's word for it, with a little light verification. If I were defense attorneys, I imagine they would be wondering the same thing. There are lots of puzzles in his timeline and no one can independently verify what he found when he came home. For all we know, HE turned on all the lights and then woke DB up.
I do have to say, in the interviews I have seen, I have seen him tear up a little, but not to the point of actually crying. I'm certainly not done with the vids, so there may be a few more where he does cry that I just haven't seen yet.

Let me say this, my boyfriend has been my best friend for 13 years, almost. I have seen him cry twice. Once was when his stomach ulcer exploded and blew a hole in his stomach. The other was when they told us that our son would need surgery before he was a day old, and that he might not make it. This is a man that can and will be everyone else's rock. He has never broken down, and certainly never in public. But when it was something wrong with his child, he bawled like a baby in the lobby of a very busy hospital. On the other hand, I was the one that didn't shed a tear until later. I was solid stone while I signed paperwork, talked to the doctor, looked at his x-rays, even when we saw him in NICU on the ventilator, I could not cry until it was all over and we knew he was out of the woods. And even then, I took my hospital pillow, and went to the chapel and sobbed into my pillow so that no one would hear me. Sometimes people have the exact opposite reaction of what can be considered normal, even for themselves.
Hi – I'd like to jump in on one part here that I've seen mentioned a few times over the past couple of weeks: Jeremy working late, Jeremy starting a new job, and how it just seems suspicious.

My husband is a builder, so I can honestly tell you that things work differently in the contracting world. Jobs coming up and side jobs presenting themselves, is a common occurrence.

Guys might be placed at a site (or have the option of being) outside their normal work hours all the time, depending on when the project deadline is - and whether they need the extra money. These companies (electrical, in Jeremy Irwin's case?) bid on jobs, and they're under great pressure from the general contractors to meet deadlines so the next set of guys (HVAC, drywallers, etc.) can get in and finish, so the business can get their doors open. If I was 25, married, our cell phones turned off.. you better believe my spouse better be mentioning to a boss to place him on the night project for some additional hours. :InsertDomineeringWifeSmilie:

So.. him taking on another job when you put it in that context, isn't exactly that odd. It's not like he started a 'new' job at the convenience store down the road – it's a quickie side job in his field, and they probably come up all the time. Unfortunate timing, but certainly nothing that I view as a suspicious piece to this puzzle.
FINALLY! A thread dedicated to questions surrounding the FATHER! Thank you, PolyGraph :)

I have also mentioned in my few posts thus far that it bothers me that it appears LE did not give JI a poly. It actually is a bit disturbing IMO. And again, can anyone verify what time JI actually left work? Does LE know FOR SURE what he did between the time he left work and the time he called 911? I am EXTREMELY interested as to why, if JI was NOT given a poly, why NOT???


I'd like to know how far away the job site was from his house? Where did he go for lunch/supper? Between 10:30 and 12 midnight. Maybe the neighbor allowed DB to use her phone...that night or at previous times?
DB and her brother were at the store after 5 pm. Am I imagining things or did JI say that he left for the over night job at 5:20 and got to work at 5:30?!? So it takes him 5 mins to get to work? If so and he left work at 3:30 am, why did he not call 911 until around 4:06 am? Wasn't there also a time when JI said that he helped put Lisa to bed before he went to work that night? And if I am not mistaken the original time that was suggested he went to work was 7:30 pm.

So if all of the above is true, then DB is hardly the only person in this case that has a problem with time changing.

BBM Am I the only one seeing that as 10 mins and not five?
I think that it was established in the people article that this was a side job (literally moonlighting) at the Starbucks. he had worked his usual day shift and then taken the Starbucks job for extra cash. Also, I've seen nothing that says that she didn't know what he was doing or when he would be home, this was just the first time that he had worked an overnight.

Wow, so he worked a full shift that day, comes home for a fast bite to eat and watches the kids while mom and brother do a wine and wipe run. Then he's off again at 5:30PM and works not a few hours, but a full shift again returning home at 4AM? That's 9 1/2 hours.....and then to return to work again in few hours? ?????

Is there the possiblity he was fed up with this relationship and had the baby taken....for numerous reasons? Something tells me this isn't the first time she has gone on a binge...while he was at work, imo.
DB claims in Oct 31 11 People magazine hard copy, not online article, page 50 (She says police didn't test Irwin because they verified his whereabouts.) - LE either has a print out of his work cell phone pings from 5:20 - 30pm to after 3:30 am or video tape from the Starbucks that night for their verification.

I think JI wasn't given a LDT because LE believed they had solid proof of where he was, imo.

Just because his cell phone was at the work site doesn't necessarily mean he was there with it. Also, maybe the surveillance system wasn't working...because they were doing electrial maintenance? Unless witnesses among other workers there that night could vouch for his whereabouts, I don't see why a poly wasn't given. JMO
Wow, so he worked a full shift that day, comes home for a fast bite to eat and watches the kids while mom and brother do a wine and wipe run. Then he's off again at 5:30PM and works not a few hours, but a full shift again returning home at 4AM? That's 9 1/2 hours.....and then to return to work again in few hours? ?????

Is there the possiblity he was fed up with this relationship and had the baby taken....for numerous reasons? Something tells me this isn't the first time she has gone on a binge...while he was at work, imo.

Neither my ex nor my DW drank, but I did this many a time. I've held down as many as 3 jobs Mon to Friday and one or more on weekends trying to get ahead in life. I have a brother that owns and operates 2 businesses plus drives school bus. It's the way we were raised, to work hard and make an honest living. In fact, my father had a plaque that read "The world owes you a living, but you have to work hard to receive it" He too at times worked more than one job to provide for his family. It's not unheard of.
When I got out on my own at 17 I worked 12 hour shifts (7p to 7a) in a hot factory and got in a cat nap before going out in the hot sun to harvest cedar trees for 8 hours. Just a couple years ago I went to do an electrical job I thought would take a mere 2 to 3 hours, I started about 3pm but plans changed and I was there until 7am wrapping up. I'm not sure why people think this is unusual. :twocents:

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