Did Darlie Routier murder her precious sons? Part 2

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Did Darlie Routier Murder Her Precious Sons ?

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Darin was actually sleeping upstairs with Drake. Darlie was sleeping on the family room couch. Damon and Devin were on a pallet on the family room floor. Just a few feet away from Darlie.

Ironically enough, Darlies reason for sleeping downstairs- the baby- Drake- kept her from sleeping.

Guilty she is. IMO
maybe I'm just an obsessive animal lover, lol, but I've never felt enough focus has been put on the dog in this case!

did the dog always sleep upstairs?? for a houseproud, cleanfreak like Darlie, I doubt it. Did darlie make sure the dog would be far away from the living room to be certain that he wouldn't react to what was going on? I think it's possible.
Darin was actually sleeping upstairs with Drake. Darlie was sleeping on the family room couch. Damon and Devin were on a pallet on the family room floor. Just a few feet away from Darlie.

Ironically enough, Darlies reason for sleeping downstairs- the baby- Drake- kept her from sleeping.

Guilty she is. IMO

You're right. But that still doesn't take me off the fence. It's not hard to kill little kids, quickly. Slit their throats and they will not be able to cry out. If she was exhausted from the baby, it's possible she heard nothing until they were on her.

Here's a case where an intruder broke in, assaulted and murdered one child, tried to murder a second child, and although a third child heard something when the intruder briefly entered his room, the mother and a fourth child heard nothing when he entered their room:
He walked around to an open window on the front of the house. He tipped over a metal tub to use as a step, removed a screen and hoisted himself up and in.
The man found himself in the bedroom of Justin Harris, 14, who was blind. The boy was roused awake, but he thought the noise was his siblings horsing around.
Justin called out, Will yall stop coming into my room!
The man moved out of Justins room to the next bedroom. He opened the door and flicked a flame to his cigarette lighter. There slept a Harris family friend, Marque Surles, 7. In the master bedroom, he flicked his lighter again and found Crystal Harris asleep with her daughter Lori, 12.
Finally, in the fourth bedroom he found what he was looking for.��
In the bottom rack of a bunk bed lay Kaylene Katy Harris, 13.
The man lay down beside the girl and nudged her awake.
She looked at him sleepily and said, What are you doing here?
The man held a hand over her mouth and menaced Katy with the knife.
He drew the blade down her body and deftly sliced off her shorts, panties and bra, as if hed done that sort of thing before.
When the man began fondling her, Katy wiggled free, stood up and screamed, Go get mama!
Only then did the intruder realize that a second girl, Krystal Surles, 10 years old and 80 pounds, was asleep on the top bunk.
The man poked his knife at Katy and turned on the bedroom light. Seeing blood, the girl said, You cut me!
The intruder moved in behind Katy.

Krystal Surles, survivor

"He had his hand over her mouth, Krystal Surles would later say. She was struggling. She told me with her eyes to stay there and not move, and so I didn't.As Krystal watched, the man dragged the blade of his knife across Katys throat once, and then repeated the motion a second time.
"She just fell, said Krystal. And then she started making really bad noises, like she was gagging for air but couldn't get any because of the blood."
The man continued his knife work after Katy collapsed. A coroner would catalogue 16 stab wounds, three of which went all the way through her body, in addition to the two gashes to the throat.
The intruder moved toward Krystal Surles.
"I told him, 'I'll be quiet. I promise. I won't say anything. It's Katy making the noise,'" she would later say.
But the intruder showed no mercy.
"He reached over and cut my throat, she said. I just lay there and pretended I was dead. If he knew I was alive, he would come back and kill me for sure.
The assailant switched off the light and walked out, leaving through the front door. After a minute, Krystal heard a car start and drive off. She put a hand to her throat and ran outdoors. Assuming that everyone in the house had been killed, she made her way to a neighbors house a quarter-mile away.

Of course, I am always suspicious when a parent's wounds are so much more superficial than the children (Diane Downs).
I heard the SILLY STRING PARTY was actually some cousin's idea..? I also noticed the other participants at said party were also smiling as they sprayed the grave. I think that was a bad idea but I dont hold it against Darlie only due to the fact they were all doing it, so does that make all the others guilty of murder too?

I dont know what to think of that crime. I thought I read somewhere one lady that wrote a book thniking she was guilty now says she is not? anyone know?
I heard the SILLY STRING PARTY was actually some cousin's idea..? I also noticed the other participants at said party were also smiling as they sprayed the grave. I think that was a bad idea but I dont hold it against Darlie only due to the fact they were all doing it, so does that make all the others guilty of murder too?

I dont know what to think of that crime. I thought I read somewhere one lady that wrote a book thniking she was guilty now says she is not? anyone know?

It was actually Darlies sister Dana that brought the silly string to the grave. Yes the lady that changed her mind from guilty to not guilty is Barbara Davis. I believe she changed her mind to believing Darlie was not guilty after seeing the pictures of her bruises.
Darlie and her sister, Dana, were the only ones on the tape spraying the boys graves with Silly String. And remember, Dana may have brought the silly string, but no one made Darlie use it.
Darlie and her sister, Dana, were the only ones on the tape spraying the boys graves with Silly String. And remember, Dana may have brought the silly string, but no one made Darlie use it.

I believe Darlie is guilty but never put too much stock in the silly string video as evidence of guilt. Grieving people do strange things. Many times wakes are celebrations of the deceased life. And people grieving are mentally mixed up and usually medicated. It seriously effects their decision making.
That said, since I believe she is guilty it makes the party at the grave site the act of a very cold uncaring individual.
You're right. But that still doesn't take me off the fence. It's not hard to kill little kids, quickly. Slit their throats and they will not be able to cry out. If she was exhausted from the baby, it's possible she heard nothing until they were on her.

Here's a case where an intruder broke in, assaulted and murdered one child, tried to murder a second child, and although a third child heard something when the intruder briefly entered his room, the mother and a fourth child heard nothing when he entered their room:

Of course, I am always suspicious when a parent's wounds are so much more superficial than the children (Diane Downs).

But they didn't just slit the boys' throats quickly. These precious boys were stabbed hard and deep, in the chest, several times. This required more than just "quick" slits to the throat. As in a very emotional, out of control, vitriolic rage. JMO
I agree Neesaki, the boys throats werent slit and their stabbings were more of an act of rage. In the case that was mentioned above, the girls were not asleep with their mom, the mom was in another room if I am reading correctly.

I do believe its different for a mother. My husband can sleep through anything, and at times I can sleep through storms, but if my son cough one time at night from another room, I'm awake in a heartbeat.

And Barbara Davis changing her mind. She said that it was the pictures of the bruising that werent shown in court, but in her book (she sat through the trail) she described those pictures. How can she come back and say they werent seen?
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darlie_Routier"]Darlie Routier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Quotes from Wikipedia B&SBM:
Officer David Waddell asked Routier repeatedly to apply pressure to her son Damon's back and to tend to him, but received no response from her. However, she continued to apply pressure to her own neck wounds....

This is what I've always had a very, very big problem with. No mother, no one even, just sits there talking on the phone and watches their own child, or any child for that matter, take their last dying breaths without at least trying to do something. If nothing else she could have held him in her arms and loved him. Every time I think of this I want to cry and cry and cry. :cry:

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darlie_Routier"]Darlie Routier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
However, the sliced screen showed no signs of being forced in or out to allow a body to pass through. The screen was easily removable, leaving open the possibility that an intruder could have knocked the screen off its setting without needing to cut his way out. The ground beneath the window contained a wet mulch that was found undisturbed, making it impossible for someone to have exited through the window without leaving noticeable footprints. The killer's "trail of blood" led into the garage and stopped at the window that Darlie told police the killer escaped through. Not a single drop of blood was found anywhere on the property's exterior....
While the boys were savagely and forcefully attacked, the "hesitation wounds" found on Darlie were slowly and deliberately inflicted. Spots of blood found on her clothing demonstrated she had been very close to her sons while they were stabbed. The blood from both sons was deposited in a projected bloodstain pattern on the back and shoulder of her nightdress, indicating blood cast off from the weapon. Blood found under a vacuum cleaner and blood spots on the cleaner itself, indicating that the vacuum cleaner had been placed there after the crime was committed.

To me, this pretty much sums it all up.

Also, as far as the bruising, I know it has been speculated it was from Devon fighting back. But I also wonder if she and Darin had fought that night and maybe it got physical. Maybe the bruising came from him holding her off of him when she lost it? Then, later, after lying there fuming and seething in her rage, under the influence of the diet pills and maybe a little alcohol to boot, she did what she did to her own children. I do know that the diet pills she was using can definitely can cause extreme mood swings, anger, and lack of impulse control, similar to cocaine. Especially after being taken for a period of time to the point that they build up to toxic levels; Also alcohol can make the effects worse.

I do wonder why nothing else has come out about her sentence. She has been on death row for a longer than average time period without finally meeting her maker.
New to the site and the case. I guess it's a bit silly to get so upset about something that happened 16 years ago. But cried my eyes out for these little ones. Still finding it hard to imagine a mother doing this. I am now reading the trial scripts. I found it interesting that Darlie wasn't interested in holding Drake in the hospital. From attending funerals, I know that a person in mourning experiences a new wave of emotion everytime they see someone they are close to, and the reaction is always a need to touch and hug. I would have held onto Drake and cried and cried....
New to the site and the case. I guess it's a bit silly to get so upset about something that happened 16 years ago. But cried my eyes out for these little ones. Still finding it hard to imagine a mother doing this. I am now reading the trial scripts. I found it interesting that Darlie wasn't interested in holding Drake in the hospital. From attending funerals, I know that a person in mourning experiences a new wave of emotion everytime they see someone they are close to, and the reaction is always a need to touch and hug. I would have held onto Drake and cried and cried....

Welcome to web sleuths! :wagon:

About Drake.....I would have to say that if little baby Drake would have been downstairs that night he would have been killed also in Darlies rage.
Or maybe Drake was still innocent in her eyes. You know how we are so patient with our babies when they are little, and as they grow up and become a bit naughty, we tend to lose some of that saintly patience...?
I'm on the fence. The things you posted here don't sway me, really. "They" is a pronoun used often by some people when describing someone the speaker doesn't know. "I don't know who it was but they came in the store and robbed me!"

Also, why wouldn't someone be awakened from a dead sleep by someone attacking them? Mom's are in-tune to their kids' cries and sounds and will sometimes awaken at the slightest sound from their children, but otherwise, won't stir at other noises. Her kids may not have cried out when murdered. If it was a sudden, vicious attack, that's possible.

I mean, in the OJ Simpson case, he ruthlessly murdered two grown adults and IIRC, the only thing neighbors heard was a dog howl. No screams, nothing.

So, two kids are overcome and attacked and then the intruder moves to mom's room and surprises her.

I don't know that that is what happened, but it is possible, IMO.

Darlie's demeanor bothers me, but was her husband in on it as well? Because his demeanor bothers some as well. And, BTW, he was sleeping on the couch downstairs and states he didn't hear anything. Was he lying? If not, why is it possible for him and not her?

In any event, her writ of habeus corpus states she was not awakened by someone attacking her, but by her son calling out to her, in her bedroom:

Finally, some jurors who later saw photos of Darlie's injuries, like her bruising, that were not shown to the jury, stated that had they seen those photos, they would not have voted guilty.

BBM. There was: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=125984&page=1#.T9HmUrXO-So

I didn't like her demeanor at the gravesite. Bizarre and unfeeling to me. Other facts in this case make me lean toward guilt. But, I'm open to the suggestion that she's not guilty.

Darlie was sleeping on the couch beside the children not Darin. Darin was upstairs in the mb with the baby.

Someone who claims she can't sleep because her baby rolling in the crib wakens her but she sleeps through a man inches from her stabbing her boy? This claim doesn't ring true to me. Nor did it to others so Darlie invented traumatic amnesia. She had no head injury, she was oriented as to time and place, she was never knocked unconscious.

Finally, some jurors who later saw photos of Darlie's injuries, like her bruising, that were not shown to the jury, stated that had they seen those photos, they would not have voted guilty.

Absolutely not true. The transcripts prove that all Darlie's injuries including those bruises were shown to the jury, discussed with the medical doctors and nurses who treated her. Even Darlie's defence attorney Mulder has no idea why the jury stated this.

Q. Okay. So, we can assume, at least if
22 that's correct, they were taken on the 10th day of June,
23 1996?
24 A. Correct.
25 Q. Okay. Now, let's look at 52-A. Do
Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter

1 you see a wound here to the right arm, or evidence of an
2 injury to the right arm?
3 A. There's a large amount of bruising to
4 the right arm, but I don't see any -- actually by
5 laceration, there's none. But there is evidence of
6 bruising to the arm.
7 Q. Okay. And that's a pretty large
8 bruise, isn't it?
9 A. Yes.
10 Q. Where does it extend from?
11 A. It appears to go from her wrist to
12 right below where her hand is, past her elbow, up toward,
13 almost into her armpit.
14 Q. Okay. And then 52-E, that's an even
15 more close-up photograph of that bruise?
16 A. Yes, correct.
17 Q. If you could take these two
18 photographs and go along the jury rail so all the jurors
19 can see.
20 A. Okay.


Not trying to bust your chops or anything but it appears you know very little about this crime. Darlie and Darin's marriage was on the rocks, the business was failing, Darlie was suffering depression and post partum depression. Darlie was sleeping apart from Darin, she was on the couch downstairs for several nights not just the night of the murders. Darlie and Darin had been fighting for months over money and the kids.

It was a sudden, vicious attack alright but it was Darlie attacking her two boys. Their blood is all over her nightshirt in cast-off patterns.
I just don't get this case! I am busy with Volume 42 of the trial scripts and the defense has just called Darin. All the defense's witnesses so far have stated how loving, giving and wonderful Darlie was. and that she was mourning appropriately. So, either way, a whole bunch of people lied under oath (nurses/police vs family/friends). I just don't understand how so many people were prepared to lie under oath? I could not do it.
I just don't get this case! I am busy with Volume 42 of the trial scripts and the defense has just called Darin. All the defense's witnesses so far have stated how loving, giving and wonderful Darlie was. and that she was mourning appropriately. So, either way, a whole bunch of people lied under oath (nurses/police vs family/friends). I just don't understand how so many people were prepared to lie under oath? I could not do it.

Darlie was / is still most likely, a narcissist and a manipulator. Personality disorders (that's my opinion), don't just go away, they are permanent. I'm always amazed at how so many people can't see beneath the surface of deceitful, manipulative people like her.

My husband had an ex-wife that I could tell instinctually from the beginning that she was like this, and I learned through the years even more the evils she was capable of. She tried to manipulate me at times and I couldn't believe how she had no clue how obvious she was, so imo she wasn't even that good. Her daughter was never anything but a pawn to her, she was physically and very emotionally abusive to her, but she never got held accountable for it, which only enabled her even more. And she had all her old high school buddies completely fooled and probably still does to this day. She's a total chameleon, a pathological liar, and can put on a pretty good show for naive type persons (which sadly seems to be most) who don't want to see the truth about someone; Why? Maybe because then they'd have to admit what fools they had been and how badly they had been duped. Whatever the reason, it's really beyond me and totally mindboggling.

IJMO, this is Darlie as well.
My bf was a victim of a vicious stabbing in which he almost died....stabbed 9 times by my ex bf.....he lost more than half the blood in his body ....the 911 call revealed exactly what happened.....all I did was scream, sob hysterically, and shriek Oh my God Omg omg he is dying. He is dying you killed him omg. Call 911 you f#$@ing *advertiser censored* you killed him, .................when I heard it played back I cdnt stop crying. I was hysterical. And he was ONLY MY BF. If it was my children could I sit there n talk about the knife evidence or tell my husband I didn't do anything?? I promise. !!??? No way. I was out of control and could only think of the man dying in my lap. Truly horrific.
My bf was a victim of a vicious stabbing in which he almost died....stabbed 9 times by my ex bf.....he lost more than half the blood in his body ....the 911 call revealed exactly what happened.....all I did was scream, sob hysterically, and shriek Oh my God Omg omg he is dying. He is dying you killed him omg. Call 911 you f#$@ing *advertiser censored* you killed him, .................when I heard it played back I cdnt stop crying. I was hysterical. And he was ONLY MY BF. If it was my children could I sit there n talk about the knife evidence or tell my husband I didn't do anything?? I promise. !!??? No way. I was out of control and could only think of the man dying in my lap. Truly horrific.

What a horrific experience for you and your BF, am so thankful that he survived.

And God bless you for holding your BF in your lap while he was possibly dying. Darlie didn't even do that much for her own baby boy, Damon. All she could think about was herself. That there was much more blood than she thought there would be. That she might have cut a little deeper than she intended. That she might be going to die too. Which is something I dont' think she ever in a million years really intended to happen, because she's just too narcissistic for that, imo.

So she just sat there watching and waiting and actually hoping for her own baby Damon to hurry up and die - that is what is so absolutely and totally heartbreaking :cry:. I can not even begin to imagine the agonizing thoughts that were going through that little boy's head while he was so painfully struggling to take his last breaths, while he witnessed his own mother talking on the phone minute after minute after minute. Watching her completely detached, while exhibiting no actual worry for him, no authentic caring, no true tenderness or compassion, no motherly love for him.
Ya know, I think Damon knew, I think he had to know; I think that it tragically, heartbreakingly dawned on him at some moment while he lay there dying, exactly what was going on, and exactly what his mother really was. I just pray that Jesus and his angels were whispering in his ear, giving him the love and comfort that he deserved. If not then, I know without a doubt they were doing so immediately after.

The more I think about this case and the actions of Darlie Routier, the more I have no doubt that she is totally and completely guilty of killing her little boys. Forget about the stresses she was under, forget about her depression, forget about the effects of the diet pills. In the end, it just boils down to one thing - that she had to be under the control of something very evil in order to commit such violent acts against her own children, then immediately afterward, sit there and mercilessly watch them die. Ijmo that she deserves to be exactly where she is or worse.
Also, regarding the suicide theory as far as Darlie's concerned, there are a lot of ways to committ suicide, but cutting one's own throat is really not considered to be a desirable method of doing so, particularly for a woman; just stating as a matter of common sense, of course. I would bet that it wouldn't fit in statistically either. Truthfully, in all fairness as far as scientifically speaking, this is something I would need to research further in order to substantiate my beliefs. It is just very unvelievable that a woman would slice their own throat with a butcher knife. Too violent, too painful, too bloody, just doesn't fit.

The reason I bring this up is because I had at one point thought the suicide theory was a consideration, but since, have decided I just do not buy it at all. It's jmo that it was completely a setup by Darlie, to try to make it look like she was attacked. Again, IJMO.
I just don't get this case! I am busy with Volume 42 of the trial scripts and the defense has just called Darin. All the defense's witnesses so far have stated how loving, giving and wonderful Darlie was. and that she was mourning appropriately. So, either way, a whole bunch of people lied under oath (nurses/police vs family/friends). I just don't understand how so many people were prepared to lie under oath? I could not do it.

None of those neighbours were in the house on June 6, 1996. Other neighbours testified to her neglect of Devon and Damon. Allowing them to ride their bikes blocks away from the house, playing at a construction site, playing blocks away from home with no supervision, calling them filthy names.

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