Did the jury get it wrong, or...

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Did the jury get it wrong?

  • The jury got it wrong

    Votes: 1,051 81.9%
  • The state didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

    Votes: 179 14.0%
  • The Defense provided reasonable doubt and the jury got it right

    Votes: 55 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I agree and was thinking the same. I think one day should be spent in class reviewing jury instructions, critical thinking techniques, and juror responsibilities. Finally they should take a test to make sure they understand before proceeding to the trial.

I agree with your sentiment, but that would severely cripple our system. Some trials don't even last a day. This would add an extra day, if not more, to every trial. Suppose they had to do several days of classes to get the jury for a trial that lasts hours? If our system is bogged down now, I imagine the courts grinding to a halt under this burden.
The "jury" couldn't have gotten this MORE WRONG if they had tried to! Oh, wait--did they try to? :waitasec:
IMO, the jury got it wrong. I heard Dianne Fanning on local radio the other day. She said she spent a considerable amount of time reading over the documents, and evidence in this case. She said, the evidence clearly points to murder, and clearly points to Casey.

If those jurors had bad feelings about their decision for 'not guilty' and felt that Casey was guilty, they merely should have reviewed the evidence. There is no way that in the short amount of time they deliberated that they did that. Those jurors were derelict in their duty, and IMO did not take their duties seriously.


I also believe that Casey Anthony is a danger to society. This case reminds me of Paula Sims case. She claimed that a masked man kidnapped her infant daughter, Loralei. She wasn't charged in that case. Some years later she claims that her newborn infant, Heather was kidnapped by a masked gunman.

The baby was found in a trash can wrapped in a garbage bag. This time she was charged with murder.

I think she is quite similar to Casey, with her fantastic stories. She got away with murder once, so she does it again. I think Casey will too.

This is so sad. I weep for these poor babies. Why are there such sick people out there?
I was re-watching Miss Ford last night on GMA and I was struck by something she said. She said it like it absolved her of ALL responsibility of it ALL...she said, "IF they charged her with other things it would have made it easier"!!! IF they charged her with other things? They did charge her with other things! Jesus! Apparently the only thing these people considered was that the death penalty was on the table, and made their decision entirely based upon that fact! Oh God!

3:12 the question is asked...and answered.
I think this was very interesting on Robert Manwill case jury.

Jury foreman explains quick verdict in Ehrlick trial .
Inside the jury room

Tway gives a lot of credit to the way all of the jurors, including the alternates who weren't a part of the deliberation, took notes and really paid attention during the trial.

"I was really impressed with all 15 jurors," Tway said. "There was a group of people that worked very, very hard. There wasn't one person you felt wasn't taking notes, wasn't keeping up, wasn't really involved in the trial. It was really an honor to serve with all those folks."

Tway says each juror filled up several yellow legal pads of notes and would privately review their notes daily. So, he explained once the jury began deliberating, everyone had a good handle on the case.

I was re-watching Miss Ford last night on GMA and I was struck by something she said. She said it like it absolved her of ALL responsibility of it ALL...she said, "IF they charged her with other things it would have made it easier"!!! IF they charged her with other things? They did charge her with other things! Jesus! Apparently the only thing these people considered was that the death penalty was on the table, and made their decision entirely based upon that fact! Oh God!

3:12 the question is asked...and answered.

this Miss ford make me want to go through the TV and shake her.:banghead:
"She added, "In our country ... we have to prove it. You can't just be like, 'Yeah that really looks bad. Smells bad. Looks bad.' I get that. It does:smells bad, looks bad. I get that. But it's someone else's life, and if I'm wrong, and I kill someone else? I can't live with that.""

This woman seems to have been, perhaps with the entire jury? under the erroneous belief that no matter what charge they found her guilty of (above and beyond lying) she would get the death penalty. Oh dear Lord how could this happen? It is an utter and complete travesty, and I for one am not going to be silent about it and say, "that's our system, we have to accept it" NO! I do not accept it. What I accept is that these jurors did NOT follow the instructions, they did NOT follow the law, they did NOT do what they were commissioned to do. They have failed...miserably...

And I am gonna shout it to the mountaintops anywhere and everywhere that I can!
I was re-watching Miss Ford last night on GMA and I was struck by something she said. She said it like it absolved her of ALL responsibility of it ALL...she said, "IF they charged her with other things it would have made it easier"!!! IF they charged her with other things? They did charge her with other things! Jesus! Apparently the only thing these people considered was that the death penalty was on the table, and made their decision entirely based upon that fact! Oh God!

3:12 the question is asked...and answered.

The more she talks, the more I think something Hinky was going on ... IMO there's a possibility of juror tampering ... possibility
The fact that the jurors were split, 6 for and 6 against a guilty verdict at the beginning of their deliberations and only took 10 or 11 hours to be unanimous WITHOUT reviewing evidence or testimony makes me believe that it was 1 or more jurors swaying the others ...

Maybe it's just me, but something doesn't sound right with this jury
I think this was very interesting on Robert Manwill case jury.

Jury foreman explains quick verdict in Ehrlick trial .
Inside the jury room

Tway gives a lot of credit to the way all of the jurors, including the alternates who weren't a part of the deliberation, took notes and really paid attention during the trial.

"I was really impressed with all 15 jurors," Tway said. "There was a group of people that worked very, very hard. There wasn't one person you felt wasn't taking notes, wasn't keeping up, wasn't really involved in the trial. It was really an honor to serve with all those folks."

Tway says each juror filled up several yellow legal pads of notes and would privately review their notes daily. So, he explained once the jury began deliberating, everyone had a good handle on the case.


Basically the polar opposite of THIS jury in the murder of Caylee Marie!
"She added, "In our country ... we have to prove it. You can't just be like, 'Yeah that really looks bad. Smells bad. Looks bad.' I get that. It does:smells bad, looks bad. I get that. But it's someone else's life, and if I'm wrong, and I kill someone else? I can't live with that.""

This woman seems to have been, perhaps with the entire jury? under the erroneous belief that no matter what charge they found her guilty of (above and beyond lying) she would get the death penalty. Oh dear Lord how could this happen? It is an utter and complete travesty, and I for one am not going to be silent about it and say, "that's our system, we have to accept it" NO! I do not accept it. What I accept is that these jurors did NOT follow the instructions, they did NOT follow the law, they did NOT do what they were commissioned to do. They have failed...miserably...

And I am gonna shout it to the mountaintops anywhere and everywhere that I can!

I'm with ya all the way MJ!
No they did not follow ANYTHING they were told to follow ... it seems they looked at the sentence being DP and that's it ... hello LWOP would give plenty of time for appeals ... DUH ...
Still think someone planted the seed (other than Baez's "the state is trying to kill my client") ... JMO but I think jury tampering took place ... JMO
I agree and was thinking the same. I think one day should be spent in class reviewing jury instructions, critical thinking techniques, and juror responsibilities. Finally they should take a test to make sure they understand before proceeding to the trial.
I agree with Tuffy. The cost would be overwhelming.

But I saw this same topic touched on in another thread. Do you think a suitable compromise might be for the juror to watch a short instruction video that would cover the same topics?
I was re-watching Miss Ford last night on GMA and I was struck by something she said. She said it like it absolved her of ALL responsibility of it ALL...she said, "IF they charged her with other things it would have made it easier"!!! IF they charged her with other things? They did charge her with other things! Jesus! Apparently the only thing these people considered was that the death penalty was on the table, and made their decision entirely based upon that fact! Oh God!

3:12 the question is asked...and answered.

I noticed the same exact thing. Did this woman really sat there through all this testimony, and then deliberations, without being aware of manslaughter and child abuse charges? The only thing JF seems to be concerned about is that she couldn't put Casey to death. Which wouldn't have happened if they convicted Casey of manslaughter or child abuse-these are not death penalty eligible. It's mind boggling. And this was supposed to be death penalty qualified jury to begin with. Why was this jury apparently discussing death penalty during the guilt or innocence phase of deliberations? That should have been left for the penalty phase.
And thank goodness for that. If he believed there was a huge miscarriage of justice I expect he would speak out about that, yet he hasn't.

Did you really expect him to say anything else? He said what was expected as a prosecutor. He did say in so many words that the verdict was wrong.
I agree with your sentiment, but that would severely cripple our system. Some trials don't even last a day. This would add an extra day, if not more, to every trial. Suppose they had to do several days of classes to get the jury for a trial that lasts hours? If our system is bogged down now, I imagine the courts grinding to a halt under this burden.

This may sound crazy but as a U.S. citizen there is a pretty good chance that all of us will be called for jury duty at least once in our lives. Perhaps a course taught in high school about our judicial system may help. Perhaps end with a mock trial and allow the students to be jurors. One thing is certain, something needs to change. I heard, not sure if it's true, that there were several high school drop outs on the jury so perhaps at least a high school diploma should be required, particularly in a first degree murder case.

The only thing I've learned from the jurors that have spoken is that they don't have a clue and sadly, don't even care. And, they did not heed the judges admonition not to discuss the case amongst themselves.

This may sound crazy but as a U.S. citizen there is a pretty good chance that all of us will be called for jury duty at least once in our lives. Perhaps a course taught in high school about our judicial system may help. Perhaps end with a mock trial and allow the students to be jurors. One thing is certain, something needs to change. I heard, not sure if it's true, that there were several high school drop outs on the jury so perhaps at least a high school diploma should be required, particularly in a first degree murder case.

The only thing I've learned from the jurors that have spoken is that they don't have a clue and sadly, don't even care. And, they did not heed the judges admonition not to discuss the case amongst themselves.


I went to public high school in the 80's and we did have to take civics. We did learn about the US justice system. Many classes (not mine) did do mock trials. Is this not taught anymore, really?

It is a good idea, but we would have to bank on the idea that every kid paid attention in high school, and didn't forget anything they did learn by the time they get called to jury duty.

Do we not include high school dropouts, or GED holders on jury panels?

I guess, I'm not trying to shoot down the idea. We should definitely teach these things to all students. I don't think it would take the risk out of juries though. Try as we might, there is always going to be that risk. Jurors are people, and merely human. I won't ever be perfect.
Please...don't throw shoes at me!! LOL

I'm shocked and dumb founded just like we all are. But...I've said in other posts....we had almost EVERY doc, etc released by the SA. We relentlessly examined each and every one for clarity, information, etc. I KNOW KC is guilty of murdering her baby, Caylee!!!
The jury didn't have access to all that "other" damning evidence. But, IMO, the evidence given was delivered with near perfection...AND we know what the verdict should have been.
Could the SA have used "other" evidence? Could they have simplified some of the experts results?? Maybe introduce the evidence in a different sequence?? Perhaps a "crinkled paper" pad of their own? Some "visual" aids in their closing? "Faceless friends"...we can go on and on....again, I keep saying shoulda coulda woulda.

IMO, though, a HUGE point, I know in MY mind, and even the defense was trying to give the SA a way out in terms of waaay too many people coming up to the stand saying KC was a liar and saying how KC was behaving during the 31 days like nothing happened, YET, those same people answered the defense "yes, we saw her as a good mother to Caylee"...that's what's considered a "push" in Black Jack, no???

Maybe friends who knew "about" Caylee...that KC had a child...and wondered where she was during that time...AND they could have said there was no difference in her behavior....so defense Q: Was KC a good mother?? A: Never saw her with Caylee. Can't say. She was always either with KC's mom or the nanny....so KC was NEVER with Caylee and was ALWAYS hangin' out with us, etc.
IIRC, and maybe this was just a rumor, wasn't there some party KC brought Caylee to?? And, didn't a friend say Caylee would be sleeping on the couch and it was loud and KC would be socializing with them?? They wondered how she could sleep thru all that?

Well...'tis a done deal....so far, every day I shake my head asking "did that REALLY happen"?? Three long years of waiting for what we expected would be justice served...done??
Maybe some sort of "justice" will come out of this tragedy with so many states talking about adopting a "Caylee's Law".....she may be gone, but will NEVER be forgotten. AND, we can smile, when a child is missing or murdered and not reported....EVERY time, we'll hear "Caylee's Law" being used as another charge in the prosecution of these monsters.
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