Did the jury get it wrong, or...

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Did the jury get it wrong?

  • The jury got it wrong

    Votes: 1,051 81.9%
  • The state didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

    Votes: 179 14.0%
  • The Defense provided reasonable doubt and the jury got it right

    Votes: 55 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 2.4%

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  • Poll closed .
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If I were on the jury...and I do believe she is guilty, and I do know all and understand all of the eviednce, ...I would still have to spend more than 10 hours deliberating before I could honestly convict her.
Either the Jury got it wrong or....
JB and team got to them first....lol...<oh God>
I have been waiting for JB to scream the jury had been contaminated, but geeze that never came.....or did it?
It's just a hard pill to swallow.... no charges....nodda nuttin, zip!
I just don't get how they can convict her of lying to an officer but nothing on murder, manslaughter, child abuse, etc. They looked at what they were given and came to their conclusion, I just wish that they would have talked as to why..maybe someday.

My DH who hasn't followed this has listened to some of what I have told him and he thinks she did it BUT he is a firm believer in our justice system that it is better to let a guilty person go than convict an innocent person. The state just didn' thave the evidence to tie her to everything. Maybe they thought it was an accident (drowning or something else) and she freaked out. or maybe she pushed her and she hit her head and died and the jury wouldn't find that child aggravated child abuse (of course no evidence to that theory) but probably what they will say is "no tie, no murder weapon,, etc"

I just have to let this go. I know in my heart what I know and so does KC and she will have to live at it every day.

THIS is the problem with what your husband thinks. Not convicting Casey in no way realistically affects the fact that innocent people get convicted. The same ignorance and problems with the jury system we see here ARE what also makes innocent people get convicted. The fact that you can present information to the population and have 90 percent of them wanting to voting for 1st degree murder, yet still have 12 people who somehow feel the opposite, also happens in the converse, where juries convict innocent people on little to no evidence, for many reasons we dont always know.

Casey did not go free because of how fair and balanced our system is, she went free because of how unfair it is. I think most of us realize that if she was black or unattractive, the outcome most likely would have been quiet different. If people want to give themselves comfort in the fact that setting Casey free somehow makes innocent people less likely to get convicted, they can keep telling themselves that. But it is WISHFUL thinking.
I think that the jury did their job well and got it right. I thought that the prosecution's evidence against Casey was flimsy. They should have waited to try her until they had more solid evidence. I do not think that potentially using masking tape as a weapon or even googling information about chloroform is enough to say that Casey killed Caylee. I do not think that because you wait to report a child missing for 31 days, that is enough to say that you definitely killed them. Nor do I think that because of her behavior during that time period, would be enough to say that she killed her daughter. I always felt that Casey was negligent perhaps only because she left Caylee in the care of someone who may have killed her or an accident did happen under the care of that unnamed person.

THey didn't even convict on neglect, which is mind bendingly stupid imo. They say she lied to investigators 4 times...yet isn't guilty of ANY other charges? I don't get it. moo
Those 12 jurors have now given Florida their very own Joran Van Der Sloot. Mark my words, she will strike again.
Lee said it all when he said : Mom, was not happy that Casey had a child out of wedlock..but "Caley was the best mistake Casey ever made!"
If people would buy them I believe they would sell little lockets with this baby's ashes.
The only way ,I am able to deal with this trial..is to believe George and Cindy tampered with the jury!They should be charged with at least lying to a police officer!Perjury with tampering.
The other way, I am coping is,I know the facts will prove that if she is a monster she will strike again.
She will continue to lie, steal and cheat..just like she said she would..what ever it takes.
Wow, and then I wonder why we have had the rash of child killings,ummm Party for 31 days, Plead Innocent..and make a movie, write a book, make a movie of the week.
When will the madness stop????
I hope the case is reopened..we still have noone to blame for disposing of her body is this way.
Justice for Caylee did not come on July 5 2011..but there is a day coming when Justice for the way this precious child was treated,will come.
She may have fooled the world one time..but I hope the Orlando Police watch her like, they did Ron Cumming's and Misty!
I hope the Orlando police totally ignores her. Let her deal with the enraged and outraged public completely on her own. Let her call Baez & Co to protect her when she realizes that she is persona non grata everywhere but in her mother's home. Actually, I wonder how happy Cindy is knowing the psycho is coming home. LOL To be a fly on the wall at Hopespring last night...priceless.
I wonder what they actually did in the deliberation room for 10 hours..if they had already made up their mind a long time ago.. play cards till a reasonable amount of time had passed?

It seems they came ready for their 15 minutes of fame yesterday so they knew they were going to give a verdict .. and get their media interviews. I bet jp advised them not to for their own safety. They are probably feeling cheated out of their 15 minutes and $$$ for interviews.
I felt that motive and the cause of death were proven and also felt that the evidence presented by the prosecution was overwhelming. I am in shock and sick to my stomach and heart. The jury got it wrong. ...unbelieveable
Kaki, I totally agree. What could they possibly have been thinking? or doing?
Look the only way we can combat these people is to not buy a book, watch movie or any tv associated with the Anthony's, lawyers or jury. I for one am taking the Thirty dollars or so I would have spent on a book and sending it to the Orange County SA's office to be donated to the cost of this trial or to the Guardian ad Litem program. We have strength in numbers guys lets do something to make this better.
My dear hubby, retired LE with 30 years, said to me last night "Now you know how *I* feel". Guilty people get off all the time. He thought she was going to get manslaughter. I thought she was going to get first degree. Never in a million years did I think she'd walk.
So, let me get this straight, even if the jury had a picture of ICA with the body throwing Caylee away in the swamp, they would still have acquitted her because that doesn't prove she is the one who killed her...do I have that right?
What is really negilent is the fact that they took only 10 hours and asked for no rebacks, and took almost no notes. I would have felt the same if they had found her guilty. This jury took so little time that it was clear they never took their jobs seriously. They just ignored information and wanted out of there. Shame on them. I would have had more respect for their decision if they came back after a few days. AT least I could feel they really thought it through. But they did not. But looking over the jury profiles once again, I was reminded that these were not the smartest people nor "great" citizens.
Theoretically ICA could go home to Hopespring Dr. kill her parents and claim self defense and she would get off....everyone would believe her. She could employ those neck-breaking searches along with homemade and household weapons.

She will strike again just like Drew Peterson, Van Der Sloot, OJ Simpson and others I can't think of right now. I have always felt if they had not caught her, she would have become not a one time killer, but a serial killer.
u know, i find it funny that right before thr trial started we had lkb saying no the nanny, complete lie. saying it for weeks before trial started. then, its the only thing they end up convicting her of. they did not deliberate. they took what the defense told them as truth and totally had no problem believing that everything the sa said was just, idk not true? this jury screams stealth to me. the defense didnt fight enough during jury selection and the sa thought that common sense would prevail. hell, we even all said the jurys not gonna matter cuz ray charles could see he was guilty. but oh how wrong we were. i find it highly unlikely that not one person thought she was guilty of anything except what the defense had already agreed to weeks before the trial. u will never be able to convince me that something didnt go horribly wrong with this jury.
u know, i find it funny that right before thr trial started we had lkb saying no the nanny, complete lie. saying it for weeks before trial started. then, its the only thing they end up convicting her of. they did not deliberate. they took what the defense told them as truth and totally had no problem believing that everything the sa said was just, idk not true? this jury screams stealth to me. the defense didnt fight enough during jury selection and the sa thought that common sense would prevail. hell, we even all said the jurys not gonna matter cuz ray charles could see he was guilty. but oh how wrong we were. i find it highly unlikely that not one person thought she was guilty of anything except what the defense had already agreed to weeks before the trial. u will never be able to convince me that something didnt go horribly wrong with this jury.

ITA...that was one of my first thoughts....you cannot tell me NOT ONE PERSON on that jury thought she was guilty!!! The 2nd day dress up shows me they had made their decision the first night and the 2nd day for a few hours was just for show!!!! What a travesty of justice!!!!
The jury got it wrong....

I am so heartbroken, sad and depressed that lying got a guilty person set free...:maddening:

I was flabergasted at that not guilty verdict on the murder charges. How does' this jury believe Caylee got tossed into that swsamp? Who do they think is responsible? I have lost all faith on our judicial system and I feel this jury did not go over the evidence or ask for witness statements for clarification...I can't believe they deliberated over 10 hours with no questions..so they already came into this trail with innocence on their minds. They did not take into consideration the strong circumstantial evidence that connected ICA to the death of Caylee..Did they not like the state? Was it the JA/JB contention that lead to this not guilty verdict? Did the state not prove it's case?

As LDB's fear that they jury will not use common sense, I truly believe they didn't either. At the very least ICA should have gotten a manslaughter conviction not freedom. She will always be covered in the stigma of being an accused child killer and will truly never really be free. It's killing me that I believe she and her family stand to make millions on book or movie deals. It's killing me that she will be paraded around as a falsely accused mother, when in my heart, I believe she took Caylee's life and will have to watch over her shoulder for she might be under imminent threat of street justice.

All I have in my heart is what I've said ever since my brothers murder went unpunished since no one was arrested in connection to his murder. One might escape the law of the land but the law of the universe will catch up to her in the end. I await Karma to come full circle for I believe just as in the OJ case, he too got away with a double murder but KARMA came knocking anyway. This will happen to the alleged guilty person who went free...People can and do get away with murder but will never escape KARMA...JMHO

There was NO JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE.....There are many tears in Heaven for Caylee's death will never be avenged...
Im sorry to even say this but I believe at this moment that this jury may be even more despised than miss casey anthony herself. And I really hate to say that. May God bless those jurors cuz they have to go to sleep every night knowing that they were a party to one of the biggest miscarriages of justice I have ever been a witness to.
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