Did Travis know Arias was coming to his house the night he was murdered?

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Did Travis know Arias was coming to his home the night she murdered him?

  • Yes, he knew.

    Votes: 108 12.4%
  • No, he didn't know.

    Votes: 634 72.5%
  • Other combination (yes and no)

    Votes: 47 5.4%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 85 9.7%

  • Total voters
Lee Redmond went to the police for help in stopping his (female) stalker. He was literally laughed out of the station. His stalker shot him to death. He'd never been romantically involved at all with the woman who took his life.

Approximately 1000 people die annually at the hands of their stalkers, despite the laws. Many thousands more (myself included) live in daily fear of their stalker because the laws are still insufficient. We still have a very, very long way to go in my opinion - beginning with public awareness and education.

But most people don't continue to have sex with someone who is showing stalking/dangerous behavior. Travis continued to allow Jodie's strange behaviors and welcomed her to his home. He called her and had this phone sex AFTER she broke in, and also after she slashed his tires. She came back time and again after his friends warned him, and he never reported her. I think he knew she had the goods to bring down his reputation. It was a dangerous game they played and he underestimated her craziness. There are not enough in the laws to stop these people who are truly scaring people. No law would have protected Travis because he allowed it. I'm sure had he been able to foresee her real self, he would have done things so differently.
I haven't posted here in such a long time and I apologise if this is in the wrong place or out of content.

I'm so extremely upset about this case. I look at these crime scene photos and cringe every time. I cannot even try and imagine what this poor guy went through. He really seemed like such a decent and nice young man - and quite attractive :)

There is a few things in this case that I haven't completely wrapped my mind around - again I apologise if this is in the wrong place but please bear in mind, I live in South Africa and only came upon this case 2 weeks ago, so I don't know everything about this case.

1. How come noboby looked for Travis? It took them 5 days? That doesn't make any sense - especially not smelling decomposition....
2. How did she move his body around in such a short period of time? Is there no possibility that she perhaps had help?
3. I have read quite a bit of people thinking some sort of Mormon ritual / slaying / cleansing happened here - what is your thoughts?

Then I stumbled across this "jodi is innocent" website - goodness! You would think Travis begged to be murdered/butchered. Maybe he was abusive (emotionally/sexually) towards her but why didn't she just walk away?

Just me thinking out loud! And JMO! :)
And when I got into bed last night I realised it's exactly 5 years. I just get incredibly sad every time I look at this poor guy, left in that shower for 5 damn days, it's just so inhumane and cruel, I can't get that picture out of my head. RIP Travis. May justice be served in sentencing as well.
This is where my fog comes in: About a week prior, Travis sends an email to Jodi teeling her she's evil, a sociopath and the worst thing that's ever happened to him, right? Then Jodi shows up INSIDE his house at 4 30 in the morning; no doorbell ring...she's just standing there. In my fog, I can't understand how Travis (who LITERALLY had axe murdering concerns about jodi) invites her to his bed to sleep and subsequently have sex. My fog won't allow me to wrap my mind around Jodi appearing in his home unexpectedly and then Travis sexing her behind all of her creepy, manipulative and sociopathic behavior. Someone please advise and make this fog go away.

EXACTLY my thoughts!!
No. She wouldn't have taken so much trouble to do all the sly pre-murder stuff only to tell Travis and risk him telling others.

I'm not so sure she went through the garage door like she said. Wouldn't Travis hear his garage door opening especially in the wee hours of the morning?
I think he knew but not until that last phone call hours before she got there and he was trying to appease her....she was one determined gal....

The phone calls were kind of weird. Travis talked to her a couple of days before she got there. One for about 40 minutes and another for about 15. But, that next day, it looks like he never picked up.
Yes I'm one of those "alot of people." In fact, I have DB's penis on MY laptop, so I could post it here.

Still, on the sex tape, he said they'd take a penis shot of his penis straight in the air. So he wasn't a prude about that.

I think he didn't want the shower pics, which he planned to show to people, to have his penis in them.


Hiya WM, something just occurred to me after reading the bolded line of your post, her story for the shower pics was to take them so he could show them on this Cancun trip with fellow Mormons, they certainly show he's in the shower with no clothes on (even before the sitting pic) isn't it logical that some one, Mimi maybe, would ask who took those pictures?

It's obvious that they aren't selfies, and he would not want to explain to her or anyone else that JA took those pics.

JA said on the stand she was deleting them as she was taking them, so both that and the Calvin Klein story have to be fakes.

Hiya WM, something just occurred to me after reading the bolded line of your post, her story for the shower pics was to take them so he could show them on this Cancun trip with fellow Mormons, they certainly show he's in the shower with no clothes on (even before the sitting pic) isn't it logical that some one, Mimi maybe, would ask who took those pictures?

It's obvious that they aren't selfies, and he would not want to explain to her or anyone else that JA took those pics.

JA said on the stand she was deleting them as she was taking them, so both that and the Calvin Klein story have to be fakes.

I'm pretty sure I posted the same thing as you are saying here. I don't think he meant for anybody to see anything and if he showed off his newly toned body pics, people WOULD ask who took them. He was clearly posing in them. But the theory of the sex tape and blackmail have stayed in my mind. She may have said she was sorry, and she was bringing the tape back to him. I think that was the cause of the nasty statements he made to her to begin with. I think she showed up .... Since I'm here, lets have a one-last-time fling, take some pics and have fun. I'll delete the pics, since I'm not going to Cancun with you, I don't think we'll see each other anymore...
I'm pretty sure I posted the same thing as you are saying here. I don't think he meant for anybody to see anything and if he showed off his newly toned body pics, people WOULD ask who took them. He was clearly posing in them. But the theory of the sex tape and blackmail have stayed in my mind. She may have said she was sorry, and she was bringing the tape back to him. I think that was the cause of the nasty statements he made to her to begin with. I think she showed up .... Since I'm here, lets have a one-last-time fling, take some pics and have fun. I'll delete the pics, since I'm not going to Cancun with you, I don't think we'll see each other anymore...

I have a hard time reconciling the angry text he sent her 9 days before she killed him and them having sex ever after that, I just can't see that no matter what she was bringing him.

Yeah, he'd probably let her in to give him all the blackmail stuff but how could he trust he had all of it? She might have stuff he didn't even know about.

And why did he not answer his phone after he texted to C. Hughes at 12:13 p.m.? That really throws me off. If things were pretty much as she said they were that day, why didn't he answer his phone ever again?

Why don't we know anything about what he was doing while she was in transit to Mesa? The timeline includes his activities too but we know so little about what he did between that angry text and her killing him.
I'm joining this discussion extremely late, and maybe someone else has already posted this idea...but I've seen speculation that Jodi had a gun on Travis during the time the photos were taken, the sexing and the shower. I disagree, and here's why: All Travis had to do if Jodi pulled a gun on him (or a knife, for that matter) and he had a millisecond to talk was say: "You're the one I really want, I just couldn't tell you yet because I had to make absolutely sure by dating others. I just had to make sure what we had was the right thing that Heavenly Father wanted for us/I have an appointment to ask the Bishop when I get back/it's not me that's keeping us apart, but Chris/Skye/PPL/Bishop/family and I was going to talk to them when I get back and tell them you're the one I really think I was meant to be with. I didn't want to tell you until I talked to him/them and see if I could get him/them on board" blah blah. Travis was an abused child--it would be second nature to him to placate. He would have been able to talk Jodi down in a New York minute, and all it would have taken would have been one more (empty) promise until Travis could get away from her (hopefully for good this time). I bet if she had heard the words "Wait, what are you doing, it's you I really love, I just wasn't ready to tell you" (which would have taken Travis all of one second to think of and say) she would have backed down long enough for Travis to make a safe getaway and then hopefully never get caught anywhere near her again.

Another thing that goes through my mind (as I'm sure others) is when she started stabbing him, if he had time to think "Damn, Chris and Skye were right"

Another thing that goes through my mind (as I'm sure others) is when she started stabbing him, if he had time to think "Damn, Chris and Skye were right"

Agree with all of your post, but the last part: Yes! I have thought that too, I guess he must have thought that :(
05-19-2013 06:35 PM

I couldn't certianly be recalling incorrectly, but I seem to remember a juror asking her how many calls she and TA had between 6/3 or 6/4. She answered between 5 and 9, but some were repeated on the phone records. So I'm gonna guess 5 over those 2 days. That doesn't seem like a lot, IMO. And who knows what she even said?

That's true. But she had other ways to monitor him. She certianly was in and out of his emails, facebook, bank accts.? I also keep thinking about DB saying she used his computer to check her email at his house 6/3. When Juan asked about this she said yes, then started talking about her myspace email. When he asked her why, she just said well, it hadn't been checked in a while and and if IIRC correclty, she wasn't really so sure she did anything on the computer (and looked MIGHTY nervous). My thought she was monitoring TA'S computer activity (emails, FB?). Another way to ascertain his plans without a call.

Maybe, she got there at 4am. But I think she did some of her stalking (checking the cars there, peeping in windows, etc.) to be sure the coast was clear.

What bothered me about that was didn't she say she stood in the doorway about 45 seconds before NAPS noticed her. REALLY? Unless NAPS was in coma he would have been up and barking immediatley! Two truths I believe are: you can't sneak up on a person with a dog. Nor can you trust a dog a dog to watch your plate when you leave the room (redneck fact). Don't believe that part of her story AT ALL. I could also be wrong.

I think she knew exaclty what the roommates what were doing due to her hacking and surviellence. Did the one of them she knew longest spent most of his time at his gf's house? I'm sure she knew where both worked. A simple phone call could to a place of employment, ask for the roommate, received confirmation he was there. And if things DID get sticky she had "motivational tools (ie weapons) that would have shut TA up.

I agree with you. But I think she went in to punish him, torture him, terrify him, humilitation him and then kill him and leave him in what she felt would be the most humiliating way possible. I just don't believe they had "sexy time" at all that day. I saw naked pics of TA. I saw naked pics of JA. They looked anything but sexy to me. And that KY bottle was placed TO BE NOTICED, IMO. All the shower pics were just forced to me. He wasn't showering. Where's the soap, shampoo? Yes, I do think he was posing, but not because he wanted to.

Agreed. She did say she parked "her car" in the garage. But she was driving a rental that night. IIRC, didn't the roommates saw they say NO strange cars? I think she hid? the rental (what if someone popped by and saw CA plates on a car?) Or even just a car with NO plates? IIRC, she said she parked in the driveway. SOMEONE would have noticed it and she couldn't risked that. She hid it, maybe around the corner. Maybe that's why she dyed her hair in case any neighbors saw walking to the house?

PS. AZ Watcher's posts are some of my favorites and I have no wish to de-edify or debase her,:drumroll: and I hope she ( I THINK she's a she) doesn't think I'm tearing her post apart. I just wanted to see what other's thought of my current theory. I don't know what when on in that house. But I think whatever was going on was horrific. I'm also curious after reading Det. F's police report about why the downstairs furniture was moved off the tile, with the cleaner TA had had for weeks assembled and sitting in the middle of the room....why THEN?! Did somehing go on downstairs? Since JA mentions him cleaning during her police interview, and her tongue is so twisted so could open wine bottles, call me crazy but she lying.

You are so cute!! I don't feel debased or de-edified at all! I have a freakin' fog going regarding this part of the story. Thanks for addressing my thoughts ... I hoped for input to quell my confusion. :cupcake: Oh, and sorry it took so long for me to
reply! PSS.. I am a She.
I'm not so sure she went through the garage door like she said. Wouldn't Travis hear his garage door opening especially in the wee hours of the morning?

Not necessarily, in my opinion. It was a large house and roommates coming and going all the time - he may not have paid any attention to it. Although considering it is JA's testimony, it is probably not true.

Although considering it is JA's testimony, it is probably not true.


HOW MANY things could we apply this to????? Fits almost every thread discussing anything out of her mouth!!!!
I am convinced Travis did not know JA was coming. She came to the house, found the door unlocked. She then walked into the office (adjacent to the garage and laundry room). She is the one who was on youtube, not travis, and then searched his email. I believe she put her hair in braids, undressed and crawled in bed with Travis. She didn't have anything but her bag with the gun in it. She may have grabbed one of his knives from the kitchen before going upstairs...if she didn't have one. She caught him in a sleepy, dreamy state and they had sex. She made sure all of it was on his camera.

She left or was told to leave. She came back and put on his workout clothes over her own for cover. She grabbed his camera and went to the shower. When TA saw her with his camera and BACK in his house, he flipped. My guess is he banged his head against the shower wall in frustration. She continues to snap pics. He slides down the wall and sits and is in disbelief.

She crouches down and continues to talk nonsense talk. At this point she stabs him. I think she stabbed him in the head first. When he reached up, she stabbed him in the chest. He attempted to grab the knife from her but was too weak to over power the frenzied mania.

Oh, ...how I hate this woman.
I am convinced Travis did not know JA was coming. She came to the house, found the door unlocked. She then walked into the office (adjacent to the garage and laundry room). She is the one who was on youtube, not travis, and then searched his email. I believe she put her hair in braids, undressed and crawled in bed with Travis. She didn't have anything but her bag with the gun in it. She may have grabbed one of his knives from the kitchen before going upstairs...if she didn't have one. She caught him in a sleepy, dreamy state and they had sex. She made sure all of it was on his camera.

She left or was told to leave. She came back and put on his workout clothes over her own for cover. She grabbed his camera and went to the shower. When TA saw her with his camera and BACK in his house, he flipped. My guess is he banged his head against the shower wall in frustration. She continues to snap pics. He slides down the wall and sits and is in disbelief.

She crouches down and continues to talk nonsense talk. At this point she stabs him. I think she stabbed him in the head first. When he reached up, she stabbed him in the chest. He attempted to grab the knife from her but was too weak to over power the frenzied mania.

Oh, ...how I hate this woman.

Exactly!! :tyou: :toast::

I take pleasure in knowing that she must be freaking out tonight, knowing the State is still going to seek the DP, and it's a 75% chance they will win! :drumroll:
I don't think he really wanted to see her... So she didn't let him know she was coming...

However... On another WS thread... There is reported evidence from HLN that JA made quite a few phone calls (to TA) on her trip...

I don't know what to think of that...


That bothered me a bit, too. Then I started thinking a bit more about it and for one thing, Jodi called him. Since she was in the habit of doing all sorts of things uninvited, the conversations didn't even mean that he welcomed them. They could have been further arguments or anything, really.

Secondarily, even if he didn't object, that doesn't mean she ever said anything to him about going to see him. My bet is that he had no idea. :mad:

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That bothered me a bit, too. Then I started thinking a bit more about it and for one thing, Jodi called him. Since she was in the habit of doing all sorts of things uninvited, the conversations didn't even mean that he welcomed them. They could have been further arguments or anything, really.

Secondarily, even if he didn't object, that doesn't mean she ever said anything to him about going to see him. My bet is that he had no idea. :mad:

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Xparent Pink Tapatalk 2

IIRC, after the two phone calls he made to her on the night of the 2nd (looks like one of them hung up and he called right back) he never called her again and her calls to him on the 3rd are short, 2 minutes, like maybe voice mails.

They may not have actually spoken after the evening of the 2nd until she let him know she was there sometime on the 4th. I'm thinking it was after 12 noon as the last time he used his phone was 12:13 p.m.
IIRC, after the two phone calls he made to her on the night of the 2nd (looks like one of them hung up and he called right back) he never called her again and her calls to him on the 3rd are short, 2 minutes, like maybe voice mails.

They may not have actually spoken after the evening of the 2nd until she let him know she was there sometime on the 4th. I'm thinking it was after 12 noon as the last time he used his phone was 12:13 p.m.

And she accessed his voicemail later so she could have deleted any of the messages she had left.
Not necessarily, in my opinion. It was a large house and roommates coming and going all the time - he may not have paid any attention to it. Although considering it is JA's testimony, it is probably not true.


For sure, if her mouth is open, lies are happening, LOL.

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