Dina Lohan: Fidgety, Sweaty Mumbling During Dr Phil Interview

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HaHaHa ..That stellar performance will make all the headlines tommorow guaranted. Which If her people/bosses/agents what ever celebs have are smart will be followed up by something along the lines of Dina Lohan has entered Rehab for stress which we all know is more like Dina Lohan has ebtered Rehab after appearing on the Dr Phil show very Drunk / Stoned / Sedated And who knows what else . That was a train Wreck and probally a fortunante one because millions watched and if anyone wants to see her alive in the next year or too maybe now after this she will take it or be forced to get some help...I never thought I would say right now atleast it seems like the low life father is doing the best out of all the Lohans..
I know....who would have ever expected Michael Lohan to come off as the more "normal" parent? Lol

I couldn't believe how rough Dina looked.....she's a total mess in every sense of the word.
I just cannot get over how much of a mess she is. I am sure she'll have her lawyers all over this tomorrow morning, *rolleyes* *smh* PuhLeeeease..... No wonder your kid is such a disaster.
I can't believe that she could barely answer a single question in a full sentence, other than eeking out a mere "yes" at some questions... yikes indeed. I like how he called her out on the word "inept".
Ooooh But let's not forget when she gave everyone the finger . But so ellagently blocked it with her other hand lol . And there would have to be records to show this but how in the heck do you go from having millions because remember she was a host for was it E magazine on the red carpet so she had to get paid some big bucks as well. But how do you go from that to if it's true on wellfare. Theres only one way and i have heard it before every celeb on Dr drew's rehab show remember .when he or others in the group would ask you had millions and millions whered it all go..they all said the same thing up my nose . For others it was Drinking / and or pills and if thats true she was on wellfare she showed us where all her money went today...
omg...this is just all around s-a-d.
What a piece of work :eek: No one should be left wondering why Lindsay has serious problems. Like mother, like daughter.
I also want to add that this isn't all fake or set up in a "gotcha" sort of way. ALL of the questions were given to Dina ahead of time, and the producers reviewed the rules with her as well as the direction of the show. So none of the questions should have been a surprise. Difficult? sure. Surprising? nope. :waitasec:
What you see is what you'll be. Steven King, The Shining

That quote has always stuck with me. I have a soft spot for Lindsay because of her terrible parents. Dina is in denial and needs help. moo

All I can think is the messed up apple doesn't fall far from the psychotic tree.
That woman was wasted! WTH was she thinking? As my late mother used to say, "She really showed her a$$ on that one!"
Kinda reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith, in a way.

Herding Cats
So I see LiLo was arrested yet again last night. This time for a hit and run on a pedestrian in NY. :( Sad. and tragic. :(
It amazes me how people so into addiction do not realize just how obvious it is to others that they are wacked out of their heads. And it is sad too. Alcohol and drugs are such a problem today and celebrities seem to be sinking into them left and right. I guess when you have money and some fame it is hard to believe you have a problem.
I really think interviews with people with an addiction should stop. The addict probably knows if they give it up, then NO money will be coming in easily. It's easier to depend on crappy interviews upon the subject of addiction and them being exploited for ratings for $ to keep their addiction and "fame". She should be ignored by the media...we are all aware of her and other "celebrity addicts". Their fuzzy thinking and actions hurt others in their addiction as well as themselves. ( vs smokers who are shunned more, btw) If they are awarded fame and attention for it they won't stop. Stay clear until they clean up their act. imo. Interview them afterwards as a reward and help get them on the road to success in the future. Let them seek help instead of $$ to continue their behaviors. Let Phil and Drew offer them help vs tabloid interviews. IMO ***I'm not downing addicts...it's just this isn't the solution..AT ALL. JMO Just sad....

Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz27EDBeSvJ

Dina Lohan is telling friends ... she knows she looked like a total train wreck in her recent Dr. Phil interview -- but she insists she's not an out-of-control drunk ... and she wants to prove it in a SECOND Dr. Phil interview.

Sources close to Dina tell TMZ, she doesn't believe the interview that aired this week on Dr. Phil's show -- in which she appears bizarrely fidgety and paranoid -- is a good representation of her (no duh).

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