Discussion between the verdict and sentencing

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I highly recommend this article.

"Judges are supposed to make decisions based on the law and its definitions, but sometimes their decisions are highly personal interpretations of those parts of the evidence that appeal to them".


Thanks JudgeJudi, Prof Simpson (Psychiatrist) from Health24 has given astute ( and amusing) commentaries all the way through the trial.

Just want to "cherry-pick" this from the article you linked as I realise we have had quite a few posts on this topic recently, ie. why posters aren't respecting the judge's decision, public consternation equals desire for vengeance etc etc etc :

"Those who predicted a "murder" verdict didn't misread the case or evidence, they just didn't foresee such a contentious and provocative decision – at odds with a large body of expert legal opinion on crucial issues."

'I was surprised that Judge Masipa’s jaw-dropping decision, so scantily explained, seemed on re-reading to be an exercise in mind reading that most "shrinks" would hesitate to attempt. She told us that she had “found” what was transpiring in Oscar's mind at the time of the shooting, and was confident she was correct. Wow!"

and unfortunately, for those thinking Roux really is a Mercedes etc :

"As I have said repeatedly, it was seriously unwise for Nel not to have re-opened his case and called further expert witnesses to refute the wild claims of the defence. He seems to have been over-confident. Roux did not earn a positive outcome by technical skill or the brilliance of his witnesses, but by the weakness of the prosecution and the boundless misplaced sympathy of the court."
Im not trying to be a smart%$#, I would really like to know... Was he even punished once? If so...how?
I have a feeling the first punishment was the fact that he killed Reeva and he had to cry some much for Reeva and had to be inconvenienced by the trial. Man, looking back, I feel like an idiot now to think Masipa actually was gonna give OP a harsh sentence.

I'm not a body language expert by any means, but maybe we should have read more into J Masipa's 'body language' while OP was on the stand. :doh:

Thank you Prime -

It looks to me like Judge M is looking on adoringly, perhaps as someone might when watching one's gifted student give a very satisfying musical performance. All she needs to complete the scene is to be nodding her head gently in affirmation in time with the music.
Thank you Prime -

It looks to me like Judge M is looking on adoringly, perhaps as someone might when watching one's gifted student give a very satisfying musical performance. All she needs to complete the scene is to be nodding her head gently in affirmation in time with the music.


me.. :sick:
Thank you Prime -

It looks to me like Judge M is looking on adoringly, perhaps as someone might when watching one's gifted student give a very satisfying musical performance. All she needs to complete the scene is to be nodding her head gently in affirmation in time with the music.

You are right! :smile:
Perhaps the musical is titled "Catch Me If You Can" or "Oscar (Annie) Get Your Gun" - a Golden Boy is fighting for his life. The enthusiastic Mylady admires OP's illustration of a remorseful grieving villain and his art to create always new lies, if the previous lies didn't fit into the story.
Couple of questions/requests to the WS's on the Oscar Pistorius threads -

i) Has anyone here created (or seen elsewhere on the web) an aerial view of the Silverwood estate and surrounds, with the location of neighbour witnesses marked on it?

ii) Does anybody know their positions, addresses or lat/long?
Couple of questions/requests to the WS's on the Oscar Pistorius threads -

i) Has anyone here created (or seen elsewhere on the web) an aerial view of the Silverwood estate and surrounds, with the location of neighbour witnesses marked on it?

ii) Does anybody know their positions, addresses or lat/long?

I have this. It marks the number of the relevant houses, except Dr Stipps lived where I inserted a yellow dot. I don't have some of the neighbours' names in front of me but Oscar's House is marked, Mrs Van der Meer is opposite and to the left, the Burgess's are marked at the top (I think it is the big grey house or the one behind). Not sure who 191 is but if it was meant to be Stipps it is in the wrong place (hence the yellow dot). The neighbours either side of OP did testify but I don't have their names to hand. I thought I would post this quickly. I will find the neighbours' names and post them if someone doesn't come up with them before I do.

Silverwoods Estate 2.jpg

OMG! OP sounded so threatening in his first version. The second one was the falsetto voice he did in court, no where near the sound of a woman either, but he certainly tried.

This is the part of his reenactment, wait for the big build up and after, the look on Nel's face, is priceless.

.. and I would imagine this is what Reeva's screams would've been like https://soundcloud.com/tadashi-kanizawa/woman-screaming-2 (<<-- the first bit of that ) .. it's a pity they didn't get those who heard the screams to identify exactly which type of scream it was they heard, because if this is the type of scream they heard, then no way was it Pistorius.

that was chilling jay-jay. When I found the above vid of OP's, I found this, a simulation of what the Stipps heard and saw, what do you think? Pretty realistic imo.

OMG! OP sounded so threatening in his first version. The second one was the falsetto voice he did in court, no where near the sound of a woman either, but he certainly tried.

This is the part of his reenactment, wait for the big build up and after, the look on Nel's face, is priceless.


.. quite astonishing how OP replies 'Yes, I can' in such a normal, matter-of-fact way to Nel's question 'can you remember what you shouted' and then takes a few deep breaths (as you say, the big build up) and suddenly goes into falsetto .. listen to the 'Yes, I can' bit, right at the beginning .. it's astonishing. It's about as astonishing, and un-emotional, as when he read out Reeva's Valentines card.
"I screamed .. I said 'get the **** out of my house .. GET THE **** OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

Sorry, Oscar, that ain't 'screaming'. It's 'shouting'.
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