Discussion of Audio of Casey Anthony's jail visits released

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I'm starting to think that perhaps the only truthful informer in that household could be the dogs and cats...and am doubting them at this point..it is like they are one big happy family ---- yet on bail she couldn't wait to get away from CA...hmmmmmmmmmmmm------I do want to hear all the peeps that got thrown under the bus comments...would really really love to have seen ca & ga during some of these "ambushes" .......... when is that new "groundbreaking" announcement?????? they truly make me sick....

(o/t--what time do I send my hubby over....he loves gnocchi dumplings...doesn't care for the chicken but recipe sounds nummy to me..!!!)

as far as I could tell NO LA at vigil...but who knows...:waitasec:



LOL you are too funny on the cats and dogs!!! :crazy:

Seriously I have now come to realize that everytime we are going to get some sort of doc dump or other new info we will inevitably be getting a "groundbreaking announcement" from the Anthony camp. Of course it is just the usual beef overcooked and leftover from the weeks previous meal!!!

O/T I made tons of the gnocchi so come one and come all! We italians don't know how to cook anything but large and always plan to feed an army....tehehehehehe.
OK. I had to be off because oxygen man was here. How the hell (pardon swear) do I go back and find out where I left off so that I don't ask stupid questions that have already been answered? I was able to answer one thread but it wasn't as fast moving as this thread is.

Thanks in advance.
I don't believe George or Cindy knew the degree to which something was wrong before the 911 calls. Even Cindy's mother's emails reflect the same overall story Cindy has told from the beginning. Casey left, Cindy felt she was withholding Caylee to punish Cindy, Cindy was getting brush off excuses each time she tried to speak to Caylee during that month. The July 3rd myspace posting is a dramatic public statement visible in Casey's "world". Cindy knew Casey would see it there as would Casey's friends and hopefully it would make Casey stop whatever she was doing.

George knew Caylee was dead when he smelled the car. AND HE SMELLED THAT CAR BACK ON JUNE 24 I do think they were both in shock in those first few hours. By the time Casey was arrested Cindy knew the walls were caving in in on a much larger scale than her previous fears led her to believe. I don't condone their behavior, I just don't think they are guilty of everything being alluded to. I don't think this video is in code, I don't think the "don't worry I didn't tell them anything" from the opening of the video is something sinister about Caylee.

This family was deeply dysfunctional long before this incident. This family has had secrets about how many levels of crazy there are behind closed doors for a loooong time.

Bold inserted by me. George didn't tell Cindy what happened on June 24, thus up until July 15, she is in the darkness about what happened to Caylee. George knows Cindy well enough to know that if he tried to tell her what he knew at that point she wouldn't have believed him anyway, and he didn't want to get shot being the messenger either...
Hopefully this wasn't already mentioned, and I missed it, haven't had time to read all 38 pages... but I thought this commentary on body language in these videos by Dr. Glass was very revealing, especially the part about CA putting her head on GA's shoulder (in jealousy) when GA calls KC gorgeous.


Very interesting. I read the comments first then watched the video they have, seems very accurate!
An oxygen tank is a good recommendation for listening to this BS. Saw the KC mascara/tear wiping fakeout & choking sounds in slow motion over & over as a stall ... and to cover her expressions.
OK. I had to be off because oxygen man was here. How the hell (pardon swear) do I go back and find out where I left off so that I don't ask stupid questions that have already been answered? I was able to answer one thread but it wasn't as fast moving as this thread is.

Thanks in advance.

On the main thread page,(listing all the discussions concering Caylee) left hand side, there is a little blue box with a check mark. Click the check and it will take you to where you left off.
I vacillate between them knowing it and doing the 911 call as per scripted, to ONLY Cindy did not know. From the conversations I have head, it seems as if GA already had her number - he told the FBI he knew she had not been working for the last 2 years, so when he smelled the car, he knew what had happened because he kept calling Caylee "that little girl." That is pure detachment and his past tense verbs tell the story.

I believe Cindy found out the truth shortly after that night or even before the police came. I think she had somewhat figured it out when she said to KC "WHO TOOK HER?" There had not been anything said prior about anyone taking her or the nanny. It seems if CA wants KC to tell something she puts it in her mind with questions like that. Not only about Caylee, but in other things as well.

I do believe either LA or GA buried Caylee and that is why KC can so emphatically say "I don't know where she is." as she does.
Yes, Turbo, ITA, as I'm sure you can tell from many of my other posts this thread and others.

I also vascillate between George and Lee. I believe either George or Lee got more deeply involved with what happened to Caylee's body on or after June 24, when George admittedly had a fight that day with Casey over gas cans and was beside the trunk of the car - and who was, therefore, close enough to have smelled that smell and knew what it was.
I have no doubts George chased Casey that day. I just haven't decided if he caught up with her and handled the situation from there, or if Casey, in a panic fleeing her father, involved her brother and brother managed t back down George.
And why do I want to feel so bad for George?

Cause no matter what level/degree his involvement was after she was deceased, it's clear that he has only love for Caylee and is miserable that she's gone. :( We all identify with the human emotions of love and loss, IMHO.
Could it be a quarter to get the operator? I don't know how prison phones work, could be something to get an outside line to do the collect call - it was her first stint in the big house she might not have understood - I'm sure she's a pro now

No, she'd already made her infamous first collect call home to her parents following her arrest, the one where it was a "huge waste" calling them, so she knew she didn't need any quarter! ;)

4. It does really seem to me that Cindy is leading Casey on like it is some sort of scripted conversation in the beginning and she prods her until she gets the answer she wants. Also the comments about RM's apartment being set up the same as Zanny and Zanny also has a set of duplicate drums just like RM. This woman is the most fantastic pathological liar I've ever seen!!!!

You're right, I do think CA is leading KC. After the FBI discussion about RM and the drums (was that before or after this video), CA asks in this one about the drums, and then says that she knows where the pic was taken, was that Zani's apartment, and KC immediately starts a new line to fit in with the fact that she realizes mom knows that wasn't at Zanni's.

It made no sense how KC responded, with saying they have similar apartment layouts. No one was asking about that. Or she should have said "Whose apartment" and if mom said "RM's" she could have THEN said "Oh, it's possible, they do have similar apartments I guess."..

She is a FAST liar though, I'll give her that..
And why do I want to feel so bad for George?

I do too... and I think it is because there is more he knows we don't... and he is either hurting severely about all this or he is the most evil liar out there.
You're right, I do think CA is leading KC. After the FBI discussion about RM and the drums (was that before or after this video), CA asks in this one about the drums, and then says that she knows where the pic was taken, was that Zani's apartment, and KC immediately starts a new line to fit in with the fact that she realizes mom knows that wasn't at Zanni's.

It made no sense how KC responded, with saying they have similar apartment layouts. No one was asking about that. Or she should have said "Whose apartment" and if mom said "RM's" she could have THEN said "Oh, it's possible, they do have similar apartments I guess."..

She is a FAST liar though, I'll give her that..

It almost seems like maybe CA knows that it is Ricardo's apt. and is testing Casey at first but then she goes on and on and it is clear that she actually thinks that it is at Zanny's. It makes no sense because there is absolutely no way possible that G, C or LA believe there was any nanny let alone a Zanny!!!

It is so unbleievable the way this family operates isn't it?! :furious:
An oxygen tank is a good recommendation for listening to this BS. Saw the KC mascara/tear wiping fakeout & choking sounds in slow motion over & over as a stall ... and to cover her expressions.

I agree, there were a couple of times that she cried for real (for herself) but my daughter was watching some of the video with me and I pointed out what she was doing and was able to fake cry exactly like she was doing, wiping away not real tears and everything...she could not tell the difference between my performance and KC's!
You're right, I do think CA is leading KC. After the FBI discussion about RM and the drums (was that before or after this video), CA asks in this one about the drums, and then says that she knows where the pic was taken, was that Zani's apartment, and KC immediately starts a new line to fit in with the fact that she realizes mom knows that wasn't at Zanni's.

It made no sense how KC responded, with saying they have similar apartment layouts. No one was asking about that. Or she should have said "Whose apartment" and if mom said "RM's" she could have THEN said "Oh, it's possible, they do have similar apartments I guess."..

She is a FAST liar though, I'll give her that..

It was a picture Casey had given Cindy awhile back, showing Caylee having fun "at the nanny's apartment." It is clear that Cindy remembers the details of that story and Casey is scrambling to catch up with the story she gave. Oh right! The picture was taken in Ric's apartment, but it's just like Zanny's, same layout and everything! That's why I was confused when I gave you the picture, Mom!! Silly me! So it's not her EXACT apartment, but still.....

And that, my friends, is how Zanny ended up having an apartment in the same complex as Ric and Amy.
SNIPPED: "...I took that statement to mean that is why he could remember where it was and the approximate size because it was where the spare tire is.

The theory that George knew ahead of time that there would be no body in the trunk and he needed a witness... the tow yard guy... would work kinda of sorta of but it would have been taking a huge risk. George would have no way of knowing if the tow yard man would not insist on calling the police with the smell.
Does not mean that Caylee could not have been in there but ...
I think it would be more plausible that when George got a whiff of the smell from the car he combined that with the fact the Casey would not let him in the trunk on June 24 and now he is smelling decomp and he is afraid of what he would find. When there is nothing there he takes the car and gets the hell out there breathing a sigh of relief his fears where not founded. He knows something is really wrong but hopes they can find Casey and get an explanation from her. ... It did not serve any purpose to draw attention to the theft of the gas cans if he knew that the car had been used to transport a dead body. Just not Caylee’s but any bodies dead body. If George knew that the car had been used or was still being used then they would not have made such a big stink over the bill and drawn un-necessary attention to themselves. They would have just paid the bill, got in the car and drove off.
My opinion

With regards to the bolded portion above, which I added, if he's so afraid of what he might find, I cannot imagine any explanation as to why he'd open the trunk in front of some randon tow yard guy instead of getting into the car and going home to look. The tow yard guy hadn't mentioned the police - so I think he'd have gotten right into that bad smelling car after he opened it & driven right out of there. He knew there was visible in that trunk for the tow yard guy to see, and he wanted the tow yard guy to see there wasn't anything "of interest" in there. Heck, he even had the tow yard guy throw away the garbage bag for him. George, are you kidding me?!?!?!

As far as "drawing attention to the gas cans," the cans were reported as being stolen the morning of June 24, WELL BEFORE he saw Casey later on that afternoon on June 24, so I don't know what you mean by drawing attention to the gas cans. He'd filed a report with the police before he knew what happened and that bell simply cannot be unrung, so he's doing the best he can to muffle it.

*bolded by me*

OMG....I laughed so hard when I read that. Hilarious. Thank you.

believe me when I tell you that any trial of this matter will be like watching the "Memory Olympics," except that no one will win. :furious::furious::furious:
With regards to the bolded portion above, which I added, if he's so afraid of what he might find, I cannot imagine any explanation as to why he'd open the trunk in front of some randon tow yard guy instead of getting into the car and going home to look. The tow yard guy hadn't mentioned the police - so I think he'd have gotten right into that bad smelling car after he opened it & driven right out of there. He knew there was visible in that trunk for the tow yard guy to see, and he wanted the tow yard guy to see there wasn't anything "of interest" in there. Heck, he even had the tow yard guy throw away the garbage bag for him. George, are you kidding me?!?!?!

As far as "drawing attention to the gas cans," the cans were reported as being stolen the morning of June 24, WELL BEFORE he saw Casey later on that afternoon on June 24, so I don't know what you mean by drawing attention to the gas cans. He'd filed a report with the police before he knew what happened and that bell simply cannot be unrung, so he's doing the best he can to muffle it.

How about because he knows his daughter well enough that she could easily be setting him up to take the fall. "I told my friends that my dad was going to get the car when it broke down at Amscot, and Zanny says he picked up Caylee at her apartment....."

He did a smart thing opening it up in front of SB. He should have been a lot smarter on the 24th. I do NOT accept the gas can story one bit. He admits in his FBI interview that he knew his daughter had been stealing gas from him for a long while now anyway. Why would he suddenly need to make a complaint about missing gas cans, when he knew full well it was Casey that took them?
She thinks Caylee is her Mini-me! Maybe also trying to remind cindy, I'm still your little girl, love me, I was your little person first..........blah blah blah

ITA - You wrote what I was thinking about that.
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