Discussion of "Overkill - The Unsolved Murder of Jon Benet" doco crime scene footage

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But what was the purpose to leave the flashlight out on the counter? If they put it back in the drawer, would the police have found it and decided it was the murder weapon? It would have been a flashlight in a drawer. No one knew that she was struck on the head. If you're promoting an intruder theory, why leave what could have been the murder weapon out where it could be found? With the flashlight put away, they could just denied they used it. Then you just promote the idea that an intruder took the murder weapon with them.

Ok, why would they leave it on the counter? It all looks like they have stage the crime scene, I agree with many here who thinks like that. So, why would they do something or not? First of all they are not 'professional killers, abductors etc.. ', and that was not planned, so in my opinion they had to do a lot of things to try to stage a crime scene like someone else did it, (they watched a lot of movies, ransom note). The professionals live trace, make mistakes, why wouldn't they. Ok, so they had only few hours to do the whole staging thing. They are smart people, but in those circumstances and the time limit everything can go wrong. In my opinion, they did everything that they could think of, but knowing that they surely missed a lot of things, they had to stage a staged scene. For example taking the body. They had to be the ones to find it so that they could contaminate the evidence, and call the friends for the same reason. There were only two police officers in the house, and one in front. They had to guard the premisses and the people in it but that was an impossible mission. Where was JB for an hour? Maybe she wasn't in the wine cellar at the beginning? This was a kidnapping case after all. Why did he went to the wine cellar first, and of course he took his friend with him as a witness? In some cases the person who finds the body is the first suspect (parents, family, siblings, friends). He found her after six hours? Come on!! Why didn't they talk to the police? they went to Atlanta so they could think about everything they did and didn't do, make up the same story, but again they didn't have enough time, so there story had huge holes in it.
Second of all, their son was nine at the time. And he said that he is moving on with his life?! He was talking about his sisters murder like he was talking about going to the store?! He was old enough to know the difference between good and bad, and to know what 'going to heaven' means. He was really strange then, and now even more. On Dr. Phill's show after he was asked some of the questions about the case (not if he killed her) he was very nervous and he looked few times to his left, probably to his lawyer or dad or both. Everyone knows that nobody would come to the show if they do not know the questions before the show, and what questions are not to be asked. so those few questions, when he looked nervous and looked away(and his nervous smile disappeared) were very close to those that were prohibited?!
What do you think? Sorry I wanted to write only about the flashlight, but I couldn't stop writing.
Has anyone figured out why her hands were above her head when she died? Were they tied to something to keep her from fighting?
I don't see anyone having their arms above their head if someone was strangling them. It just seems to me to be a strange position for her to have been in.

Maybe after the killing (I think that she was killed in another room not the wine cellar), when they carried the body and laid her down on the floor, the hands fell in that position or someone put her arms there. Or maybe if she was in some other place, hidden before placed in wine cellar to be found, she was placed in that position and after rigor mortis set in she couldn't be moved anymore?
I thought the fiber had been shown to be from forensic contamination? JonBenet might have been wearing the red turtleneck in bed, then BR attempted to wash it clean, or it was used as a revised staging effect?

The blood could have come from her nose, or from anything she came in contact with?

Why is the bed in such a state of disarray, you might think they would have made it look like JonBenet had just been scooped from her bed?

For me the case is BDI, no way is PR going to kill JonBenet to keep JR close!

If the case were PDI or JDI then they had all night to clean up, and get their staging right, did they, no way!

What parent is going to think, now I know BR did this, so just to confuse the cops, I'll dress JonBenet in BR's long johns, and I'll fling in her niece's size-12's, that will deflect attention away from BR.

I hope once JR has left us Kolar gives an interview where he explains all the crazy stuff, since BR going from zero to homicide hero is seriously weird!


Yes, I agree, she probably wasn't in her bed.

I think that PR only participated in staging. That girl was everything that she wanted for herself, her mini me, that's why she neglected her son (meaning that he was not her center of the world anymore).

Ok about that size 12 underwear. I don't know if anybody wrote about this before, so I apologize for that in advance. JBR wet her bed constantly. If she is six I don't think that that is a normal behavior (ok, some of them do but not constantly), so she did have some kind of a problem. That occurs when children are scared, molested, traumatized in any way physically or emotionally... So if she had problems like that, and PR had to punish her or just to make it easier for herself, maybe she had to wear diapers, so she needed bigger underwear. I just don't get why would a 6 years old wear a 12 year old underwear, and she was skinny so those would be huge for her. Only if she wet herself at that party and they didn't have changing clothes with them so she was given someone else's, but then she would have someone else's clothes as well.
Maybe that night she didn't get her diapers on because it was too late as she was dead, and she wet herself in the process of strangulation (if I'm not wrong, when person is strangled they always wet themselves). They did find urine in front of the wine cellar door. What do you think?
I read in one post here that PR and JR did everything possible to stop their sons medical history to go public. What did he have? Was it his temper or something else?
Robela, there is no need to apologize for your English -- it is fine, and it is much better than probably any of us could do in attempting discussions in your language. BTW -- by the way, I’ve been to Croatia and it’s a beautiful country. The people there were wonderful to us. I especially enjoyed my discovery of homemade slivovitz (:winko:) at the home of friends!

I read in one post here that PR and JR did everything possible to stop their sons medical history to go public. What did he have? Was it his temper or something else?
Yes, Burke’s medical records (as well as JonBenet’s) were never made public, nor to my knowledge were they ever released even to investigators. The family pediatrician (Dr. Francesco Beuf) did hand over a summary of JonBenet’s visits which has since leaked out, but that is not the same as actually releasing her records. It is also believed (sorry I don’t remember the source) that both children had seen a child psychologist prior to her death, and that Burke continued to see a different one after the Ramseys moved to Atlanta. All of those records were suppressed as part of a deal with the District Attorney (Alex Hunter) to get the Ramseys in for interviews. They referred to it as “an island of privacy.”

It has often been speculated that Burke may have some degree of autism, but that is all it is: speculation. As demonstrated on his only public interviews on the Phil McGraw show, he does seemingly have some very odd behaviors -- which is really not surprising considering the sheltered life he has led since his sister’s death, regardless of what he may or may not have had prior to it.

As for his temper, we only have anecdotes and again speculation. We know he hit his sister once with a golf club, cutting her cheek and causing Patsy to take her to a doctor to see if she would need plastic surgery to hide the scar. Patsy told investigators it was an accident. Someone close to the family claims that it was intentional. So we actually just don’t know. JonBenet also had other injuries from “accidents” that became public knowledge. But then, don’t all children have accidents growing up? Without more information about any of it, all we have is speculation and opinions.
Thank you Otg. I'm glad that you liked Croatia, and šljivovica as we call it. :happy dance:
As for Burke, yes he was odd in all of his interviews. His reactions when asked about his sisters murder were very odd, now and then. when I watched Dr. Phill show his attitude and the way he was speaking, maybe it's just me, but he seemed like he was much younger then 29. But yeah, he did not have an easy and normal life after JBR's murder, so maybe it's just that.
I heard about that incident with the golf club and his temper on one documentary from the lady that was their family friend and photographer, I think. But I think that medical records would be very useful and would tell very much about this case and the perpetrator. In that documentary one lawyer said that he couldn't and wouldn't be, now at this age, prosecuted as an adult or as a minor (cause he was then 9) because the Boulder law prohibits prosecuting kids that are younger then 10. That's why I think they staged the whole thing, even though he couldn't be prosecuted and convicted, but he would be a child killer for the rest of his life. Well he didn't have a normal life, but he had a life. He went to school, university, had friends, and everything she didn't have anymore. Well that is my opinion, and I'm very sad because that media circus was all about them and not her. :mad:
Yes, I agree, she probably wasn't in her bed.

I think that PR only participated in staging. That girl was everything that she wanted for herself, her mini me, that's why she neglected her son (meaning that he was not her center of the world anymore).

Ok about that size 12 underwear. I don't know if anybody wrote about this before, so I apologize for that in advance. JBR wet her bed constantly. If she is six I don't think that that is a normal behavior (ok, some of them do but not constantly), so she did have some kind of a problem. That occurs when children are scared, molested, traumatized in any way physically or emotionally... So if she had problems like that, and PR had to punish her or just to make it easier for herself, maybe she had to wear diapers, so she needed bigger underwear. I just don't get why would a 6 years old wear a 12 year old underwear, and she was skinny so those would be huge for her. Only if she wet herself at that party and they didn't have changing clothes with them so she was given someone else's, but then she would have someone else's clothes as well.
Maybe that night she didn't get her diapers on because it was too late as she was dead, and she wet herself in the process of strangulation (if I'm not wrong, when person is strangled they always wet themselves). They did find urine in front of the wine cellar door. What do you think?

Welcome, your english is fine, particularly your sentence construction.

It has been proposed before that JonBenet wore the size-12's over diapers. The bed wetting issue is central to many PDI theories, in the end it might be that the case is really PDI, and the forensic evidence has been so contaminated we might never know one way or the other.

What I do not get is, assuming the case is PDI. Patsy has all night to stage a crime-scene, e.g. remove the urine-stained long johns and size-12's, which are behind the bedwetting scenarios, this she fails to do.

Also she leaves the breakfast bar as is, then fails to incorporate the pineapple snack into her version of events thereby rendering the Ramsey version of events inconsistent.

Then there is the size-12's, massive red flag here. There is no need for JonBenet to be wearing her niece's underwear, period. JonBenet had Fifteen pairs of underwear in her drawer and any pair would have been sufficient to normalize the staged crime-scene. Then we have Patsy claiming the remaining size-12's were in JonBenet's underwear drawer, to which BPD tell us there were none.

If the case is PDI and Patsy is the killer and stager of JonBenet's crime-scene how come she is ignorant regarding the pineapple snack and the location of the size-12's?

From the available information it appears more likely that the parents arrived on the primary crime-scene long after JonBenet had been assaulted and partially redressed in the size-12's and Burke Ramsey's long johns.

The parents were ignorant about many elements surrounding JonBenet's death. I reckon they basically moved her body and faked a crime-scene down in the basement, probably intending to remove Burke's long johns and dress in her in the Barbie nightgown, for some reason they never made it.

Although we think the parents assumed Burke assaulted JonBenet, it might be he has never admitted anything to them. Consider his response on the 911 call, What did you find? If the case is BDI then he should know what there was to find!

Has BR been living in La La Land all these years, is this why his behavior was odd on Dr Phil. Once JR goes this aspect might be leaked, particularly if BR is on medication and receiving regular therapy?

There is no smoking gun evidence that nails BDI down, the case could be PDI, JDI or BDI.

Yet if the case is either PDI or JDI and they have all night to stage a crime-scene, why leave your daughter dressed in oversized underwear and her brother's long johns, thereby implicating him?

. For example taking the body. They had to be the ones to find it so that they could contaminate the evidence, and call the friends for the same reason.

I disagree with that. No matter who killed her, John and Patsy have to know that her body is going to be discovered within minutes of LE arrival. Whatever staging is done has been complete and they're ready to get their freak show on the road.

It must have been shocking, especially to John, when they come back upstairs and not a peep from LE about finding her. It gives him the last thing he needs at the moment...time.....to start overthinking the nightmare they have been plunged into.

He then takes massive risks and starts doing some early spring cleaning in the basement and god knows what else. It was such a bold thing to do. Did he have a moment of clarity and realized something else had to be done in the hellhole? Did he forget something? I'd love to know exactly why he did it and if anything he heard or witnessed from either LE or the Ramsey clique made him realize more needed to be done to the point he'd risk getting caught in the act of staging his daughter's murder.

John's willingness to add an extra layer of staging with LE's presence in the house is one of the more overlooked aspects of the case. It would've required a major trigger to consider such a gamble.

Of course there's a group of people who like to claim John did no such thing. Hogwash. Even Smit of all people acknowledged the fact that items had been moved around between the kidnapping phase and after she was found. They have photographic proof of this. Its either John, Fleet, or LE doing the staging and my money's on John.

Maybe she wasn't in the wine cellar at the beginning?
Certainly possible but its hard to realistically picture it. It would be the biggest gamble of all but if any case has such a thing going for it, it's this one.

Why did he went to the wine cellar first, and of course he took his friend with him as a witness?
Many secrets reside in the 'basement sequence' and IMO it is one of the keys to unlocking the whole mystery. The other keys are figuring out what really happened on the 23rd and what took place Christmas morning that caused them to stop taking photographs and John to flee to the airport for hours until he had to come home for the party.

Second of all, their son was nine at the time. And he said that he is moving on with his life?! He was talking about his sisters murder like he was talking about going to the store?
Odd duck or not, kids are quick learners. He's going to pick up fairly quickly how the adults in the Ramsey circle were reacting to her murder. Some of the things he said sound like he is merely parroting things he's heard.

On Dr. Phill's show after he was asked some of the questions about the case (not if he killed her) he was very nervous and he looked few times to his left, probably to his lawyer or dad or both. Everyone knows that nobody would come to the show if they do not know the questions before the show, and what questions are not to be asked. so those few questions, when he looked nervous and looked away(and his nervous smile disappeared) were very close to those that were prohibited?!
Of course he's nervous. It was his public debut and what a place to debut....a show watched by millions. This also wasn't a private fireside chat. He's in a room full of people. Nothing surprising about him looking around the room.

Like UK and otg said, nothing wrong with your english.:loveyou:


Then there is the size-12's, massive red flag here. There is no need for JonBenet to be wearing her niece's underwear, period. JonBenet had Fifteen pairs of underwear in her drawer and any pair would have been sufficient to normalize the staged crime-scene. Then we have Patsy claiming the remaining size-12's were in JonBenet's underwear drawer, to which BPD tell us there were none.
You're acting like they went over the place with a fine tooth comb and Hoover vacuum. Dear lord, in the "interrogations" they are asking Patsy questions about evidence that they themselves should have seized. The Ramseys cant be blamed for LE incompetence.

What I do not get is, assuming the case is PDI. Patsy has all night to stage a crime-scene, e.g. remove the urine-stained long johns and size-12's, which are behind the bedwetting scenarios, this she fails to do.
Maybe because there's no legitimate reason to remove them. I doubt she was thinking about a detective getting into a bedwetting theory or someone believing her nine year old son inflicted this horror.

If the case is PDI and Patsy is the killer and stager of JonBenet's crime-scene how come she is ignorant regarding the pineapple snack and the location of the size-12's?
Maybe because there was no "pineapple snack"? A kid walking through a mansion and grabbing a bite of pineapple along the way doesn't really constitute a sit down meal. It was also fairly late(relatively speaking) and if she's tipsy or had any scooby snacks, she's not going to give a rat's rump about a bowl of pineapple sitting there.

From the available information it appears more likely that the parents arrived on the primary crime-scene long after JonBenet had been assaulted and partially redressed in the size-12's and Burke Ramsey's long johns.
I haven't seen any of this available information telling us that they likely arrived on the primary crime scene long after she was attacked. I know IDI sure would have loved to see such information the past 20 years.

If they arrive and she's partially redressed, there's absolutely nothing stopping them from redressing her. Hell...there was enough time between the 911 call and LE arrival to pull those off of her. If that's not enough, John certainly has the time when he goes back to the basement for spring cleaning.

The parents were ignorant about many elements surrounding JonBenet's death. I reckon they basically moved her body and faked a crime-scene down in the basement, probably intending to remove Burke's long johns and dress in her in the Barbie nightgown, for some reason they never made it.
I thought you believed she was redressed and wiped down? Why would they put his long johns on her yet at the same time forget to remove them? Why would they want to remove them in the first place?

There's less than zero signs they were "ignorant" of anything surrounding their daughter's death.

Although we think the parents assumed Burke assaulted JonBenet, it might be he has never admitted anything to them.
THis is where your version of BDI goes completely off the rails. You have Burke not communicating with them at all and vice versa. This begs a huge question....

How would they even know Burke killed her? They would've had to witness her homicide to actually know. Do you really believe these people stumbled upon their murdered child and just figured what the hell...it might be Burke so let's cover it all up?

For the sake of this discussion let's say he did it.....

John and Patsy are in his face immediately after finding her....Patsy likely slapping the hell out of him, regardless of whether or not she's ever spanked him before. JOhn and Patsy are going to have words...and that may get physical as well.

Under no circumstances is there zero communication between the family in the aftermath of a homicide.

Yet if the case is either PDI or JDI and they have all night to stage a crime-scene, why leave your daughter dressed in oversized underwear and her brother's long johns, thereby implicating him?
It doesn't implicate him. Back when we had this discussion last year almost half the active female WS members said they also wore their brothers clothing around the house. We know she did as well. There are also several logical explanations for the panties....none of which lead us straight to the murderer.

She can be wearing what she was found in no matter who the actual killer was.

There is no smoking gun evidence that nails BDI down,
You can say that again....

Out of the three people in the house, he is on the list at number three regarding how much evidence can actually link him to the crime.

You knocked that one out of the park. That was very well said.

It doesn't matter one way or another, but I wonder if it was a couple of bites of pineapple or if she had a full helping of pineapple. I haven't seen a discussion if the head blow would cause her to expel the contents of her stomach leaving behind what was in the duodenum. (The duodenum is behind the pyloric sphincter which according to what I've read closes before vomiting.) The body can sometimes reverse the course of food in the small intestine, but I believe that's very rare. I have no medical background so I'm going by what I've read. That could explain the need to clean her up if you were going to take her to another location for staging. Strangling her then would have caused her to urinate.

That's one of the reasons I don't question that she was cleaned-up before she was left in soiled long johns. Once she was in the basement, there was no reason to take her anywhere else and clean her up again.
Always wondered if Burke dragged her by her arms and left her. He then runs off to bed and JBR isn't discovered missing for several hours. By this point, rigor has set in and her arms are forever raised.

And this may sound morbid, but how exactly would they get her arms down for her burial?

Interestingly, the eyelids are the first to go into rigor. We know JonBenet's eyes were closed at TOD or she would have the blood red horizontal bar across the eyes. We know that her mouth was open because of the condition of the tip of her tongue, as mentioned in the AR. The arms are next that go into rigor.

JB's arms were not above her head at TOD. Study the image of her on the rug beside the Christmas tree. This positioning of her body in rigor explains why John carried her at the waist, seemingly away from his body. Her arms prevented him from holding her closer to his body. In this image, her arms are bent. Her hands are covered by paper forensics bags. I know morticians break rigor and the links below will describe that activity. To ward off further decomposition, her body was placed in a cool drawer at the coroner's office the night she was pronounced dead. I assume the coroner broke rigor prior to autopsy, if necessary.


Photo Source:

Since she is lying on her left side in the image shown, one must imagine how she appeared when turned on her back as she was when John brought her up from the basement.

IMHO, her body does not indicate enough lacerations for dragging. Also, keep in mind, livor mortis when considering moving her body after death. There would be tell-tale signs.


Postmorterm Changes

Great discussion about the arms on Forums for Justice
A lot of good information in your post, DeDee.

Interestingly, the eyelids are the first to go into rigor. We know JonBenet's eyes were closed at TOD or she would have the blood red horizontal bar across the eyes.
It's not always red. In fact, it starts out as a yellowish band, turning reddish-brown, and then darkening even more. After several hours (varies due to exact circumstances -- temp, humidity, etc.), it turns almost black, which is why its medical term is "tache noire" (translated from French as "black spot"):


We know that her mouth was open because of the condition of the tip of her tongue, as mentioned in the AR. The arms are next that go into rigor.

JB's arms were not above her head at TOD. Study the image of her on the rug beside the Christmas tree. This positioning of her body in rigor explains why John carried her at the waist, seemingly away from his body. Her arms prevented him from holding her closer to his body. In this image, her arms are bent. Her hands are covered by paper forensics bags. I know morticians break rigor and the links below will describe that activity. To ward off further decomposition, her body was placed in a cool drawer at the coroner's office the night she was pronounced dead. I assume the coroner broke rigor prior to autopsy, if necessary.
One of the things a coroner or ME is supposed to do is during his initial examination is to check the state of rigor by "breaking" it. Based on his training and experience of the amount of resistance (as well as measurements of the ambient temperature taken of the environment in which the body was found -- the WC, in JonBenet's case), it is supposed to help estimate the actual TOD. But we know Meyer did not go to the basement in the (less than) ten minutes he was in the Ramsey house. This fact, along with other critical measurements he failed to take, are the reason he couldn't give an accurate Estimated TOD.


Photo Source:

Since she is lying on her left side in the image shown, one must imagine how she appeared when turned on her back as she was when John brought her up from the basement.

IMHO, her body does not indicate enough lacerations for dragging. Also, keep in mind, livor mortis when considering moving her body after death. There would be tell-tale signs.
Boy, that is so important in considering scenarios where some speculate that she might have been dragged (unless of course she had been dragged with the blanket under her body, in which case there would be other indications on the blanket and on the floor where she might have been dragged).



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I disagree with that. No matter who killed her, John and Patsy have to know that her body is going to be discovered within minutes of LE arrival. Whatever staging is done has been complete and they're ready to get their freak show on the road.

It must have been shocking, especially to John, when they come back upstairs and not a peep from LE about finding her. It gives him the last thing he needs at the moment...time.....to start overthinking the nightmare they have been plunged into.

He then takes massive risks and starts doing some early spring cleaning in the basement and god knows what else. It was such a bold thing to do. Did he have a moment of clarity and realized something else had to be done in the hellhole? Did he forget something? I'd love to know exactly why he did it and if anything he heard or witnessed from either LE or the Ramsey clique made him realize more needed to be done to the point he'd risk getting caught in the act of staging his daughter's murder.

John's willingness to add an extra layer of staging with LE's presence in the house is one of the more overlooked aspects of the case. It would've required a major trigger to consider such a gamble.

Of course there's a group of people who like to claim John did no such thing. Hogwash. Even Smit of all people acknowledged the fact that items had been moved around between the kidnapping phase and after she was found. They have photographic proof of this. Its either John, Fleet, or LE doing the staging and my money's on John.

Certainly possible but its hard to realistically picture it. It would be the biggest gamble of all but if any case has such a thing going for it, it's this one.

Many secrets reside in the 'basement sequence' and IMO it is one of the keys to unlocking the whole mystery. The other keys are figuring out what really happened on the 23rd and what took place Christmas morning that caused them to stop taking photographs and John to flee to the airport for hours until he had to come home for the party.

Odd duck or not, kids are quick learners. He's going to pick up fairly quickly how the adults in the Ramsey circle were reacting to her murder. Some of the things he said sound like he is merely parroting things he's heard.

Of course he's nervous. It was his public debut and what a place to debut....a show watched by millions. This also wasn't a private fireside chat. He's in a room full of people. Nothing surprising about him looking around the room.

Like UK and otg said, nothing wrong with your english.:loveyou:


You're acting like they went over the place with a fine tooth comb and Hoover vacuum. Dear lord, in the "interrogations" they are asking Patsy questions about evidence that they themselves should have seized. The Ramseys cant be blamed for LE incompetence.

Maybe because there's no legitimate reason to remove them. I doubt she was thinking about a detective getting into a bedwetting theory or someone believing her nine year old son inflicted this horror.

Maybe because there was no "pineapple snack"? A kid walking through a mansion and grabbing a bite of pineapple along the way doesn't really constitute a sit down meal. It was also fairly late(relatively speaking) and if she's tipsy or had any scooby snacks, she's not going to give a rat's rump about a bowl of pineapple sitting there.

I haven't seen any of this available information telling us that they likely arrived on the primary crime scene long after she was attacked. I know IDI sure would have loved to see such information the past 20 years.

If they arrive and she's partially redressed, there's absolutely nothing stopping them from redressing her. Hell...there was enough time between the 911 call and LE arrival to pull those off of her. If that's not enough, John certainly has the time when he goes back to the basement for spring cleaning.

I thought you believed she was redressed and wiped down? Why would they put his long johns on her yet at the same time forget to remove them? Why would they want to remove them in the first place?

There's less than zero signs they were "ignorant" of anything surrounding their daughter's death.

THis is where your version of BDI goes completely off the rails. You have Burke not communicating with them at all and vice versa. This begs a huge question....

How would they even know Burke killed her? They would've had to witness her homicide to actually know. Do you really believe these people stumbled upon their murdered child and just figured what the hell...it might be Burke so let's cover it all up?

For the sake of this discussion let's say he did it.....

John and Patsy are in his face immediately after finding her....Patsy likely slapping the hell out of him, regardless of whether or not she's ever spanked him before. JOhn and Patsy are going to have words...and that may get physical as well.

Under no circumstances is there zero communication between the family in the aftermath of a homicide.

It doesn't implicate him. Back when we had this discussion last year almost half the active female WS members said they also wore their brothers clothing around the house. We know she did as well. There are also several logical explanations for the panties....none of which lead us straight to the murderer.

She can be wearing what she was found in no matter who the actual killer was.

You can say that again....

Out of the three people in the house, he is on the list at number three regarding how much evidence can actually link him to the crime.

I said:
What I do not get is, assuming the case is PDI. Patsy has all night to stage a crime-scene, e.g. remove the urine-stained long johns and size-12's, which are behind the bedwetting scenarios, this she fails to do.

You replied:
Maybe because there's no legitimate reason to remove them. I doubt she was thinking about a detective getting into a bedwetting theory or someone believing her nine year old son inflicted this horror.
BBM: That's the focus of PDI though. So what you are saying is you commit a homicide and neglect the clothing, despite it leaving antemortem evidence available, somehow how do not think so?

Maybe because there was no "pineapple snack"? A kid walking through a mansion and grabbing a bite of pineapple along the way doesn't really constitute a sit down meal. It was also fairly late(relatively speaking) and if she's tipsy or had any scooby snacks, she's not going to give a rat's rump about a bowl of pineapple sitting there.
There was a snack, the bowl represents bona fide evidence. Patsy's fingerprints are on the pineapple bowl, she was likely to have served JonBenet the pineapple in any PDI scenario. The size-12's, how come Patsy does not know where they are located? All answers on a postcard to the PDI Society Boulder Colorado.

I haven't seen any of this available information telling us that they likely arrived on the primary crime scene long after she was attacked. I know IDI sure would have loved to see such information the past 20 years.
If the primary crime-scene was in her bedroom or the breakfast bar, the parents would have cleaned and tidied either up, neither was done. JonBenet was left in Burke Ramsey's long johns and those oversized size-12's, suggesting the parents were presented with a faite accompli, and not a fresh unvarnished crime-scene, i.e. Burke Ramsey had redressed JonBenet. Most likely the parents wiped JonBenet down, as per Meyers, and used the paintbrush to fake an assault?

Also either parent does not exhibit enough knowledge of what took place thereby staging it away, instead you have both parents offering ad hoc explanations for events, e.g. broken window, suitcase, chair, size-12's, pineapple snack.

All suggesting they arrived late to the crime-scene?

Under no circumstances is there zero communication between the family in the aftermath of a homicide.
You are dreaming electric dreams of PDI, its on the 911 call: We are not talking to you, i.e. no communication!

It doesn't implicate him. Back when we had this discussion last year almost half the active female WS members said they also wore their brothers clothing around the house. We know she did as well. There are also several logical explanations for the panties....none of which lead us straight to the murderer.

She can be wearing what she was found in no matter who the actual killer was
BBM: I phoned Sherlock Holmes on this one and he said once you eliminate the probable all that's left is the impossible, and none are logical.

Patently Burke Ramsey panicked and redressed JonBenet in his long johns and the size-12's thinking its not unusual since JonBenet has worn some of my clothes before, even Patsy agrees, and the size-12's also have Wednesday on them, so that's cool, according to BR.

Although if the case were either PDI or JDI, JR or PR would know to redress JonBenet age appropriately. Those size-12's are Red Flag # 1, and the male long johns, Red Flag # 2.

It appears as if the Pink Barbie Nightgown was a belated attempt to redress JonBenet, which for some reason failed, again, suggesting the parents ran out of time, i.e. were late to the crime-scene?

Okay, bear with me. I left this site before because I could not support the theory that someone in the house did it. I am back.. and the only way that I can agree someone in the house did it is if BR was responsible on his own. I think only a child could have been responsible for that catastrophe of a situation. No adult would do that.
Bingo Juli99. Explains so many pieces of the bizarre puzzle. Those like me not following the case closely weren't privy to a lot of information over the years. it was a very unusual and perfect storm of a murder. I'm confident in my opinion now, Burke did it.
I also think if he did it, he wrote the note, no parent involvement. Not sure if others believe that as well.
If Burke wrote the note, how does that account for the vast majority of document examiners recruited for the case linking the note to Patsy via handwriting, and most who read the linguistic profile of the note writer attributing it to a middle-aged southern woman? I find it very hard to believe a 9yo wrote this note.

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I also think if he did it, he wrote the note, no parent involvement. Not sure if others believe that as well.

Nope, most people think Patsy wrote the note and probably applied the ligature device.

She was staging a crime-scene to deflect attention away from Burke Ramsey and it more or less worked.

BR could have done it all including the asphyxiation, along come the parents and stage the crime-scene.

The wine-cellar is a staged crime-scene the real crime-scene was elsewhere in the house.

I may be the outlier here, but I'm still Team PDI. I'm open to the possibility of Burke causing the head wound, but there's no way he staged the crime scene or wrote the "War & Peace of ransom notes". Impossible.

A child cannot disguise their handwriting for 2.5 pages while quoting movies verbatim and using complex terms like "foreign faction" and "adequate size attache" and "scanned for electronic devices" with very few spelling/grammar errors. Just think how few ADULTS could spell all those things correctly! lol It's simply above his pay grade even if he was very intelligent. But it's very much within the ability of a panicked adult who majored in journalism & has a passion for drama (and likely for movies containing those quotes).

It's almost comforting to think parents would go to such lengths to cover for their wayward son, but we also have to acknowledge that a parent who accidentally killed their own child would go to such lengths to cover for themselves. Life in prison, losing your remaining child, permanent tarnishing of your reputation...all of these things and more would happen if they were found guilty. So the motivation to NOT be found guilty would be huge regardless of which Ramsey did it.

(That's not to say Burke couldn't have done it; just sayin').
I may be the outlier here, but I'm still Team PDI. I'm open to the possibility of Burke causing the head wound, but there's no way he staged the crime scene or wrote the "War & Peace of ransom notes". Impossible.

A child cannot disguise their handwriting for 2.5 pages while quoting movies verbatim and using complex terms like "foreign faction" and "adequate size attache" and "scanned for electronic devices" with very few spelling/grammar errors. Just think how few ADULTS could spell all those things correctly! lol It's simply above his pay grade even if he was very intelligent. But it's very much within the ability of a panicked adult who majored in journalism & has a passion for drama (and likely for movies containing those quotes).

It's almost comforting to think parents would go to such lengths to cover for their wayward son, but we also have to acknowledge that a parent who accidentally killed their own child would go to such lengths to cover for themselves. Life in prison, losing your remaining child, permanent tarnishing of your reputation...all of these things and more would happen if they were found guilty. So the motivation to NOT be found guilty would be huge regardless of which Ramsey did it.

(That's not to say Burke couldn't have done it; just sayin').

Occams Razor,
The way I read it is it just looks like PDI, because she did most of the wine-cellar staging, i.e. ligature device, her fibers are embedded into the ligature knotting.

BR could quite easily have had an altercation with JonBenet, ending with her being whacked on the head,

He then redresses JonBenet in a pair of his long johns and size-12's and hides her pink pajama bottoms an normal sized underwear.

Later the parents find JonBenet, and it must be later since the parents are ignorant regarding prior facts, i.e. pineapple snack, no size-12's in JonBenet's drawer.

The parents then move JonBenet down to the basement, possibly wipe her down, then apply the ligature device and place her into the wine-cellar?

So BR enacted some amateurish staging which the parents added to, i.e. ransom nte, etc.

Okay, I can go with that theory, but what I don't understand is why the parents would not just call 911 if it was a whack on the head by their son? What parent would cover for one child while risking the other child's life? They were not doctors how could they determine she was dead? I think if the parents found and staged, it must have been at a point that it was too late. JonBenet was already strangled.

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