Discussion of the Transcriptions of the Testimony of Jodi Arias

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Tsk tsk.. those darn facts are always messing up her lies! See it's another reason why it's not her fault. Why is she holding onto the Hoover dam lie
This is still true. Elders cannot go to a home if there is only a female. There has to be another male there. If they are having discussions with a female investigator they will ask her to have another male present or they will bring a male member of the ward with them. If there is no male at the residence they will meet with the female investigator outside. They would never meet in an investigator's bedroom.

Too bad there aren't the same rules for encounters with solo men: TA's life might have been saved.
When Jodi's on the stand going through I did a very bad thing and making the call to Travis's voice mail she says that she was at the Hoover Dam. Her phone powered on around Kingman Az.. Eighty miles from the Hoover Dam. If she's fessing up to the truth then why continue to lie?

I'm thinking she went west from Phoenix on I-10 and then due north right inside the CA border (95): she got out of AZ as fast as she could, and then turned her phone back on when she thought she was suitably near I-15 (LA to LV). She didn't think about the mountains that would have prevented her from pinging in Kingman unless she was not too far off. EF caught her in this lie.
I recall from the first trial that there was a pattern of not being "officially" together, but that she was STILL being wooed by various men after their breakup. I suspect that if someone even SPOKE to her (even if it was just to tell her to FO), she considered that as being wooed. To acknowledge her existence at ALL is to woo her. Ergo, if they are still wooing her, yet they pursue other women, they are cheating on her, which justifies any and all corrective behavior on her part.

JA's use of the word "woo" is hilarious. a) it's archaic and b) "woo" does not mean sex: it means to get to know someone with thought of marrying them, in a very Victorian (hands off lower body parts, no deep kissing) kind of way. It involves such niceties as chivalry, compliments, eye gazing, flowers, and being seen together in an approved sort of way. JA used the word "courting" like this, too: courting is not at all about kink.
One thing really stuck out for me in the transcripts. It involves the incident in which Bobby J. had put CMJA in a choke-hold. JA tells it in a way that attempts to convey she is an innocent, helpless female up against big, bad, boyfriend Bobby. She states that he took Martial Arts classes and must have learned the choke hold maneuvers from the class.

Well, she supposedly escapes his clutches to go tell brother Carl on Bobby. Her brother Carl proceeds to gather some friends together to go over and confront Bobby. Only, Bobby comes out wielding a sword which sends Carl and friends running for cover. You can't make this stuff up.:thinking:

Then, we learn from the transcripts and CMJA's own words: Bobby left the sword on the front porch along with some of HER other things. The sword was HERS! And she also took the martial arts classes right along with Bobby.

Her lies are all over the place and she just cannot keep them straight.

Also, FWIW, I have something that niggles at the back of my brain. It concerns the whole Bobby and the "Vampire Hunter" stuff. It seems it would have been around the time of the hit television show that was so popular among teenagers. Well, heck, I wasn't a teen and I even enjoyed the show.:shame: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.

Anyway, what did CMJA and Bobby do when they found a "vampire?" I'd seriously like to know a bit more about that. Perhaps it wasn't as innocent or innocuous as it all sounds. JMO.
I'm thinking she went west from Phoenix on I-10 and then due north right inside the CA border (95): she got out of AZ as fast as she could, and then turned her phone back on when she thought she was suitably near I-15 (LA to LV). She didn't think about the mountains that would have prevented her from pinging in Kingman unless she was not too far off. EF caught her in this lie.

That'd fit with her "I only wandered into Arizona by accident" theory.
I'm thinking she went west from Phoenix on I-10 and then due north right inside the CA border (95): she got out of AZ as fast as she could, and then turned her phone back on when she thought she was suitably near I-15 (LA to LV). She didn't think about the mountains that would have prevented her from pinging in Kingman unless she was not too far off. EF caught her in this lie.

From where her phone powered on in Kingman Az, it is a five hour drive east of 15

from what she says

JA: and I stayed the night in Monterey. And the next day I drove to Pasadena.

JA: I was supposed to get on the 15 and go all the way up,

JA: and I somehow got off of 15.

DF: But you were on the 15 for awhile and you ended up getting off the 15 somewhere?

JA: Yeah, I looked at a map but I’m pretty sure I know where I went. Can I draw you a map?

JA: ‘Cos I eventually started seeing signs umm for Phoenix, and I was like… and it was several hundred miles away still, like that’s weird, where am I going, ummm… (JA begins to draw a map on paper). So you have California, Los Angeles, and … ummm Nevada... Arizona…Utah, and I was supposed to go somewhere right up here… oops.. I’m a lefty…so 15 kinda' does one of these

DF: Yeah… goes through let’s say Las Vegas right here…

JA: I know it cuts through Arizona on the corner... Las Vegas... umm…St. George is somewhere here… and then… the 40 runs somewhere this way, ‘cos somehow I ended up on the 40, and when I saw the 40, I’m like… the only thing I associate with the 40 is Flagstaff, and Flagstaff is somewhere Utah... I mean northern Arizona, and so ummm… I was going east, and I was like this isn’t, what’s going on here? I wasn’t going the right way

DF: Did you actually cross over into Arizona? Is that how far you went?

JA: [B/] I crossed over twice, I think. My map is wrong because the 93 goes North, and then I hit the 15 again, and then I got here, and then I hit Arizona, and then I’m here… but somehow I got north on the 93 [/B]

DF: Okay

JA: and then I hit the 15. So, I mean I don’t know where Phoenix is, Mesa, it’s gotta’ be over here. I didn’t go anywhere near there. She'd lived there for almost a year but doesn't know where it is. GMAB

JA: Well, like…’cos I had actually gotten… I actually began to drive the10 west. After telling Det. Flores that she got on 15 in California .

Pasadena to Phoenix on 10 is 484 miles - a seven hour drive . From Phoenix to Kingman Az (where Jodi's phone powered on) is 186 miles - three hour drive north west on 93, which runs into 40 east of Kingman, then in Kingman you hit 93 again and then another 176 miles - fours hours up to Las Vegas where she hits 15 again.

I think she went 10 to Phoenix and when she left she went up 93 to 40 then west on 40 and back onto 93 in Kingman , crossing over the Hoover Dam the first time, then into Las Vegas, where she hits 15 again, and goes across Arizona the second time.

Does anyone know what time her phone powered on around Kingman? That would give a estimate of time from the last photo of Travis being dragged back to the shower. How long it took Jodi to clen up and get out of there.
One thing really stuck out for me in the transcripts. It involves the incident in which Bobby J. had put CMJA in a choke-hold. JA tells it in a way that attempts to convey she is an innocent, helpless female up against big, bad, boyfriend Bobby. She states that he took Martial Arts classes and must have learned the choke hold maneuvers from the class.

Well, she supposedly escapes his clutches to go tell brother Carl on Bobby. Her brother Carl proceeds to gather some friends together to go over and confront Bobby. Only, Bobby comes out wielding a sword which sends Carl and friends running for cover. You can't make this stuff up.:thinking:

Then, we learn from the transcripts and CMJA's own words: Bobby left the sword on the front porch along with some of HER other things. The sword was HERS! And she also took the martial arts classes right along with Bobby.

Her lies are all over the place and she just cannot keep them straight.

Also, FWIW, I have something that niggles at the back of my brain. It concerns the whole Bobby and the "Vampire Hunter" stuff. It seems it would have been around the time of the hit television show that was so popular among teenagers. Well, heck, I wasn't a teen and I even enjoyed the show.:shame: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.

Anyway, what did CMJA and Bobby do when they found a "vampire?" I'd seriously like to know a bit more about that. Perhaps it wasn't as innocent or innocuous as it all sounds. JMO.

In Jodi's journals she says she took karate classes with Matt.

Jodi said she and Travis would play wrestle that little bit of truth in every lie.
Jodi said she missed taking her SAT because she knew she'd fail it, so she skipped school and went to a parking lot of CVS? to study and Bill found her, and she was grounded and that was one thing that led her to move out.
You can't "fail" a SAT. [emoji38]
You can't "fail" a SAT. [emoji38]

You and I know that. The SAT has me puzzled. I know I had read and heard Jodi's tale of skipping school because she knew she'd fail the test (at this point all I head was a test), then last week somewhere I read the SAT and I am trying to remember where I saw it at.
When Jodi's on the stand going through I did a very bad thing and making the call to Travis's voice mail she says that she was at the Hoover Dam. Her phone powered on around Kingman Az.. Eighty miles from the Hoover Dam. If she's fessing up to the truth then why continue to lie?

I wonder if thats where she dumped the murder weapon..at the dam
I wonder if thats where she dumped the murder weapon..at the dam

Is there proof she was ever at the Hoover Dam that day? It really doesn't look like it was that much out of her way to go straight thru from Kingsman, crossing the Colorado River(campsites there?) at Laughlin, to pick up #95 and on up to Las Vegas, totally avoiding the security cameras/checks at the Dam plus less mountainous terrain to deal with(gas mileage), plus if she had actually pulled off to sleep along the way, wouldn't that have been easier on the bit between #93 and #95 rather than what I imagine is a main hwy between Mesa/Phoenix and the Hoover Dam, not to mention that iirc she had said she had allegedly run out of gas in a barren/desert type area where she claims to have napped, cleaned up the car, drank some water, etc....and then was rescued? It's been so long I really need to review that whole story line again.

According to the Google map, it was only 15 miles longer to go through Laughlin, with the much easier terrain to drive(more traffic to blend in with too I would guess), plus it would get her closer to the CA border on #95 quicker to fit better with having got lost going to Utah from LA.
I've always thought she dumped the weapons right before she made that call. Imo, she disposed of the weapons, cleared her head, and boom called Travis.
I've always thought she dumped the weapons right before she made that call. Imo, she disposed of the weapons, cleared her head, and boom called Travis.
"That call" was actually the final version call. Im pretty sure she made calls prior to that, accessing his voicemail messages, heard one from Leslie Udy and decided she should send one as well. She deleted one or two that she rehearsed and left after settling on the final 11:48pm "fun, fun......."

I am going to apologize in advance am I the only one who thought she was getting sexually excited while testifying about her sexual escapades? on the stand?

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