Discussion of the Transcriptions of the Testimony of Jodi Arias

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So when asked what she would 'do over again', she talks about the 'lies.?' She doesn't say the 'murder,' she says the 'lies?' So she'd still kill him, but wouldn't lie about it ?

In her post conviction interview, she regrets "not documenting" everything. Hope Juan plays that for the jury.
Just found out why October 20/21/22 might be important date(s) for Jodi- October 20th is Matt McCartney's birthday!
Wow so on page 133 she is a labor foreperson for construction! This gal has done it ALL! How absurd! And such a lie! When asked what she did she says " I helped keep the labor ready crew on task to make sure they were doing what they wanted to do" That statement doesn't even make sense. So they did what they wanted and she helped? And Labor Ready is a temp firm here where I live. Oh what a tangled web she weaves. She is not as smart as CA. CA could keep her lies somewhat straight. This girl...IDK she is a horrible liar IMO. But she is also an outlandish liar IMO.
and after the construction foreperson job she becomes a bartender. With no training? WOW she is something else!
Based only on Part 1, the DT did a good job imo making JA seem as normal as feasibly possible - mention of friends throughout her life, long term love interests, getting better jobs as years passed, etc. Haven't read Part 2, but there's no way to gloss over the terrible effect JA had on Travis' life from the moment they met and steadily increasing to the moment she viciously killed him. I don't know how JM will be able to present the last year of their relationship in all its horror without JA on the stand.

The problem for them in that, tho, is that the normalcy until Travis storyline does NOT fit in at all with their BPD mitigator story ( or the truth, but no matter).

Too many chefs in the kitchen cooking up too many lies.
Tweets from Jeff Gold:

Jeffrey Evan Gold @jeffgoldesq · 33m 33 minutes ago

Its now clear why #JodiArias didn't testify in public...because the public would be calling her on changing her tune from first trial.

Jeffrey Evan Gold @jeffgoldesq · 29m 29 minutes ago

#JodiArias set a very different tone to start out. To this jury, she plays someone who took years to accept that: "what I did was horrific".
The most interesting and entertaining portions are the sidebars. Finally getting a glimpse into JSS' thought process. She invariably sounds like she's running the courtroom by committee. Her favorite phrase is "how are WE going to....." whatever.

And Nurmi sounds even more like a petulant jerk at sidebar than he does in open court.
I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU OPINE. The only clue I have to answer your question of how in the world did the judge think this drivel should or would remain sealed..... is the judge did say in open court, on the record that she would indeed seal any witness for the penalty phase who should wish it to be so. I blogged about it because I was frustrated of WHY no one did anything at the time. I think the judge mistook the silence for compliance.
Here it is.
May 20, 2013 Judge Stephens said she'd seal #JodiArias penalty phase witnesses
Listen very closely to what Judge Sherry Stephens says in this clip. This was over a year and a half ago. She said then, and has not changed her position now.



My question is , respectfully, if the media and the media attorneys knew so very long ago that this was an offer she made the defense,
in open court,
on the record....
why is everyone locally seemingly shocked that indeed that is what is going on? It seems almost as though they didn't hear her or catch it when she said it the first time. That is what they get paid the big bucks for isn't it?

She, on the other hand seemed rather certain and did not hesitate. She clearly feels she is on solid ground. Then and now.

Trust me, I want Jodi Arias to get the death penalty, and I am NO fan or Kirk Nurmi, on his skinniest day. I just want to know what is going on that she said a year and a half ago they could do this, they took her up on it and now everyone is shocked.

Also, in February of 2014 like subjects were argued in pre trial hearings. One may discern that by the clerk's summary of documents filed. Am I to understand the media attorney basically isn't following the case, and only if as and when they get the emergency tweet do they review in haste the document pushed in front of them by their reporter, who has their hand on their hip with a look on their face of DO SOMETHING?

Any stall in this matter is hard on the Alexanders and it seems this one was foretold as clear as the Hebrew prophecies.

check it out here in the court minutes.... 1798588_612567168819429_831313727_n.png
Finished it. What utter drivel. Same old same old. Nothing is ever her fault. Everyone's mean to her. Ridiculous over dramatization: having to "heal" herself in Costa Rica because of a broken teen ager shack up relationship, her home life became "dark" and nobody hugged!!! Such abuse and trauma!!!!

Nothing in there about Nurmu's new claim that daddy choked her into unconsciousness. And boy did she fall flat on the remorse thing. Not only the tangled lies, but certainly on paper anyway, her sincerity ranks at about zero.

Could not agree more! I think those reporting she showed a bit of remorse in her testimony are confusing remorse and regret.

She has regrets, yes. Many in regard to getting caught and many more in regard to how stupid some of her lies were during interrogation.

Never does the killer say she is truly sorry for the murder of the man she once loved, that she misses him every day, that she will carry the guilt of her actions with her until the day she dies, that there is nothing in the world she would not do to change what happened that day if only she could. That's how one begins to show remorse, and those who actually feel remorseful mean it when they say it.
The problem for them in that, tho, is that the normalcy until Travis storyline does NOT fit in at all with their BPD mitigator story ( or the truth, but no matter).

Too many chefs in the kitchen cooking up too many lies.

Too right. I don't know how early BPD is usually diagnosed, but I doubt it's something that suddenly appears as the result of a stressful year and a half in someone's late 20s.
Like others, I find the most interesting parts the sidebars and the objections. It really just highlights to me how immature the attitude Willmott has toward Juan is. At one point she asks for a sidebar AGAIN to tell the judge Juan is just objecting to throw the pace of the trial off (that's rich) and the judge tells her that Juan's objections are pretty valid and she doesn't need to call a sidebar every time he objects. Just re-state the question and move on. She's like 'just making a record judge' and the judge basically tells her 'you don't need to make a record. I sustained the objection. There's nothing to discuss.' No more sidebars after that.

I can just hear her talking with Fonseca about how terrible the judge is and how awful Juan is.

Willmott: "...and then he objected again!"

Fonseca: *eyeroll* *takes sip of coke*

Willmott: "And he keeps telling her to speak up just to get in my nerves. And he NEVER says good morning!"

Fonseca: "What a jerk! I will take care of that..."
Does anyone have a link to the Nov 3rd set? TIA
I can just hear her talking with Fonseca about how terrible the judge is and how awful Juan is.

Willmott: "...and then he objected again!"

Fonseca: *eyeroll* *takes sip of coke*

Willmott: "And he keeps telling her to speak up just to get in my nerves. And he NEVER says good morning!"

Fonseca: "What a jerk! I will take care of that..."

Ha ha ha-- I can totally see/hear JW saying that. And Fonesca responding like a toad waiting on flies to come by.
Y'all please post more of the sidebar content for those of us that can't get to the transcript!!!
Wow so on page 133 she is a labor foreperson for construction! This gal has done it ALL! How absurd! And such a lie! When asked what she did she says " I helped keep the labor ready crew on task to make sure they were doing what they wanted to do" That statement doesn't even make sense. So they did what they wanted and she helped? And Labor Ready is a temp firm here where I live. Oh what a tangled web she weaves. She is not as smart as CA. CA could keep her lies somewhat straight. This girl...IDK she is a horrible liar IMO. But she is also an outlandish liar IMO.

And she was also the architect for NYC's Ground Zero Memorial.
Too right. I don't know how early BPD is usually diagnosed, but I doubt it's something that suddenly appears as the result of a stressful year and a half in someone's late 20s.

I recently rewatched DeMarte's testimony on exactly this point. She was clear that BPD begins showing up by early teens, and an identifiable pattern of behavior definitely manifests.

Emphasizing steady employment when hers was erratic, a reasonable chat with Bianca instead of a desperate drive to Crater Lake because of her terror at being abandoned....etc. etc.

JA's pride and arrogance obviously trumped Nurmi's advice to emphasize mental illness.
I haven't finished reading everyone's comments on this thread, but I haven't finished slogging through the transcript yet either. I can only take about 5 pages at a time. I do think in Jodi's defense that changing schools a couple of times and having to make new friends would be enough to drive anybody to murder. <sarcasm off>
The problem for them in that, tho, is that the normalcy until Travis storyline does NOT fit in at all with their BPD mitigator story ( or the truth, but no matter).

Too many chefs in the kitchen cooking up too many lies.

And they're not even palatable lies. They're hard to swallow. :drumroll:

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