Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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what exactly do you think Jodi meant when she said she was sorry for the verdict?

I think she was snarking at the Alexander family, as she qualified that by saying she was sorry some people didn't like it. Frankly, when I saw the look on her face when the mistrial was called, I didn't think she looked very happy. And if she is secretly disappointed that makes me happy. No death penalty = no endless appeals, no being a poster child for anything and fading into obscurity double quick. An appeals attorney once told me one has about a 1% chance of prevailing in a criminal conviction appeal. Good bye Jodi, and good riddance.
that they seemed to have survived the process well and were not burnt out or suffering undue fatigue despite the drawn out nature of the process. However, they did express their displeasure with the never ending computer/*advertiser censored* evidence. They seemed to respect the judge-course, they are not legal professionals so probably don't know much about trial management. I still think the trial was not well managed in terms of time and repetitive and/or irrelevant testimony. The jury seemed to well understand the inappropriate nature of the defense focus on trying to make the victim a "bad guy". Maybe this will serve as a deterrent to any tentative Nurmi followers.

I think the fact that 11 of the jurors reached the decision they did shows no gross fault of the trial process. I think her failure to take action on what the jury was stating about the other juror is a huge issue though.
I so hope you're right but I won't hold my breath. I wish I had some optimism, even just a little of yours if you could lend me some. I'm so so sad right now Devastated really but will hold out hope.

:hand:Wait to hear what she has to say at sentencing. I believe she will ream Jodi. She did not control the verdict- the stealth juror did.
Anyone else catch the snark in judges voice when asking Nurmi if his client wanted a presentance report? "So does she or does she not?"
I chose to believe that the one truth Jodi Arias ever uttered was that she wanted the DP because she couldn't imagine spending the rest of her life in one spot- that it would drive her crazy.
So Jodi lost.
I also chose to believe that her life in prison will be a living hell and that being euthanized by lethal injection is far more humane a death than she deserves. She dies instead on her rank thin mattress in prison of old age, or cancer with no last words. It's all good. She wins perks by being a good girl in prison?? Who thinks if Jodi had been a model prisoner in jail, it wouldn't have been a feature of her mitigation?? Of course it would have. Jodi won't be winning any gold stars or early release from solitary IMO and there's a good chance she'll be classified as mentally ill requiring her to comply with a whole other set of rules.
and why not sentence her today? what's the point of dragging this out another month, and with JSS, that probably means she'll get sentenced next year. i don't get it. it's like nurmi asks for ANYTHING, he gets it.

i don't think she has a choice...I believe she could have given the sentence today...she was ready...but she needs to let them put together reasons for not doing natural life...if she had not granted that...it would have been appealed....some of this is the system not JSS.
While I am not happy with this non-verdict, I do take some comfort that Travis' murderer will not get a boat load of state funded appeals. She will struggle to raise money for representation and future appeals if the first appeal is denied, which I'm 99% sure it will be. She has like, what, 6 or 7 supporters?

I'm more upset with Nurmi claiming "victory". No victory here for him. I think CMJA looked upset after the verdict because she realizes her future and and the insignificance she is headed for. Nurmi will write a book like Juan Baez - he's in it for himself. It won't sell well - like Juan Baez. Then he can reaiize insignificance too.

JM did a great job proven by 11 jurors who confirmed it. I think JS has made an appeal of this case next to impossible and in that I think she did well. I didn't like the way she ran the courtroom sometimes but I'm not ready to judge the judge until all transcripts are released.

Love and prayers for the Alexanders. They showed tremendous class and integrity in the face of more adversity and trauma than most of us would encounter in a lifetime. So proud of them for keeping the face and spirit of Travis in the courtroom!

IMO, Jodi will struggle to raise funds for the commissary. The donations will quickly diminish.
Anyone care how Jodi feels? I don't but I did find it interesting what she has tweeted since the verdict.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 3m 3 minutes ago
To all the premeditating cold-blooded would-be killers on #JodiArias jury: U DON'T KILL A WOMAN 4 KILLING HER ABUSER, dumbsh-ts. #no-brainer

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 10m 10 minutes ago
"I feel kind of gang-raped by Troy Hayden, Joe Arpaio and Lisa Allen because of the media ambush." -- #JodiaArias

Well, 11 jurors didn't believe she was abused by Travis & the first jury didn't either!!!!!! She needs to give it UP! No one believes her.
Anyone care how Jodi feels? I don't but I did find it interesting what she has tweeted since the verdict.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 3m 3 minutes ago
To all the premeditating cold-blooded would-be killers on #JodiArias jury: U DON'T KILL A WOMAN 4 KILLING HER ABUSER, dumbsh-ts. #no-brainer

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 10m 10 minutes ago
"I feel kind of gang-raped by Troy Hayden, Joe Arpaio and Lisa Allen because of the media ambush." -- #JodiaArias

I'm just speechless...:thinking:....no I'm not ...might not kill a woman for killing her abuser...but they'll sure as :devil: keep a lying psychopath in prison for the rest of her life! At least we :praying: they will!
Thanks my first one!
Welcome Wynegyrl.:wagon::welcome4: We don't mean to ignore you, it's just that today everyone is caught up in the injustice of this non-verdict that we've been following since 2008. If anyone deserved Death, it was her. A jury in Texas took 90 min. to give Death to a crooked judge who murdered a prosecutor and a D.A. and his wife.
Isn't it funny how Nurmi-we'll-be-scrutinized-for-years was eager as hell to talk to the media after his little "victory"? He's the type of defense lawyer that gives the whole profession a bad name. So you "won", how about acting like a decent human being and leaving the chest-pounding for your dumb *advertiser censored* website homepage?

the fact that he said "victory" shows his ignorance meanwhile willmott laughing in background
Stealth juror wrote a note to the judge behind the jury's back

I know right? So the other jurors who were honest told her they were sending a note to the judge and even read to her what they were sending. What is her response? To send a secret note to secret Sherry.
But it didn't matter to them. Please leave the Hughes' alone. They were duped by her as well in the beginning.

My opinion of the Hughes is just as valid as anyone elses....agree to disagree
BBM. ITA. To me, someone who selects that particular word appears to have a pretty established bias about the DP in general.

Yep, I've seen that word 'revenge' many times on this very forum.
Anyone care how Jodi feels? I don't but I did find it interesting what she has tweeted since the verdict.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 3m 3 minutes ago
To all the premeditating cold-blooded would-be killers on #JodiArias jury: U DON'T KILL A WOMAN 4 KILLING HER ABUSER, dumbsh-ts. #no-brainer

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 10m 10 minutes ago
"I feel kind of gang-raped by Troy Hayden, Joe Arpaio and Lisa Allen because of the media ambush." -- #JodiaArias

Real Classy (dumbsh-ts.) If it wasn't for that 1 juror. What would they be saying?
thank you I swore I would forever stay silent but could not help myself. I am broken up for this family.
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