Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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I missed the beginning of the interviews, did anyone ask the jury about Fonseca and her attitude with JM when she was on the stand?
I really think that the LWOP will be worse for Arias. A death sentence would have provided her with opportunities to further manipulate the system. It has all been taken away from her. She will have a cage to live in and criminals for friends. Not a noteworthy life by any stretch of the imagination.

When she goes outside will she be in a cage? I read where one prisoner was out in one of those cages in the blistering sun, and was forgotten by the guards. She died.
the fact that he said "victory" shows his ignorance meanwhile willmott laughing in background

If he calls keeping a woman off death row a victory, then he has low standards. You lost the guilt phase completely Kurt. All you did is move her death date in prison back a little, not much of a win. There are very few women on death row because juries don't like to put women there. So congrats on a hollow victory.
Respect to her for hanging on to her beliefs. That cannot have been easy. She believes what she believes. There really isn't a whole lot else to go on with mitigation, imho.

It is one thing to believe with justification and legitimate justification but according to those who were brave enough to speak up this was not the case she could not present any backup for her decision it was sort of like because I said so a disgrace. I would respect the decision if you had a legitimate reason but the fact that she did not and did not care is a disgrace MOO.
I don't understand the anger at someone who voted their conviction and based on what they saw.

I am not angry that there wasn't a consensus, one way or the other. I am angry that a juror with no intention of deliberating was allowed to remain on the jury. Some time in the future we may know what happened in greater detail-for right now, I'm shocked that 8 (I think) of the 12 jurors are all saying juror number 17 came in with her mind made up and refused to participate
I didn't hear that yet. How would they know that she sent JSS a note in secret?

The way I understood it is that she sent the Judge one, not in secret, but did not disclose to the other jurors what she wrote in it...When they shared their note with her.
More evidence that these judges need to be less nonchalant about jury selection, and we need, need, need, basic testing to determine a person's ability to reason and think critically before allowing them on a jury. Belvin Perry gave us the woman "who can't judge another person"...and allowed her on a jury. Now we have a juror who thinks the death penalty is "revenge". Makes me worry for the future of the country.
Trying to be optimistic. I believe that LWOP will be just as bad or worse for Arias. A death sentence would have provided her with opportunities to further manipulate the system. It has all been taken away from her. She will have a cage to live in and criminals for friends. Not a noteworthy life by any stretch of the imagination.

My wishes for her: Death by-
1) Angela Simpson
2) the Arizona heat- being left too long in the exercise cage.
Respect to her for hanging on to her beliefs. That cannot have been easy. She believes what she believes. There really isn't a whole lot else to go on with mitigation, imho.

It is one thing to believe with justification and legitimate justification but according to those who were brave enough to speak up this was not the case she could not present any backup for her decision it was sort of like because I said so a disgrace. I would respect the decision if you had a legitimate reason but the fact that she did not and did not care is a disgrace MOO.
Juan did such a good job. He cannot in any be blamed for this. They liked him, looked forward to him and felt he really drove it home.

Right? And hopefully we won't have to hear how he should have done this or that because of what the jury has said. I wouldn't really call it a "win" for the defense because the jury didn't buy what they were selling or what JA was selling and they didn't believe Fonseca and had trouble with Geffner so I think the State did an amazing job considering.....
She thought she'd be the next Debra Milke and get her Death Sentence overturned on appeal and walk out a free woman. She was planning to join that lawsuit.

So you truly believe Jodi wanted the death penalty?

I thought her statement of being sorry some people were not happy with the verdict as pretending to be compassionate to the Alexanders. You know,
trying to have human emotions. It was a very strange thing to say at the time.
I missed the beginning of the interviews, did anyone ask the jury about Fonseca and her attitude with JM when she was on the stand?

No but they did ask them about Fonseca and they didn't think much of her at all. At least the defense was smart enough not to put her on again.
Why bother reading that trout? I don't see the point.

One reason is because it's very satisfying. She cares TREMENDOUSLY that 11 out of 12 jurors just said they didn't believe her lies about Travis, and in fact were angry she and the DT were allowed to trash a good man. AND they saw her for the remorseless twisted psychopath that she is.

Her tweet tells you exactly what she feels. She's angry. She thinks she LOST. So do I.
Yes, I guess it's actually Maria doing it,but I just can't believe this is allowed. I'm sick to my stomach.
Extremely unprofessional, how does she sleep at night, it is beyond my comprehension.
When she goes outside will she be in a cage? I read where one prisoner was out in one of those cages in the blistering sun, and was forgotten by the guards. She died.

That's what I hope for Jodi. I've been in Arizona when it was 120 degree heat, Memorial Day Weekend. My radiator overheated and my tires blew out within 30 miles of each other.
Right? And hopefully we won't have to hear how he should have done this or that because of what the jury has said. I wouldn't really call it a "win" for the defense because the jury didn't buy what they were selling or what JA was selling and they didn't believe Fonseca and had trouble with Geffner so I think the State did an amazing job considering.....

Juan clearly did a fantastic job. 11 jurors did not buy what the defense was selling and preferred him. There was nothing more he could have done. He gave it his all.
I don't have to defend my thoughts to you. JSS has waffled, closed courtroom number of times, Held secret in chambers meetings, allowed secret testimony and ignored jurors who let her know that one would not deliberate.
Someone up thread asked what is the penalty for a juror who made decisions based on a lifetime movie. I want to know what is the penalty for the lying defense attorneys who trashed a good man to win at all costs and the judge who caved for the murderer. Seems to me there is blame to go around.
And what is LWOP really? Jodi has already approached max row prisoners and made friends and has lots of money in her account. She will be BFF with lots of them and can sing them to sleep. What exactly is her punishment if she gets LWOP? Are we to be upset because oohhh, she sleeps on a three inch thick plastic mattress with no air conditioning? Are we supposed to be good with that? JSS will likely make sure her sentencing hearing is closed to the public. That's the way she works. I have no apologies to make.

I love this.
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