Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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Yep, I've seen that word 'revenge' many times on this very forum.

that revenge argument is very common for the staunch anti dp crowd...this juror either was purposefully not honest during voir dire or did not realize these feelings until put in the position...either way that still is no reason not to "deliberate" and give the reasoning for disagreeing with 11 others all seeing the same evidence and testimoney.
It is one thing to believe with justification and legitimate justification but according to those who were brave enough to speak up this was not the case she could not present any backup for her decision it was sort of like because I said so a disgrace. I would respect the decision if you had a legitimate reason but the fact that she did not and did not care is a disgrace MOO.

Does it say she has to give a reason in the juror instructions?
CMJA will not be happy. Because now she fades into obscurity as she doesn't have endless appeals, she won't have the anti-DP brigade taking up her cause. No hot shot appellate lawyer is going to take her case to save her. She now becomes just a number in maximum security. The few supporters she has aren't going to keep her financially secure, she'll be sued by the Alexanders, and her family (apart from maybe her mom) won't be bothering with 1000 mile each way trips from Yreka to Goodyear.

The anonymity will drive CMJA insane. She loves the spotlight. MDLR and Willmott won't be visiting her any time soon. There will be another heinous killer who takes her place in the media soon enough.

So after calming down and trying to think rationally ... lol ... here are some thoughts:

- The jurors (11 out of 12) felt that Travis was on trial, NOT Jodi.

- The jurors said the computer '*advertiser censored*' was irrelevant.

- The jurors said that Jodi showed NO remorse.

- There's more as to what the 11 jurors stated in their presser, but these are just a few !

So ... the bottom line is Jodi's defense did NOT work for 11 out of the 12 jurors !

And Nurmi and Wilmott did NOT win a verdict of NO Death Penalty for Jodi because if NOT for the ONE holdout juror, who was obviously a "stealth juror" and obviously had an agenda -- she would have gotten the DP because the remaining 11 jurors were for the Death Penalty !

Like Baez and Mason, Nurmi and Wilmot should NOT consider this a "win" because it is NOT a win for them -- it was by default: ONE juror who refused to deliberate with the remaining 11, who obviously had an agenda.

JMO and MOO !

I hope that made sense ... and I tired and yes, :( still disgusted :)
I guess I was in a fog on the previous thread when I misstated the total number from both juries combined that wanted / voted death for CMJA. :sheesh: My apologies, it's 19 not 22. Still, I hope CMJA is thinking about that. And, that she came closer to the DP this time than the first. Yeah, good work Nurmi and Willmott, what a Victory. They just somehow managed :waitasec: to get that one UN-death qualified juror on there.

Catching bits and pieces of HLN . They seem to be totally slamming JSS for her misshandling of the holdout juror, Joey Jackson was stating the juror should have been removed. I think, can anyone confirm that's what I heard ? TIA

Also, what is it that CMJA said when she was covering her face with papers ? Did anyone get all that ? The twitter I read seemed a little messed up. Something like
"she was sorry for the verdict, and..... " . TIA again. :wave:
Isn't Judge S. up for re-election next year? If I lived in AZ I would be doing my best to make sure she doesn't win re-election. I really hope the judge takes all of what this jury has to say in consideration and gives LWOP. I can't imagine her giving parole but after today, anything is possible.

Will the Alexander's be able to give additional statements on 4/13?

Also, on hln they were saying it would be a waste of time to sue the convicted murderer (I will no longer say her name) because she doesn't have anything. But what about those "supporters" who are sending her money for her appeal fund? And the "artwork" (really just tracings) that she is selling? She is getting money. Aren't the Alexander's able to get that?
BK has the entire 5/26 text convo up.
And the sad thing is there is no recourse for the state or the family and they wouln't want to go through this again.
Too bad there can't be a reversal like, "we have discovered that one juror had an agenda and therefore since the rest of the vote was unanimous THAT will be the true verdict". I know I know, but I can dream, can't I?
Joe Arpaio ‏@RealSheriffJoe 6m6 minutes ago

I am denying all interviews with convicted killer #jodiarias while she remains in my custody.
Was Alice Laviolette there to show solidarity with Jodi? After all, she's on record stating her belief that Jodi was a victim? I didn't see here on the news...
the bottom line is it didn't work for 12 out of 12 because I don' think we can rationally count the hold out as she didn't have a legitimate reason
I missed the beginning of the interviews, did anyone ask the jury about Fonseca and her attitude with JM when she was on the stand?

The jurors that spoke did not find Fonseca credible. Mixed feelings about Geffner, some liked him LESS when he was recalled.
I am not angry that there wasn't a consensus, one way or the other. I am angry that a juror with no intention of deliberating was allowed to remain on the jury. Some time in the future we may know what happened in greater detail-for right now, I'm shocked that 8 (I think) of the 12 jurors are all saying juror number 17 came in with her mind made up and refused to participate

To be clear, I said this before finding out for sure there was a holdout. The Jury confirmed it and I admitted that I was wrong.
This is my open letter to the 11 Jurors and 2 Alternate Jurors of Arias penalty phase Retrial. I hope this finds its way to them.

Among so many other things, over the last several years, this trial has opened my eyes to the realities of what defines truth and justice in our court systems today. The things I witnessed in this AZ courtroom have taken its toll on many people, and for me personally has exposed my naiveté and has forced me to accept the possibility that true Justice is just an illusion, a long forgotten ideal that has been trampled upon and all but vanquished to ensure the rights of a criminal defendant. How did things get so obviously out of balance? Anyway, what I have discovered out of all of this, is that my faith that the justice system can and does work equally for both the victims and the defendants has been shaken to its very core.

Many have followed this trial from the very beginning, and through all of it, no matter how protracted, vile and outright painful it has been to witness the absolutely cruel and repetitive assault of a brutally murdered victim, we have waited, ever hopeful, that a just verdict would be rendered. To hear that you could not reach a unanimous verdict was a powerfully emotional moment for me, as I am sure it was for others. My mind was full and I began the process of grappling with a rather overwhelming sense that I couldn't find even a little hope for guidance

...and then I thought of Travis' family and the pure agony they must have been feeling, I just could not comprehend what this was doing to them .

But then collectively as jurors, with your beautiful courage, your dedication to truth and service, and your great heart came forward to talk about your experience as jurors on this trial. And I say thank you, thank you, thank you...a million times thank you, because of yet another selfless act on your part, you have inspired, touched, and restored a measure of faith in this great system of ours for me and others. But most importantly I think you have given the Alexander's an invaluable gift, the gift of truth amid a vast sea of lies and secrecy.

So with that said, I wish that each and every one of you find the peace necessary to move forward after all you have sacrificed for justice in this trial.
I pray Travis' family will find some comfort in knowing eleven on this jury believed as they do. And I really really hope the murderer is fuming because eleven on this jury were not fooled by her nor by nurmi's lies. And that they thought the murderer staring at them with her dead shark eyes was not what she thought it was.
That's why I think we will get some harsh comments from the Judge when she hands down her LWOP sentence to the evil murderer on April 13. I know it won't resonate with the convicted murderer, but might give the rest of us some satisfaction, and hopefully by that date the Alexanders will have come to terms with the DP not being given, and will understand it wouldn't have changed anything in the long run.

I cannot imagine JSS giving her harsh comments. It's not going to happen IMO. I do believe she will give her LWOP and that's it.
Too bad there can't be a reversal like, "we have discovered that one juror had an agenda and therefore since the rest of the vote was unanimous THAT will be the true verdict". I know I know, but I can dream, can't I?

It is a shame that when there is misconduct the state can not get an appeal on the verdict.
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