Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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Sociopaths, unlike most of us, are very adaptable. Jodi will do well in prison.The serial Canadian killer, Karla Homolko, had a female AND a male (guard) lover fighting over her and showering her with gifts She convinced a therapist and the Canadian legal system to free her and now is out of prison with 3 kids. Susan Smith got a male lover too (guard). That NOTHING Travis said or did could keep Jodi from manipulating her way into his bed, despite him telling others he was afraid of her, shows the how wily and powerful a sociopath with an agenda can be. Jodi has fans already. She will get piles of love letters from lovesick lonely fans. She 'll keep herself busy drawing pictures and writing back to them about being a victim of haters and " loving too much".

I am glad to hear that Jodi's new home is in Arizona without air conditioning and that her cell is small, sparse and might have cockroaches.

My own opinion

Yes, now she'll be the belle of the ball at Perryvilld. Makes me sick.
This is my open letter to the 11 Jurors and 2 Alternate Jurors of Arias penalty phase Retrial. I hope this finds its way to them.

Among so many other things, over the last several years, this trial has opened my eyes to the realities of what defines truth and justice in our court systems today. The things I witnessed in this AZ courtroom have taken its toll on many people, and for me personally has exposed my naiveté and has forced me to accept the possibility that true Justice is just an illusion, a long forgotten ideal that has been trampled upon and all but vanquished to ensure the rights of a criminal defendant. How did things get so obviously out of balance? Anyway, what I have discovered out of all of this, is that my faith that the justice system can and does work equally for both the victims and the defendants has been shaken to its very core.

Many have followed this trial from the very beginning, and through all of it, no matter how protracted, vile and outright painful it has been to witness the absolutely cruel and repetitive assault of a brutally murdered victim, we have waited, ever hopeful, that a just verdict would be rendered. To hear that you could not reach a unanimous verdict was a powerfully emotional moment for me, as I am sure it was for others. My mind was full and I began the process of grappling with a rather overwhelming sense that I couldn't find even a little hope for guidance

...and then I thought of Travis' family and the pure agony they must have been feeling, I just could not comprehend what this was doing to them .

But then collectively as jurors, with your beautiful courage, your dedication to truth and service, and your great heart came forward to talk about your experience as jurors on this trial. And I say thank you, thank you, thank you...a million times thank you, because of yet another selfless act on your part, you have inspired, touched, and restored a measure of faith in this great system of ours for me and others. But most importantly I think you have given the Alexander's an invaluable gift, the gift of truth amid a vast sea of lies.

So with that said, I wish that each and every one of you find the peace necessary to move forward after all you have sacrificed for justice in this trial.

:goodpost: Perfectly Said
I pray Travis' family will find some comfort in knowing eleven on this jury believed as they do. And I really really hope the murderer is fuming because eleven on this jury were not fooled by her nor by nurmi's lies. And that they thought the murderer staring at them with her dead shark eyes was not what she thought it was.

I was glad to hear that too. And it wasn't just Jodi staring at them, Willmott would do it too. She would stare at them and smile. She did it today after the hung jury. It's nice they find that as annoying as we do lol.
Extremely unprofessional, how does she sleep at night, it is beyond my comprehension.

Maybe I don't understand the role of a "Mitigation Specialist" but I don't understand how someone hired by the court can act like this? Is there any board or anyone we can complain to? AZL???
BK has the entire 5/26 text convo up.

Where on site? That's about the only JA thing I'd like to read in full...glad TA had the chance to tell her exactly what he felt about her.
Then why not sentence her today?

NG was irate that she allowed them another month before sentencing! "For what - come on Judge, you have had since 2008 to think about this!"
1000 post since I last looked at this thread. :\ JA didn't win squat, 11 jurors thought she should die. That's far from any victory. I'm still out on why the hold-out was a hold-out but I've been away. If she truly is a stealth juror and it can be proved, can she be prosecuted?

It wasn't about revenge, it was about justice.

Was this the same juror that wanted to be replaced in the beginning?
Well, 11 jurors didn't believe she was abused by Travis & the first jury didn't either!!!!!! She needs to give it UP! No one believes her.

She doesn't need anyone to believe her now....damage is already done
I want to see if JSS will finally "unleash" her inner "beast" and give Jodi what for. I do really believe JSS knows exactly what Jodi is and will relish the opportunity to finally say what she thinks without worrying so much about appeal. I'm hoping at least. And I hope the Alexanders, as many of them as want to, are also given the opportunity to speak. It's not prejudicial as there's no longer a jury involved, IMO. I hope a scathing statement about Jodi ends up being the last thing on the record.

i don't think she has a choice...I believe she could have given the sentence today...she was ready...but she needs to let them put together reasons for not doing natural life...if she had not granted that...it would have been appealed....some of this is the system not JSS.
No more interviews courtesy of Sheriff Joe, eh?

So much for Jodi having the audience many thought she would have, with the media eating out of her hand.
I was reading that a stealth juror can be charged with contempt, or obstruction of justice, if that is appropriate..

I doubt that will happen. As AZL pointed out it is really hard to prove. This is over. And we all have to just accept it an move on. It is not like if she didn't get death she was going to get off. She is never going to be out of prison. Ever.
So while that juror really threw a wrench in it, the result is still JA in jail forever.
I have been to Arizona in the summer. If I knew that I would be spending the rest of my life there without air conditioning, I would ask for the death penalty. What a horrid punishment Jodi will endure - I don't care how she plays it off on Twitter, she's gonna suffer. Miss I Am A SWEATY Goddess, LOL!
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