Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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I agree. It isn't as if it is someone wrongfully accused. In my opinion someone so hurtfully to a victim's family is just as bad.. I am sick
the fact that he said "victory" shows his ignorance meanwhile willmott laughing in background

I don't understand how having your client convicted of murder one with especially cruel circumstances can be considered any kind of a victory . He is delusional.
Scott Peterson got the death penalty but with 600+ death row prisoners ahead of him in line in CA, it's really LWOP. This is the reality for most DR prisoners (except TX & a couple other places). In San Quentin they're allowed out of their cells for most of the day and hang out with their fellow prisoners on death row. Still, it's prison for life. Not a life I'd ever want nor anyone I know.
I want to see if JSS will finally "unleash" her inner "beast" and give Jodi what for. I do really believe JSS knows exactly what Jodi is and will relish the opportunity to finally say what she thinks without worrying so much about appeal. I'm hoping at least. And I hope the Alexanders, as many of them as want to, are also given the opportunity to speak. It's not prejudicial as there's no longer a jury involved, IMO. I hope a scathing statement about Jodi ends up being the last thing on the record.

I'd like the Alexanders to be able to look directly at Arias and tell her off much like Sharon Rocha did during the Scott Peterson trial. I cannot wait for sentencing--the end of the end for Arias.
I have been to Arizona in the summer. If I knew that I would be spending the rest of my life there without air conditioning, I would ask for the death penalty. What a horrid punishment Jodi will endure - I don't care how she plays it off on Twitter, she's gonna suffer. Miss I Am A SWEATY Goddess, LOL!
I have too, in 120 degree heat! Radiator overheated and tires blew out within 30 miles of each other.
I'm just catching up and have missed a lot of stuff, but if this juror had an agenda, then that's really the fault of the jury selection process as she should have been weeded out, also it's a bit messed up that nothing can be done once deliberations start, but then I can't see an alternative .. so the anger I believe should be at the judge and / or prosecution who didn't manage to weed her out, and her of course if what the 11 are saying is accurate, which frankly, it may not be, it could just be their perspective because they disagreed with her stance. Honestly we'll probably never know the whole truth.
Ironic, she swayed the young Latina, not the men with her "sex appeal" and her sleeveless black top.

Maybe the hold out juror wishes she would have killed her abuser..so therefore she did maybe bond or whatever with Jodi.
I find it interesting that JA likens Troy Hayden trying to interview to being gang raped. Everything is violent and sexual with her. Never in a million years, if I had several people trying to talk to me at once would I even THINK of gang rape. WTH???
Ok, I know I am going to be slammed for this but I just have to get it off my chest.

After listening to these jurors I am convinced that the court system and the Judge callously victimized these jurors by refusing to consider their complaints of a juror that would not review relevant evidence. I mean we are willing to put our trust in the average juror to make very difficult decisions but we ignore their pleas that a juror is refusing to deliberate.

I absolutely cannot believe this is ok with anyone, no matter what your stance on the DP is.

I can't believe that there is no remedy for this GROSS MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE.

BBM: Agreed. Is there a legal avenue for redress for these 11 Jurors?
I haven't been watching HLN for about an hour. But Jean Cesares(sp), and a couple other attorneys seem to have serious concerns with the judge. But AZ lawyer said it could have been an appeal issue. I don't know what to think anymore.

Every station I have listened to has a legal commentator who has blamed the Judge for a totally disjointed, stop/start, way overdrawn process and generally feeble management of this entire trial. IIRC Lisa Bloom was the only one who gave her any credit.
I'm going to buy the book 'Slumber Party from Hell' and read it on my Kindle. I'll post/summarize the interesting bits. It might make us feel better about LWOP.
I'm planning to Kindle it too, post away, Rose!
May I just say in all fairness, if this juror really feels strongly and just in her opinion she should show her face and speak proudly on her own behalf to the media. I know I would in such an important matter, backlash or not earn respect! Not saying I have the same belief, just want to clarify that right quick!

Not if she wants to save it and 'sell' her interview to the highest bidder.
Is there any way JA can be tried under federal law under any grounds?
She lied? And the PT didn't research her on social media? (Love your moniker! LOL)

Can the State research a juror before they're selected? My only experience with being on a jury had a bunch of us introduce ourselves with our names, occupations, and anything else that might have been relevant to the case-like if you are a police officer, married to a police officer, any relatives or close personal friends in LE. And then we were chosen or eliminated immediately at that time. Mine wasn't a death penalty case, though-
Anyone care how Jodi feels? I don't but I did find it interesting what she has tweeted since the verdict.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 3m 3 minutes ago
To all the premeditating cold-blooded would-be killers on #JodiArias jury: U DON'T KILL A WOMAN 4 KILLING HER ABUSER, dumbsh-ts. #no-brainer

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 10m 10 minutes ago
"I feel kind of gang-raped by Troy Hayden, Joe Arpaio and Lisa Allen because of the media ambush." -- #JodiaArias

I don't normally comment on this stuff. She really is a trip. Garbage in, garbage out. I hope she 'annoys' one of her cellmates with this repetitive and yawningly boring tripe. It's not even interesting or entertaining! Can you imagine having to put up with that day in and day out? I had no idea she was so dull.
I find it interesting that JA likens Troy Hayden trying to interview to being gang raped. Everything is violent and sexual with her. Never in a million years, if I had several people trying to talk to me at once would I even THINK of gang rape. WTH???

I honestly think its due to her VICTIM mentality...she has to always, always be the victim no matter what.
I find it interesting that JA likens Troy Hayden trying to interview to being gang raped. Everything is violent and sexual with her. Never in a million years, if I had several people trying to talk to me at once would I even THINK of gang rape. WTH???

Glad Jodi feels that way!!! What she fails to understand is that SHE is the abuser. Travis was the victim of Domestic Violence.
Then why not sentence her today?

Because she was following the law. If Jodi and her DT would have waived her right to some presentencing report/interview whatever, then she could have. It was JODI once again delaying the inevitable. Her last 39 days at Estrella, while her DT continues to suck the teat of the AZ taxpayer for as long as they can.
I'm just speechless...:thinking:....no I'm not ...might not kill a woman for killing her abuser...but they'll sure as :devil: keep a lying psychopath in prison for the rest of her life! At least we :praying: they will!
Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 10m 10 minutes ago
"I feel kind of gang-raped by Troy Hayden, Joe Arpaio and Lisa Allen because of the media ambush." -- #JodiaArias

Of course you feel gang-raped or wish...Do you think about anything else? You weren't abused...and thank God 11 Jurors didn't think so either...
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