Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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Why the hell wasn't that juror replaced?
Just one!? Man this makes it even harder!
It is heartbreaking listening to the jury. That is just horrible.

First vote was about 50 percent for death.
The jury feels like they failed. What they must be feeling. So, defeated.
that 1 juror better be damn ashamed of herself!

do we know if anything can be done because jss didn't acknowledge the bias?
UGH to think all of this probably would have ended in the DP if that ONE stealth juror and been an alt.
It's the best possible outcome. 11 saw no reason for her to keep breathing so couldn't have believed a word she said. One made it through voire dire when she shouldn't have and was vulnerable to believing DV when there wasn't any. Maybe she was the juror who wanted off and was refused, maybe she wasn't. It doesn't matter.

Perryville with the DP turns out to be, after a few months there, no different than Perryville with LWOP. The DP wasn't going to mean isolation enough to make any long term difference in how she exists for the rest of her life (may it be a very short one). This way she's cut off in ways that do matter to her, and the Alexanders are as free of her as they ever are going to be.
Raised issue of bias and was ignored by JSS...Now are we still not allowed to express our feelings about her job in this case?
The jurors are speaking. They said the ONE JUROR would not deliberate from the first moment. They apologized to the Alexanders and said Travis was indeed trashed and Jodi deserved death. They said they were devastated and could not sleep and their families have suffered.

JSS...this is ALL ON YOU! YOU allowed this farce. I hope you suffer the devastation and lack of sleep instead of the jurors suffering. I hope Travis haunts you every day.
Why even have alternates if you won't use them?!? Might as well just set money on fire! How stupid!
The jurors sound angry because she would not deliberate. Sounds familiar.
According to some jurors: Holdout juror had an agenda even before deliberations, once they started deliberations, no comment from holdout, they wanted wanted to look at journals, look at testimony, holdout would not participate, raised concerned to judge of potential bias about holdout, requested insubordination and requested an alternate to take her place.

Jurors felt holdout was not part of the deliberations/conversation at table.

Since you can be understanding of the one juror's actions and thoughts, then be as understanding for the fellow WS's opinions here. What is the difference. We are entitled to our own opinions. I don't think you have a moral ground to judge us. JMO

And we clearly are not Switzerland...
And LinasK: Yes Travis was the abused, over and over again. I have a really hard time believing anyone who has suffered abuse ( I have from age 2) Would not be able to see that Jodi was never abused, it was actually Travis... I Just do not get it. But one other note...I never killed any of my abusers and honestly I wonder now why I didnt..I had many more reasons than you could possibly know but something inside me kept me from dong so over and over again. Not that I would blame a real abused person if they did ..depending on the situation but I of all people would be able to understand. It just wasnt real in this case..
Wow,if this is true and JSS knew this can she be brought up on charges since she was aware that they wanted her to be replaced with alternate?
OMG jurors talking - they are angry --they told the judge about the holdout being unwilling to deliberate and JSS would not replace her!!
so I am not feeling confident about CMJA getting LWOP
"angry because she wouldn't deliberate" Juror referring to 1 holdout juror.
I'm sorry if it is disrespectful or whatever but that judge should be removed.
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