Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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Whether it was in secret or not, Jodi still would have humanized herself to this juror. #17 identified with her. They are Chicas and I'm not being racist.

BBM ~ :silly:

Sorry, I know this is not fun day, but that made me LOL.
Anyone care how Jodi feels? I don't but I did find it interesting what she has tweeted since the verdict.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 3m 3 minutes ago
To all the premeditating cold-blooded would-be killers on #JodiArias jury: U DON'T KILL A WOMAN 4 KILLING HER ABUSER, dumbsh-ts. #no-brainer

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 10m 10 minutes ago
"I feel kind of gang-raped by Troy Hayden, Joe Arpaio and Lisa Allen because of the media ambush." -- #JodiaArias

^^^"What fools these mortals be". . .Just because the heart is pumping blood does not mean a person is alive, murderer does not have one, she is already dead imo. I love the color orange. Good riddance.
Not to bombard you AZL lol but what are the pre-sentencing forms that Jodi waived? Thanks so much.
I think this is why they had the closed door session in the courtroom yesterday. So even if the family didn't know the exact split...they knew they were deadlocked. Knowing it in your heart and hearing the finality of it said in court are two different things. I get why they were so emotional today, I can't even imagine the pain, after all they've been through. Prayers for all of them.

I think last night they were told of the deadlock...jurors wanted one more night to see if juror 17 could possibly change...today the note said no change...deadlock...so the family last night knew it did not look good but probably had a glimmer of hope.

He talked to the murderer , who changed before his eyes. From meek to loud and forceful. Wish all of that had been captured on video.
It had been captured on video, I've seen it several times on Fox 10. Unfortunately, Troy's microphone didn't catch JA's answers.
Demarte - vindicated .

IMO this isn't even a win for the defense. They didn't buy this crap. One lady lied from the get go. They got lucky is all. Really really lucky, twice.

Just goes to show that there are a lot of dishonorable people in the world, since they found one on the jury in both trials. I can't imagine why a person would lie, then wait months and months through all the BS to finally reveal that they were , indeed, a liar. Mind blown.

What I am super happy about is hearing that the jury did not buy most of the defense. Said it was a waste of time. THAT makes me feel good even though they could not reach a unanimous verdict, because that was not their fault. You cannot coerce someone into changing their minds. And I also feel great that the split was 11-1 because this means that Juan proved the case and there isn't anything he could have done to change that one stealth juror. I am upset about the fact that a juror would lie about knowledge of the case or seeing movies and the fact that she would not give a reason for her decision. And I am also upset that there is no recourse for lying jurors. I think there should be a penalty for that. I think they maybe need to have them answer questions with lie detectors or something.
All 12 of them did their job.

I disagree 100%! The one juror refused to deliberate! She didn't do her job! If she had discussed the trial with the other jurors, told what it would have taken for Jodi to deserve the death penalty, explained what mitigator(s) weighed more than the brutality of this heinous murder, and still couldn't change her mind, THEN she would have done her job. She had her mind made up from the beginning. IMO she probably lied during voir dire.
Azl.. I'm just heart broken for the family in light of everything.. Can you provide a legal silver lining in this case? What Are Your personal feelings or thoughts?
Probably a dumb question, but what does this mean?

I think it means that if the murderer would have finished her testimony and/or pleaded for her life during allocution, it would not have made a different to the jurors because they thought she was a lying murdering psycho.
Actually, no. That's not why I was previously against it. I felt it was playing God. I've since changed my mind and realized some people just deserve it and aren't redeemable, don't deserve to breathe and take up space on this planet.

Not talking about you, LinasK; you have always been honest, upfront and thoughtful, not a stealth anti-DPer. Much respect always, even when I don't agree with you.
Anyone care how Jodi feels? I don't but I did find it interesting what she has tweeted since the verdict.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 3m 3 minutes ago
To all the premeditating cold-blooded would-be killers on #JodiArias jury: U DON'T KILL A WOMAN 4 KILLING HER ABUSER, dumbsh-ts. #no-brainer

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 10m 10 minutes ago
"I feel kind of gang-raped by Troy Hayden, Joe Arpaio and Lisa Allen because of the media ambush." -- #JodiaArias

Well, dang it, here I am reacting to this, and I don't want to give her the reaction!

She's going to continue this cr**...............and who is still in charge? Her MITIGATION SPECIALIST? Again, I ask...who does she report to? The County? No one stops her from this unprofessional behavior? If it really is the Mit Specialist, there isn't a "need" to be tweeting on behalf of a client, correct? Who thinks it's a good thing to do? I don't understand.

And on that note, and being mad at myself for even reading that cr**..........what's that younger-crowd saying now??? "Bye Felicia!!!!" (The special snowflake is starting to melt already)
I have seen it happen in other cases. If one refuses to deliberate then they aren't doing what the Judge instructed them to do. Of course they can have their own opinion but they have to at least listen to the other jurors and be interactive in deliberations. They cant sit there with their arms crossed and refuse. It sounds like going in she said she thought the DP was about revenge. That shows to me she had no intentions of giving the death penalty and shouldn't have been on there in the first place.

Because the death penalty is about punishment and not about revenge.

Exactly. I said the same thing just a minute ago but you said it much better. Thanks.

She was not qualified to be a juror if she believes the DP is "revenge" and not a valid form of punishment for a terrible vicious murder.
Her minions did...that just shows you her/their delusion at what she has done.+
You can tell by that tweet that this is a hollow victory for them, highlighted by the fact that 11 out of 12 people wanted the death penalty.
Ive had time to get less mad. LOL

My observations

-The Lone Wolf Juror was what we were afraid of. Based on what we know so far, it sounds to me like she had no business being on the jury. If she thinks the DP is "revenge" instead of a just punishment for a terrible murder, then she should have said that in the beginning so that she could have been excluded.

And if its true she had "liked" a Jodi facebook page, then she favored Jodi going into this.
Not sure if what I read is true or not.

And if she was unwilling to even deliberate at all, then she also should have been excused from the jury pool. Because that is part of the process and jury instructions. You must be willing to listen and debate with your juror peers. Doesnt mean she has to change her mind but she HAS to deliberate with them.

The bottom line is I think more must be done during jury pool questions. They need a professional to interview each juror to make sure the jury pool is ok with a DP verdict if it is warranted. And to be sure a juror member knows what lies ahead.

This person had no business being on this jury. She was unwilling to listen to jury instructions that demand you participate.

If any of this is true then I think someone or others need to be investigated and I would start with the convicted murderers sidekick. JMHO
And what was the prime opportunity the holdout had "to see" that JA was not a monster? During the 2-days JSS wrongly allowed JSS to speak to the jury in secret.

You'd have to ask that juror...I was merely repeating what the other jurors said during their interview about that holdout juror.
They grew to like Juan quickly
Really drove it home at the end even though he was a lot to take at first

Am completely baffled how this juror got through the questioning to even be a juror

She lied? And the PT didn't research her on social media? (Love your moniker! LOL)
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