Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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:seeya: Hi MeeBee,

RBBM: Yes he did ... NO ONE -- there is NO ONE in the world who could have done it any better than Juan !

He was terrific -- and honest !!!

:great: :juanettes:

There are photos of the press conference on the 'Support Juan' facebook page. I tried to insert the images but I keep getting an error message. Juan went above and beyond the call of duty for Travis and the family. I'm amazed by his brilliance and humility--what a lovely combination.
On the bright side...if they came back with Life, they would think they won...As things turned out they know 11 people felt exactly the way everyone here felt. Hopefully the judge will come through and justice will prevail.
That is a great point. The Alexanders need to read how many people, all over the country, are outraged, including the jury, all but 1 anyway.
I whole heartedly agree with Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I would love to see Jodi's rep[ort of her behavior and activities while in custody. Glad the Sheriff shut her interviews down.
Most likely. BIG difference in the LWOP sentence, is that she will have the opportunity to "earn" her way to more and more privileges ... i.e. earning more visitation time and earning face to face (touching) with visitors. IF she was on DR ... nope. Can't earn any privileges.

I've seen a chart about the various levels/privileges in Perryville, and I don't recall seeing any level in her max security unit that permits contact visits. She'll be at level one for awhile, and as far as reaching out to other inmates, I don't know the point of that- it will be awhile til she sees anyone else. She'll be alone in her cell, alone in the recreation cage, and get meals in her cell. When and if she gets to the next levels, she can always be knocked back to the first. If it's true she has had trouble in the jail, her future in prison doesn't look "bright". All this from memory, so imo and all that.
I agree!! This is why I think it's going to be really hard for her to earn her way into more privileges. I think she's had discipline problems in jail already. She will have to have perfect behavior for a month before she earns privileges. I don't know that she can do that. If she had been a model prisoner it would have been one of her mitigating factors. Obviously she hasn't been. I think it's going to take her a while to get to 30 perfect days. We already know she was trying to smuggle stuff out of prison to help her with her case.

She's anything but a model prisoner.
I read recently that she had been in a fight with a cellmate and kicked her. Typical Jodi MO.
I find it interesting that JA likens Troy Hayden trying to interview to being gang raped. Everything is violent and sexual with her. Never in a million years, if I had several people trying to talk to me at once would I even THINK of gang rape. WTH???

Right?? Shame on the person posting these for CMJA.

So insensitive to actual rape victims.

Has ChaCha posted anything?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
March 5, 2015
Sheriff Arpaio: Denies Jodi Arias Interviews
“Jodi Arias has been in our jail for seven years. A comprehensive report of the
history of her behaviors and activities while in our custody is in progress.
Upon reviewing the report it notes that she craves media attention and
continues to seek out ways to attract that attention. I will not allow her to play
that game and will deny any media interviews with her. Arias is a convicted
killer, and her 15 minutes of fame are over.”
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio

This is awesome. :happydance:

Omgoodness, that's the highlight of my day. This chick has been working the system for too long. It's about time someone stepped up and put her in her place. (other than Juan, of course)
This has to be killing her. And I cannot wait to read this report he references. I bet it will be eye opening.

The real question is will we get this report from Sheriff Joe or will Sherry continue to keep everything about this trial a secret?

2015) Travis Alexander's surviving brothers and sisters Gary Alexander, Dennis "Greg" Alexander, Tanisha Sorenson, Samantha Alexander, Hillary Wilcox, Steven Alexander, and Allie Iglesias are saddened by the jury's inability to reach a decision on the death penalty. However, they understand the difficulty of the decision, and have nothing but respect for the jury's time. They appreciate Deputy County Attorney Juan Martinez and Detective Steve Flores for their hard work and professionalism in this case. The siblings also appreciate the outpouring of support they have received from the public. Without the public's support, it would have been impossible for the family to attend trial over the past many years while the case worked its way through the justice system.

The siblings request that their privacy be respected. They will not be making any further statements or participate in any interviews at this time.
I agree that ar least she wasn't on the original jury. My question is since JA crossed state lines to commit the murder can that become a Federal offense?

Ooooh, good idea!! Wonder what the answer is? Can we get the FBI involved??
The May 26th text does not say what I thought it did. Travis did forgive JA, at least at the end of that chat before they apparently spoke by phone. He told her he hated her, repeatedly, and that he knew she was trying to ruin his life, but that he didn't care anymore. He told her he was NOT angry about her breaking into his FB page. He just wanted to hear JA confess she was a liar. Which she did.

Sadly, I'm pretty sure now that he knew she was coming on June 4. And I'm more convinced she had already decided to kill him before May 26. She told him in the text she wanted to feel NOTHING for him, but couldn't get there, even when she knew the feelings meant nothing, any weren't going to lead lead anywhere. The turn the switch entry in her journal expressed how she felt, and I think that was the first day she realized that he would have to be dead for her obsession to stop.
I've read most of the tweets regarding this press conference. I've goggled for the last hour to try and find a replay of it.
I was able to hear some of the questions and answers, but not all...plus I could not see the jurors, it was just audio.
Is there someone who could please provide a link to the whole press conference?
I'm so very upset right now I can't put my thoughts and feelings together for a cohesive post. I was able to view the verdict, but not live...

Aw, sorry you are upset. FWIW, your post seems cohesive and thoughtful to me.

Maybe I am just trying to make myself feel better. This could be a blessing in disguise. Jody Arias craves attention and being the center of attention. The Sheriff has already disclosed a statement that she had been in his jail for seven years and he is preparing a summary report as to her activities during that time and he gave the impression that it was not positive to JA. Paraphrasing he said JA is a convicted murderer and he would not allow any media interviews, and that she was manipulative and conniving. He stated her "15 minutes" is over. To punish JA is to take away all the things she craves, and IMO this is only the beginning.

Had she gotten the death penalty there would be appeal after appeal. The TA family would be drawn back into the circus time after time. Now they don't have to worry with that. Each appeal JA would be allowed out of her cell and to meet with attorneys and complain about her treatment and attempt to "game" the system even more than she already has, and have that "human contact". She won't have that now.

Her reputation already has reached out before she even gets to Perryville. The Warden has already warned everyone how she is. There is no doubt in my mind that since Perryville has until April to prepare for her arrival, it will not be the "welcome party" JA might be expecting. Should she have the opportunity to cross the wrong inmate she will be slapped right into next week...and nobody will help her, no witnesses.


Then she'll really know what abuse is, after they get done with her...hahaha. jmo
Those 11 jurors were probably also a little scared and unsure exactly what they were "allowed" to tell the judge about this other juror for fear of causing a mistrial.

Obviously this juror did not realize she could have asked to speak to the judge and tell her she did not feel she could deliberate. The juror was told and warning before and after every court session about seeing news on this case. So she can't say she was unaware.

Not sure, maybe AZL can weigh in, but it appears we need better instructions to the jury that would cover this issue, or it could be there and this juror just ignored it.
Question: Can Sherrif Joe shut her down from speaking out when she goes to Perryville? Or is he sending this over in preparation for her transfer so whoever is in charge there can limit her 'activities' too?
Maybe I am just trying to make myself feel better. This could be a blessing in disguise. Jody Arias craves attention and being the center of attention. The Sheriff has already disclosed a statement that she had been in his jail for seven years and he is preparing a summary report as to her activities during that time and he gave the impression that it was not positive to JA. Paraphrasing he said JA is a convicted murderer and he would not allow any media interviews, and that she was manipulative and conniving. He stated her "15 minutes" is over. To punish JA is to take away all the things she craves, and IMO this is only the beginning.

Had she gotten the death penalty there would be appeal after appeal. The TA family would be drawn back into the circus time after time. Now they don't have to worry with that. Each appeal JA would be allowed out of her cell and to meet with attorneys and complain about her treatment and attempt to "game" the system even more than she already has, and have that "human contact". She won't have that now.

Her reputation already has reached out before she even gets to Perryville. The Warden has already warned everyone how she is. There is no doubt in my mind that since Perryville has until April to prepare for her arrival, it will not be the "welcome party" JA might be expecting. Should she have the opportunity to cross the wrong inmate she will be slapped right into next week...and nobody will help her, no witnesses.


I didn't know Joe A. said that. Thanks for posting this. I feel a little better now.
The judge doesn't need any more information. But perhaps Jodi wants to make a statement and is hoping the media loses interest before April 13.

Yes, she will stay at Estrella until sentencing.

What was the report that Arias waived? is it a big deal that she waived her right to that? Pre-sentencing report or something? I have never heard of that before.
Just now listening to the jury interview. Heartbreaking. The hold out juror was unquestionably dishonest and strikes me as some kind of sick anti DP activist. It doesn't make sense in any way that someone would break with the rest of the jurors, based on what I'm hearing. The stack of DVDs with dates, and no identifiable organization was unforgivable and did not help the situation. They liked th judge but I hope she is replaced. Enough of these easily avoidable problems. Reminds me of Belvin and his empty threats, and allowance of perjury.
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