Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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Welcome, orchids!!

The 200.00 check is dated 5-25-08, on 6-03-08, the balance showing in that account is 148.65, she makes a deposit of 400.00, bringing balance to 548.65 - if Travis had received that check before 6-03-08 it appears the account would not have had the funds in it to clear the check. The other account that she deposited money into that morning was already overdrawn (deposit of 300.00 brought balance to 240.43, so 59.57 overdrawn before deposit).

Just as I thought. That leads me to agree with others that she stole TA's emergency cash. That could account for the new 9mm Glock and the car rental fee for her "getaway". Camping? Pfffffft. Why doesn't she have any female friends? I don't remember her naming one.

Interrogation quote: something to the effect "I would have to be humane" leads me to think gunshot last.
other statements referencing gloves gets me leaning that she may have worn them otherwise her hand cuts would have been worse. JMVHO

One of my favorite players from the first trial is the TESORO lady who slammed the lid on the gas lie! Appeared to be a very exotic person. Central casting couldn't have come up with better.
I can't imagine what relevance the sealed motion regarding change of counsel has for the date of sentencing 4/13. I would think there are no appellate attorneys lined up until an appeal has been officially filed which would be after sentencing, unless this is Nurmi or Willmott's official request to formally disassociate themselves from CMJA'S case. What else could it be?
I also see no reason why she shouldn't be on the Perryville bus after sentencing. While I know the murderess has proven herself to be cold and emotionless, I would be an emotional wreck .If she has one shred of normal emotions somewhere in her psyche, she is sure to lose her composure that day, if not for herself, for her parents and siblings. I am convinced it
won't be for Travis or the Alexander family, as I believe she thinks Travis deserved his death.
I DO think a lot of the things she said in the Ninja story are real facts that happened just not exactly the way she said it did. I truly believe that Travis was screaming and saying he can't feel his legs. I think she thought killing someone was like the movies where you stab them in the heart and they hold their chest, and stare at you, and then fall down dead. She had no inkling of someone trying to stay alive and escape for help. She had no idea Travis would fight for his life like he did. And she either stole money from Travis, and/or did tricks for the amount of money she deposited in those accounts. She hardly worked, I'm amazed she ever kept any job and maybe she didn't. It's all so sad. I wonder if she will write the family years from now to tell them the truth. It wouldn't be the truth because she is not capable of that, but just to hurt them more, I would not put it past her.
BBM. Me, too, thinking that's the reason. I also had another thought while listening to JM's voice that sounded like he may have had some health issue (cold, sore throat, laryngitis) and thought what on earth would happen if JM got sick since he worked the prosecution alone (wonderful Det. Flores not being a lawyer) but there are five working the defense. Grrrr.

I think it's a good thing JM boss there to observe everything.

I think there also might be some sort of discussion when this is all over regarding the running of the courtroom in both cases. We may never know, but I'll bet there will be at least one meeting about it.

JM got disrespect from all quarters and it should never have been allowed. I think the behavior of some of the defense witnesses and the defense lawyers was out of line. JSS may well get slammed the way judge Ito did.

That mitigation specialist is another thing entirely and it's not good, sheesh.

Does anyone remember in one of KN's numerous Motions to Dismiss where he accused JM of prosecutorial misconduct when he insulted JW in a bench conference, telling her she needed to go back to law school, and further stating "if I was married to you I would f---ing kill myself." I just about fell out of my chair laughing when I read that motion. SO TRUE

But the truth of the matter is KN and JW and all their expert witnesses insulted JM in front of the jury all the time and that worthless JSS did nothing.
I DO think a lot of the things she said in the Ninja story are real facts that happened just not exactly the way she said it did. I truly believe that Travis was screaming and saying he can't feel his legs. I think she thought killing someone was like the movies where you stab them in the heart and they hold their chest, and stare at you, and then fall down dead. She had no inkling of someone trying to stay alive and escape for help. She had no idea Travis would fight for his life like he did. And she either stole money from Travis, and/or did tricks for the amount of money she deposited in those accounts. She hardly worked, I'm amazed she ever kept any job and maybe she didn't. It's all so sad. I wonder if she will write the family years from now to tell them the truth. It wouldn't be the truth because she is not capable of that, but just to hurt them more, I would not put it past her.

I agree that she will never tell the truth for a couple of reasons: she enjoys the sense of power that being the only one who knows what really happened that day gives her, and the truth would not set her free contrary to what the saying says. IMO the truth and nothing but would expose even more what a complete creep she is so if she is pinning her hopes on getting out one day, the truth would not help her.

Over at JAII they seem to be pinning a heap of hope on Arias getting a competely new trial once her appeals are filed, and one where none of her testimony to date can be used against her. Does anywhere here with better legal knowledge than I know what the chances of a new trial are and whether her prior testimony can be barred in such a scenario? Slim to none for both I hope.
I can't imagine what relevance the sealed motion regarding change of counsel has for the date of sentencing 4/13. I would think there are no appellate attorneys lined up until an appeal has been officially filed which would be after sentencing, unless this is Nurmi or Willmott's official request to formally disassociate themselves from CMJA'S case. What else could it be?
I also see no reason why she shouldn't be on the Perryville bus after sentencing. While I know the murderess has proven herself to be cold and emotionless, I would be an emotional wreck .If she has one shred of normal emotions somewhere in her psyche, she is sure to lose her composure that day, if not for herself, for her parents and siblings. I am convinced it
won't be for Travis or the Alexander family, as I believe she thinks Travis deserved his death.

I am worried they will delay sentencing for an appeal, did anyone follow that trial in Utah of Dr. Martin MacNeil? He got his sentencing put off for almost a year because of a last minute appeal to COA in Utah. It was denied but it put off his sentencing from November of 2013 until Sept of 2014. If that happens in this case I will pull my hair out and quit watching all together.
There is NO basis for her to get a new trial EVER! Not possible except in their dreams. She is guilty, was found guilty and now the judge gets to decide her sentence. I wonder if Jodi is thinking about all the times she has pissed off this judge and wishes she hadn't? Naw that's too complex for Jodi to think about. That would require her to think about someone other than herself and I don't think she is capable. I am only interested in what she thinks from a scientific standpoint or just because I like to consider what makes people "tick", not ever because I really care what she thinks. It's my analytical mind that makes me ponder. I still remember when I read Helter Skelter back in the day. It was a very interesting read, not because of what happened, but because of all the psychology of "how do people think like this?" Some things just cannot be explained though and it's not like you can take this situation and hear the truth and go "OH OK now I understand". Unfortunately even if we did know the truth, it would not satisfy because Travis is still dead and she will never be sorry that he is.
I am worried they will delay sentencing for an appeal, did anyone follow that trial in Utah of Dr. Martin MacNeil? He got his sentencing put off for almost a year because of a last minute appeal to COA in Utah. It was denied but it put off his sentencing from November of 2013 until Sept of 2014. If that happens in this case I will pull my hair out and quit watching all together.

I would not put anything past this bunch. I am hopeful that the sentencing will happen as planned, but not confident given the judge and the players in this case, but still I have to hope it will finally end.
I DO think a lot of the things she said in the Ninja story are real facts that happened just not exactly the way she said it did. I truly believe that Travis was screaming and saying he can't feel his legs. I think she thought killing someone was like the movies where you stab them in the heart and they hold their chest, and stare at you, and then fall down dead. She had no inkling of someone trying to stay alive and escape for help. She had no idea Travis would fight for his life like he did. And she either stole money from Travis, and/or did tricks for the amount of money she deposited in those accounts. She hardly worked, I'm amazed she ever kept any job and maybe she didn't. It's all so sad. I wonder if she will write the family years from now to tell them the truth. It wouldn't be the truth because she is not capable of that, but just to hurt them more, I would not put it past her.

I agree.CMJA was convinced that the murder would be a Psycho moment. The wounds on his upper torso including the fatal wound to his VC and added to the defensive wounds all speak to his being in a confined space with his back against a hard surface/wall. My practical example to my DH : try to stab a pumpkin that is sitting on a counter. you just can't do it because it rolls and moves, but put that same pumpkin against a wall and...there you go, every stab is deep and slashes are accomplished easily. She thought she had it all figured out. He was seated, nude, wet, no grab bars in the shower stall so how could he possible escape being killed?

Like you I believe TA was screaming in pain asking for help and said "I can't feel my legs", the legs and ankles she stomped as he tried to get down the hall.

During JA's testimony she disputed that the last picture of TA appearing to show himon his back bleeding in the hall was taken after his throat was slit!!! So was she saying that the attack and the throat slit occurred later in the killing. *rubs chin* so her fog lifted for that moment. liar.

If you have a box of tissues handy watch JM's closing of the aggravating factor trial. CMJA is seen crying real or possibly manufactured tears throughout. Strange that her tears follow along with JM's graphic description of the murder.

On my list of favorite players: Dr. Fonseca, don't throw rocks lol. She reminds me of aging frustrated writer who has had a few too many Manhattans and cigarettes and is spinning her idea for a story to an equally impaired companion. quite a character!
Agree with the above posts in that JM received minimal respect from JSS and the DT. An example for me was during the sidebar to discuss whether it was legal for the killer to testify in secret. Juan was quite clear this was illegal and would be overturned by the Arizona COA, and he was absolutely correct. However, JSS's inability to make a sound decision based on well precidented case law caused yet another period of days of trial delay. Another example would be that Juan tried to get juror 17 removed but JSS did not afford professional courtesy to listen to JM concern.
There is NO basis for her to get a new trial EVER! Not possible except in their dreams. She is guilty, was found guilty and now the judge gets to decide her sentence. I wonder if Jodi is thinking about all the times she has pissed off this judge and wishes she hadn't? Naw that's too complex for Jodi to think about. That would require her to think about someone other than herself and I don't think she is capable. I am only interested in what she thinks from a scientific standpoint or just because I like to consider what makes people "tick", not ever because I really care what she thinks. It's my analytical mind that makes me ponder. I still remember when I read Helter Skelter back in the day. It was a very interesting read, not because of what happened, but because of all the psychology of "how do people think like this?" Some things just cannot be explained though and it's not like you can take this situation and hear the truth and go "OH OK now I understand". Unfortunately even if we did know the truth, it would not satisfy because Travis is still dead and she will never be sorry that he is.

Remember CMJA is a prolific letter writer. I wonder how many letters she has written to JSS since she has had her perks taken away. She has to fill those endless empty hours with something, why not flood JSS with tons of correspondence. We know she is probably written KN numerous inflammatory letters condemning him for his poor performance as her attorney. I would give anything to read some of them LOL
I agree.CMJA was convinced that the murder would be a Psycho moment. The wounds on his upper torso including the fatal wound to his VC and added to the defensive wounds all speak to his being in a confined space with his back against a hard surface/wall. My practical example to my DH : try to stab a pumpkin that is sitting on a counter. you just can't do it because it rolls and moves, but put that same pumpkin against a wall and...there you go, every stab is deep and slashes are accomplished easily. She thought she had it all figured out. He was seated, nude, wet, no grab bars in the shower stall so how could he possible escape being killed?

Like you I believe TA was screaming in pain asking for help and said "I can't feel my legs", the legs and ankles she stomped as he tried to get down the hall.

During JA's testimony she disputed that the last picture of TA appearing to show himon his back bleeding in the hall was taken after his throat was slit!!! So was she saying that the attack and the throat slit occurred later in the killing. *rubs chin* so her fog lifted for that moment. liar.

If you have a box of tissues handy watch JM's closing of the aggravating factor trial. CMJA is seen crying real or possibly manufactured tears throughout. Strange that her tears follow along with JM's graphic description of the murder.

On my list of favorite players: Dr. Fonseca, don't throw rocks lol. She reminds me of aging frustrated writer who has had a few too many Manhattans and cigarettes and is spinning her idea for a story to an equally impaired companion. quite a character!

I also think her and LaViolette are both sexually frustrated women.
Regarding Dr. Fonseca, after reading all the tweets when she was testifying, I was surprised to watch her on video. So many tweeters called her out for rolling the "r" in Martinez, when she was addressing him. With her last name(s), I imagined her to be first-generation American, so perhaps she couldn't "help" but to say his name with an accent. Come to find out, she speaks English with no accent whatsoever, except for when she says his name. Now I see that it was yet another example of her being blatantly disrespectful of Mr. Martinez.
"If I killed Travis, my life is OVER."

That's one of my favorite parts of the whole interrogation. That, and all Flores' genius skill.

Being the self-centered, egomaniac that she is... she probably never put very much thought into the risk/reward analysis of "if I'm arrested and found guilty of killing Travis, my life is over" (although all of her pre-planning suggests she put SOME thought into it -- just not enough). Her spitefulness reigns supreme.

I'm one of the few people that believe one of the reasons JA killed TA was because she didn't want him telling anyone else about all the crap she ever did to him. So to silence him, she kills him. Then she's arrested, tried, found guilty and sentenced to life in prison -- and in the end, everyone STILL finds out all the details about her that she didn't want known -- and more!

Have a nice life, Einstein. :)

9 more nights in Hotel Arpaio then Perryville til she dies Travis
Watching the trial video of 1/27/15, I'm impressed by Juan Martinez' conduct towards his witnesses. Despite his pit bull reputation, you can see many examples of his kind and respectful treatment of witnesses.

I've noted this before. He personally escorted Deanna Reid, Dr. DeMarte and other witnesses to the courthouse. He gained the respect of most all prosecution witnesses. He comes across to me as a gracious and kind person.

JW crying to JSS after DR's statement on the stand about JW being the one misrepresenting things would be humorous, were it not for the seriousness of the attack on Deanna's character (and by association, TA's character).

JW's bullying of Deanna was also completely dishonorable. Her trying to shame DR was embarrassing, more so for JW than Deanna.

How do these people look at themselves in the mirror every day?
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