Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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JA +JSS =Are we sure its over on the 13th? Agree. Whats up with the secrecy? Will her sentencing be delayed and dragged on for another year?

I agree, it's very strange to me, not knowing if this is common or not, not knowing law. But, the defense did file a motion & JSS did have an ex parte hearing with them about it, then sealed it. What IS the purpose to change council before sentencing? If JSS granted the motion, WHY? What would be the purpose of having new council at the sentencing? Anyone?
I agree, it's very strange to me, not knowing if this is common or not, not knowing law. But, the defense did file a motion & JSS did have an ex parte hearing with them about it, then sealed it. What IS the purpose to change council before sentencing? If JSS granted the motion, WHY? What would be the purpose of having new council at the sentencing? Anyone?

I think this is just another misguided effort on Arias' part to gum up the works and to document things for appeal.

I expect that she slammed Nurmi again in the supplement, as this is part of her MO- she wants to take everyone and anyone down.

As for this being sealed, that may have been part of the supplement?

The supplemental motion makes no sense at this stage of proceedings, but nothing that Arias does makes sense. Take it all with a grain of salt.
Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret is on LMN today (Friday) at 4:00PM (EDT).

Somebody needs to notify juror #17----She might want to watch it from beginning to end this time, unlike before when she just watched "parts of it". (according to her)
Played into her hands or just played the game with her? Please don't make them out to be normal. They too are repulsive.

I agree, JW especially behaved just like a angry teenager and that jumping up and down wanting to approach was ridiculous. She really went after Deanna for no good reason. The way Nurmi went after the Bishop was disgraceful. He will pay for that one.
True, though this is what Abe had to say about it on Dr.Drew:

"ABDELHADI: I was a witness to that Spanish speaking. One time I had -- at an event I had a couple Spanish guests. My Spanish is intermediate or so. And she sits down and she starts rattling it off like Ricky Ricardo."

Also one of her co-workers, the one that told us about how JA mistreated the cat and also how she didn't want to look Mexican, spoke of it too:

"VERONICA: The only way she talked about her family was this, Doctor. She spoke fluent Spanish. She was really good. And I said, Jodi, wow, you speak Spanish. You know, are you part Spanish or South American, whatever? She said, "No, I`m half Mexican." "

But...............she makes it a point to have her last name pronounced like a "gringo" would. Part of her trying to "be Caucasian". She even "corrected" Juan when he used the proper Spanish pronunciation when he got up to cross her via trial #1.

Maybe there's some racial tension in Yrecka or places where CMJA worked, but this is Arizona, it was part of Mexico, there's a huge population of Hispanics, it's part of the "culture".

Seriously, JM is Hispanic, EF is Hispanic, MDLR is Hispanic, and she wants to go all gringa in a place where no one gives a hoot? Pfffttttt.

La Raza gals in PV aren't going to take too kindly to that. :floorlaugh:
I agree, it's very strange to me, not knowing if this is common or not, not knowing law. But, the defense did file a motion & JSS did have an ex parte hearing with them about it, then sealed it. What IS the purpose to change council before sentencing? If JSS granted the motion, WHY? What would be the purpose of having new council at the sentencing? Anyone?

This is apparently something JA wanted to add to her previous motion, the closest I could find would be where she filed Pro Se:
10/20/2014 SDO - Order to Seal Documents - Party (001) 10/30/2014

I'm guessing she's adding some info in this latest supplemental entry that she thinks will help her when she files her appeal for ineffective counsel. Probably whining about Nurmi saving her life <grin>. JSS didn't actually have a meeting with her, just received the paperwork and made a record of it on the docket.
All this talk about Jodi's sex life in here...........did Nurmi rub off on you guys ?
This is apparently something JA wanted to add to her previous motion, the closest I could find would be where she filed Pro Se:
10/20/2014 SDO - Order to Seal Documents - Party (001) 10/30/2014

I'm guessing she's adding some info in this latest supplemental entry that she thinks will help her when she files her appeal for ineffective counsel. Probably whining about Nurmi saving her life <grin>. JSS didn't actually have a meeting with her, just received the paperwork and made a record of it on the docket.

At least she didn't get a field trip outing/break from jail. We can be thankful for that. Two weeks from Mon? Let's hope lucky 13 gets her a one way ride to Perryville that day.
I'm impressed—JA's protestations to the contrary—at how unsophisticated and unimaginative Jodi is at sex. The hallmark of inexperience is her excitement about KY Jelly, when we all know that's what doctors routinely use in rectal and gynecological exams. Most adults have observed this stuff on the counter of their generalist's examining room. But consider this as well: there is no sign that any "toys" were found: no Magic Wand, Turbo Glider, butt plug, or Rabbit. Like the KY focus, this suggests lack of a creative repertoire , Jodi's sense of herself as a sexy turn on notwithstanding. Then there is the startling absence of lubricants that aren't so "doctor-ish". I mean, really, no Pink, Sliquid, Slippery Stuff, Please?

Hate to tell you, Jodi, you are a veritable novice in the sex department. Prudish and stodgy. "Old-fashioned", to use ALV's moniker. And, oh, goody, you never will get to visit Good Vibrations, either online or in person. Bwahahaha!

With all of these conversations about Jodi's sex life and pedo letters, it reminded me of a question I've been meaning to ask.

Someone that uses this forum a lot has a signature that says this :

"He who introduces KY into the relationship is no abused virgin." - Aristotle

Now, as has been explained to me thoroughly in here, I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer sometimes. That being said, I'm also pretty sure that they weren't manufacturing KY-jelly back when Aristotle was walking around making comments like a know-it-all smarty-pants.

Can anybody explain to me the origin of that quote, and what it means, IF Aristotle actually said that ??
Again! I am so over this.....JMOO

Everytime I see KY....I know what it means to the trial, but I always think of KY meaning Kentucky....so when reading some of the posts, it takes me a minute to think no, not Kentucky, the gel! It makes for some fun reading!
With all of these conversations about Jodi's sex life and pedo letters, it reminded me of a question I've been meaning to ask.

Someone that uses this forum a lot has a signature that says this :

"He who introduces KY into the relationship is no abused virgin." - Aristotle

Now, as has been explained to me thoroughly in here, I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer sometimes. That being said, I'm also pretty sure that they weren't manufacturing KY-jelly back when Aristotle was walking around making comments like a know-it-all smarty-pants.

Can anybody explain to me the origin of that quote, and what it means, IF Aristotle actually said that ??

Mark Eiglarsh said it as a joke when he was discussing what a colossal mistake it was for the defense to introduce the sex call. Exact quote:

"I believe it was Aristotle that said, he who introduces KY into the relationship is no abused virgin."

I just thought it was funny. Obviously Aristotle didn't really say it.
With all of these conversations about Jodi's sex life and pedo letters, it reminded me of a question I've been meaning to ask.

Someone that uses this forum a lot has a signature that says this :

"He who introduces KY into the relationship is no abused virgin." - Aristotle

Now, as has been explained to me thoroughly in here, I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer sometimes. That being said, I'm also pretty sure that they weren't manufacturing KY-jelly back when Aristotle was walking around making comments like a know-it-all smarty-pants.

Can anybody explain to me the origin of that quote, and what it means, IF Aristotle actually said that ??

Beware of "He Who Pretends Ignorance" Samspace
Toot toot, tootsie good-bye

If you don't get a letter then you"ll know I'm in jail. LOL

Toot toot, tootsie good-bye

If you don't get a letter then you"ll know I'm in jail. LOL


I think that dude needs some Ritalin.
It sure is quiet in this forum now...I guess when they decided to put Jodi in solitary, they weren't fooling around this time.

I suspect Nurmi is going to sit in his big overstuffed chair and cry like a baby on April 14th.

His horrible client is gone, and so is his reputation.

Oh well, it was his strategy at work.

I'm off to go try and locate some missing persons over in the other forum, lots of them out there right now.
JA must be going crazy in that small cell with no chocolate or video chats to occupy her. Perhaps she is composing another manifesto. I just bet JM and Dr.H and EF plays a very prominent roll in it. Of course we can't forget her forged pedo letters either. This woman can't resist writing another revised manifesto.

She has to get the attention of the media some way, just as she filed that new motion, to get attention and another dig at KN. KN deserves it for what he did to the Pro witnesses especially Bishop Parker. She praises JW and MDLR, so we know how they kissed her behind over and over again. They are both beneath contempt.
JA must be going crazy in that small cell with no chocolate or video chats to occupy her. Perhaps she is composing another manifesto. I just bet JM and Dr.H and EF plays a very prominent roll in it. Of course we can't forget her forged pedo letters either. This woman can't resist writing another revised manifesto.

She has to get the attention of the media some way, just as she filed that new motion, to get attention and another dig at KN. KN deserves it for what he did to the Pro witnesses especially Bishop Parker. She praises JW and MDLR, so we know how they kissed her behind over and over again. They are both beneath contempt.

It's not just no video chats. Her support networks have gone very, very quiet so she is not getting any news from them. I think that orchestrating her fan club is what really kept her going once she was in closed custody. Some might remember a few letters that were leaked this summer in which she wrote the infighting was causing her more stress than her trial?

From what I hear, she has a CA attorney as a buddy with whom she can make legal calls/video visits right now, but since everything is now underground, he has little information to feed to her. It is very, very quiet in Jodi-land.
It's not just no video chats. Her support networks have gone very, very quiet so she is not getting any news from them. I think that orchestrating her fan club is what really kept her going once she was in closed custody. Some might remember a few letters that were leaked this summer in which she wrote the infighting was causing her more stress than her trial?

From what I hear, she has a CA attorney as a buddy with whom she can make legal calls/video visits right now, but since everything is now underground, he has little information to feed to her. It is very, very quiet in Jodi-land.

I heard about the CA attorney but didn't hear a name or firm. Maybe he is just another ambulance chaser trying to link his name with that of an infamous criminal to boost his failing practice or maybe ..... he has a less than legal reason to communicate with JA. I wonder if he has standing to practice in AZ? I guess MDLR and CA attorney are keeping her occupied because KN is ignoring her again. LOL
Howdy all! *IF* all goes to plan, CMJA will be leaving with a one way ticket to Perryville in 16 days, 12 hours. I certainly hope that the convict wire over at PV is planning a special welcome party for their new celebrity killer JA, who plans to teach them all Spanish, start a recycling program (undies?) and begin an organization to help "edify" the minds of PV community members. :welcome6:

I'm sure all the toughest cons at Perryville are jumping up and down with excitement, hoping they will be given the honor of joining CMJA's crew, because JA has big plans once she gets there. Wentworth Prison anyone?? Is CMJA hoping to be a Jacs or a Franky, or just a pathetic loser who gets to be cuddled by Big Bertha in the shower?

Bye bye CMJA! By destroying TA she has destroyed herself - she was too arrogant and ignorant to consider the law of unintended consequences. By murdering TA she has ceased to live and will only exist for the rest of her life in a rotting prison cell with no makeup bag or super-duper-choco-latte-frappuccinos from Starbucks. WAAAH! :tantrum:
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