Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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I just had a thought. Perryville is not air conditioned so even IF she gets to buy candy bars there, won't they melt? HAHAHAHAHAHA
I heard about the CA attorney but didn't hear a name or firm. Maybe he is just another ambulance chaser trying to link his name with that of an infamous criminal to boost his failing practice or maybe ..... he has a less than legal reason to communicate with JA. I wonder if he has standing to practice in AZ? I guess MDLR and CA attorney are keeping her occupied because KN is ignoring her again. LOL

Maybe she's decided if she can't avoid prison, she'll get busy and plot a transfer to CA. Not gonna happen. But she can dream. Ha! Nope, she'll be enjoying all that Perryville has to offer for the rest of her life. :laughing:
I tried to read the manifesto and made it to page 3 before my brain hurt too much to read any further. It is past time for her to go away.

After reading the first 4 paragraphs I was "done". It was ridiculous as well as upsetting ..I agree with La-cooks...Time Jodi went bye-bye to Perryville ? What's with the recent motion to change counsel..This trial and sentencing has been drug out long enough...Please Arizona give the rest of the 49 states a break from her.
Does anyone else share my opinion that on sentencing day Jodi will either throw a "hissy" fit, feign a migraine or fake a cardiac event like an unnamed Rap has been accused of before major court appearances ?
Does anyone else share my opinion that on sentencing day Jodi will either throw a "hissy" fit, feign a migraine or fake a cardiac event like an unnamed Rap has been accused of before major court appearances ?

Do we have to choose only one, or can we get a trifecta ticket? :thinking:
Yes, I do. I hope no one gives her so much as a passing glance. Move along, get in the van.
Maybe she's decided if she can't avoid prison, she'll get busy and plot a transfer to CA. Not gonna happen. But she can dream. Ha! Nope, she'll be enjoying all that Perryville has to offer for the rest of her life. :laughing:

I asked the question about the felon transferring to CA where she has family....the answer is a NO. She cannot transfer as this is not a federal prison, but a state prison. I don't think the felon's family will be coming to visit because of the cost. They have filed for bankruptcy, do not have money for travel after the sentencing. Also I can just see the family coming up for a visit and the felon getting mad and not wanting to see them. What a waste of money. I do see them Skyping if the felon has earned that privilege. That will be the extent of visits. Any friends visiting will be the minions unless they find s new inmate to follow.
Does anyone else share my opinion that on sentencing day Jodi will either throw a "hissy" fit, feign a migraine or fake a cardiac event like an unnamed Rap has been accused of before major court appearances ?

I vote hissy fit with the wrist brace on.
JA must be going crazy in that small cell with no chocolate or video chats to occupy her. Perhaps she is composing another manifesto. I just bet JM and Dr.H and EF plays a very prominent roll in it. Of course we can't forget her forged pedo letters either. This woman can't resist writing another revised manifesto.
She has to get the attention of the media some way, just as she filed that new motion, to get attention and another dig at KN. KN deserves it for what he did to the Pro witnesses especially Bishop Parker. She praises JW and MDLR, so we know how they kissed her behind over and over again. They are both beneath contempt.

Where are you reading about her new motion against Nurmi? The one I see on page 6 of this thread is dated 2014
RSF, very impressive. You must have a very exciting private life! ;0)

I am old, but not "old fashioned." Since paying attention to this trial (the first day I watched, Juan was tossing around technical and slang sex words with equal facility), I have become intimate friends with the Urban Dictionary, despite my advanced age. Apart from that, most anyone could exceed Jodi's "knowledge base" in an educational and visually appealing way with a 20 minute visit to one of the more tasteful "toy stores", online or off. For me, this kind of self-education is a matter of staying current, much as you might feel compelled to investigate a technology trend or a new line of fat tire bicycles.

Lest anyone get the wrong idea, I am not promoting *advertiser censored*; a heavy dose of imagination is required for a "field trip" of the sort I have indicated. But it will also soon be obvious how sexually uninspired Jodi is.

The private lives of everyone on this forum will forever be more exciting than JA's!
I am old, but not "old fashioned." Since paying attention to this trial (the first day I watched, Juan was tossing around technical and slang sex words with equal facility), I have become intimate friends with the Urban Dictionary, despite my advanced age. Apart from that, most anyone could exceed Jodi's "knowledge base" in an educational and visually appealing way with a 20 minute visit to one of the more tasteful "toy stores", online or off. For me, this kind of self-education is a matter of staying current, much as you might feel compelled to investigate a technology trend or a new line of fat tire bicycles.

Lest anyone get the wrong idea, I am not promoting *advertiser censored*; a heavy dose of imagination is required for a "field trip" of the sort I have indicated. But it will also soon be obvious how sexually uninspired Jodi is.

The private lives of everyone on this forum will forever be more exciting than JA's!
Bwahahaha, well RSF, hopefully nobody will start doing Blumpkins, Rusty Trombones or Alaska Pipelines to improve their intimate lives after reading Urban Dictionary. Call me a prude but I'm not going to be enticed into the arcane act of the "Cleveland Steamer", and the day DH tries to give me a "Dirty Sanchez" he'll be wearing his you-know-what for earrings!!!! Still cackling over Fonesca calling it "j i z zles" during the trial :silly:
Hi everybody! Have been on vacation with no internet access since Sunday (yes - that can really happen!). If anyone has time to give me an update on anything important that has been happening this week, I would appreciate it. I very briefly skimmed, and I see pedo letters, secret hearing(?), solitary confinement(?). Thanks in advance!
I heard about the CA attorney but didn't hear a name or firm. Maybe he is just another ambulance chaser trying to link his name with that of an infamous criminal to boost his failing practice or maybe ..... he has a less than legal reason to communicate with JA. I wonder if he has standing to practice in AZ? I guess MDLR and CA attorney are keeping her occupied because KN is ignoring her again. LOL

https://disqus.com/by/michaelapadgett/ This guy? Another one who represents registered sex offenders.
I heard about the CA attorney but didn't hear a name or firm. Maybe he is just another ambulance chaser trying to link his name with that of an infamous criminal to boost his failing practice or maybe ..... he has a less than legal reason to communicate with JA. I wonder if he has standing to practice in AZ? I guess MDLR and CA attorney are keeping her occupied because KN is ignoring her again. LOL

Based on twitter info, this is supposedly the CA attorney who is her "friend." If true, it looks like she's taking a different tack...

I just had a thought. Perryville is not air conditioned so even IF she gets to buy candy bars there, won't they melt? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Well now, that is just tragic. Maybe CMJA can write to Amnesty International and have them investigate, because melted candy bars are certainly "de-edifying" her human rights!
Was looking back over some court minutes on those pedo letters and noticed a couple things. First the hearing was video taped...would love to hear what JM had to say about them. And two, I'd forgotten about the inmate that was a witness in an evidentiary hearing during that time, and some thought had to do with the letters. Name was Heather Nitterauer - guess where she is right now? Yep, Lumley Unit @ Perryville. With quite a few disciplinary actions against her. Appears she was @ Estrella 9/19/2010 - 8/5/2011 (?). Her DOC record is hard for me to figure out but by coordinating with court records that's the time I think she may have been in w/JA. Really curious about whatever she had to testify about...
Everytime I see KY....I know what it means to the trial, but I always think of KY meaning Kentucky....so when reading some of the posts, it takes me a minute to think no, not Kentucky, the gel! It makes for some fun reading!

Ha!! Me too!!! And I live in Kentucky (go big blue��)and thanks to CMJA every time I abbreviate for my address I think about her - yuck!!!! She's ruined it forever. I may have to move!
Amanda Knox conviction overturned
I asked the question about the felon transferring to CA where she has family....the answer is a NO. She cannot transfer as this is not a federal prison, but a state prison. I don't think the felon's family will be coming to visit because of the cost. They have filed for bankruptcy, do not have money for travel after the sentencing. Also I can just see the family coming up for a visit and the felon getting mad and not wanting to see them. What a waste of money. I do see them Skyping if the felon has earned that privilege. That will be the extent of visits. Any friends visiting will be the minions unless they find s new inmate to follow.

I dont think PV has video visits. And she's only allowed 20 people on her visitors list and they have to go through a background check. With the "friends" she has, I don't see very many visits in her future.
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