Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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We also know when she got home from the killing, she downloaded files she wanted MM to keep for her and then destroyed her hard drive and hid that Helio phone for later use if she needed it. I think she did plan on writing some letters about abuse and stashed them somewhere. Also, the pedo letter came later, that is what she needed MM for and he let her down, remember the magazines and the coded messages in them. She got caught that time but how many other times did she not get caught and how many things did MDLR smuggle out for her. Also she represented herself on three separate occasions and had access to other people with no one observing her.
Seeing that beautiful little boy who overcame the worst odds and grew up to be an inspiration to so many, but had his life snuffed short because of that evil CMJA fills me with a rage and horror I cannot even articulate.

It hurts so bad to see that baby's face.
Dear trucrimefest: thank you SO much for this Brilliant comparison!

Let me testiculate...

Oh my god - ROFLLLLLLLLLLL! Why didn't MDLR just use this as a mitigation point? Y'know ja will teach the masses to read?

Lol every time I heard her using big words in her testimony, I thought of this. When she said she was going to teach people to read, I cracked up. This is too perfect :laughing:
Would this be suborning perjury.

Does a testifying witness have to know that what they're testifying to is false for it to be considered perjury? Could witnesses have gotten in trouble if they had relied on FOR EXAMPLE: If a witness had been on the stand testifying that the letters were written by the murdered victim ONLY because they were told by defense lawyers that they had been verified and were irrefutable evidenc, but later found to be forged...WOULDN'T THE DEFENSE LAWYERS GET REAMED, FACE SANCTIONS, POSSIBLE DISBARMENT?

FOR EXAMPLE: All kinds of questions and all kinds of problems for a lawyer that I can see. Someone could have been intending to influence witness testimony using evidence that had not been proved to be real...

Now, I wonder how often this happens, that a lawyer will lie to witnesses in order to get false evidence in as fact? Erg - am I making sense?

By the lawyer lying to witnesses, who are about to testify in court, are they not creating the situation - I mean, someone having been told something is irrefutably true and proven 100% to be true would form their opinions and naturally base their answers on thinking that a certain thing was a face because they were told by a lawyer. Not that I would EVER trust any lawyer from the opposing side. Would that mean that the lying lawyer is committing perjury by proxy or something like that?

My opinions only I'm just what-iffing a whole lot here. Hey! Just like the defense lawyers. :drumroll:

ETA: And by 'lying' I don't mean ALV's definition that it doesn't count.
So sad. I can only hope that CMJA rots in PV.

View attachment 71842

These photos are so precious. They remind me Travis has something the murderer will never have. Travis has a wonderful family who love him very much. There are so many people who have never met Travis, and still we all know what a wonderful person he was. I like to think of the posts put everyday on the Caylee Light a Candle thread, “You're safe and protected now. God is not finished yet” (Thank you Tulessa and Wolf Mom) Thank you Juan Martinez, Mr. Flores, Dr. De Marte, and everyone who helped to bring the truth out about Travis Alexander. I look forward to the day the murderer is taken away never to be heard of again. Travis’ light will always shine.
I almost wish the pedo letter was allowed in. Martinez would have destroyed Jodi, Matt, everything about it

I do too, I wanted to see every single lie of hers exposed and proven to be falsehoods, frankly I don't think she ever told a truth unless she thought it benefitted her in some manner, she seems absolutely incapable of being honest.
I pray the killer doesn't take one last chance to hurt the family of Travis. Knowing how evil she is capable of being, I wouldn't put it past her. She has one last chance to spew her lies and she will then be silenced forever.
Regarding the pedo letter, apart from the content, which is plainly straight from Jodi's malicious imagination, the forgery itself is also so obvious.

Just a cursory examination of the handwriting reveals so many "tells."

In Jodi's handwriting, the descenders on letters extend far below the baseline, almost as a flourish. In the forgery, all the "Y"s follow that tendency, with the descender of the "Y"s falling well below the baseline. In Travis' known handwriting samples, although he uses an odd mix of upper & lower case, he consistently keeps almost all letters on the baseline.

Also notable is that with the letter "B," the middle stroke between the two curvilinear parts meet at the vertical stroke in Travis' writings. Jodi, however, has a lazier style, where her "B"s look more like a "D" with a bit of an indent in the middle. In the letter, the "B"s look more like Jodi's handwriting.

I don't know if any of this makes sense without being able to show the visuals, but I hope you can get the idea.

At the end of the day, this document is such an obvious forgery I can't believe that Nurmi said something to the effect that "experts" couldn't rule it out as being not authentic (or some such nonsense).

on the other thread i was scrolling thru trying to catch up and not really reading word for word....i saw a post with an image of a written letter. i at the time didnt know what it was because i was quickly scrolling thru posts....but i thought it was written by jodi because of the "A" it jumped out at me instantly and i knew she had written it. i then read what the posts surrounding this image and realized what the letter was....

in one of my forensic classes we spent a significant time on handwriting analysis.....some things just jump out at me....
From lisasalinger's Mendacity excerpt which I believe sums this case up very well:

"The horror of Jodi Arias is that by murdering Travis she discovered her true self, she became the fully formed chameleon that was crawling in the shadows, and once the spotlight of the court and media fell on her, it didn’t feel like the cold light of truth, but something to warm herself under…”
One other noteworthy thing about her hair, after the late March dye job, it faded golden-reddish by May:


Not like the brown seen here...


after this dye job:


Look the same as this hair?

I pray the killer doesn't take one last chance to hurt the family of Travis. Knowing how evil she is capable of being, I wouldn't put it past her. She has one last chance to spew her lies and she will then be silenced forever.

One thing will be glaringly obvious - remorse or no remorse?

All she has to do is make one mention of trying to excuse or rationalize why she did it and *poof!* it's an automatic NO remorse shown!

She could have someone else write the most eloquent of letters apologizing profusely to the family for her actions and just one whiff of "I wouldn't have done it if..." and she's screwed.

I sincerely hope it tries to make a statement.

I sincerely hope that an honest, impartial psychologist or psychiatrist studies this case and writes a book. I've always said my SIL could be the subject of an entire book on abnormal psychology and used for teaching purposes and we all know ja would make the cut. Something UNsensational and factual. As impartial as possible, a case study.

Yep, I don't think she can stop herself from one last speech.

On another note: last night I saw the tail end of 48 hours (drat, missed the whole thing!) about Chris Longo who killed his wife and three little kidlets. He got the death penalty and is appealing. The estimated time for everyone to endure his appeal process is 7 to 10 years.

BUT, he got the death penalty. I wonder if it's the same time frame for LWOP or just a whambam thank you for trying, but buhbye.
CMJA's former attorney, Victoria Washington speaks out in 2013. She implies that she will speak out in an "evidentiary type setting" once this case is concluded in superior court. OK, can't wait to hear what she has to say.:doh:

It won't let me post the link, and it has been posted many times on here, and that's "justdatruth" :thinking:
I pray the killer doesn't take one last chance to hurt the family of Travis. Knowing how evil she is capable of being, I wouldn't put it past her. She has one last chance to spew her lies and she will then be silenced forever.

Do you mean the felon can get up and talk again?
I almost wish the pedo letter was allowed in. Martinez would have destroyed Jodi, Matt, everything about it

The is a motion where KN demands to have the discovery of what the meeting with Matt M was about and all the notes of that meeting. I don't know if they ever got anything but something happened with him and Juan. Juan taunted JA about him on several occasions. Didn't someone say if Matt M showed up to testify for JA, Juan would charge him with perjury before his feet hit the floor? I would like to have heard how that meeting went too. LOL
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