Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #11

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I saw the picture of the real baby later....just loving that it irked JA whether real or a ring tone. To see her head swivel around when she heard the cry was a priceless.

Yah, that was ugly! If you look real close you can see the killer actually make an effort to stop her head from cranking all the way around like in The Exorcist.
Yeah, but that does mean he's a pedophile...it's just "another piece of the puzzle." And that's different, of course, than actually calling him a pedophile.

Come on. It was insinuated time and again that Travis and liked and was sexually attracted to children, maybe had child *advertiser censored*, that Travis had video of a 12 year old girl, etc etc. That's a pedophile. Jodi says she bought him pedo pamphlets. They may not have said the words "he's a pedophile," but they were saying he likes children. That's a pedophile. I like how Wilmott has tried to distance herself from the word but not the accusation.


Jodi Arias Updates@JodiAnnArias

#JodiArias case wasn't mass murder, baby-killing or senseless. TA was an abusive, womanizing pedophile. Those who voted death are MONSTERS.
5:00 PM - 6 Mar 2015
Semantics. They didn't say it exactly like that in court. But they said it.
I believe her 2,400+ days already served will count towards the 2 years. If that's the case... just shaking my head.
NO! Surely not??? Wouldn't that apply to all prisoners like Mariis DV and Angela Simpson? :tantrum:
Yes, but before the 27 there were 1, 2,... ... and she had to come near him to stab. I wish he grabed her :gaah:

He may have tried to grab at the knife but sitting in the confined space of the single shower with no grab bars or towel bars to assist him he was a sitting duck for the murderer. JMO the fatal chest wound and most of the wounds on his front torso must have been done while his back was against a solid surface.He had many wounds to his front torso including a 5 inch slash of his belly area that all led to additional blood loss. Along with the defensive wounds on his hands, he was destined to bleed out, but that wasn't good enough for CMJA.

Many people who have given a pint of blood to save lives become lightheaded or faint, can you imagine what the blood loss from those wounds alone caused?

Did he rise from the shower?
JMO In an effort to save himself he rose up and stood at the sink while his murderer slashed and stabbed at his back. The bloodsplatter at the sink is the highwater mark of the blood evidence as far as i know. He had to have stood for a moment, but after that all the spatter evidence shows that TA was down close to the floor probably crawling up the hallway to the bedroom while she delivered blow after blow with the knife. She slit his throat at the threshold to the bedroom leaving a large pool of whatever blood was left in his body. When TA "wouldn't die" probably still making some type of gasping death rattle noise so she dragged him back to the bathroom and shot him in the head with her grandfather's gun..

JMT and I'm sticking to it.

Justice was served.
Sheriff Joe ought to be releasing his 'Tome of Terror - The Arias Years' any time, now that she's out of his domain.
I believe her 2,400+ days already served will count towards the 2 years. If that's the case... just shaking my head.

If it is true, she will be around others far sooner than she is ready to be. With that, I am not sure she will adapt as well as some have predicted. I hope it is not a written-in-stone time frame of two years, but an every-new-inmate-is-different type thing, where she can be kept in isolation as long as is deemed necessary.
no he's just too sick to travel. Sandi said that the last time he came it took him a month to recover.

He looks pretty healthy in a pic from yesterday with his sons. Don't buy the too sick or no money... they CHOSE not to come.

Anyone see the meme her sis posted today? Quite telling IMO.
He looks pretty healthy in a pic from yesterday with his sons. Don't buy the too sick or no money... they CHOSE not to come.

Anyone see the meme her sis posted today? Quite telling IMO.
Meme? What meme?
My second favorite part was Nurmi immediately jumping up 1 sec. after JSS stopped speaking to ask that she allow his escape from JA asap. I bet that public repudiation hit JA harder than anything else today.

I agree. This was PRICELESS! (now, hopefully he has a juicy interview planned! ;0)
I suspect that Juan, on purpose, went on and on about the pain it causes the Alexander siblings to wonder if Travis was conscious when Jodi started sawing through his neck and throat -- Juan went on MARKEDLY long about that point IMO. I suspect Juan prepped the Alexander siblings for it. Likely criminal profilers were in on thinking up that stunt. JODI BIT THE BAIT !!
NO! Surely not??? Wouldn't that apply to all prisoners like Mariis DV and Angela Simpson? :tantrum:

Iirc DeVault was in GP and had a prison job within a few weeks of her arrival. If Jodi doesn't cause problems during her processing and orientation I imagine she will be in GP soon
Wouldn't that be an oxymoron?

Exactly!!!! True Pedos like D. Westerfield focus only on the young. His trial was gutwrenching for me. He like CMJA offered to cop a plea without the death penalty and in return he would lead LE to the body. It was rejected by the PT. In retaliation/defense of DW his team dragged the parents and every witness including the expert witnesss through the mud. So similar. He sits on DR and hopefully will die there soon.
OT nice to see you!
Well, Sandy even said to JSS, 'she was wrongly convicted'! Can you believe it! Said 'has a beautiful soul', what world do these people live in?

YES you're right! I was so flabbergasted and surprised by her statement that I haven't even fully comprehended it yet. She said something like, she's been wrongly imprisoned and spent the past 6 years in jail....LOLLLLLL.
This is what puzzles me in this horrible crime - how did Travis not be able to defend himself and stop the beast to murder him'

He was well build phisically, I don't know how could that little excuse do all that brutal demage in a young healthy man111

I don't know many details because I only knew about this case yesterday and have been trying to inform myself the best before the

sentencing today, which I watched. Was it ever explained how could her subdue Travis''

Do you know how or was it ever explained'

She cornered him in a small shower and he was wet, and she had at least one knife and a gun in hand. It's as simple as that.
He was wet, naked, in a small stand up shower and IMHO she had the gun on him during the photo shoot. Even if she did not have the gun, the first stab wounds came while he was seated. He most likely was stabbed in the head while in the shower, which by the divots in his skull, would have been very painful and debilitating. Even with his build he never had a chance against her.

Don't forget there's still some question about her claims of having owned a stun gun(as opposed to a taser) both in testimony and in her journal.

Something just strong enough to stun him and possibly make him obey her command to sit in the shower, it would definitely make one wary of getting zapped again but not enough to totally disable a person. That would be all the time she would need to pull out her knife and start attacking him. As for the gun, I still think although that may have been her initial plan, it likely jammed on the first attempt and after butchering him she unjammed it while standing over him and then shot him(take your pick for reasons, to confuse the police with the possibility of two attackers as it seemed she had planned, to make sure he couldn't possibly survive, or just as a final fu).

Anyway, thankfully JSS came through with LWOP and hopefully none of her appeals will make it past first reading.
@nwmouse I saw the meme not worth it, her sister is just as crqzy

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