Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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I had intended to wait for the 'NOOK' version. Today I went to 'Barnes & Noble' where I get all of my 'Nook' books and apps. and it was already available. It was $7.99. Of course I purchased it. The cost at 'Amazon' was $9.99. I was surprised at the price difference.

I just found I can buy "our friend Travis" for my kindle off UK Amazon, so I have. Just got two weeks left at University then I can read for pleasure. Until I start my Masters in Criminology in September.

I hope that the Alexanders can sue for the money in the appellant fund. Apparently some benefactor has agreed to match each dollar up to $25,000 according to the site. Pathetic!
I had intended to wait for the 'NOOK' version. Today I went to 'Barnes & Noble' where I get all of my 'Nook' books and apps. and it was already available. It was $7.99. Of course I purchased it. The cost at 'Amazon' was $9.99. I was surprised at the price difference.

Disclaimer: I have deeply personal reasons for saying this, but good for you, good for Barnes & Noble, and SCREW Amazon!

I know Amazon can be a good place to shop, but like Walmart and other big retailers, it reminds me of the "too big to fail" banks from 2008. Something's wrong with this picture. Companies that make it their #1 policy to put profits over people (jobs) aren't worthy of our hard-earned dollars.

(Sorry if I have offended anyone.)

Oh GigiG, I'm not at all offended on your critique of 'Amazon'. I will assume that you've had a or some bad experiences on 'Amazon'. I believe I've used them a time or two in the past but I can't remember when. I don't have Kindle and just thought that it was a nice happening that it was cheaper at 'Barnes & Noble'. I also hope I haven't offended you or opened a can of worms here.

God Bless You GigiG!!!!!! ♥

Disclaimer: I have deeply personal reasons for saying this, but good for you, good for Barnes & Noble, and SCREW Amazon!

I know Amazon can be a good place to shop, but like Walmart and other big retailers, it reminds me of the "too big to fail" banks from 2008. Something's wrong with this picture. Companies that make it their #1 policy to put profits over people (jobs) aren't worthy of our hard-earned dollars.

(Sorry if I have offended anyone.)

The Hughes hope to donate all proceeds of their book, to The Perpetual Education Fund (PEF) which was established in 2001 during general conference when Gordon B. Hinckley, then President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced a “bold initiative” to help youth in developing areas “rise out of the poverty that they and generations before them have known.”

The PEF was a Charity very close to Travis Alexander's heart.

Oh GigiG, I'm not at all offended on your critique of 'Amazon'. I will assume that you've had a or some bad experiences on 'Amazon'. I believe I've used them a time or two in the past but I can't remember when. I don't have Kindle and just thought that it was a nice happening that it was cheaper at 'Barnes & Noble'. I also hope I haven't offended you or opened a can of worms here.

God Bless You GigiG!!!!!! ♥

Thank you for your kind words, Soulsad. I don't see how anything you said could be construed as being offensive. :)

I was referring more to how they mistreat employees; cutting benefits and laying off workers. Profits over people. I know that sounds political, which is why I apologized in advance, but when it hits you and your loved ones in the pocketbook, it's hard not to be bitter...

Just glad you got a better deal with Barnes & Noble and Amazon lost a sale! I hope more people will do research and buy from sellers with a better work-place track record (and save money!).
And I'm sorry that I didn't do any research. I had no idea about 'Amazon' and their practices. I really expected to find the price of 'OUR FRIEND TRAVIS' to be the same across the board no matter where it was purchased. I am so sorry that someone you care about has been burned by 'Amazon' politics. How sad that things like this happen. I only hope that 'Barnes & Noble' have a more acceptable policy where their workers are concerned.

I don't know if this will make you smile but I hope it does. I do try to buy 'American Made' goods when I'm aware of them. Here in my area 'Fleet Farm' seems to have the most American made products. Shamefully, I'm not real political though I do my voting after much reading and listening.


Thank you for your kind words, Soulsad. I don't see how anything you said could be construed as being offensive. :)

I was referring more to how they mistreat employees; cutting benefits and laying off workers. Profits over people. I know that sounds political, which is why I apologized in advance, but when it hits you and your loved ones in the pocketbook, it's hard not to be bitter...

Just glad you got a better deal with Barnes & Noble and Amazon lost a sale! I hope more people will do research and buy from sellers with a better work-place track record (and save money!).
And I'm sorry that I didn't do any research. I had no idea about 'Amazon' and their practices. I really expected to find the price of 'OUR FRIEND TRAVIS' to be the same across the board no matter where it was purchased. I am so sorry that someone you care about has been burned by 'Amazon' politics. How sad that things like this happen. I only hope that 'Barnes & Noble' have a more acceptable policy where their workers are concerned.

I don't know if this will make you smile but I hope it does. I do try to buy 'American Made' goods when I'm aware of them. Here in my area 'Fleet Farm' seems to have the most American made products. Shamefully, I'm not real political though I do my voting after much reading and listening.


No need to be sorry about anything! But your words do make me smile :) Thank you so much, and here are some ((((Hugs)))) for you. :)
Best line in entire trial was by Chris "She murdered my friend, IN COLD BLOOD"!


Ourfriendtravis.com #1 best seller on Amazon Let the truth be told!
With all due respect, this was not the best line of the trial. In fact, Chris didn't get to testify at trial. He testified in a hearing that was never part of the trial. Right? Maybe I am misremembering?

Additionally, how can the books by Chris and Sky or Paul Sanders be the "truth?" Chris and Sky were there, but they quickly threw Travis under the bus and believed the lies spewed by Nurmi. I'm sure they are good people who were deceived by a master manipulator, but they believed it for a while. If Sky knew that the killer was sexting with other men, why the hello didn't she tell Travis, protect him instead of believe the killer?

Paul Sanders was a follower of the trial and nothing more. He wrote his "view" of the trial. I loved his writings, but they were not accurate, nor was he privy to any "truth" about Travis Alexander other than the super secret trial, which he attended. I also noticed that he is doing a ******** to write his book and left quit his job to attend the trial. It's his right to attend the trial, but completely offensive to collect money to write a book or support that book here. IMO! SMH

I'm so done with people making money off of the death of Travis Alexander.

Zoey, did you know Travis? Did you know the family before the murder? Or, did you know Sky or Chris before the murder? I'm curious and haven't seen if you are a relative? I apologize in advance if you have mentioned your role in the case, family, or have been verified as an insider??
The piece about the suitcase always caught my attention for some reason. I think it's this: who takes a suitcase on a car trip? Especially Jodi. She'd need an XXL duffel just to carry her makeup. You take a suitcase if you are planning to use public transportation, e.g. a plane. Then, when you noted that JA had exactly the right number of items for a plane trip—suitcase, backpack, camera, laptop—there was no way she wasn't planning on Cancun. I wonder what she was wearing, of if she had to stop and get something long-sleeved before she got to Ryan's place so she could cover up fight marks that I bet she never anticipated getting.

I never understood why they didn't use Jodi's laptop to look at the cd's of photo's she said she brought. By then she said her things had been brought in by Travis several hours earlier. I think it was also in the car - if she had it she wouldn't be able to get on Travis's. The last time Travis's laptop was checked was IIRC twenty eight minutes before she murdered him. Someone checked the Southwest airline site. I wonder if it was to see whose name was on the tickets?
With all due respect, this was not the best line of the trial. In fact, Chris didn't get to testify at trial. He testified in a hearing that was never part of the trial. Right? Maybe I am misremembering?

Additionally, how can the books by Chris and Sky or Paul Sanders be the "truth?" Chris and Sky were there, but they quickly threw Travis under the bus and believed the lies spewed by Nurmi. I'm sure they are good people who were deceived by a master manipulator, but they believed it for a while. If Sky knew that the killer was sexting with other men, why the hello didn't she tell Travis, protect him instead of believe the killer?

Paul Sanders was a follower of the trial and nothing more. He wrote his "view" of the trial. I loved his writings, but they were not accurate, nor was he privy to any "truth" about Travis Alexander other than the super secret trial, which he attended. I also noticed that he is doing a ******** to write his book and left quit his job to attend the trial. It's his right to attend the trial, but completely offensive to collect money to write a book or support that book here. IMO! SMH

I'm so done with people making money off of the death of Travis Alexander.

Zoey, did you know Travis? Did you know the family before the murder? Or, did you know Sky or Chris before the murder? I'm curious and haven't seen if you are a relative? I apologize in advance if you have mentioned your role in the case, family, or have been verified as an insider??

BBM ~ That was quite odd. Especially being in the position they were in with PPL (being "legal" and all, you'd think they would of consulted a lawyer first before dealing with Nurmi). Maybe the pedo letters was forged so well, that's what they believed? I wonder if this is mentioned in their book.

Also, are the Hughes' profiting from this book? Because I am reading they are donating the funds.
BBM ~ That was quite odd. Especially being in the position they were in with PPL (being "legal" and all, you'd think they would of consulted a lawyer first before dealing with Nurmi). Maybe the pedo letters was forged so well, that's what they believed? I wonder if this is mentioned in their book.

Also, are the Hughes' profiting from this book? Because I am reading they are donating the funds.

RBBM: It does not say they will be donating funds. They "hope" to donate the funds. This could mean SO much. ALL proceeds should go to charity. But, we all know how everyone can spin proceeds and donations if they want to. JMO This is the exact quote:

The Hughes hope to donate all proceeds of their book, to The Perpetual Education Fund (PEF) which was established in 2001 during general conference when Gordon B. Hinckley, then President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced a “bold initiative” to help youth in developing areas “rise out of the poverty that they and generations before them have known.”
I don't know what to think. I notice this inmate also has 43 violations and her release date is August 2016. She is being held in the Lumbly unit. Certainly someone JA would want to conect with IMO. I am interested if she is putting out the special treatment rumor to upset Travis supporters or to have rumor spread about JA to get prisoners to dislike JA even more. I do not think her statements are true. No way are they going to carpet a room for her rec time. I am so curious if this was suppose to support or hurt JA, since I believe she may have had contact with JA or a supporter through her prison job while JA was still at Estrella.

I'm now thinking that JA relayed this "information" herself to other inmates in the caged rec yards. I believe that's the only opportunity for her to talk to any other inmates. I would guess she's trying to twit folks like us, the "good" guys.
What? We can't say "****"? I thought it referred to people who commit crimes against people, either by violence or intimidation? That word is used all over the place in old films noir.


Hmmm......I am a product of the British Empire and I used the "****" word on the grounds that there's not a better one. I had thought the whole raison d'être of the Lumley unit was to house the BBM? So everyone in there is technically a "****"?
As Tupac defined it, a *t_ hug* is someone who is going through struggles, has gone through struggles, and continues to live day by day with nothing for them. It does define CMJA, and really, most inmates.. unless and until they are hopefully rehabilitated and can lead a crime-free lifestyle. Too late for the former "self proclaimed" goddess.

Lol, if that's the case, Tupac is being extremely diplomatic..... My picture of that word is how it's been used in Film Noir, 19th century novels, and expats in Calcutta.
I'm now thinking that JA relayed this "information" herself to other inmates in the caged rec yards. I believe that's the only opportunity for her to talk to any other inmates. I would guess she's trying to twit folks like us, the "good" guys.
Her plans always seem to backfire on her. LOL. She should be more concerned what the other prisoners think of her than what the outside world thinks of her. She is so bent on revenge she only makes things worse for herself.
I do believe that they have ways of circumventing the system through the vents in their cells also. I do not believe that she is getting special treatment, but I sure hope the rumor mill at the prison believes it. First impressions are lasting impression for when she does get to gp.
With all due respect, this was not the best line of the trial. In fact, Chris didn't get to testify at trial. He testified in a hearing that was never part of the trial. Right? Maybe I am misremembering?

Additionally, how can the books by Chris and Sky or Paul Sanders be the "truth?" Chris and Sky were there, but they quickly threw Travis under the bus and believed the lies spewed by Nurmi. I'm sure they are good people who were deceived by a master manipulator, but they believed it for a while. If Sky knew that the killer was sexting with other men, why the hello didn't she tell Travis, protect him instead of believe the killer?

Paul Sanders was a follower of the trial and nothing more. He wrote his "view" of the trial. I loved his writings, but they were not accurate, nor was he privy to any "truth" about Travis Alexander other than the super secret trial, which he attended. I also noticed that he is doing a ******** to write his book and left quit his job to attend the trial. It's his right to attend the trial, but completely offensive to collect money to write a book or support that book here. IMO! SMH

I'm so done with people making money off of the death of Travis Alexander.

Zoey, did you know Travis? Did you know the family before the murder? Or, did you know Sky or Chris before the murder? I'm curious and haven't seen if you are a relative? I apologize in advance if you have mentioned your role in the case, family, or have been verified as an insider??

They did believe Nurmi, who they believed as an officer of the court, was bound be honest. He told them it was 100% verified that the pedo letters were Travis's handwriting. They were horrified, searched their memories and could not come up with any reasons these things could possibly be true. So, Sky called Flores. He had no clue what she was talking about. He assured her there was no child *advertiser censored* or other evidence that Travis hurt children. He told her to wait by the phone. A few minutes later it rang. It was a man who introduced himself as Juan Martinez. He wanted Sky to relay everything to him. She told him about Nurmi, his emails and phone calls of ."concern" about how the Hughes were coping with him breaking the news that their buddy was a pedophile.
Martinez was very upset. It was his first clue of what Nurmi/Jodi planned to do
After this Nurmi called Sky. He was again "concerned" how she was coping. She told him she was "great". That she no longer had any concern. He asked her how that could be. That these letters had been verified 100% by a handwriting expert. She told him he better get a new expert
With all due respect, this was not the best line of the trial. In fact, Chris didn't get to testify at trial. He testified in a hearing that was never part of the trial. Right? Maybe I am misremembering?

Additionally, how can the books by Chris and Sky or Paul Sanders be the "truth?" Chris and Sky were there, but they quickly threw Travis under the bus and believed the lies spewed by Nurmi. I'm sure they are good people who were deceived by a master manipulator, but they believed it for a while. If Sky knew that the killer was sexting with other men, why the hello didn't she tell Travis, protect him instead of believe the killer?

Paul Sanders was a follower of the trial and nothing more. He wrote his "view" of the trial. I loved his writings, but they were not accurate, nor was he privy to any "truth" about Travis Alexander other than the super secret trial, which he attended. I also noticed that he is doing a ******** to write his book and left quit his job to attend the trial. It's his right to attend the trial, but completely offensive to collect money to write a book or support that book here. IMO! SMH

I'm so done with people making money off of the death of Travis Alexander.

Thanks for saying this. I also find it irksome that people are cashing in on the torture of TA. I can give the Hughses a little leeway here—at least they knew TA—but I don't trust their motives in writing a book. As for PS. No, unless he calls his writing fiction. And PS has such a nauseating crush on Demarte, it skews everything he says. IMO.
Thanks for saying this. I also find it irksome that people are cashing in on the torture of TA. I can give the Hughses a little leeway here—at least they knew TA—but I don't trust their motives in writing a book. As for PS. No, unless he calls his writing fiction. And PS has such a nauseating crush on Demarte, it skews everything he says. IMO.

With respect....I don't begrudge anyone for writing books. The more information out there the better. If the Hughes want to set the record straight about their friend, good. The book offers insight on how a sociopath, Jodi Arias, operates and manipulates and takes control of her target
If Paul wants to write about his experiences attending the trial, good.
Ann Rule knew Bundy and wrote a book. Is she profiting from a serial killing psychopath or contributing to the knowledge of how some of these folks are living among us?
Bugliosi wrote Helter Skelter. Is that profiting on the torture of Sharon Tate? Or is it an insider reporting on one of most prolific killings of recent history?
This is the USA. People are allowed to make money. Travis was all in favor of making profits. He used some to live on and gave some back to his church and the homeless
With respect....I don't begrudge anyone for writing books. The more information out there the better. If the Hughes want to set the record straight about their friend, good. The book offers insight on how a sociopath, Jodi Arias, operates and manipulates and takes control of her target
If Paul wants to write about his experiences attending the trial, good.
Ann Rule knew Bundy and wrote a book. Is she profiting from a serial killing psychopath or contributing to the knowledge of how some of these folks are living among us?
Bugliosi wrote Helter Skelter. Is that profiting on the torture of Sharon Tate? Or is it an insider reporting on one of most prolific killings of recent history?
This is the USA. People are allowed to make money. Travis was all in favor of making profits. He used some to live on and gave some back to his church and the homeless

Thank you, well said

I read the book and feel it is well worth the money.

I have no doubt there are other Jodi's out there. This book might help someone recognize the signs and save someone's life.


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