Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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Did anybody ever figure out what happened with juanstie?

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Yes, that's what it seemed like to me. J17 said, but these mitigators apply to Jodi Arias. However I'm sure someone on the jury would have explained to her that they have to outweigh the aggravators, right?

Oh well, too late now.

I found it very interesting what the Foreman said and I'm so glad he did the interview. The interview was so in-depth. Loved it. Fantastic look into what went on. He should be satisfied with what he and the others did, they tried, they should be proud they sacrificed so much. They did not take it lightly. He could not control J17, no one could. It was not their fault.

If J17 gave her own side, we would have greater insight into what she was thinking. But she refuses to speak. Did she not understand the directions? Was she biased from the beginning? Or maybe she really just didn't think Jodi deserved the death penalty. Who knows.

Hi aa9511. I'm looking for a link to the foreman's interview and cannot find it. Could you please provide a link for me?

Thank you.
Did anybody ever figure out what happened with juanstie?

Sent from my SCH-S960L using Tapatalk 2

Have you tried @juanstie2, I think other account got suspended because of the vile "supporters" of the evil convicted murderess.
Is it the "cowboy" juror in the photos of the Alexanders' celebration?



They look so happy! Good for them, they deserve this! :loveyou: :happydance:

ETA ~ added link: http://www.courtchatter.com/#!Travi...-able-to-smile/c1oiw/552df5e10cf2d211fed4a7c5

I'm *LOVING* cowboy juror's "burn in hell" look!! So thoughtful of him, what Sweet guy!!

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
J17 was a juror thanks to Sherry.....JM tried to have her removed. More than once.
I just hate it when I'm all caught up and there's nothing more to read!! ...anyone out there right now?!

Nah, we'll move on when we're ready, friend.

It's human nature to be curious about things and those are some good questions and there are a lot more that could use answers.

Yup! I'm sticking around for awhile. I like reveling in the stories of how horrible Perryville is. It's only been 2 days since sentencing and there's still lots of unanswered questions and info out there.

It's going to take some time to move on. So much left to think about and discuss. We also have the restitution hearing in June.

I hope our members continue to hang out here. :stay:
Have you tried @juanstie2, I think other account got suspended because of the vile "supporters" of the evil convicted murderess.

It's suspended now too - I guess the 'vile supporters' have been busy again. Funny that that's the only thing they can do - nothing concrete to help JA, just wage little wars with those they see as the 'enemy'. I think it's funny that while half of them are ranting and raving the other half are quoting scripture. By my calculation, there are two sensible posters who come along and give the rest some facts about how appeals work etc and they are thanked but largely ignored.

I'm about a third of the way through Behind the Words - it's now up to Day 6 of the direct and the crime has yet to be mentioned. There was just so much repetition and waffle in that direct. I must admit, and this is maybe going to go down like a lead balloon here, but I can't say I totally warm to Travis Alexander from what I am learning from that book. Like all of us he no doubt had his good and bad points but in the non-sexual parts of the recorded phone call he comes across as judgemental and quite a hypocrite. Having said that he also seems like a caring person whose good points outweighed the negative. He had redeeming features, something that can't be said for his killer from anything that I have seen or heard. My opinion on that aspect of his life is in no way a 'blaming the victim' thing - it's just the impression I've gotten after reading some things I wasn't aware of before. I still think it's a sad shame that he was naive and sexually conflicted and frustrated enough to get involved with that sociopath.
It's going to take some time to move on. So much left to think about and discuss. We also have the restitution hearing in June.

I hope our members continue to hang out here. :stay:

I'll definitely be around. I don't post much because my toddler keeps me oh so busy. But I read here at some point everyday and I enjoy it! Drives me nuts when the "move on" type of post happens. I've read several of those in the last few months. I am quite okay with any poster that chooses to move on from this case. It is an individual choice. IMO, it is more than ok to discuss this case for as long as one wants and it is also just as ok for the people who are over it to move on.
Please keep posting because this is one of my favorite places to read during my 'mommy break time.'
Well, if she was trying to protect herself and her husband, she sure did a horrible job of it. Does she realize she stood up in a court of law, and on the courthouse steps, in front of the entire world and made a complete and utter fool of herself? All she has accomplished is to make decent humankind everywhere despise her as much as they despise the murderer. She could've taken the high (sane) road and had the world's sympathy. But, no. SMHID

SA is probably afraid of what the neighbors will think if she admits her daughter is a vicious murderer without remorse. Same goes for admitting she might have a mental disorder. So she does what she thinks will garner her family the most sympathy--trash the victim. Make him out to be the monster and drive that point home by saying in court that the murderer "is not the monster she has been made out to be" and "was trying to get out of that abusive relationship."

I think SA is sorely mistaken if she thinks these tactics will win her any sympathy or empathy. Honesty usually works toward that end better than anything else. There are ways to say things (such as how you love your daughter but do not condone what she has done) that offer reasonable explanation without being offensive. Too bad SA does not have any experience in such ways. And too bad she does not have any desire to learn such ways.
I saw this posted on Twittter, and I can't give credit because I have no idea who said it. But IF CMJA had been honest from the get go would your opinion of her be different.
It's going to take some time to move on. So much left to think about and discuss. We also have the restitution hearing in June.

I hope our members continue to hang out here. :stay:
I'll be here.
I wonder if some people that were acquainted with or worked with cmja will comment on their interaction with her now.
A Perryville inmate's letter of complaint to a prisoner advocate on the outside dated mid-September 2012:

"In the winter months, the heat is turned on by date rather than temperature. The heat runs full blast and the rooms get to be unbearably hot. The officers do not have the authority to turn the heat off, even if it is an unseasonably warm day. On a "warm" winter day, the room temperatures can reach the 90+ degree mark. The window cranks in most of the rooms are broken and do not open so there is no way to get any relief. This is absolutely cruel and unusual punishment.

In the summer months, the evaporative coolers or air conditioners are turned on by date rather than temperature. Some rooms have coolers, others have AC. In the early spring, the rooms are very cold. In the heat of the summer, when the humidity rises, the coolers do not work well. Once again the temperatures inside the rooms can reach the 90+ degree mark, with no way to get any relief. When the AC works, the rooms that have it are comfortable in the summer. The challenge is that they are often broken. As of this writing, the temperature outside is 113. The AC In my room and the 7 other attached rooms is not functioning at all. It has been out of service for the past 2 weeks. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I do not perspire very much. Extreme heat causes my muscles to cramp. I get very light headed and dizzy and ultimately vomit. I do not know if there is a medication of any kind of solution since I cannot seem to get to medical. Often we live in exceedingly hot, or exceedingly cold rooms with windows that do not open. Just another example of cruel and unusual punishment.

The Arizona sun can be punishing,. especially for those of us that have little or no tolerance for heat exposure. Lines for medical appointments, property pick up, state issue, and the store are often long. In the medical waiting area, shade and water are provided. Not much can be done to reduce the heat since the waiting area is outside. The wait can be several hours. The lines for property, state issue, and store are not in shaded areas. The wait is usually a couple of hours at best.

The mattresses in most of the cells are worn out. They are leaking black material of some kind. The coverings are cracked. The mattresses are thin and do not provide any kind of support or much protection from the metal bunks.

Many of the cells have cracks in the walls that leak rain water. In my cell, water seeps in only one corner so I am lucky that mine is not one of those that floods. However, in that corner mold is growing. In one of the rooms next to a shower, the mold is so bad that it is growing down the outside walls as well as the inside.

The showers leak gallons of water daily. Some of them have been leaking for years. The erosion of both the concrete and the metal support beams is clearly visible. I am not a building inspector, but I can clearly see that the iron railings and support beams are rusted clear through.

Hot water for showers is not always available. Sometimes we have no hot water for days at a time. When this happens, there is no hot water for washing the trays or kitchen utensils either. This has been an on-going challenge since I have been here (1997). Budgets were not restricted for the majority of those years so I find it difficult to understand the situation. The trays, sporks, and cups in the kitchen are frequently dirty. Dirt is actually embedded in the trays and sporks where the plastic coating has been worn away.

On 16 yard, dinner "sacks" are passed out at 5pm Monday-Friday. Breakfast starts being served at 8 or 8:30 on Saturday mornings. 15+ hours between meals. ON weekends, we are provided with breakfast and hot dinner, just two meals. The ladies from 14 yard walk to our kitchen and eat breakfast around 7am. The kitchen on 14 yard has been closed and the building has been condemned. At 5pm the ladies from 14 yard come to our kitchen once again for dinner. Our yard has dinner after all of them have left the yard. That is usually around 6:30 or so. For those that do not have money to purchase food from the store, it is a very long time between breakfast and dinner.

Adequate clothing is no longer provided. I waited over 6 months to have 2 pairs of panties that were lost in the laundry replaced. per policy, we are allowed to exchange clothing or linens once every 90 days. The challenge is that most of the time, state issue does not have the size or the items that are needed. On this unit we have been out of medium panties, small pants and medium t-shirts for months. When I tried to exchange clothing I was told sizes 3x were the only one available. I weigh 120 pounds! Incoming inmates are not provided with the policy-stated issue.

Each inmate is provided with 1 roll of toilet paper for the week and 12 sanitary napkins for the month. Further discussion of this is probably unnecessary."

I hope Jodi experiences all of the above. I know I come across as cold hearted,but IMO she deserves these conditions and more.
I feel that how long we want to stick around and discuss this case is for each of us to decide. There are some very old cases here on WS with active boards. No one really needs to suggest to others that they move along (umm... you have to still be on here to do that :thinking:). This case will interest me for a long time. I am not obsessed, just interested. It is a unique and complex case that I (like many others) have followed for years. We all have our reasons for being here or leaving. There is no need to imply that either option is wrong, unhealthy, etc. Live and let live! :loveyou:
I saw this posted on Twittter, and I can't give credit because I have no idea who said it. But IF CMJA had been honest from the get go would your opinion of her be different.

Not really. I don't think it would have changed my mind about the death penalty being the appropriate sentence. The crime was beyond cruel. She had a gun and could have used while he slept or was unaware. Instead she trapped and cornered him making sure that he knew that he was going to die. She even snapped a photograph of him sitting in that cramped shower looking terrified. Who would even think of doing such a thing? Next came the physical torture. There is no punishment that is too harsh for her. Luckily for her even the most vile of criminals are spared cruel and unusual punishments.
SA is probably afraid of what the neighbors will think if she admits her daughter is a vicious murderer without remorse. Same goes for admitting she might have a mental disorder. So she does what she thinks will garner her family the most sympathy--trash the victim. Make him out to be the monster and drive that point home by saying in court that the murderer "is not the monster she has been made out to be" and "was trying to get out of that abusive relationship."

I think SA is sorely mistaken if she thinks these tactics will win her any sympathy or empathy. Honesty usually works toward that end better than anything else. There are ways to say things (such as how you love your daughter but do not condone what she has done) that offer reasonable explanation without being offensive. Too bad SA does not have any experience in such ways. And too bad she does not have any desire to learn such ways.

She was just spewing BS to set up the appeal....you know, the one that's gonna fail.

Off topic, but the killer has always struck me as being very masculine behind those fake *advertiser censored* and that gagalicious babydoll voice. The messy bedroom, sexual aggressiveness, the violent nature, handy with weapons, big hands and feet, strong enough to slash tires and murder. Especially the sexual aggressiveness. I wonder what her testosterone levels are.
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