Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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Re the killer, I bet she was the kind of person that the people she was hanging with couldn't wait until she left. Like fingernails on a chalkboard. She probably was the person that stayed too long at any party, showed up uninvited, injected herself in everyone's conversations without invitation, and
just had no social skills whatsoever.
I've turned this around in my head for years now! If she had been honest, and clearly contrite, my opinion would be quite different. But honesty, and contrition, do not pair well with the viciousness of the crime, or the reasons for it- how could someone honestly explain that they had done what she did, including leaving Travis in the shower for days, and how she spent the days afterwards, with contrition, with no other reason than her own terrible flaws, her own weaknesses. It seems to me that if she had it in her to be honest, she couldn't have done what she did.
Jodi is the gift that keeps on giving for her family. She's outed and exposed not only her parents, but grandparents are generational child abusers. In her super secret testimony

She told in the first trial that her family didn't know how to properly care from animals, and made a dog live outside on a chain tied to a tree. She told of her family finances and several failures of her father in owning restaurants ( the recent bankruptcy might not of been the first time), She told of her father having an illegal gun silencer, and that Bill and Sandy did coke and smoked pot before and after she was born (and a gift of coke that her dad gave as a wedding present) and ALV said that Jodi told her that Bill would call Sandy fat. There have been worst household and no one killed anyone else.

You know the lines of coke on the nightstand in Bill and Sandy's bedroom when she was four? There are lines of coke on a table up above Bobby J right shoulder in the photo that Jodi is wearing a superman t shirt - looks to be 15-17. You can always find that kernel of truth in her lies.

I like that Sam called her out for throwing her parents under the bus
I saw this posted on Twittter, and I can't give credit because I have no idea who said it. But IF CMJA had been honest from the get go would your opinion of her be different.

Good morning LOUN!

I cant speak for others but my opinion would not change. The evidentiary facts would remain the same no matter how many lies JA decided to tell or not tell.

The case would still be M1.
The case would still warrant the 'cruelty' definition attached to it.
The case would still be death penalty qualified.
The premeditation and planning is still there.
Trying to destroy evidence is still there.
Getting rid of the two weapons is still there.
The aggravating factors would still far outweigh the mitigating factors.

No matter if she ever said a word the just punishment in this case based on all the evidence entered would be the same. She really did deserve the death penalty and came very close to getting it.

Many defendants do not speak out in the media or even in their trial. It doesn't change the heinousness of the case or the fact it was M1 and extremely cruel.

I will also be here. Maybe not posting all the time but I will be here.
Waiting for the Sheriffs report on JA. What's taking so long?

Yeah me too. Then I suspect there will be another case that grabs me. Sadly. Arias I will forget as she fades away. Travis never.
I have a question that I would like answered if anyone knows. Is Jodi's ex bf Bobby Juarez dead or is he an actor in Hawaii now ? I saw a article about a Bobby Juarez in Monterey ( I think) was murdered by an unknown assailant and was wondering if he was her ex bf. This man's murder has not been solved and was committed in 2008 (I think ) Does anyone know if her ex BF is alive or dead ?
But you can't blame the Christmas Holidays, Martin Luther King Day, and Super Bowl court shutdowns on JSS or the court-system or the state of Arizona. These ones could NOT be avoided, even though posters tried to blame them on JSS, (only the SeaHawks loss...)
And we lost no jurors due to attrition, as was feared.

I think the jurors should have called J17's bluff and let her leave and not come back as she threatened to do. JSS would have probably replaced her. JMO
I saw this posted on Twittter, and I can't give credit because I have no idea who said it. But IF CMJA had been honest from the get go would your opinion of her be different.
If she had been honest and genuinely repentant, yes. My opinion of her would be different. I would still say she committed 1st degree murder and the correct minimum sentence is LWOP.
I know this is way off the current subject, but does anyone know what ever happened to this business about Juan Martinez' cell phone that Troy Hayden hinted about with his interview? I watched the interview and don't remember them bring that up. My guess was that he still uses a flip phone and Troy would tease him. Frankly I personally have high respect for those who shun the whole smart phone craze. True independents, not followers I say...
Interview with jury foreman


Here is interview with three of the jurors https://youtu.be/-9MUb3-IwCE

Wild horses could not drag me to listen to Jen or Kirk or Maria. EVER. I could not care less what they opine. What they did to Travis was not something we could ever forgive, it was wholly unnecessary. Shame and scorn will follow them all the days of their lives. They will be forever notorious. They are not liked, trusted or respected and it is clear why.

I'm forwarding this for the poster who wanted the link to the interview.
I saw this posted on Twittter, and I can't give credit because I have no idea who said it. But IF CMJA had been honest from the get go would your opinion of her be different.

Wow. How utterly naive or arrogant of that twitterer - that statement could go either way.

I can only speak for myself, but I think most might feel the same. If she had been honest from the beginning and called 911 and admitted what she'd done, we'd probably have never heard of her. The exploitation of the media in ALL forms was her decision. She thought she could continue to manipulate and it did her no good.

What she did psychologically and morally to Travis during their short relationship, and finally physically to Travis was beyond words.
She killed in a sadistic and brutal manner and wanted him to know she was doing it.

What she did during the court process just added the cherry on top.

She's a disgusting human being and without her preening and boasting throughout the years while using the media, THAT doesn't change.

Aaron Hernandez is a disgusting human being, but at least he (such as they are) didn't put himself out there all over the place. See the difference? (Not a snipe at you LostOldUserName, but at the twitterer who made the statement) None. They were each judged solely on their actions regarding the murder. By and large, people do the right thing and that includes jurors. The oj fiasco was an anomaly thank goodness.

Their murderous acts speak for themselves. That's what they are ultimately judged on.

The rest is just rich, rich fodder for entertainment and ridicule, and that includes the behavior of any professionals such as the mitigation person, expert witnesses, court employees such as the bailiff or admin allegedly giving her "legal" opinion and allegedly passing confidential information to an outside person. Professional people should behave as professionals, not immature junior high school girls. ALV, MDLR and judicial assistant.

If she had been honest from the get go, my opinion of her would not be different. It's hard to separate people from their actions and all she did was reinforce what kind of person she was.

After killing him so cruelly, there is nothing she could have said or done to make me change my opinion of her.
I'll be around, although I haven't had much to say lately.

There's still a lot of information soon to be released about this trial that will answer many of the unanswered questions that many people had during the trial so there should be much to discuss for those who are interested.

I saw part of Wilmott's interview, where she volunteers to answer the question "How do you sleep at night?" I found her answer less than sincere. She only said "I sleep just fine, I really do." But, the question was not a literal one, and the real question was not if she sleeps well at night, but how.

The question itself is only a symbolic way of asking "How is what you're doing right? Can you really justify attempting to damage the reputation of an already slaughtered and helpless victim and thus attempt to take away the dignity and value of his living memory when that is all his loved ones have left to treasure and cherish, because it's a job, and someone has to do it?"

"How, because it's your job, do you take the pain that evil has caused, the torture inflicted on helpless innocence, and seek to add to it to the fullest measure your mind can conceive? Is it because it's just a practical fact that only evil can defend evil? Have you convinced yourself by that fact that you are absolved of responsibility?"

I have no doubt that you, and all of those like you, do sleep well at night, but the question remains to me unanswered: How?
I saw this posted on Twittter, and I can't give credit because I have no idea who said it. But IF CMJA had been honest from the get go would your opinion of her be different.

No. What could she say? "Oh I'm so so sorry I planned and plotted this murder. I am beyond sorry I tormented, tortured and butchered Travis. I really really really loved him. When he spurned me, it made me crazy and I did something I truly truly truly regret. Sorry! All forgiven now?" Uhhh....NO. No amount of "honesty" on the killer's part would have made a bit of difference in my opinion of her. She's a dangerous, rabid animal and actually should be put down; but locked away in a concrete box for the rest of her unnatural life will do. Bad food and granny panties and all.

If she had been honest and genuinely repentant, yes. My opinion of her would be different. I would still say she committed 1st degree murder and the correct minimum sentence is LWOP.

If she had shown real remorse, I would have possibly considered Life with possibility of Parole. IF IF IF she had been GENUINELY remorseful, addressed the family, taken responsibility and told them she is sorry, in a very genuine way.

The problem is, because of appeal(s), defendants don't feel the need to tell the truth. If they tell the truth or even apologize, they feel like that will come back to haunt them in the "re-trial" or whenever they somehow are just magically let our of prison (which I think most of them think will happen).

NOT that Jodi EVER considered telling the truth anyway or wanting to make some peace with the family. I'm talking about 'normal' defendants.
J17 was a juror thanks to Sherry.....JM tried to have her removed. More than once.

But what if she had gotten rid of her and then the appeals court said, no, no, no and decided CMJA should be let out of prison because tsk tsk, Judge you did a no-no?
But what if she had gotten rid of her and then the appeals court said, no, no, no and decided CMJA should be let out of prison because tsk tsk, Judge you did a no-no?

There were at least 2 jurors that were removed from the first trial. If that had merit, they could have tried to overturn the original M1 conviction, right? IIRC one lady was removed just for making a comment about the uncomfortable chairs. That seems lame compared to surfing facebook and watching the movie and refusing to deliberate and having felons as husbands and being a DV victim and having prior connection with the prosecutor....
Good Morning, Y'all !

Just stopping in ... checking to see if there are any updates !

A Perryville inmate's letter of complaint to a prisoner advocate on the outside dated mid-September 2012:

"In the winter months, the heat is turned on by date rather than temperature. The heat runs full blast and the rooms get to be unbearably hot. The officers do not have the authority to turn the heat off, even if it is an unseasonably warm day. On a "warm" winter day, the room temperatures can reach the 90+ degree mark. The window cranks in most of the rooms are broken and do not open so there is no way to get any relief. This is absolutely cruel and unusual punishment.

In the summer months, the evaporative coolers or air conditioners are turned on by date rather than temperature. Some rooms have coolers, others have AC. In the early spring, the rooms are very cold. In the heat of the summer, when the humidity rises, the coolers do not work well. Once again the temperatures inside the rooms can reach the 90+ degree mark, with no way to get any relief. When the AC works, the rooms that have it are comfortable in the summer. The challenge is that they are often broken. As of this writing, the temperature outside is 113. The AC In my room and the 7 other attached rooms is not functioning at all. It has been out of service for the past 2 weeks. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I do not perspire very much. Extreme heat causes my muscles to cramp. I get very light headed and dizzy and ultimately vomit. I do not know if there is a medication of any kind of solution since I cannot seem to get to medical. Often we live in exceedingly hot, or exceedingly cold rooms with windows that do not open. Just another example of cruel and unusual punishment.

The Arizona sun can be punishing,. especially for those of us that have little or no tolerance for heat exposure. Lines for medical appointments, property pick up, state issue, and the store are often long. In the medical waiting area, shade and water are provided. Not much can be done to reduce the heat since the waiting area is outside. The wait can be several hours. The lines for property, state issue, and store are not in shaded areas. The wait is usually a couple of hours at best.

The mattresses in most of the cells are worn out. They are leaking black material of some kind. The coverings are cracked. The mattresses are thin and do not provide any kind of support or much protection from the metal bunks.

Many of the cells have cracks in the walls that leak rain water. In my cell, water seeps in only one corner so I am lucky that mine is not one of those that floods. However, in that corner mold is growing. In one of the rooms next to a shower, the mold is so bad that it is growing down the outside walls as well as the inside.

The showers leak gallons of water daily. Some of them have been leaking for years. The erosion of both the concrete and the metal support beams is clearly visible. I am not a building inspector, but I can clearly see that the iron railings and support beams are rusted clear through.

Hot water for showers is not always available. Sometimes we have no hot water for days at a time. When this happens, there is no hot water for washing the trays or kitchen utensils either. This has been an on-going challenge since I have been here (1997). Budgets were not restricted for the majority of those years so I find it difficult to understand the situation. The trays, sporks, and cups in the kitchen are frequently dirty. Dirt is actually embedded in the trays and sporks where the plastic coating has been worn away.

On 16 yard, dinner "sacks" are passed out at 5pm Monday-Friday. Breakfast starts being served at 8 or 8:30 on Saturday mornings. 15+ hours between meals. ON weekends, we are provided with breakfast and hot dinner, just two meals. The ladies from 14 yard walk to our kitchen and eat breakfast around 7am. The kitchen on 14 yard has been closed and the building has been condemned. At 5pm the ladies from 14 yard come to our kitchen once again for dinner. Our yard has dinner after all of them have left the yard. That is usually around 6:30 or so. For those that do not have money to purchase food from the store, it is a very long time between breakfast and dinner.

Adequate clothing is no longer provided. I waited over 6 months to have 2 pairs of panties that were lost in the laundry replaced. per policy, we are allowed to exchange clothing or linens once every 90 days. The challenge is that most of the time, state issue does not have the size or the items that are needed. On this unit we have been out of medium panties, small pants and medium t-shirts for months. When I tried to exchange clothing I was told sizes 3x were the only one available. I weigh 120 pounds! Incoming inmates are not provided with the policy-stated issue.

Each inmate is provided with 1 roll of toilet paper for the week and 12 sanitary napkins for the month. Further discussion of this is probably unnecessary."

I couldn't help but comment! Woohoo! So this is what the killer might experience? Not breaking my heart!

On the other hand, since some people are incarcerated when they are innocent, and since there is no equity in sentencing and some people have really learned and turned their lives around, I feel very sad that our prison system and society is in such shambles. Prison should be harsh, prison should be a place to pay for your crimes.

But subjecting human beings to rooms with windows that don't have good air flow, or mold inside the buildings is nothing less than cruel. And for all the Jodi's in there who deserve it, there are some who do not.

And how about the guards? They do not deserve to work in that filth either.

How about having the "Jodi's" learn the crafts to clean up the prisons and paint and remove mold, etc? Maybe the State could forfeit the "Jodi inmates" funds and use those funds to pay for new dishes and eating utensils?

The inmate who wrote the letter stated she didn't perspire and got very ill from the heat. So do I and it is horrible. When I heard about a PV inmate who died in 2009 from the heat, I knew that would be me. And honestly, ONE ROLL of toilet paper for a week?!!! God help me to keep my life clean so I never suffer those consequences. If we treat people like animals, what do we expect of them when they are released?!
(I am not speaking of the Jodi inmates.)

As it all pertains to this particular killer and the subject at hand, she deserves every little bit of it and maybe she will someday decide that her execution of Travis was horrible and actually wish she had received the DP.

In any case, when I think of some of the prisoners put there by mistakes or error by investigation or prosecution it does hurt me inside. I do have a heart.
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