Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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I am always so happy to see the two smiling faces in your Avatar!

I really, really want to see Matt McCartney's deposition. Do you happen to know if it was sealed?

Good question! I don't know but I know who to ask. ;)
I just want to thank everyone who's stilling hanging here because I still can't let this whole mess go. I rarely post, but I have read every post since this whole mess made the headlines. I still want to read all of the sidebars and every interview of witnesses from the defense. Hopefully, I'll move on soon, but I will never forget Travis Alexander and his beautiful family, Dt. Flores, Juan and Janeen DeMarte. They are classy to the core.
Katie Cool Lady's final Travis Alexander is her best work, ever!


Her wedding day is going to be a dream come true and she certainly deserves it!!!
From our very own Lisa S. here is the transcription of the gmail chat
if you haven't seen it , it is jaw dropping

Wow! Travis saw what a liar she was. If only he hadn't admitted his addiction to her and completely cut off any contact with her. He kept demanding she admit her lies and quit lying. Something she would never do. She has the Chutzpah to claim she isn't violent and didn't slash his tires!!! She tries to suck him back in with the stuff about angels, and then the jealousy ploy at the end about Danny Jones.
I just want to thank everyone who's stilling hanging here because I still can't let this whole mess go. I rarely post, but I have read every post since this whole mess made the headlines. I still want to read all of the sidebars and every interview of witnesses from the defense. Hopefully, I'll move on soon, but I will never forget Travis Alexander and his beautiful family, Dt. Flores, Juan and Janeen DeMarte. They are classy to the core.
No need to apologize for still being here. No one should be judgmental and telling other posters to move on. That's a personal decision. The JonBenet Ramsey case is still discussed, and it's been 20 years. We'll be here as long as we want to be and WS lets us. Ironic that the posters who tell us to move on hang around to do so.
We have another Einstein on our radar. That Shayna Hubers case in Kentucky is stating she has an IQ equal to Einstein and therefore can't pled insanity so she decided to plead battered woman syndrome. she even inflicted burses on herself.

You need to follow this case because it is so much like stabby Einstein 281129. She is very pretty and the victim Ryan Poston is very handsome, better looking and more successful than Travis was. The murderer is also a pathological liar just like #281129. Very narcissist. I have posted a link about her comments on how smart she is.

The "who done it" type cases where the killer is either not brought to justice or there is remaining controversy or doubt about the outcome of a criminal trial, tend to have discussions that continue on sometimes for years or until someone is finally held responsible. In the Ramsey case, for instance, multiple theories still abound over who killed JonBenet. Other cases have been overturned on appeal and are heading towards another round so there's continuing controversy about the defendant(s).
They are not really kid's stories though older kids might like them - just choose carefully! I read some of them to my early teenage niece and nephew and they liked them. and you can always edit as you read - they might like Tobermory, the cat one, though the ending maybe not so much. I'd suggest pre-reading as I'd hate to be responsible for tears before bedtime! :)
Will do! Thank you for the explanation, I appreciate it! My youngest is 11 and my other two are almost 16 and 14 ( birthdays are a couple weeks away- 2 years and 1 day apart), so I think they are a good age but I will definitely pre-read, as you suggested, to be certain! I just love the fact that all of those ebooks are available for FREE!
We have another Einstein on our radar. That Shayna Hubers case in Kentucky is stating she has an IQ equal to Einstein and therefore can't pled insanity so she decided to plead battered woman syndrome. she even inflicted burses on herself.

You need to follow this case because it is so much like stabby Einstein 281129. She is very pretty and the victim Ryan Poston is very handsome, better looking and more successful than Travis was. The murderer is also a pathological liar just like #281129. Very narcissist. I have posted a link about her comments on how smart she is.


And just in case you missed the WS link to this case:

Someone recently mentioned how manly they think JA is and that they wondered if her testosterone levels were high.

I looked into that, and interestingly I learned that sociopaths and psychopaths do have high levels of testosterone.


Thanks for this link:
from The Moral Molecule — the source of love and prosperity, by Paul J. Zak.
In The Moral Molecule, Zak writes:

"Psychopaths can have incredible social competence on the cognitive level — the trouble is that they simply don’t care bout anyone but themselves. Their lack of empathy allows them to treat others as objects, and their cognitive skill enables them to get away with it". (Page 128). Isn't this what we have seen with JA?
Thanks for this link:
from The Moral Molecule — the source of love and prosperity, by Paul J. Zak.
In The Moral Molecule, Zak writes:

"Psychopaths can have incredible social competence on the cognitive level — the trouble is that they simply don’t care bout anyone but themselves. Their lack of empathy allows them to treat others as objects, and their cognitive skill enables them to get away with it". (Page 128). Isn't this what we have seen with JA?

It was very educational as well. I found it interesting that the author was contrasting testosterone with oxytocin rather than estrogen, which I would have thought was its more logical counterpoint.

It reminded me that during pregnancy, women's oxytocin levels gradually increase, which is one of the reasons you can tolerate the pain (kinda sorta). Those high levels of oxytocin also play an important role in bonding with your newborn. From there it's easy to see, as he points out, how it affects all other relationships as well.

Pretty obvious that Arias probably has both high testosterone and low oxytocin. She fits the profile he outlined perfectly.
Well I've finished both volumes of Behind the Words and can highly recommend it to anyone masochistic enough to want more Arias. :) Volume 2 started to get a bit repetitive, but that was the fault of Nurmi and Arias, not the author, who is just recounting and analysing the direct testimony - even she was getting tired of the endless repetition and Arias' BS.

It's now gotten me wondering what the real motive for this crime was. Arias took a huge risk in doing what she did, and it luckily backfired big time, and it seems that anger at being dumped and jealousy regarding a possible new girlfriend just isn't enough motive IMO for her to take the chance of losing her freedom just to 'pay him back'. People here have mentioned that it was a survival thing, and that he had info on her that, were he to broadcast it, would mean the end of her in the Mormon community, PPL (for whatever that was worth) and, most importantly, her chances of snaring a man in those communities that could free her from a life of pokey bedrooms and low-paid jobs. IMO it has to be something like that - I think she may well have hated him enough to want to kill him but there was also a reason, in her mind at least, that meant she had to silence him. I just wish we could know what that was. Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts on Arias's motive ...

IMO, if you read the letter Jodi wrote to Travis about him not giving her credit for helping with his book, it is obvious she was obsessed and mentally ill (mentally EVIL) and she was not going to allow him to live without her. That's all the motive she needed.
I just want to thank everyone who's stilling hanging here because I still can't let this whole mess go. I rarely post, but I have read every post since this whole mess made the headlines. I still want to read all of the sidebars and every interview of witnesses from the defense. Hopefully, I'll move on soon, but I will never forget Travis Alexander and his beautiful family, Dt. Flores, Juan and Janeen DeMarte. They are classy to the core.

Glad u jumped in. Yes in time you will move on. We all do. Yet all of us on our own time lines. It's like a grieving process. Some cases grab u longer than others. This Trial has been a very long commitment. Agree so comforting to see the good shine thru such a horrific crime.
Friend, he goes by Steve and yes his God given , legal name is Esteban. It is simply the English version of Esteban.

Here is the Chief of Police Frank Milstead, calling him "Steve Flores"

You will hear him in interviews even refer to himself as Steve. His wife and family and friends call him Steve. Juan calls him Steve, sometimes even in court. Much like when I am signing legal documents I must use my full name. If called to the stand to testify I must use my full legal name. He does go by Steve in everyday life, just as I go by my nickname I have been called since being a kid.

I was in first grade when my teacher called me by my full name and I did not even realize she was calling ME. I am not kidding. I had never ever heard that name in my life with my family.


Hi Zoey, thank you. I know nothing about hispanic names or their translation. I saw a show (maybe 48 Hours) and he introduced himself as Esteban Flores and I never heard anyone call him anything else. I thought maybe you were thinking of Travis's brother. So sorry. I appreciate all your posts.:)
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