Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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It appears the BUMS are at it again. Do they have no shame, or is this a norm for them I wonder? So if I donate nothing, they get double nothing? What a sham!!!! :facepalm:

The current fund total, as of April 18, 2015 is:

$53,350.06....... Alexander restitution I assume?


I'll bet JA stole this money from Travis and stashed it in an account somewhere.
In the book Sky says Napoleon was named after motivational author/speaker Napoleon Hill
I don't believe the funds will be out of reach in an "irrevocable" trust, since they are in an account for Jodi's use. Not only that, the funds were designed on purpose to keep money from the Alexanders: this means the monies are not out of reach of law enforcement. If this weren't the case, well, the irrevocable trusts in our banks would likely outnumber regular accounts, since all the big buck criminals would be using them!

Any money that is available for Jodi to spend, would presumably be freed up for restitution.

Jodi may be getting paid to protect colleagues in jail/prison.

Jodi is claiming she's indigent at the same time her peeps are bragging about all the money she has in trust.

I'll bet there's some money laundering going on in her trust account: won't take long for LE to figure this out. AZ LE for sure is not going to like the idea of a restricted housing max LWOP inmate managing money on the outside.

If I were a business-minded attorney, no matter how unethical, I would not touch this case, since there is no guarantee that I would be paid. Any dollar that surfaces, is a dollar that will belong to the Alexanders. Unethical attorneys are usually aware of this kind of fine print: they may be sleazy, but no $$$, no case.

Plus, from the description of this trust, it doesn't sound to me as though it's irrevocable.

I think a forensic accounting audit is in order...

Even Mama Joyce was smart enough to get her Deed to her new home in her own name as her sole and separate property from anything Todd could ever claim, if as and when her dear Candy died. You can bet all the money in your pockets there are lawyers HAPPY to assist Travis' family in making sure what's her name does not profit from his death.
I think within the last couple of days, someone here posted a link to a site which discussed brain abnormalities. Certain sections aren't formed as in most people, pathways are off, and receptors are missing. So, whenever 28 kicks off, (or hopefully even sooner :clap:) the brain can be dissected and science will see the malformations. :crazy:
She sure wasn't doing it because she believed in Mormonism! She broke every law as soon as she converted. And I guarantee, she's not sitting in her prison cell reading the Book of Mormon.

So true, what a phony. Too bad Travis couldn't see right through this evil woman from the very begining.
I think a forensic accounting audit is in order...

Not hard at all to do such a thing. These days, transactions, accounts, deposits, withdrawals, clients are closely scrutinized to prevent banking systems from being hijacked for criminal gain, which would include the Jodis of the world. Everything gets tracked! A bank is going to be more than enthusiastic about cooperating with LE on this kind of case, too, since Jodi is so unequivocally evil: the bank may, in fact, have already red-flagged the account, unbeknownst to Jodi's peeps. They're going to know who the depositors are, where the depositors bank, how much child support the depositors owe, whether the depositors owe the IRS, what kind of drugs they sell, what their street address is, how often they gamble..... I mean, really, what has Jodi's bank got to lose by being generous in what they hand over to LE in Jodi's case? Plus, if I were considering a deposit into one of her accounts, nothing would entice me to follow through, since there would be way too much risk to my own (shady) assets.

Of course, the flip side of this, is that Jodi will have benefited LE enormously by giving them an avenue to root out all kinds of crooks who no doubt have their fingers in other criminal pies: LE will get this gravy train just by following Jodi's money.
I would love it if we could write to him and MeeMaw's grandson, but I know it is an important value here to remain anonymous and not sleuth out folks real lives, address or jobs, etc. Please just send our deep , heartfelt respect and love. Seeing where he sleeps and knowing the REAL danger he is in is moving me to tears. It makes me hate what's her name for faking amnesia from fake PTSD. Her lies are so vile and disgraceful. She spat on and mocked the folks that truly do have it for very legitimate reasons.

I hope you get a wonderful early surprise homecoming with your son. He is the best of all of us.

An American hero returns home to surprise his mama https://youtu.be/UTzjDGxdfzI God bless our troops and God bless America!

You are so kind, Zoe! I was thinking about how people like to say (about those who serve) "Well, it's what you signed up for."... and that iS true.
Along the same line, murderess #281129 signed up for her present (and future) accommodations and living conditions also. When she complained about her cell it felt like someone had poured lava over me (and I am a very gentle person). My son has been in the Navy since he was 18. He trained in one of their most challenging programs (nuclear propulsion) and has served for almost 4 years. HE does not whine about his living conditions. I know it is just ONE of the THOUSANDS of awful things #281129 said, but it really did not sit well with me. :gaah: If you would like to send my son a letter or card, he would greatly appreciate it. Mail call is eagerly awaited. Just message me. Thank you again! :loveyou:
I only get an error message when I try to access the Facebook post. What's it about? Thanks.

I think it's gone now, it must have been a joke. It was a handwritten note that a girl said she got from JA after leaving a message on the JAII website...

It looked so real though...
So true, what a phony. Too bad Travis couldn't see right through this evil woman from the very begining.

I think he did know. And on June 4th 2008 all his fears, about how bad she really was, were confirmed....
Damn. Sky writes that the second time Travis confessed to sinning with Jodi..it was to a Disciplinary Council..a step above the first time, because it was a repeat offense. One member of that council was Mimi's father!
Argh - page not available - anyone have a screenshot to post?

ETA: Nevermind, after seeing posts that it was someone claiming that ja sent a letter to her home address when none was provided: I call bullsnot.

I think the girl was trying to play a joke on her friends... When I saw it there were only a few comments and they seemed to be from people who were all friends with the girl... Then it was gone.

And to me It didn't even look like it was on the JM support page since there weren't very many comments... It just looked like she had posted it on her personal page...
Sky also says that when Chris and Travis earned the trip to Cancun Travis told them Jodi would be his guest. They were all upset but later Travis asked if the ticket could be changed. He was told to call Corporate. He did and since the tickets hadn't been bought it was no problem
Sky also says that when Chris and Travis earned the trip to Cancun Travis told them Jodi would be his guest. They were all upset but later Travis asked if the ticket could be changed. He was told to call Corporate. He did and since the tickets hadn't been bought it was no problem

Thanks for these tidbits. Keep 'em coming!
Damn. Sky writes that the second time Travis confessed to sinning with Jodi..it was to a Disciplinary Council..a step above the first time, because it was a repeat offense. One member of that council was Mimi's father!

This just gets me - grrr! Someone who truly loved him would NEVER EVER EVER have put Travis in a position like this. Color me Pollyanna, but I believe that true love of someone does not put someone in jeopardy for his morals, ethics, religious convictions, aspirations, soul, conscience, self worth...repeatedly.

As much as we try to counsel and warn girls of the tricks boys/men will use to get you to compromise their virginity and morals, the same advice needs to be taught to males as well.

It's been said many times of this case that if the sexual roles were reversed, there'd be no question that this defendant is a piece of filth to scrape off a shoe and no chance of delusional claims of domestic violence or abuse.

I'd like if the psychology or DV "experts" would be given strictly written reports without mention of which party was male or female. Just the facts of the actions and behaviors. I'm curious as to how that would have affected evaluations.
Hi all! :wave:

re bold - but they ARE actually her funds - who else do they (the Arias) need to collect funds for an appeal?? :waitasec:

Sure hope the Alexanders' or whomever is on this!! And no, I don't think any court of appeals is going to look at any "legal" errors in her case, cause there weren't ANY!
Supposedly, the fund was set up in a way that would protect it from restitution b/c JA has no legal access to it. IIRC her Aunt Sue is named on it as trustee and the benefactor would be her legal defense team, I suppose. Not saying it cannot be investigated and claimed by the Alexanders, b/c I certainly think it should be, but just describing the issues.

BTW "Irrevocable" as a type of trust just means that the terms and conditions of it are not changeable after it is set up. Not an indication of whether or not they'll succeed in keeping the funds...
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