Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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Iraq: tents, scorching heat, sand, mre's

Prison: bed, TV, rec time, food, showers, library, visitors, phone calls, education, like they say 3 hots and a cot.

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I don't feel sorry for 281129.
My son serves on an aircraft carrier... this is where he lives...
He has spent the last 7.5 months in the Persian Gulf working 16 hour days
maintaining a nuclear reactor. It is very hot and dangerous.
He NEVER complains. He will not be stateside for several more months.
rack small.JPG
Not sure how you are defining the terms, but just because Jodi may not culturally act Hispanic, other than speaking Spanish, that is part (1/2) of her bloodline. Her father is Hispanic-Mexican American, whether she likes it or not.

It doesn't really matter because Killer is neither. She is reptilian, complete with a little space between her lips that she cannot close so her forked tongue can lash out. And lash, it does.
That's probably more money than JA earned through legit work during her entire "career."

Question concerning the donated funds:

When the killer lost her privileges in Estrella due to what she did with the videos, are those vids temporary or is a copy kept on the system? Probably no one here really knows unless they know exactly what system they use and what the protocol is but I'm wondering if there could possibly be some preserved video of the killer instructing citizens on the procedure they need to use when donating to ensure that no court or other entity can earmark those funds for restitution. I know there are past social media postings about how they want to receive donations--maybe those coming to court will be sufficient but I would like all the ammunition out there to be used against the killer.

If anyone needs to pay restitution, it's Killer Arias.
I too am having problems with this site. The format is wonky and forums are hard to navigate. Thought it was only me.
The only good deed St. Jodi of Arias ever performed is to completely ruin the credibility of these phoney DV self-defence claims. Unfortunately, it will have devastating repercussions for the true victims who have to fight for their lives.

Nosey, don't worry. I think any true DV victim who has to fight for his or her life still has a chance at justice. For one thing, such individuals do not kill their abuser in the vicious cruel, unrelenting manner that we see with the likes of Arias and Hubers. Not to mention speak of the dead afterward in the cruel hateful manner that they have done.
Not sure how you are defining the terms, but just because Jodi may not culturally act Hispanic, other than speaking Spanish, that is part (1/2) of her bloodline. Her father is Hispanic-Mexican American, whether she likes it or not.
Her "bloodline" from her father is a mixture of different races, not a race.
Federal guidelines/definitions (BBM):
The racial categories included in the census questionnaire generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country and not an attempt to define race biologically, anthropologically, or genetically. In addition, it is recognized that the categories of the race item include racial and national origin or sociocultural groups. People may choose to report more than one race to indicate their racial mixture, such as “American Indian” and “White.” People who identify their origin as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be of any race.

OMB requires five minimum categories: White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.


In 2011 a large scale mitochondrial sequencing in Mexican Americans revealed 85 to 90% of mtDNA lineages of Native American origin, with the remainder having European (5-7%) or African ancestry (3-5%). Thus the observed frequency of Native American mtDNA in Mexican/Mexican Americans is higher than was expected on the basis of autosomal estimates of Native American admixture for these populations i.e. ~ 30-46%
Question concerning the donated funds:

When the killer lost her privileges in Estrella due to what she did with the videos, are those vids temporary or is a copy kept on the system? Probably no one here really knows unless they know exactly what system they use and what the protocol is but I'm wondering if there could possibly be some preserved video of the killer instructing citizens on the procedure they need to use when donating to ensure that no court or other entity can earmark those funds for restitution. I know there are past social media postings about how they want to receive donations--maybe those coming to court will be sufficient but I would like all the ammunition out there to be used against the killer.

If anyone needs to pay restitution, it's Killer Arias.

Without searching for the source, I seem to remember that it was stated that MCSO "reviewed" the video and found her giving these instructions. So I'm thinking they do have a copy of it, but my question is whether or not the funds set up by Sandy are legally accessible b/c they're in an irrevocable gift trust. There are rules re: the use of this kind of trust account, and I'm hoping that the video does exist and can be proof that those funds are actually hers vs what the fund rules allow, and maybe that will enable the Alexander's to recover them?
Am I missing something? I've been following this thread closely except for the last few days. I'm confused because the last post I'm seeing is from 04/15 on this thread. I went back to thread 11 to see if I could find a post to see if there was a decision to close this thread, the "Discussion on Formal Sentencing Hearing" thread, but I didn't see anything. I also noticed the last thread (#11) also ends with posts that are dated April 15th. I'm almost certain I've been on this thread after the 15th and many people were still posting. Can someone enlighten me? If I'm missing something obvious let me go ahead and apologize. I'm not a "newbie" per se but I'm not that experienced in certain areas on this forum. Thanks for any help!

Websleuths fell and stubbed her toe last night and took a little time to recover. Things were weird looking in the wee hours when she finally stood proud again but most things seem to be working reasonably well now.
Question concerning the donated funds:

When the killer lost her privileges in Estrella due to what she did with the videos, are those vids temporary or is a copy kept on the system? Probably no one here really knows unless they know exactly what system they use and what the protocol is but I'm wondering if there could possibly be some preserved video of the killer instructing citizens on the procedure they need to use when donating to ensure that no court or other entity can earmark those funds for restitution. I know there are past social media postings about how they ewant to receive donations--maybe those coming to court will be sufficient but I would like all the ammunition out there to be used against the killer.

If anyone needs to pay restitution, it's Killer Arias.
Part of the reason why I'm sticking around is to find out about the financial aspects of this case, because I want every penny that has ever been raised for this killer to go directly to the Alexander family. I want to find out exactly how involved MDLR was in the killer's financial and business affairs, because I believe there was a lot of impropriety going on in this very strange mitigation specialist/client relationship. I want to know exactly who released the jurors names to the JAII site and see the people responsible suffer the consequences. :moo:
That link to the letter seems to be broken, or the content removed ( I looked at the Facebook page but didn't see it). Someone said it was dated Apr 20th, which cannot be true b/c she wouldn't have received letters or have any writing supplies at this point. Maybe they realized it was faked or something and removed it?
That link to the letter seems to be broken, or the content removed ( I looked at the Facebook page but didn't see it). Someone said it was dated Apr 20th, which cannot be true b/c she wouldn't have received letters or have any writing supplies at this point. Maybe they realized it was faked or something and removed it?

I saw the photo of the letter--it sure looked like Killer's handwriting. Maybe it was another cut and paste type fabrication. Anyone could have done that. But, if Killer penned the note, she could have done it a while back and anyone could have mailed it.

It's questionable for a couple reasons, imo, but mostly because it says thank you to a person who claims to have done the killer no favor.
Just got an email that the Hughes book is available to purchase through Amazon. (Hope this is not old news) I for one am going to buy it.
So I hear Dr demarte was on Dr Drew...please tell me someone has a link? Ty

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Oh, I hope it is not true that DeMarte would appear in such a venue.

Not that it matters in the great scheme of things; I just thought she oozed class and that show...doesn't.
Part of the reason why I'm sticking around is to find out about the financial aspects of this case, because I want every penny that has ever been raised for this killer to go directly to the Alexander family. I want to find out exactly how involved MDLR was in the killer's financial and business affairs, because I believe there was a lot of impropriety going on in this very strange mitigation specialist/client relationship. I want to know exactly who released the jurors names to the JAII site and see the people responsible suffer the consequences. :moo:

:applause: Yes, yes and yes!!
It doesn't really matter because Killer is neither. She is reptilian, complete with a little space between her lips that she cannot close so her forked tongue can lash out. And lash, it does.

Throughout the course of the first trial I came to think of her as a shape shifter, I've never seen any person who could look so differently day to day, it was like just combing her hair another way turned her into a whole other entity, personality and all.

I still think she ought to be in a mental hospital where they can study her stem to stern and find out what chemical balances/imbalances creates a person like her. I don't think it's beyond the realm of humane treatment that they also could use experimental drugs/techniques on her to attempt to alter the conditions she has to further their learning. She's taken a very good man from this Earth, she owes a bit more than a lifetime of incarceration on the public dole to atone for such, imo.
Throughout the course of the first trial I came to think of her as a shape shifter, I've never seen any person who could look so differently day to day, it was like just combing her hair another way turned her into a whole other entity, personality and all.

I still think she ought to be in a mental hospital where they can study her stem to stern and find out what chemical balances/imbalances creates a person like her. I don't think it's beyond the realm of humane treatment that they also could use experimental drugs/techniques on her to attempt to alter the conditions she has to further their learning. She's taken a very good man from this Earth, she owes a bit more than a lifetime of incarcerationon on the public dole to atone for such, imo.

I agree she must be studied but do not believe a mental hospital would have the resources for such study. If there is an appropriate facility, it is probably not located here but another continent where research is more specific and medical technologies go beyond what is practiced anywhere in the US.

Unless...hmmm...we still don't know what goes on in Area 51...
Just got an email that the Hughes book is available to purchase through Amazon. (Hope this is not old news) I for one am going to buy it.

Ha! Sky writes that she personally talked about the Law of Chastity with Jodi several times. That heavy make out sessions, oral sex, pretty much everything sexual was forbidden. This was while Arias still lived in Palm Desert
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