Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #2

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I personally don't think jurors should be identified. Even to defendants. I feel like it's too easy for them to be retaliated against - mostly by the convicted criminals friends and family. I am definitely more worried about what could happen to the 11 who voted for the dp than the lone holdout. The convicted murderers support site has already researched Deanna. I wouldn't put it past some of those crazy people to go after those 11. I'm worried for them.
Let's wait and see what comes out. Skye and Chris will be releasing their book, soon. I'm sure it is a tribute to Travis. After this trial someone needs to speak up for Travis so that would be an opportunity to those who will now come forward to discuss with the media what type of person he was.

I actually think the jury spoke loud and clear.

Travis wasn't a bad guy. He WAS in over his head with Jodi tho.

The jurors without an agenda...GOT IT!

I guess time will tell.
No basically she wanted to look at the journals but would not discuss the DP for JA. Said it was revenge. I listened to these people who seem reasonable and I believe them. They felt like she had an agenda and was not even going to consider DP for JA. I think she did skirt the law. I feel like she may have gone in there with the intention of making sure that JA did not get death.

She could have come out and said her peace too.

Probably wanted that info for the book she's writing.
Let's wait and see what comes out. Skye and Chris will be releasing their book, soon. I'm sure it is a tribute to Travis. After this trial someone needs to speak up for Travis so that would be an opportunity to those who will now come forward to discuss with the media what type of person he was.

IMO, the strongest statement made by the jurors today was that they combed the evidence and found the DT's portrayal of TA wrong, wrong, wrong.

They discovered the 'real' TA in spite of the DT's slime-slinging.
This reads like an old John Grisham paperback. Hard to believe it's real... if it weren't so sadly real.
Juror number 4 on Nancy grace sounding very disheartened and emotional. Poor guy. This has taken a toll on all the jurors I am sure. They did there best.
Thats the thing with this trial though. Everything has to be some kind of "fiasco". Everything.

I mean Cmon...really? We tried to have a positive attitude going into this verdict. We really did. And most of us could have even accepted a Life sentence if it had just gone "normal".

But no, we couldnt even have that. We have to learn there was a Lone Wolf juror holdout that sabataged the jury. And to top it off, JSS delays the sentencing just because JA wants to make the Alexanders (and public) wait some more.

Its just incredibly unbelievable that every single thing about this trial has been a "fiasco". Everything.

Oh Well.....gonna go stop in the "Slimeball Sidebar", and have me a
"Wilmcrotch Scotch" :)
Do you have a link to the breakdown of how much he billed for himself and how much for staff and his other overhead?

If he was public defender he wouldn't have any overhead. He would be a state employee and wouldn't have a staff/office/supplies.
I took a trip over to the dark side (JAII) and it sickens me how they posted all of the jurors name (except of course for the hold out) and some had links to their facebook pages. Then in the comments section they get ticked off when the hold outs name is released. They are so afraid that their special savior will be harassed. One actually asked the others when JA was going to get out now....would it be soon? If they weren't so twisted and demented in their thinking, it would be sad to be that clueless.

#4 a male. Very emotional. Says it was hard to have to sit in the jury box and represent that they hung as a group and listen to Travis's sisters cry. They brought up that if they don't give the proper punishment there was a possibility that Jodi might be released in her early 50's.
Given the others' names have also been published, that's unfair.

Yes, I read that further down the thread. Regardless, I don't think it's a good thing if she has to go into hiding.
First off.. I think that Jodi should have LWOP to keep her out of society and assure us that she is gone. I am sorry, after listening to the jurors, that the hold-out refused to participate and explain herself. That was not fair to the other jurors, and it does seem hinky to me. And it should have been addressed by the judge when it was brought to her attention. What makes me equally sick though, is to hear the family wailing because all they want is Jodi's death. Jodi was convicted. Spending seven years wishing for someones death, and making it your mission seems pathological to me. I feel terribly for the loss of their brother, but no more or less than I do for anyone who has lost a loved one to murder...no matter HOW heinous the method was. This was the State of Arizona VS Jodi Arias. There are ALWAYS loved ones who are recognized as victims. The family needs to move on. Jodi will be out of their faces IF they choose. JMO

All I can say is you must have never walked in their shoes. I have.

What you heard was raw emotion. Heartbreak. It is not pathological. It is real. While I respect your opinion, I find the remarks directed at the Alexander's to be harsh.

Move on?????? The family needs to move on????? I hope no one in your life is ever murdered and you never have to walk this path. Comments like those in your post reveal more about the person uttering them than they do about the ones to whom they are directed. IMOO
Now, MLDR is posting, gloating on the State vs. ja face book page!!!! They will never stop!!! OMG

I have a suspicion that she may be behind the stealth juror. They would stop at nothing to win, nothing.
I'm out.

I am hoping that all of you wonderful people can find a way to step out of this for even just a little while. It isn't good for anyone.

Please take time for yourselves and don't obsess over this too much. Nothing any of us can do.

It feels so wrong, but I cannot let it consume my life. I hope you all can do the same.
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