Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #2

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What would you do if it were your name and you were suddenly very unpopular with hundreds (maybe thousands) of strangers on social media who are posting threatening things?

She should stay off social media. I haven't seen anything but then I don't bother with SM. Show me credible evidence that she is being threatened. And what about the 11? I see no complaints there. Tempest in a teapot, IMO, as always, fomented by the groupies. And I believe she is one.
OK it does seem to be true that Juror 17's ex was prosecuted by Juan as she was asked about it in voir dire .. um hello .. ?? No idea why they let her through knowing that. However, BK says that the connection to a friend of Jodi's is incorrect and relates to a different juror who was excused.

Yes, I think that rumor got started because juror 17s husband had a friend with the last name Arias on his FB page.
Yes, if they find that MDLR was responsible she should be fired immediately, and IMO brought up on charges. Honestly, I absolutely abhor how everyone in this country is so litigious but if I were one of the jurors that EXPLICITY refused to reveal my identifying information and MDLR (or any of the named possible people) did so anyway I would sue.

Absolutely agree.

There comes a time where one must stand up to preserve the dignity of our justice system. It may have flaws, but certain aspects need to be fought for!
:gaah: It should have been over a long time ago for her UNprofessional behavior !

:gaah: Even worse is that the State just renewed her Contract on 3/1/15 -- it's on a previous thread here ... Sorry, don't have it handy :)

If that is true, they must have a shortage of competent, professional mitigation specialists. :facepalm:
Thats pretty much how I feel too. The A want to get rid of Jodi and now they have. They would have to go through all the appeals, the trashing of TA would continue and most likely on death roll she would never get executed. I hope alot is made and published about what the 11 jurors thought about TA.Clear up his name. Its time for A's to move on now and try to heal, not be consumed with this cancer called Jodi that will destroy them. Thats when she wins.

I think the Arizona Eleven have thoroughly vindicated Travis' name already. I admire them for their courage in speaking out.
Personally, I would have never sabotaged a DP case with my agenda in the 1st place. And if I chose to act on a cause I would expect repercussions.

Good point!

She cries victim, instead, and accepts no responsibility for her part in all this.
It seems like just the other day you and I were discussing our legal system and stealth jurors......if I remember correctly, you were totally in support of the system and said it works every day around the country. I am not trying to be snarky....I believe it does work sometimes and doesn't work sometimes. In this particular case it seems like a failure.
My sincere apology if it was not you that I had the discussion with.

It wasn't me I don't think unless I was talking about GJs and indictments and how GJs hand down the right indictments day in and day out across the country. But that wasn't said on this thread by me.

I had already mentioned prior to the hung jury I was very worried about a stealth juror being on this particular case.

In fact I posted two or three times about it.... I hoped and prayed no one on that jury (who may have been abused) would just simply believe JA just because she claimed it without any evidence to support any of it. I was worried there could be biases for JA going in to deliberations.

Unfortunately, some women who have been abused do have that close minded view. They will think because they were abused and just because another female 'claims' abuse they believe it without question.:( It truly makes me sick when that happens.

It seems my worries and the worries of other posters came true since it was discussed not only by me but other DV survivors here at WS.:(

To me there was also a stealth juror in the Guy Heinz Jr. mass murder case so I am very aware that sometimes they are able to stealthily get on them.
:seeya: That's just it I cannot decide IF: she blatantly lied, was a "plant," or, was there "jury tampering" ?


If everything we're hearing is true (and sounds like it is) then, imo, it's all of the above... She lied when she kept silent about having knowledge of any of the key players. Which means she had a motive for wanting to get passed through... And whether she did it on her own, or something much more nefarious happened (no evidence of that), she was planted on that jury and made it all the way to deliberations. And she took a stand. Problem is, she could not articulate what her stand was when her fellow jurors asked her to explain it against the weight of the evidence. I've seen this before, and if a juror refuses to make sense of the evidence, or use it to reach their verdict, then, imo, there must be something else going on to motivate them, and that's not justice. For either side. Getting on a jury for personal reasons, and lying to get there, is a stealth juror, no matter what the circumstances are, to me. And it involves tampering, as well. It may not be the perfect legal definition of it, BUT, these things can change the ENTIRE outcome of a case, for cryin' out loud... And maybe the defense didn't initially have any involvement in her role in this, but, I bet that once she planted herself on that panel they learned of it and directed their defense right at her... And I have a right to be frustrated with this juror, and question the system, because it's the system I have to live by. It's the only one I've got, and it has cracks. In this day and age we are going to see more and more stealth jurors, and we need to be aware of them and not take it lightly when it's suspected. Like the 11 jurors tried to do when it became apparent to them that this juror was unable to even articulate her reasoning weighed against the evidence.

And The Laws of Attraction "coincidence" made my hair stand up...:banghead:

All jmo.
I also think the death penalty should be abolished. There must be another sentence that would serve the purpose of making sure the criminal can never hurt anyone else.

The DP wasn't on trial here; JA was on trial subject to the laws of the State of Arizona, which includes the DP.
Pretty sure she won't have unfettered access to pass things, won't be able to let her use her phone. She'll probably be limited to NC visits for a long time, or through glass. Prison sucks there's no ways about it. Britskate has told us that people like arias are always moving their goalposts. She's been crying "appeals" since the first jury betrayed her. She did everything humanly possible to achieve a DP verdict. I said it this morning that a life of being prisoner 111456 to her is a fate worse than death. She has NO real goalposts now. If she wants that appeal she's going to be hard pressed to even find a private attorney to take her as a client and when she finds one that attorney is going to want $500k retainer just to start. She has never raised more than $35,000 TOTAL. She's now stuck living a long life (like she said) scrubbing other people's chit for .10 CENTS an hour, living amongst other mentally impaired (all menstruated at the same time) women who equally all hate each other who WILL kill you over a little Debbie snack (there's no cash in prison it's worthless) she will probably be able to trade for commissary items for drawing cards for other inmates. Her highlight of the year is when they might possibly get cake served once per year. She will literally be just another inmate. IF she goes in there acting like she's better than the other women I expect she might end up being beat with soap. For people like Angela, another write up is NOTHING compared to the reputation they have to keep up. Prison is a pecking order. It's the hunted and the prey. She will fall in between. She will be miserable.

Also, her saline implants have another probably 8-10 years left before they start to leak out into her body. The state will not pay to repair or replace implants. She will be walking around for the next 35 years with sagging skin for breasts were there once were implants. Oh do you have a head ache jodi.. ? No prescription medication for you! Get ulcers or Crohn's disease? You suffer in the 125 degree heat no prescriptions for you and she'll STILL have to get up and clean other people's chit for 10 cents an hour with her head ache. I could go on and on about how miserable jodi will be.

Had to log off last night. But, so glad I came back this morning. This post made my day.

Thoughts after a long sleep:

#juror17 WOW.

I am hoping Arizona seriously reconsiders their contract with Maria.

Bet, JA spends lots of time in solitary, do you really think she will be able to make real friends? Is she loyal and trustworthy??? NOT a backstabber??? First roommate she had hated her.

And try as they might, hope #17 does not make a dime off of this trial. She really does run with some questionable people. Thieves and felons? Nice company. Hope LE watches her closely.

Lastly, I think JA might end up preferring solitary over GP before too long. I just don't think her sense of entitlement and haughtiness is going to go over well with harden lifers.

I am way way behind!
But, what? NO freaking way..is this true? IF so, I don't think she should have been en-paneled AND if true is there any recourse. If nothing else she was not forthcoming. I recall during Caylee's murder trial juror selection the question was posed from both attorneys do we know each other (something like that) was this not done in this trial? I am stunned if true..
I could NOT sleep last night and I don't feel any better today. Have more to post about my thoughts/speculation later, now I have to get back to work..Later.

It's true, BK confirmed it and said Juror 17 was asked about it in Voir Dire .. no idea why she wasn't scratched right then and there since everyone knew.
Ok..do not be angry with me! I served on a jury for a murder trial. We worked hard to come up with a verdict. Some of my fellow jurors had views which I thought were strange. I believe in the jury sysytem because I believe 99% of people have good hearts. I have watched a lot of trials and do not agree with all jury verdicts BUT I am not on the jury. I saw and experienced the court proceedings different than the people in the gallery, so I do not question jury decisions. Do not forget, we know more!

After listening to the jurors after the verdict I think the lone holdout did give her reasons..JA did not deserve the death penalty due to her mental make up. Then she shut down and held to her beliefs.

JA was found guilty of first degree murder. Most jurors saw through her. Believe Travis was a good guy. She will pay for what she did
Ok, I am finished. All of above JMO

I don't know what to make of the lone juror let alone all the rumors, but I've also thought of this: from juror 17's perspective, the other 11 jurors held to their beliefs since last Thursday as well.

While I feel the death penalty was the appropriate sentence and see the reasoning for a majority rules vote as has been posted here - I'm also glad she won't be able to be a part of all the hoopla that goes with a dp verdict.

Still praying for peace for the Alexander family and friends of Travis and the jurors as well.
It's true, BK confirmed it and said Juror 17 was asked about it in Voir Dire .. no idea why she wasn't scratched right then and there since everyone knew.
She was asked about her ex being in prison, and IIRC also about her current husband's record, but I don't think it came out that JM prosecuted the ex.
Sorry don't want to derail the thread but I have had this nagging question.

On Wed afternoon (day before verdict read) the judge brought the Atty's into the courtroom for a super secret meeting. We find out the next morning that the jury is deadlocked. Did JSS and Atty's know the jury was deadlocked 11-1 and she ordered everyone to go home sleep on it and come back the next day as it was too late in the day to announce the verdict? I know the jurors took another voted yesterday morning - but was that their decision or were they following orders from JSS?

Given all of the secrecy, the allegations of Juror #17 coming out, the secret sidebars/in chambers/hallway/under seal stuff that we have had to endure - I think it would be best if JSS released all of the documents & transcripts before she sentences Jodi. The issue of transparency has been a major obstacle in this case and JSS has taken a lot of bashing for it. She announced that video/transcripts/FTR will all be released after the verdict.

Since JSS is responsible for all the secrecy - why not open up everything and be transparent right now before she sentences? We (the public) need to feel that her rulings are congruent with the law and there is nothing to hide. There is no reason to keep being secret. She has no one to protect and she needs to restore the public faith that she will do the right thing. JMO
I also think the death penalty should be abolished. There must be another sentence that would serve the purpose of making sure the criminal can never hurt anyone else.

It's called life in prison without parole and then a prison classification that matches the inmate's behavior up to and including segregation if needed. May help to read about how prisons manage high risk inmates and what measures they employ.
As long as she is getting a lot of special attention, she will be pleased. Even the sheriffs office is falling for it. Just lock her in a windowless concrete cell and slide food under the door for the next 30 days. Threats won't be a problem. Maybe her and Jodi can have some really deep conversations while she is being "protected".

Welcome to the world of dishonest, sneaky people.

I have ZERO sympathy for juror 17. She brought it on herself. If she feels the need for protection, let her hire her own bodyguards.
If everything we're hearing is true (and sounds like it is) then, imo, it's all of the above... She lied when she kept silent about having knowledge of any of the key players. Which means she had a motive for wanting to get passed through... And whether she did it on her own, or something much more nefarious happened (no evidence of that), she was planted on that jury and made it all the way to deliberations. And she took a stand. Problem is, she could not articulate what her stand was when her fellow jurors asked her to explain it against the weight of the evidence. I've seen this before, and if a juror refuses to make sense of the evidence, or use it to reach their verdict, then, imo, there must be something else going on to motivate them, and that's not justice. For either side. Getting on a jury for personal reasons, and lying to get there, is a stealth juror, no matter what the circumstances are, to me. And it involves tampering, as well. It may not be the perfect legal definition of it, BUT, these things can change the ENTIRE outcome of a case, for cryin' out loud... And maybe the defense didn't initially have any involvement in her role in this, but, I bet that once she planted herself on that panel they learned of it and directed their defense right at her... And I have a right to be frustrated with this juror, and question the system, because it's the system I have to live by. It's the only one I've got, and it has cracks. In this day and age we are going to see more and more stealth jurors, and we need to be aware of them and not take it lightly when it's suspected. Like the 11 jurors tried to do when it became apparent to them that this juror was unable to even articulate her reasoning weighed against the evidence.

And The Laws of Attraction "coincidence" made my hair stand up...:banghead:

All jmo.
BBM - Remember how Geffner kept testifying that Jodi didn't put anything negative in her journals because of the Laws of Attraction? :gaah:
All the Jurors names are posted on the 'Jodi is Innocent' website, with the exception of #17.

You forgot the worst part, they were collectively labeled as the pedo huggers who tried to get Jodi killed. :facepalm:
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