Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #2

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Thanks so much for that. I kept hoping one of the media members would have commended Juan for his work. I hope he realizes how much we appreciate what an amazing attorney he is and how he truly did get justice for Travis.

IMO, Juan looked sad and exhausted. Poor guy. At least he got. 1st degree premeditated murder conviction for the princess.
It'll be very interesting to find out what was really said in chambers. I am going to go with the belief that the judge and attorneys were being sure that #17 was not really a stealth juror, that she really did believe in capital punishment and did not lie in voir dire.

Listened to the not-quite unanimous 11 plus alternates presser again, and man, it sure sounds to me that she might have been.

BIB - But if that's the case - that there were concerns back then that a stealth juror was sitting on the jury - I especially don't understand how JSS can justify not removing this juror after the foreman sent her a note stating a juror was refusing to deliberate.

Isn't refusing to deliberate considered jury misconduct? Isn't lying about being open to the DP during jury selection considered obstruction of justice? Something is very wrong here. JSS has a lot to answer for IMO.

My heart breaks for the Alexander family, as well as for these 11 jurors. Travis deserved a fair and impartial jury. These 11 jurors deserved to serve with someone who was as honest and open-minded as they were.

What a miscarriage of justice.
The attorney in the Hernandez trial makes me really appreciate Judge Sherry. Seriously. It could have been much worse, as I now realize when watching the AH trial. That judge makes me want to throw my laptop out the window. :mad:

I've not watched Dr. Drew in a long time, thought I saw a tweet saying you will be on there, right?
Excerpt from Slumber Party from Hell by Sue Ellen Allen a former med/min security inmate at Perryville:
On a day when the temperature has been about 112 degrees for several days, put on your heaviest polyester pants and t-shirt, go out in your garage with a very small fan, and spend the day. Have lunch there, soup (yes, soup) and a bologna sandwich. Sweep, mop and clean, watch TV, read. Try to nap on a plastic cot, eat a lukewarm dinner, spend the night. This is Arizona prison in the summer.

She also mentions TONS of HUGE spiders. Loved that part.

And how drab and colorless things are. Inmates love magazines and postcards because they are colorful. She says they save the perfume sale inserts for days to smell something nice.
Silver lining time, peeps!
It's over. No appeals, no fancy death row representation, no anti-death groups screeching about sparing her, no last minute stays. Now, she rots in jail.

Good Point Its just hard right now because we saw how JA and Nurmi are rub it in our faces.

Which reminds me. Did anyone notice right before the Judge announced the verdict. ?

Jodi turned to the right to hide her face. She was looking at the wall. I first thought it was because she may have been crying. But she was laughing and grinning. I swear she was. Because when she turned around you could tell she had been hiding that she was smiling and couldnt resist.

This was before the verdict. She just loves the attention. She loves it. Good or bad. It dont matter. She thrives on being in the spotlight.

Like others said. In the long run this maybe better with Life sentence. She will get less attention and thats 1 good thing. Its just hard to take right now.
I hear ya! :(

She does it all the time! :gavel: I'm truly starting to believe she wears a AH jersey under her robe! I :jawdrop: when she told OL's mother "Don't cry" when testifying!
Not to go ot but that was horrific. I have never ever seen a judge say that to a family member.
Thanks Sherry!

You got YOUR.... jurypanel in secret! Come to think of it, if the AZ COA hadn't intervened, you would have HAD ..... everything in secret!
Not that there was much left. Congrats!


In regards to this post by BK on her FB page on October 23, 2014

"Jury is sent home until Monday morning. The judge asks juror #17 to stay behind. Nurmi waives Arias's presence for whatever they are doing in chambers. Attorneys meet with judge in chambers now. Arias follows them in--I guess her presence is not waived."

After reading further comments on that page, a few people reported that Nurmi wanted to question Juror #17 because Dr Drew said Juror #17 would be on his show that night. It turned out it was Juror #17 from the last trial. I don't want to start rumors and I have no way of knowing if this is true or not and the reason for the judge questioning #17 back in October, but I thought I would share this. Hopefully Beth or someone in the know can confirm this if it's true. I still find it very odd that it's this particular juror.
Good Point Its just hard right now because we saw how JA and Nurmi are rub it in our faces.

Which reminds me. Did anyone notice right before the Judge announced the verdict. ?

Jodi turned to the right to hide her face. She was looking at the wall. I first thought it was because she may have been crying. But she was laughing and grinning. I swear she was. Because when she turned around you could tell she had been hiding that she was smiling and couldnt resist.

This was before the verdict. She just loves the attention. She loves it. Good or bad. It dont matter. She thrives on being in the spotlight.

Like others said. In the long run this maybe better with Life sentence. Its just hard to take right now.

You know I was watching some of the interviews after the last trial and I swear she looks so different since then. She still looked young then, Now she looks old and I don't know.. something off about her.

I think that is why she hid from the cameras today. She does not look her best anymore.. She is vain!
That made me feel better.

Oh it gets hotter than 112 there. I've been there when it was 120. Radiator overheated and tires blew out within 30 miles of each other- between Yuma & Phoenix, and that was May!! Hopefully they'll forget and leave Jodi in the cage like the other woman who died there.
Excerpt from Slumber Party from Hell by Sue Ellen Allen a former med/min security inmate at Perryville:
On a day when the temperature has been about 112 degrees for several days, put on your heaviest polyester pants and t-shirt, go out in your garage with a very small fan, and spend the day. Have lunch there, soup (yes, soup) and a bologna sandwich. Sweep, mop and clean, watch TV, read. Try to nap on a plastic cot, eat a lukewarm dinner, spend the night. This is Arizona prison in the summer.

She also mentions TONS of HUGE spiders. Loved that part.

That keep her busy since MM said she would never kill a spider.
And that is a bad sign. Even though I was thinking I could not give the DP in this case, I could think of scenarios that I would. It was not off the table for me, just was not sure that this was it for me. Hearing the jurors who were willing to approach this is whatever way would work for her, And her still not wanting to deliberate, She was not voting for DP no matter what.

BBM I cannot remember where I read it/heard it so MOO but she did deliberate. She wanted to talk about/read TA journals. I got the impression that she did not want to talk about what the other jurors were talking about. Didn't one juror state that she did not talk much? I was a juror once and the majority of jurors did not talk much at all. IIRC, there were three or four that would do most of the talking.

I am not sure how I feel about the jurors giving their opinions of the hold-out juror. Seems like they were "talking behind her back". IDK. I don't blame her for not talking to the press. I sure would not want to be investigated and scrutinized by the public. She did not break any laws. Maybe AZ should change their jury system.

Bouncing off of your post ScarletteScarpetta.
Yes, she was convicted, but what if this judge gives her LWP. In 25 years JA will only be in her 50's.

She'll probably get credit for the 7 years she already spent in jail. So we may be looking at 18 years and with good behavior it's anyone's guess!!!
You know I was watching some of the interviews after the last trial and I swear she looks so different since then. She still looked young then, Now she looks old and I don't know.. something off about her.

I think that is why she hid from the cameras today. She does not look her best anymore.. She is vain!

I noticed that too. I don't think Willmot or De La Rosa are fairing much better.
The cost of hired guns and soulless defense attorneys would account for that in my opinion.

watching the start of the press conference with bill mongomery...he said the prosecution costs were around $132,000 so the rest of the $3.1 million went on the defense?!?! i am shocked
I don't know if this was posted anywhere or if it has a nefarious meaning but here goes. What are you thoughts?
madchengeist ‏@madchengeist 1h1 hour ago

@kinseyschofield @NancyGraceHLN Not sure if anyone followed this but for days the JA supporters would tweet #justonejuror after each tweet
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