Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #2

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So this article says she was juror #12, not 17...so which is it? If it's 12, this issue about #17 being asked to stay behind to talk to JSS in October is much ado about nothing.

I took it that the article meant the 12th juror as in the last one that didn't vote with the rest. Part of the 12 but her Juror # is actually 17.
Oh Carp! So sick of this! WTH is wrong with people? Something needs to be done about Jury System in certain localities. It is all about demographics. I think certain places need professional jurors. It is become more and more obvious that many people are not capable of doing the right thing and putting somebody to death for horrific and heinous behavior. They are just too soft. Seems like the whole country is getting soft. My heart goes out to the eleven who fought for the right action but was up against a hard head who was never going to change her mind....just like the foreman on the conviction case.
I am comforted by the fact that Arpaio has finally muzzled her. We won't have to hear her gloat or see her ugly mug.

Sadly in this day and age, she still has twitter. She will never be completely muzzled.
I just saw where a segment producer for Gma is in touch with the lone Juror's husband.

I am starting to remove people who are tweeting out her name, and address and phone number from twitter! OUTRAGEOUS!

These actions, just like this, is why we didn't get to see the penalty phase ... just like this. :gaah:

I really hope that people don't go after her and harass her. She probably feels bad enough and does not deserve that.
Can someone post a synopsis of what the husband of Juror 17 said. I can't watch videos at the moment. TIA.

If you click on the link, it has a printed version of the interview.
But this happened back in October 2014. What happened back then to cause this "meeting"?

Wasnt this when Dr Drew said he was having juror 17 on his program. People were confused but he ment juror 17 from the first trial
Can someone post a synopsis of what the husband of Juror 17 said. I can't watch videos at the moment. TIA.

Argos: Do you happen to know - was she the one that held out for the decision today?

Husband: She was.

Argos: Did she tell you what the feeling was like inside of that jury room?
Husband: Yeah, she said she felt like she was being assaulted by all the other jurors ... trying to get her to go the other way. She held strong to her beliefs and I'm proud of her for that.

Argos: Is it a religious belief she had, or why?

Husband: No, it isn't. She's not opposed to the death penalty. She just didn't believe it was warranted here.

Argos: And she still sticks by her decision?

Husband: Absolutely, she does.

Read more: http://www.kpho.com/story/28274746/...lt-like-she-was-being-assaulted#ixzz3TYd349b2
I really hope that people don't go after her and harass her. She probably feels bad enough and does not deserve that.

You know how ruthless and harsh people can be, she is probably in hiding...she will be harassed for days/weeks/months to come. Her name and address are out there, she will
probably have to move.
You know I was watching some of the interviews after the last trial and I swear she looks so different since then. She still looked young then, Now she looks old and I don't know.. something off about her.

I think that is why she hid from the cameras today. She does not look her best anymore.. She is vain!

Jodi has always been a chameleon. It's gotten harder for her to hide behind a façade. Look back through the myriad of photos/video of her since before the first trial. There are photos/video where Jodi was quite attractive, while at other times, she looks awful. The superficial layers of the human chameleon have been peeled back like onion skin. Jodi can no longer hide the real Jodi. I'm 65, and I look younger than Ms. Arias :)
This posted on Juan Martinez Prosecutor Support FB page
Interesting to say the least. Why back in October 2014, did Judge Stephens want to speak in chambers to Holdout Juror 17? ??? This according to Beth Karas October 2014 post.
Beth Karas

Jury is sent home until Monday morning. The judge asks juror #17 to stay behind. Nurmi waives Arias's presence for whatever they are doing in chambers. Attorneys meet with judge in chambers now. Arias follows them in--I guess her presence is not waived.

I'd be interested to know if Nurmi fought to keep her or wanted her off the jury.
No basically she wanted to look at the journals but would not discuss the DP for JA. Said it was revenge. I listened to these people who seem reasonable and I believe them. They felt like she had an agenda and was not even going to consider DP for JA. I think she did skirt the law. I feel like she may have gone in there with the intention of making sure that JA did not get death.

She could have come out and said her peace too.

BBM If that was her intention, then, IMO, she lucked out. Doesn't AZ choose the jurors that will be deliberating by a lottery drawing system? How does that work? Some people have stated that the jury was rigged. Wouldn't that mean that the person drawing the juror numbers cheated and picked her number? I have so many questions!
O/T but OH No... Harrison Ford seriously injured when his plane crashed at a Calf. golf course.
So this article says she was juror #12, not 17...so which is it? If it's 12, this issue about #17 being asked to stay behind to talk to JSS in October is much ado about nothing.

I think they mean 12th as in the other 11 spoke earlier
She felt "assaulted"....interesting choice of words again

You know, I work hard to be fair and wait for all the information to come out but this^^^^.

Honestly I feel like I am listening to the old guard mentality, exact same verbage, pressing the same hot button issue for sympathy, blaming others for their own choices, just disgusting MOO. Clearly she brought into the deliberations, as stated by the majority of other jurors, her "Dirty Little Secret" mentality and refused to deliberate. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, well it's a freaking duck. Now she wants to blame the other jurors because she can't take ownership of her own CHIT.

Sorry but I will save my sympathy for those who are deserving.
An idle question: If one (say, Juror #17) believed in the Law of Attraction, would that cause them to shy away from giving the death penalty?
Argos: Do you happen to know - was she the one that held out for the decision today?Husband: She was.Argos: Did she tell you what the feeling was like inside of that jury room?Husband: Yeah, she said she felt like she was being assaulted by all the other jurors ... trying to get her to go the other way. She held strong to her beliefs and I'm proud of her for that.Argos: Is it a religious belief she had, or why?Husband: No, it isn't. She's not opposed to the death penalty. She just didn't believe it was warranted here.Argos: And she still sticks by her decision?Husband: Absolutely, she does.Read more: http://www.kpho.com/story/28274746/...lt-like-she-was-being-assaulted#ixzz3TYd349b2
(Lyric, thanks for posting this)BAH! Total BS. IMO.When the other jurors asked her what crime warranted the DP she couldn't answer.

BBM I cannot remember where I read it/heard it so MOO but she did deliberate. She wanted to talk about/read TA journals. I got the impression that she did not want to talk about what the other jurors were talking about. Didn't one juror state that she did not talk much? I was a juror once and the majority of jurors did not talk much at all. IIRC, there were three or four that would do most of the talking.

I am not sure how I feel about the jurors giving their opinions of the hold-out juror. Seems like they were "talking behind her back". IDK. I don't blame her for not talking to the press. I sure would not want to be investigated and scrutinized by the public. She did not break any laws. Maybe AZ should change their jury system.

Bouncing off of your post ScarletteScarpetta.

According to the jurors who did speak, this woman was bringing stuff into, or talking about things in the jury room that wasn't allowed. And, she refused to deliberate. The foreman sent a letter to Sherry, which was read to this person before it was sent. In return, the "DP is revenge" person sent her own letter to Sherry....without telling the others what it said.

I have a feeling she is going to be outed as a stealth juror....but, no problem. Evidently, in Arizona at least, a juror can lie to get on a jury and then disregard all rules without penalty as long as the cheater is in favor of the defendant.
I don't know if this was posted anywhere or if it has a nefarious meaning but here goes. What are you thoughts?
madchengeist ‏@madchengeist 1h1 hour ago

@kinseyschofield @NancyGraceHLN Not sure if anyone followed this but for days the JA supporters would tweet #justonejuror after each tweet

That doesn't mean much to me, it's pretty common when talking about the defense and trials, to say it only takes one juror, they only have to convince one juror, etc. You hear it all the time. Just like the use of the word "revenge" by the holdout, and low and behold Jodi Arias herself used that same word in an interview, they must have conspired.
You know I was watching some of the interviews after the last trial and I swear she looks so different since then. She still looked young then, Now she looks old and I don't know.. something off about her.

I think that is why she hid from the cameras today. She does not look her best anymore.. She is vain!

Jail is not agreeing with her---can't follow her "beauty regime "
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