Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #3

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but I wanted to bring over what JudyBolton said about JSS

Great point! I hope she learns that acting or not acting out of fear of appeal is not a guarantee of...anything. That's why she's a judge-to make the tough calls and fulfill her duties properly. To me, she had a duty to move the trial along, to ensure only relevant evidence was introduced, and to take action when 11 jurors tell you there's a problem. I really do hope she learns from this trial. It's really been a travesty all around. Except for the 11 jurors. Now JSS has left them devastated too. Maybe there was nothing she could do. But from what the jurors said, she didn't properly investigate. They were left on their own to try and deal with something that was in no way their fault or responsibility. Didn't the foreman on the Scott Peterson trial get booted during deliberations? I know it was at least a juror. And the jury went on to a verdict and he's on death row. This was not an unimaginably difficult situation never before encountered.

This is the bit that disturbs me. She learned nothing during all the trials. She has plodded on doing exactly what she did from the very beginning even when knowing full well at some point that she is being manipulated. And continues it even now till the bitter end. In as much secret as she can.
Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin 56m56 minutes ago

Coming up at five on @abc15, could the drama surrounding #Juror17 impact future jurors? We talk to attorney @RussLawAZ to get his take.
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Copies said to have been released to Judge, 2 assistants, court reporter,
prosecutor, and defense

Right. Why would the judge, two assistants, the prosecutor, or the court reporter release the list to the JAII website? Process of elimination.
Makes total sense. What are they going to do, cancel her contract 7 days before the verdict was read ?

What choice did they have ?

MDLR's contract said that if either side did not renew while she was in a capital case then she would have to continue on with a month to month contract until the case was completed. Instead they renewed her for the next three years. :sigh:
There might be a whole lot of document shredding, cell phone deleting, and computer wiping going on over at the Nurmi Law Office this weekend..................My guess would be that MDLR will be doing plenty of it of her own wherever her office is.
MDLR's contract said that if either side did not renew while she was in a capital case then she would have to continue on with a month to month contract until the case was completed. Instead they renewed her for the next three years. :sigh:

Got it. Thanks for the education.
Right. Why would the judge, two assistants, the prosecutor, or the court reporter release the list to the JAII website? Process of elimination.

It doesn't take an Einstein Level IQ to connect the dots with this one. :happydance:
MDLR's contract said that if either side did not renew while she was in a capital case then she would have to continue on with a month to month contract until the case was completed. Instead they renewed her for the next three years. :sigh:

Our fiscally efficient government at work here folks. You can't make this stuff up.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 47m47 minutes ago
@blefuscu74 agree. we are working on it. county atty is working on it, mcso working on leaked jury info. big mess.

I wasn't sure exactly who was involved, but this is seriously being looked into it seems

I think it's great that media people are getting involved. But we shouldn't be hearing what's happening through them. The folks who are looking into this should come out and state what they're doing. No more behind the scenes secret cr*p. It takes a lot to get me angry, but after hearing all the stuff that's been coming out today, I'm pi$$ed beyond belief. I want to hear from the people in the know. Did this juror lie on her questionnaire??!! Yes or no. Was she asked if she had any connection to any of those involved in the case (we know this question was asked!!)? Yes or no. We've heard about the tweets, we've heard about the postings, we've heard enough about the juror to warrant us finding out from the people in charge (the courts and the county attorney) what the he$$ is going on!! IMPO, the public has a right to know...once and for all, stop the cr*p and lets have some transparency here.
Thanks for letting me vent.
I think we all agree that you're correct about considering all the evidence to reach a decision! :D She seemingly based her opinion on false evidence - specifically one thing that got another potential juror rejected: she admitted to watching the fictional movie on Lifetime about Arias and compared Arias to the characterization. She was also basing her decision on Arias' journals which were proved in court to be extraordinarily self-serving lies and fantasy.

I'm also astounded...and question her understanding of evidence if she really, as reported, actually WANTED to bring in that Lifetime movie to be reviewed during deliberations. REALLY????
There might be a whole lot of document shredding, cell phone deleting, and computer wiping going on over at the Nurmi Law Office this weekend..................My guess would be that MDLR will be doing plenty of it of her own wherever her office is.

Good luck , most likely anything that could potentially nail her is preserved on a cloud or in cyberspace somewhere.
I view the non-verdict as the best possible outcome:

1. Arias will go to Perryville and will get none of the attention the death penalty would have brought her.
2. The jury hung 11-1 in favor of DEATH; that tells me they did not buy the DT's stories about Travis.
3. They also did not believe the self-esteemed Mr. Geffner.
4. Same goes for Ms. Fonseca.

Death verdict would have provided the killer with a podium from time to time over the years. IOW, issues arising over the years would be like continuous slaps in the face for the Alexanders--they would never be free to heal. Life verdict would have vindicated the DT and those poor excuses for witnesses.

We have in this case 11 people who voted for death and one who does not believe in death penalty because she thinks it is revenge. Not one juror--not even the holdout--sided with the DT. Not one bought the malicious garbage the DT spewed about Travis.

I know some here think Arias will live high on the hog in prison. I do not agree.

Arias will not have freedom to come and go as she pleases. She will not wear civilian clothes. She will not order food to go, nor schedule visits to salons for dye jobs or Brazilians. She can never again pose in a white parka against a snowy backdrop. No more Starbucks frappes. She will never visit Cancun. Or anywhere else, for that matter. The killer will be in prison--caged like the animal that she is. Unless in a prison transport van, she will never travel beyond the razor wire that encircles the Perryville compound.

I suspect the Alexanders will need a long time to heal, but they do not have to face their brother's killer in court again until sentencing day--and likely never again after that. Soon they will be free to move on, to heal. This ordeal is almost over for them. That has been a long time coming. May they have peace in their lives knowing the killer will never again walk among them.
MDLR's contract said that if either side did not renew while she was in a capital case then she would have to continue on with a month to month contract until the case was completed. Instead they renewed her for the next three years. :sigh:

Who are "they"? TIA
Good luck , most likely anything that could potentially nail her is preserved on a cloud or in cyberspace somewhere.

I am certain it is :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Whoa!! Kinda true though. Love Juan, but it was his job to make sure there were no jurors there who'd be biased towards the defense, would it be his paralegals who were supposed to check into jurors up for selection, does anyone know how all that works?

Depends on how shady and paranoid you are, IMO, with access to unlimited money. This was the DT's mission. Sadly, the PT went by the book, it seems. Cause truth and honour mattered for justice's sake. How awful is that? Yeah, looks like they need to get sneakier and more secretive and down and dirty like the DT. And use a whole lot more money because it's free from the sucker state don't ya know.
Good luck , most likely anything that could potentially nail her is preserved on a cloud or in cyberspace somewhere.

After weeks of computer testimony aimed at disbarring Juan, even I know nothing is ever deleted;)
I asked because they both stated that the DP would be revenge, not justice.

Well, at least according to JA (via MLDR twitter queen), death was not correct because a jury shouldn't kill someone who killed their "abuser."

Mega-eye-roll and my fingers are on fire just for typing that
I'm wondering what JA and J17 believe justice to be??? What do they think justice should be for premeditated brutal murder?

They would probably think that deserved an all expenses paid vacation to Cancun.
There might be a whole lot of document shredding, cell phone deleting, and computer wiping going on over at the Nurmi Law Office this weekend..................My guess would be that MDLR will be doing plenty of it of her own wherever her office is.

OK I'm actually starting to love this .. The idea of MDLR shredding a whole lot of documents and trying to work out how to wipe a hard drive is amusing. Hey Maria, guess what? Emails stay on the server and you can't access that .. You didn't email anything did you?? Ohhhhhhh oooooops!!!!!!!

Happy thoughts [emoji4]
I think it's great that media people are getting involved. But we shouldn't be hearing what's happening through them. The folks who are looking into this should come out and state what they're doing. No more behind the scenes secret cr*p. It takes a lot to get me angry, but after hearing all the stuff that's been coming out today, I'm pi$$ed beyond belief. I want to hear from the people in the know. Did this juror lie on her questionnaire??!! Yes or no. Was she asked if she had any connection to any of those involved in the case (we know this question was asked!!)? Yes or no. We've heard about the tweets, we've heard about the postings, we've heard enough about the juror to warrant us finding out from the people in charge (the courts and the county attorney) what the he$$ is going on!! IMPO, the public has a right to know...once and for all, stop the cr*p and lets have some transparency here.
Thanks for letting me vent.

You're Welcome!!! :) The latest update from Fox10 (http://www.fox10phoenix.com/story/2...-husband-has-ties-to-prosecutor-juan-martinez) indicates county officials are actively investigating this, and "they" aren't commenting, ... which is (IMO) a good thing. No need to compromise an ongoing investigation.

Now, the Super Secret Courtroom of Judge Stephens? THAT's another story.
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