Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #3

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The complete May 26th text is now summarized. Make of it what you will.


Thanks so much, Hope4More, for going to the trouble to summarize this eye-opening text.

Some of Travis' comments give me chills, especially in light of what we now know about her:

“Don’t you see your lies is why your life is worthless."

“I loved someone who never existed.”

Tells her she is evil, has been a liar from the beginning.

In everything you throw at me its all an agenda to save yr own *advertiser censored*.

And perhaps one of the only true things she utters:

She says: “I don’t want to care about you, I don’t want to care about you at all. If I didn’t care I wouldn’t hurt and you wouldn’t have gotten hurt. “

That's what passes for logic in Jodi's mind.
Go to the forum thread: "Travis Alexander's Journals and Text Messages." Hope4 posted her latest summary there. (Thanks, BTW, Hope.)

Yea I found it over there 10 minutes ago. It was worth reading.

Thanks! and Thanks Hope!
Please continue to post here. This whole trial is starting to sound like a John Grisham novel.


Just when you thought you'd never see another trial crazier than the Casey Anthony case >> BOOM >> Jodi Arias!
Part of the duty of a juror during deliberations is to make every attempt to render a unanimous verdict. Why else would an Allen charge exist? In order to make an honest effort to fulfill their duty they must communicate with each other. Juror #4 said last night on NG he repeatedly asked #17 to help him understand her point of view...show him the evidence that is persuading her vote...if she could help him see her side, maybe he'd join her. She couldn't or wouldn't do that.

She did tell them that she thinks the DP is revenge. Perhaps, under some other scenario, she would or could vote for the DP for the purpose of revenge, which is her definition of it. She also told them that she did not believe that JA should be put to death, because she felt that JA's psychological state compelled her to kill TA. She would not, however, give them an example of a scenario in which she COULD vote for the DP. It sounds goofy to me, but that was how she explained herself. JMO
Here is a another one showing that Travis knew he was dealing with a pathological liar.

TA: “Don’t you see your lies is why your life is worthless. You have got to learn it will be until you tell the truth. Can u learn. If not you are taking up people air.”

She intentionally tormented him with lies and half truths to keep him off balance. Gas lighting. A form of control.

He's telling her in the chat.. I can take anything else you do to hurt me, and I'm not even asking you to apologize for any of it. I just am demanding/ begging you not lie to me anymore.

But knows she won't stop, and how could he believe anything she said after all the lies?
but I wanted to bring over what JudyBolton said about JSS

BBM - but apparently not so hard to fool a judge...I wonder what she's feeling today as this is all being revealed and she knows she had an opportunity -actually a plea - from the other 11 to do something...and she did nothing!!!

Great point! I hope she learns that acting or not acting out of fear of appeal is not a guarantee of...anything. That's why she's a judge-to make the tough calls and fulfill her duties properly. To me, she had a duty to move the trial along, to ensure only relevant evidence was introduced, and to take action when 11 jurors tell you there's a problem. I really do hope she learns from this trial. It's really been a travesty all around. Except for the 11 jurors. Now JSS has left them devastated too. Maybe there was nothing she could do. But from what the jurors said, she didn't properly investigate. They were left on their own to try and deal with something that was in no way their fault or responsibility. Didn't the foreman on the Scott Peterson trial get booted during deliberations? I know it was at least a juror. And the jury went on to a verdict and he's on death row. This was not an unimaginably difficult situation never before encountered.
Go to the forum thread: "Travis Alexander's Journals and Text Messages." Hope4 posted her latest summary there. (Thanks, BTW, Hope.)

After reading this I think TA and JA had a very dysfunctional relationship that was emotionally abusive. Most people would have walked away from
the damage and havoc Jodi created in Travis's life but as many have stated he was addicted to her. He was addicted and she was obsessed. When a man does not want a woman as a girlfriend anymore they usually leave but she stayed and became a piece of ***. However, she could not handle that type of
relationship but would do anything to be close to him. It was a sad road they took and we know the ending. If only one of them had walked away.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 46s47 seconds ago
#jodiarias atty Jennifer Willmott, "We all knew (#Juror17's) 1st husband had a past. If Juan didn't check it out, that's his fault."
I have a comment that I hope is received in the spirit it is intended :heart:.

I have found it interesting and rather tired that there are those who feel driven to try and shut down reasonable criticism and healthy debate through the use of shame-baiting--I really hope that some day in the near future this particularly unproductive and insulting practice becomes ineffective and ultimately obsolete.

This practice, while different in some ways, always reminds me of what Juan said during the Original Trial...
"When you have facts on your side, you argue facts, when you have law, you argue law. When you have neither facts or law, you just argue..."~Juan Martinez

Yep. I agree with all you said. You said it much nicer.

Not sure how well the "attempt to shame fellow WSers is gonna work". Nor trying to take some higher moral ground. Doesn't make for honest debate, imo.

So glad jurors spoke up! It was so frustrating with the Casey Anthony trial. And I am glad some of the jurors from the first JA spoke up. Thank god it is their right to speak in this country! Freedom to speak and all.
posted in last thread by sammie:
An allegation of juror misconduct, and perjury is serious enough to warrant an investigation, and evidently the media agrees. I don't see that as lynch mob mentality, I see it as wanting to ensure someone didn't illegally hijack the process and single-handedly alter the results of the trial. If it turns out there is nothing to to it, she goes on with her life, and we accept it was a fair process. How is that different than any other potential criminal who is investigated and/or charged and subsequently cleared?

And she was more than willing to come forward yesterday, according to her husband for the right price. But that was before this information was discovered.

In terms of the sweatshirt, this is a sleuthing website. My comment was that it would definitely be considered circumstantial evidence, but one piece of the puzzle. That one shred of information
wouldn't get her convicted of anything, but it is interesting, to say the least.

What??? The snippet I heard was her husband saying she felt assaulted and stands by her vote. What did I miss?
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 46s47 seconds ago
#jodiarias atty Jennifer Willmott, "We all knew (#Juror17's) 1st husband had a past. If Juan didn't check it out, that's his fault."

I just saw this...I'm glad I looked before I went posting it!

Of course they knew, that's what they spent all them "investigating" dollars on.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 46s47 seconds ago
#jodiarias atty Jennifer Willmott, "We all knew (#Juror17's) 1st husband had a past. If Juan didn't check it out, that's his fault."

Whoa!! Kinda true though. Love Juan, but it was his job to make sure there were no jurors there who'd be biased towards the defense, would it be his paralegals who were supposed to check into jurors up for selection, does anyone know how all that works?
She intentionally tormented him with lies and half truths to keep him off balance. Gas lighting. A form of control.

He's telling her in the chat.. I can take anything else you do to hurt me, and I'm not even asking you to apologize for any of it. I just am demanding/ begging you not lie to me anymore.

But knows she won't stop, and how could he believe anything she said after all the lies?

What I find especially aggregious is that the DT's so called "experts" were engaged in a feat of sheer mental gymnastics with all the tea leaf reading and application of secret decoding and going behind the words to make jurors see JA was abused, yet all the while there exists this forthright conversation that demonstrates for all the world to see that JA was engaging in psychological, sexual, and spiritual IPV/manipulation of TA.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 46s47 seconds ago
#jodiarias atty Jennifer Willmott, "We all knew (#Juror17's) 1st husband had a past. If Juan didn't check it out, that's his fault."

Sounds like Wilmott is beginning to feel the heat to me. Keep diggin' Troy.

The truth can't seem to come out in Judge Stephens courtroom, so maybe it will come out through investigative reporting.
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