Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #4

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Exactly, the fact they accepted her means they have some culpability too. Because of that, I think it will be hard to reverse.

Reverse? Reverse what? We don't want anything reversed. This thing is nearly done; she's toast; going to prison forever and a day. I hope it is in fact hard to reverse--impossible, actually.
My my my. Who's still in fantasyland (Or trying to scam) by comparing jodi's defense fund to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Feed the Children, and American Red Cross!

Wow - what an ego!

"Please note that many organizations which collect donations, such as St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Feed the Children, and American Red Cross, do not provide their bank information either."

I wonder who the successor trustees are? Hmmmmmmm?


These are my opinions and are sometimes dispensed with a dash of snark.
Thank you for the link. It is a very good article.
In this article it says that the jury list is in with her legal paperwork. I don't know how they know this, but very interesting. Is there ever any way for the jail to legally go through her legal paperwork, correspondences with her lawyers? It sure seems like a great place for her to hide the list. I just wonder how the jail would go about searching her legal papers.
Brace yourselves


"They dragged Travis thru his own blood" -Sam Alexander on #JodiArias defense. WRONG. His OWN fam did. They wanted both trials--not defense.

Let us not forget #JodiArias attys tried 2 settle 5 yrs & $3 mil ago. TA's family, Juan, Montgomery, even Rick Romley, all said "NO."

"People see others how they themselves are. That's why to Juan, everyone's a liar--because HE's a liar."--Jennifer Willmott

Can't open link on my laptop, off to look on my IPhone.
Where did the information come from that she will stay in Estrella until she testifies in a civil case? Is that from a reliable source?

I can't see a reason for that happening unless the civil case is scheduled already and the date is coming up soon. If not, she should be sentenced, transported to do her time, and could come back if and when the civil case goes forth. Because really...if Collins is (for whatever reason) unable to participate in a legal proceeding the case could be adjourned time and again, for many many months to come.

Wonder how Sheriff Joe feels about this.
Think that was in one of the articles, but I have to think they got something confused. She'll go to Perryville when sentenced and brought back if necessary, IMO.

Thank you for the link. It is a very good article.
In this article it says that the jury list is in with her legal paperwork. I don't know how they know this, but very interesting. Is there ever any way for the jail to legally go through her legal paperwork, correspondences with her lawyers? It sure seems like a great place for her to hide the list. I just wonder how the jail would go about searching her legal papers.

What I wondered is why she would still have the copy in her cell. It says she gave it to her visitor, but I wouldn't think she'd have access to a copier...
Brace yourselves


"They dragged Travis thru his own blood" -Sam Alexander on #JodiArias defense. WRONG. His OWN fam did. They wanted both trials--not defense.

Let us not forget #JodiArias attys tried 2 settle 5 yrs & $3 mil ago. TA's family, Juan, Montgomery, even Rick Romley, all said "NO."

"People see others how they themselves are. That's why to Juan, everyone's a liar--because HE's a liar."--Jennifer Willmott

So did Wilmott actually say this? I think I would be surprised but then again, I probably shouldn't.
What have I missed? I have been out of the loop since last Tuesady morning when I went to the ER. I don't remember much. I do remember watching the verdict while they were taking my blood pressure and it hit two hundred over one ten, I got more drugs and my husband tuned the tv off. About the only thing I remember after that is waking up and looking at the board the next morning and asking the nurse when did I start breastfeeding?

Has the stealth juror been outed? Will this change the verdict? What the F?

Hope you're doing better ILTBP!!!
Can't open link on my laptop, off to look on my IPhone.

She's convinced herself if the State had only gone along with her 2nd degree plea brainstorm SO much money could have been saved.
It's all the Alexander's fault...and Juan's

I think we risk playing telephone here. As far as I know, she said, "All we need is one. We got this!" The first sentence is true in either case, and the second could accurately convey either foreknowledge or simple encouragement.

I think maybe the "We got this!" is like a cheerleading thing - team spirit rah rah stuff.

I want to write that I can't believe someone would be so stupid as to post that they had a juror in their pocket. But after so daily discoveries of so many bizarre actions from the DT and fan-nuts, it gets easier every day.
No. She is indigent. State will pay for her appeal.

The difference is with life sentence she has to appeal...if it had been death the appeal would have been filed for her automatically.

But either way, state pays.

So what has happened to the money from her glasses and her "artwork"? Thought that was going into a fund for her?
All I can tell you is a certain local reporter thought this should have been plead out as a 2nd degree murder. He expressed thinking TA was a "" and that he believed a 2nd degree conviction would come in which would allow him to walk up to Juan Martinez and tell him to "shove it up his *advertiser censored**". I had the opportunity to relate that information to Mr. Martinez who replied "I'm still waiting". lol

But does that sound non biased? This is why I referred to the defense as having a "media arm". Because they did.
I agree. I'd like to ask, regarding being a psychopath. If the psychopath's brain is wired differently just how do they learn to join in society and learn to be healthy, if something is so seriously missing in them?

Depending on their level of intelligence, they learn to mimic. They watch and learn what's an expected appropriate response. At least the successful psychopaths do.

You know, like apes and monkey. Except that I hate to disparage apes and monkeys :/
a simple search of the juror 17 and the state could see her husband has a serious history as well as what she did tell them....they missed this plain and simple.....even JM and his office miss things. and yes in the world we are living in they need to scour social media of the jurors in advance of empaneling the final jury.

The only reason this is needed is because of stealth jurors... if they were honest there would be no need.

"Upon arrival at the courthouse, jurors report to the jury assembly room, check in, and fill out a
Juror Biographical Information form
. Using a computer, the Jury Commissioner’s staff then
randomly assigns jurors to each court division conducting a jury trial that day.
If your name is called as a prospective member of a jury panel, you will be instructed where to
report and will be asked to wait in the lobby area of that floor for further instructions from your
Once inside the courtroom, follow the instructions given to you there. Once all of the jurors
are seated in the courtroom, you will be sworn to truthfully answer all questions asked of you
regarding your qualifications to serve as a juror.
Next, comes the “voir dire” or jury selection
process during which you will be asked general questions by the judge and sometimes by the
lawyers regarding your qualifications to be a juror.
Some of the questions asked may seem very personal. Be assured that the intention is not to
embarrass jurors in any way. Lawyers have a duty to their clients to ask questions designed to
assist them in deciding which jurors to select.
There may be many reasons why a person on the jury panel might not be considered a wholly
fair or impartial juror. For example, the person might be closely related to one of the parties in
the case, have a business relationship with one of the lawyers, or have some personal
knowledge of the case.
At the end of the questioning, if you think you could not be a fair and
impartial juror for any reason, even if it was not brought up by one of the questions asked, you
should raise your hand and, upon recognition by the judge, tell the judge and the lawyers. If you
would like your discussion to be private, you may ask to approach the bench to speak with the
judge and the lawyers.
If any reason for disqualification is shown, a juror may be excused from the case by the judge.
Such an excuse is technically known as a “challenge for cause.” Also, in every case each party
has a certain number of “peremptory” challenges to remove jurors without cause
I agree. I'd like to ask, regarding being a psychopath. If the psychopath's brain is wired differently just how do they learn to join in society and learn to be healthy, if something is so seriously missing in them?
They are healthy, particularly from their own point of view. It's when they start interacting with others that the problems start. They don't see others the way most of us see them, ie as equals or beings with the same rights and a valid point of view. Or if they do see these things, they don't care. Because of this, they don't see their roles in mixed company the same as others do, ie give and take, mutual respect, etc.

When they interact with others, it's to gain an advantage. They will play a part, based on the other persons expectations or desires, in order to be the person who will get what they want from others. They don't feel guilt about this because the bottom line is only they are real to themselves, or if not quite that, they are the only ones that matter to themselves, after all, they are themselves, no one else is, so they get what they can from others and don't particularly care if others get hurt.

They don't involve themselves with the inner world of others at all.

They are fully involved with their own inner world.
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