Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #4

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Amazing how we continue to be fascinated by this killer. Me too. Even though basically it is over now, we and I still follow every little bit of info, every tidbit. I guess part of me hopes that something unsavory happens to her, like really soon. Is it because of the brutality of the crime? Is it because her illness, whatever it is, that is, if evil can even have an illness slapped on it? It seems like we as humans have to explain everything away, even evil, with some sort of illness that the rest of us might be able to understand. I do not believe that everything can have a medical label. And is explainable. Lets face it, this young woman had everything going for her, if she had applied herself. I do not know, all I know I continue to follow and read everyones opinion and the fallout of this verdict. I am disgusted and appalled by what she did and is, and how she plays the system, but yet part of me wants to understand what would make someone do this and behave the way they do in the aftermath. It is a scary world out there and scary people in it, and sometimes the label of just “evil” is sufficient enough for me.

For me it was the same thing that caught my attention in the CA case. The story was so outrageous (she was still saying the ninja's did it) and the crime was so horrific it caught my attention. Then I started to learn about Travis. I like Travis and I can relate to his childhood and his addiction to Jodi. The more I learned about both Jodi and Travis the more drawn to the case I got. Then the antics from the dt team started and it became an assault on all things I believe in. As a victim of childhood abuse in all forms, the accusations and lies being told about Travis, abuse and pedophilia hit me in a VERY personal way. The damage being done to causes that are very close to my heart enraged me to no end. I stuck it out to the end because I had to see justice served. Now, I am just waiting to see what else could possibly happen before she fades into obscurity.
Not by her request, but anyone on the outside can request it, and they have to pay for it. I'm not sure if they can do it from home on their pc or they have to go somewhere and use those terminals. At least that's the way I understood it.

Are we sure these aren't just "non contact" visits at Estrella and not computerized "video chats"? Jodi doesn't have "contact" privileges right now, IIRC, except with her legal team. She has to be behind a glass and communicate with the visitor by a telephone style handset. That's what these photos look like to me. Until she can get upgrades for good behavior, there will be only non-contact visits at Perryville for max prisoners, as I understand it, and they will be very limited.
Let her hold up a Hershey bar. I live in Chocolate town and that is the closest she will ever be to this beautiful countryside. When she is out of solitaire, if she works hard enough , she might be able to buy another of those Chocolate bars. Might take her a few months but it will be worth it but knowing her she will probably be working to replace her underwear.

Let's see...at .12 an hour....
If the Alexanders want to sue Jodi to prevent any future profits she could make off their relatives murder, I am all for it.

Remember it will be a different judge most likely, so the shenanigans most likely will not be allowed. And civil cases are much different.

If the Alexanders sue JA, will they they want their lives to be scrutinized like Terry Hobbs (West Memphis Three) did when he sued Natalie Maines? I know, two different cases, but it seems to me every Alexander will have their backgrounds brought into the courtroom once they open the lawsuit door. MOO
OK I'll go digging :D

(I feel like the admin over at that page is hoping to incite some kind of riot most of the time.)

ETA: Giving up .. too many posts and too many comments, I think the Admin has repeated some rubbish someone told her, hoping that she will whip everyone into whatever kind of frenzy she is angling for JMO.

Trolls just live to bait people.
I feel sorry for the mother, but not for the inmate. At all. She sounds like a spoiled brat. If the daughter earns $.35 per hour and works 40 hours per week, that should be plenty enough to cover "feminine hygiene products" and toilet paper. It's $56 per month for goodness sake! Why does an inmate have to have a TV, tasty meals, candy bars, noodles, and cheetos? For a total of $200 per month? Inmates are supposed to feel at least a little deprived, otherwise, what's prison for?

Another interesting little tidbit from this article is that restitution gets paid out of prison wages. Evidently, the whole wage is not garnished, but a significant portion of it. I wish I could see Jodi's face when she finds out her starting take for cleaning toilets will be $.05 an hour. No more happy snaps through visitation windows.

I felt the same way after reading it. But, it seems like most inmates guilt anyone they can to make sure their needs are met, and to hell with a mom and dad having to do without. IIRC, didn't it say that medical co-pays are $4.00, and if an inmate has electrical items, there is a $2.00 per month utility fee? If it wasn't in that article, I read it in another. I enjoyed the restitution percentage... 55% GOOD!!

Those supporters need more donations since their "girl" doesn't like to work for anything, and the Ritz Carlton appears overly expensive. So give, give til' it hurts!!! I doubt she will ever work in the kitchen, her resume has a muffin theft reference on it. :D Speaking of supporters, someone sent me a pic of one of the top female recruiters, and can you say "psycho eyes" Nasty!!!
I think this was supposed to be the rest of it but that's also unavailable to me, I don't even know if it's the same tape.. https://gma.yahoo.com/video/jodi-arias-juror-spared-her-134437267.html

that one does not work for me either...more secrets!!

I was able to watch it. It's only a two minute video, and it doesn't include the parts of the interview that were shown in the preview the day before. Here's what was said:

Reporter: JA avoids death row by a single vote. Three of the jurors who decided her fate show their faces for the first time in an exclusive interview with ABC news. They say coming back as a hung jury was heartbreaking.

Woman: it was probably one of the most devastating things we had to do. It broke my heart for the family.

Man with cowboy hat: this is gonna stick with us for the rest of our lives.

Reporter: the jury was split 6 to 6 when they first got case. But after days of deliberations, 11 wanted death. There was just 1 holdout.

Bald man: I don't want to point a finger at her and say she came in there with an agenda, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel that way.

Reporter: the jurors said the lone holdout wouldn't say much, except that she had seen the Lifetime movie "Jodi Arias, Dirty Little Secret."

Woman: she really expected to see this horrible monster based off the fact that she had seen these movies, but saw a girl. I really didn't trust her opinion at that point.

Reporter: this morning police say the woman, who so far has refused to comment, is receiving death threats after her vote saved JA and broke the hearts of Travis Akexander's family yet again.
Until we actually hear the Convicted Murderer sentence, a lot of us will still come here.
Until we know that she/her site isn't going to make a dime, we'll still come here.
Until we know for a fact she is in her new digs, we will come here.
Until we know who leaked the juror's names we'll still come here.

I thought about taking my elephant in the stars image off my sig line but I just can't do it.

Is there a special significance to it, outside of having had it through the trial? I've also been trying to figure out your avatar on and off through the proceedings as well. Keep thinking one of these days it'll hit me as I'm scrolling through a thread.
Joe Arpaio @RealSheriffJoe
· 7m 7 minutes ago
Can't stop #jodiarias visits but we are watching and listening to every word.

:great::great::great::great::great: News of the Day !

I sure wish Sheriff Joe was the one investigating :

- Juror #17 and her hubby
- MDLR and all her shenanigans as the "Cougarlicious"
- WHO -- from the Defense Team -- leaked the Jurors' Names to the JAII site

And everyone else ... Oh wait, I almost forgot one: Kiefer's ties to the defense team !

Is there a special significance to it, outside of having had it through the trial? I've also been trying to figure out your avatar on and off through the proceedings as well. Keep thinking one of these days it'll hit me as I'm scrolling through a thread.

I don't want your question to get lost in the thread, so hopefully Lyric won't mind me answering it. Travis loved elephants, and alot of us had an elephant avatar or signature pic of an elephant at one time. I'll see if I can find threads about it. It was simply beautiful. I can't recall the whole story of someone finding an elephant , but here is a couple of links about the elephants. Katiecoolady was our *in the courtroom observer* just about every day, and would go home and post what her observations were... none of this twitter BS. Love her to pieces then, now, and always.


Scarlett, I think we are talking about two different people. My original post was in regards to a question about MDLR.

MDLR is posting on another site still, was all I meant to be replying about. Then quoted name is part of her name over there, I believe.
Originally Posted by Spellbound

I believe she is there at least through sentencing day. She is still posting at "that other site", spewing nonsense galore. "Justus"?


BBM: I think MLDR posts there as well ... interesting that you think she is "Justus" -- sounds like that might be her, IMO, as I have been reading over there since the 2nd sentencing phase started.
I have done video chats with my brother and they are monitered. They are actually safer for the institution honestly. No more contrband from visitors. No more passing along secret messages. The video visits give prisons a lot more control and they know everything said and done! I think more prisons are going to push video visits and eventually they will replace face to face visits. They already have in some of the county jails.

Great! - thank you for your experience and information - it's what I needed to understand 'why' and I do appreciate it :great:

As long as they're monitored and *hopefully* recorded because I can see the potential for creepy stuff, too. I do see that there are two options: from home or from two facilities that have the equipment if you don't have the capability to do it from home.

What an education we sleuthers are getting about the penal system - I'm not complaining, it's fascinating. Frustrating and infuriating sometimes, but always fascinating!

Thank you again!
That makes me so mad, that she can video chat. I can't even video chat with my grandkids and I've never been in trouble, let alone murdered anyone. I think that Jodi being able to goad and antagonize the Alexander family (all these years) while in jail, on trial, and even once convicted, is an outrageous failure on the part of our justice and jail systems. And all this handing pictures, notes, tweets and possibly juror names while this person is convicted and in jail; I am feeling like the system is just as guilty of letting CMJA continue to victimize the victims. But seeing how they allowed her to do that to Travis throughout the trial, I guess we are all condoning it by not speaking out about how this psychopath and her attorneys have made a mockery of justice. J MO
What do you think we can do? Seriously asking.
There is so much to be upset about with the way this trial was run and how it unfolded.
Its tough for a lot of us because so much of what happened was bad. Bad running of the courtroom, bad defense tactics, bad jury ending, etc.

If we could have just gotten a normal ending, it would have helped so much but we didnt even get that. If JSS would have just sentenced her on that day, it would have helped begin some of the healing but we didnt even get that.

Oh well.
The only good thing is I do agree with others that in the long run the life sentence will probably be good in that it will help keep Jodi from getting so much attention from the anti-DP support groups.

That is 1 positive thing that we can hope to get soon.
I don't want your question to get lost in the thread, so hopefully Lyric won't mind me answering it. Travis loved elephants, and alot of us had an elephant avatar or signature pic of an elephant at one time. I'll see if I can find threads about it. It was simply beautiful. I can't recall the whole story of someone finding an elephant , but here is a couple of links about the elephants. Katiecoolady was our *in the courtroom observer* just about every day, and would go home and post what her observations were... none of this twitter BS. Love her to pieces then, now, and always.



Look over Travis's bed and the bathtub. There are elephants.
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