Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #5

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But the legal definition of prejudicial only applies during trial, there would be no legal reason for JSS to grant it on that basis.

I agree though, I wouldn't be surprised if JSS does anyway. That's why I want the media people on it, as soon as possible.


BBM: Oh yes ... but I was being sarcastic and should have put that in ... lol !
Another idea along the same lines is that the Alexander's are the ones most likely to keep speaking out for Travis, the ones most interested in carrying on his legacy. As I said in another message, I believe she killed him to shut him up, to silence him, so the Alexander's are the one's directly threatening the end result she wanted for Travis; that he be silenced and have no voice. Writing that just now, I have to wonder if her doing what she did to his throat was a direct way of doing just that. Sick, dangerous, evil, they all apply in spades.

I think she slit his throat because he kept moving to get away from her in the attack and it was the only thing she could think of to stop him once and for all. It wasn't the first thing she did, it was the last thing she did with the knife and it was done at the threshold of his getting from the hallway to his bedroom. I don't think there was much symbolism in her actions; the crime scene shows great disorder and chaos. She wanted him dead and I believe it was because he rejected her and she couldn't handle it. Once the attack started he fought back and didn't die immediately.
Sheriff Arpaio denies a media request...


Don't you just love some of the media people? This one wants to give JA "a voice" - they must not have watched those 18 DAYS she was on the stand!

It would be instant ratings and in the media biz it's all about getting the eyeballs for advertisers. That's just their angle for the pitch, has nothing to do with reality.
I just saw the picture of the bloody bathroom sink in front of the mirror and had a horrific image of CMJA holding up a slipping Travis, shrieking, "See what you made me do?" The reality of the carnage JA inflicted seems unbelievable...but I know it happened. All the obfuscation of the defense and her supporters can't wipe away her actions....

BBM: No, you did not miss it ... apparently it has not aired.

And the question is: WHY it did not air ?

Is the County really investigating what happened ?

I sure hope so !

There was a Good Morning America interview with jurors, it was just very short and it possibly did not make it onto the national broadcast on TV. You can see it here: http://youtu.be/-9MUb3-IwCE


ETA: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/jodi-arias-jurors-express-anger-regret-murder-trial-29435095
It would be instant ratings and in the media biz it's all about getting the eyeballs for advertisers. That's just their angle for the pitch, has nothing to do with reality.

Olivia klaus is part of the advocacy group with ties to ALV. just saying.
Has anyone heard anything about the sentencing being live-streamed? I wish someone in the media would press the issue, because I think if Arias and her team request that it not be, JSS may grant it in the absents of an interest to the contrary, and I have no doubt she will request it, as a way of scoring another 'win' against her 'haters'.

Haven't heard anything about it, but I'm sure it will be live streamed. Probably one pool camera set up and interested media outlets can then stream it from that one feed. That's how it's done with high profile trials in my area and I think they used the same setup during the guilt phase in the Arias case.
Sheriff Arpaio denies a media request...


Don't you just love some of the media people? This one wants to give JA "a voice" - they must not have watched those 18 DAYS she was on the stand!

No--but I do love Sheriff Joe. :)

"I do not feel it is in the Community's best interest, to play into her hands and glamorize this inmate, her crime and her tale of woe. I have denied your request."
Hi ZsaZsa! I remember you from the Caylee Anthony forum. Those were the days.

What complaint did she file? That's the first time I've heard that.

Not sure yet but her Twitter page says she has received notice the Az Judicial review board has started investigation of JSS re her complaint
Stay tuned......t
Geez, I had no idea such a wide array of goods is available. SMH.

Off topic - My nephew is in prison here in CA and did the "I'm starving, please help poor pitiful me" mailing to me. I too was amazed at the vast array of goodies one can get while in jail or prison. He was hoping I'd pay $90 for a new pair of shoes for him - I don't even pay that much for my shoes (not being a shoe person)! Anyway- $200 later he's got goodies, slippers (NOT shoes!), drawing material etc - and of course my having served his purpose- no further correspondence from him.
Olivia klaus is part of the advocacy group with ties to ALV. just saying.

Didn't know who was making the request. Well then ratings + an agenda to further the DV argument. Everybody has an agenda in the end.
Didn't know who was making the request. Well then ratings + an agenda to further the DV argument. Everybody has an agenda in the end.

Yup. I think her angle was definitely simply DV. Jodi is their pillar on the platform. The sacrificial lamb. Olivia klaus was heavily involved In having californias sin by silence bill passed in 2013. Her pet case was debbie who ALV tried to be an expert witness back in the 80s. ALV and debbie remained close. In fact when reading debbies story it is remarkably similar to what jodi started saying after they got Samuels involved then ALV. I've always felt they fed her the story.
There was a Good Morning America interview with jurors, it was just very short and it possibly did not make it onto the national broadcast on TV. You can see it here: http://youtu.be/-9MUb3-IwCE


ETA: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/jodi-arias-jurors-express-anger-regret-murder-trial-29435095

It makes me wonder what swung the 5 jurors in limbo to vote DP. I would imagine it was the autopsy photos, because, that really is enough for me to see to know how much of a monster she is.
Geez, I had no idea such a wide array of goods is available. SMH.
All of Jodis money will be attached. The only thing she will have is what her family is allowed to mail to her.
Interesting comments from the 3 jurors in the GMA interview! I noticed 2 of the jurors said they went into the deliberation phase ready to vote for death. Only the cowboy said he came to the conclusion death was the appropriate sentence during deliberations. In fact the other 2 jurors mentioned how their opinion on death vs life swung during the penalty phase.

The admonition from the judge is that jurors are not to form any conclusions and are expected to keep an open mind until they've heard all the evidence in the case and only then as they deliberate with their fellow jurors. I'm sure this is a difficult task as people are human and humans do form conclusions in their mind. This admonition is given by the judge at least once every day of trial, and sometimes multiple times.

I wonder if it wasn't only J#17 who went in to the deliberation phase with their mind already made up. The difference is that J#17 was the contrarian holdout who wasn't going in the right direction. Along with that it appears J#17 was inarticulate at a minimum or stubborn and oppositional at the other spectrum, which just made the whole process of deliberations moot. And frankly J#17 sounded dumb, using a made-for-TV movie to create the persona of JA in her mind. Well duh, of course the reality would be different. Sitting in a courtroom, shackled under her clothes, already incarcerated for years, the reality of the killer would be much less visceral than what was portrayed on TV, accompanied by crescendoing dramatic music.
Interesting comments from the 3 jurors in the GMA interview! I noticed 2 of the jurors said they went into the deliberation phase ready to vote for death. Only the cowboy said he came to the conclusion death was the appropriate sentence during deliberations. In fact the other 2 jurors mentioned how their opinion on death vs life swung during the penalty phase.

The admonition from the judge is that jurors are not to form any conclusions and are expected to keep an open mind until they've heard all the evidence in the case and only then as they deliberate with their fellow jurors. I'm sure this is a difficult task as people are human and humans do form conclusions in their mind. This admonition is given by the judge at least once every day of trial, and sometimes multiple times.

I wonder if it wasn't only J#17 who went in to the deliberation phase with their mind already made up. The difference is that J#17 was the contrarian holdout who wasn't going in the right direction. Along with that it appears J#17 was inarticulate at a minimum or stubborn and oppositional at the other spectrum, which just made the whole process of deliberations moot. And frankly J#17 sounded dumb, using a made-for-TV movie to create the persona of JA in her mind. Well duh, of course the reality would be different. Sitting in a courtroom, shackled under her clothes, already incarcerated for years, the reality of the killer would be much less visceral than what was portrayed on TV, accompanied by crescendoing dramatic music.

God help us as a society if people form any real life opinions from a lifetime movie. :shudders:
Regarding her hostility towards the Alexander's, expressed in Tweets blaming them for destroying his reputation, dragging him through his own blood,etc. first, keep in mind that this whole abuse story never entered her mind until two years after she was arrested. The reason she latched onto it in the first place is because it's the one strategy that gave her any kind of advantage in the situation she found herself in by that time. When she was claiming she wasn't there, and then that the Ninja's did it, there was no mention of an abusive Travis, in fact she was all praise for him, and since that was the truth, by attaching her story to it, it lent credence to her entire lie, but when all of that didn't work, she again stepped away from responsibility in the only way available; she did it, but in self-defense, he was abusive, so she needed to defend herself.

Back to why she's sending hurtful messages about the Alexander's. First, it supports her whole abuse lie, but more importantly in her mind they are trying to hurt her, and she can't permit herself not to gain the advantage by hurting them even more. Never mind that the way they are trying to hurt her is by insisting she take responsibility for her actions, or insisting that the truth is other than her lie (which it is). The truth of it is meaningless to her, being in the dominant position, being believed over all others, is the only thing important to her, and she will attack anything that threatens that position, not that she actually holds that position in anything other than her own mind, and in those who choose to pretend along with her.

I also think it pisses her off to no end that the Alexanders have so much sympathy and support from many people around the world.
The argument about this being a "DV" case is kind of ridiculous in that the 2 of them didn't actually live together and by even JA's accounts, were not really in a relationship while they were even living in the same town. JA moved to Mesa after they had broken up but then she kept on seeing him even while knowing it was just sex (or so she said).

It's just a homicidal violence case. Not "domestic." Why does it matter? Because JA absolutely was not under TA's control. He had no control over her finances and ability to work, he had no control over her housing, he had no control over who she socialized with and when. It was a choice to be in a sexual relationship/"friendship" with him.

The obsession she formed is really the tragic part here (along with her decision to deal with obsession by murder). If you've never experienced the feeling of obsession, I can tell you from personal experience it feels absolutely awful. There is nothing pleasurable about it. It's a chemical reaction in the brain involving decreased serotonin (not an excuse, just the science side of it). Couple that with personality disorder(s) and a big dose of evil, and it's a disaster. I am not excusing her behavior, not one bit, nor do I feel sorry for her. There were productive ways to deal and she chose none of those and embraced the most evil thing she could.
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