Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #7

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Who is the person tweeting screen shots of our posts on WS? This one is of a bznbear and WhoaIsMe exchange. Grrr!!


I have been saying all along that I believe there are problems with her money and that it is not in fact protected. A trust account to benefit Jodi (i.e. one where someone else couldn't just help themselves to the money) would have Jodi's name on it. No problem at all for investigators to find an account titled in this way. IIRC, OJ would have had his money taken away if it was in trust. He had it put into an annuity. He also kept his house, which he had newly bought in Florida. Under Florida law, presumably, OJ was able to use these two provisions to sock his wealth away and not have to use it for restitution.

The OJ experience tells me Jodi is getting very bad "legal" advice if she thinks a trust will protect her resources. This is IMO (I used to work in financial services).

Plus, now Jodi has been caught overtly trying to shelter money in advance of her trip to Perryville. She also has no opportunity to communicate further with anyone who is handling her funds before the white bus with slit windows hauls her away.

Also, if JA wants any access to this money (e.g. for commissary), presumably it would have to be reported to prison authorities. Using a counter example, if a person has to report owning a trust account in order to get Medicaid or any kind of state-provided low-income benefits, you can almost guarantee that a prisoner would be subject to that kind of rigor. Too much money in trust (>$2,000?), means no Medicaid or low-income benefits. I can't think JA can get herself a more privileged financial position than an honest person of limited means who is going through a rough patch.

PS I hope MDLR gets a come uppance for helping Jodi shelter her funds.

The Legal issues surrounding a Trust fund should become clearer in the days ahead. I pray there is not a Legal loophole of any kind. She deserves nothing. I pray it was bad advice and that Karma is finally rolling her way.

It's not necessarily true that a trust to help JA would have her name on it per se.

From what I can gather, the trust being referred to is the infamous "Appellate" fund. A trust could theoretically have been set up in such a way that it is not in her name, and executors put in place to dispense funds on her behalf without her participation.

From personal experience I know that trusts involving real assets are fairly complicated. I doubt the Appellate fund was set up very well, and from the hints that have been floating about for months, trust deposits and dispersals probably won't hold up to legal scrutiny.

It made me sick going to this site, but I did so to read any/all disclaimers.


A3: No. The Alexander-family attorney has publicly announced to the media that the Alexanders will be suing Jodi. A wrongful-death lawsuit is a vehicle by which the Alexanders will seek to get as much money as they can from Jodi. The money in the Legal Defense Fund does not belong to Jodi. The trust is not in her name, she does not control it, and she does not have access to it.

In the state of Arizona, attorneys for the state may also try to take any money from Jodi. But again, the Legal Defense Fund does not contain any money belonging to her.

The trust was carefully structured so that the funds may only be distributed for the purposes for which it was created – legal defense and appellate costs. The money cannot be taken out for any other reason.


A11: The trustee is Sue Allen Halterman, Jodi’s aunt. She had an attorney structure the trust so that not even she may use any of the funds for herself. Despite both her attorney and her tax consultant’s advising her to take a monthly trustee fee from the trust, she refused this option. In the event that she no longer wishes to be trustee, successor trustees are in place.

You can read more Appellate Fund FAQ'S here: http://justice4jodi.com/

I'm NOT a supporter, just the messenger. :eek:

Maybe someone could read this and tell us if it's legally binding?
Juan asks #138 what her ex husband was sent to prison for, she responds Robbery (weakly), then Juan asks was it also aggravated assault to which she said "Mmm, it may have been" and then went into explaining how he and his cousin stole verizon phones. She also told Juan that they were split up when he (ex-husband) went to prison.

Her pants should have caught on fire about then.


Juan asks #138 what her ex husband was sent to prison for, she responds Robbery (weakly), then Juan asks was it also aggravated assault to which she said "Mmm, it may have been" and then went into explaining how he and his cousin stole verizon phones. She also told Juan that they were split up when he (ex-husband) went to prison.

IIRC the Verizon incident was a lot more recent and Juan wasn't involved in that one, and J17's husband and brother in law we both involved!!

She is such a liar!! She gave him just a little truth so she would appear 'truthful'... This makes me confident that she 100% remembered JM!!
Thank you so much janx!! Sorry, need to get used to how to post or comment. Been here for a long time reading with all of you. First time to reply or comment. I was able to go to the Penalty Phase for 3 days when Dr. DeMarte was on the stand and I can't tell you what a wonderful experience it was meeting the Alexander family and seeing all the emotions from so many others.
Thank you so much janx!! Sorry, need to get used to how to post or comment. Been here for a long time reading with all of you. First time to reply or comment. I was able to go to the Penalty Phase for 3 days when Dr. DeMarte was on the stand and I can't tell you what a wonderful experience it was meeting the Alexander family and seeing all the emotions from so many others.

Dr. Demarte sure seems like one smart young woman.
IIRC the Verizon incident was a lot more recent and Juan wasn't involved in that one, and J17's husband and brother in law we both involved!!

She is such a liar!! She gave him just a little truth so she would appear 'truthful'... This makes me confident that she 100% remembered JM!!

I think she really did remember him or something was going on with her given the very obvious hesitation and rather weak sounding response--Just wish so much I were able to see her non-verbals for verification.
Nice!!!!! I swear to god .. listening to her now.

She is SO BUSTED!!!! ...was tonight's interview prerecorded before the jury selection videos came out or is it going to be live??

If it's going to be live, oh how I would LOVE for someone go busting into that interview shouting the TRUTH!!! (Katiecoolady what are you doing tonight?? ;0)
She is SO BUSTED!!!! ...was tonight's interview prerecorded before the jury selection videos came out or is it going to be live??

If it's going to be live, oh how I would LOVE for someone go busting into that interview shouting the TRUTH!!! (Katiecoolady what are you doing tonight?? ;0)

I hope it was pre-recorded so she lies about what she said in court too. I really have to go back and read up on his trial and what happened where .. can we post links here or not?
It was said on here that it is not true the burglary crime she admits to in voir dire occurred after they were split up. They were still married at the time. She was also still married to him when he went to prison for 30 years and spoke at his sentencing. She flat out lied.
Sorry for double posts...WTH....but leaving them up [important imo] because between #17/#138 and "Janet W." no wonder JA escaped DP.

Juan got premeditation in-spike of JSS and her court!!!!
I wasn't going to post due to the copy and pasting of some of our members to Twitter accounts.
I've changed my mind because I don't want to feel fear and I have nothing to hide.
I think that most of us can agree that something(s) have/has happened in the 2nd penalty phase of the premeditated murder of Travis.
Something dark, dank, dirty, illegal, unprofessional, dishonest etc...involving the tippy top of the list of people that have been intimately involved with this trial.

For now, I am going to post about the 2nd penalty phase, because I am easily confused.
(I do, however; enjoy the information shared about the guilt phase and 1st penalty phase of this trial.)

My question is this: what I can do about it?
I know it is against TOS to put links to petitions' and whatnot and I completely understand why.
I am stunned about the (non)verdict. I am stunned about the information that has come to light regarding juror 17.
I am not unhappy with the verdict, but I am very alarmed about the vote, the holdout juror, as I've stated the information that has come out about the holdout juror.
Is there nothing I can do?
If I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that something illegal has occurred, is it not my duty to act?
I feel as though I must do something, but I don't even know where to start.

please pardon spelling, grammar and my poorly written post, I am not good at conveying what is in my mind into words.

You got your message across just fine :D

Yeah, I'm not crazy that someone is copying/pasting what we post, but it's not a private website or private group so I take the bad with the good.

Anybody viewing these pages has the ability to copy and paste to somewhere else - just like some bring Twitter SSs here.

No one has to be a member at any site to COPY something, just a member at the site where the pasting is done.

It's possible a WS member is doing it, but who knows. Meh, nobody knows who I am and I certainly don't know anyone named Wysteria (goooood scent!) in the real world.

Not sure what there is anybody can do about that holdout juror unless you know some concrete evidence or something that authorities can follow up on. I'd bet they've been investigating her for at least a few days if not longer.
It made me sick going to this site, but I did so to read any/all disclaimers.

You can read more Appellate Fund FAQ'S here: http://justice4jodi.com/

I'm NOT a supporter, just the messenger. :eek:

Maybe someone could read this and tell us if it's legally binding?

At this point can we believe ANYTHING coming from that camp??? Who knows if this "trust fund" actually exists?? He aunt probably has all the money hidden under her mattress!!
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