Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #9

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I think that some of them see something of themselves in her and that becomes a conundrum to them. I think that to think she is guilty means there must be something very wrong with them. Face it, These are not scholars or smart and pillars of society. The ones who latch on to people like this to support are usually very broken and damaged.
As much as people may hate that group, I don't. I pity them. Normally developed people know she is guilty and should pay her debt.
Some people just are not all there.

I used to feel pity for them for being so deluded but that was a couple of years ago when there was a much bigger mix of people posting there and some were obviously damaged and that was possibly a large part of why they felt empathy for Arias. These days - nuh. With but a few exceptions the regulars who post there now are a nasty bunch - vicious, hypocritical and cruel in addition to very very stupid. I can forgive and pity the stupid, but not the other character traits. JMO.
A montage of her contradicting herself in a side-by-side presentation. Could be verbal testimony, written letters, "journal" entries, voice mails, interviews. She has contradicted herself so many times and over such a long period, it's hard to remember them all. I'd like to see a Column A vs Column B thing. Yep. Keep it clear in everyone's minds.

That would so awesome!! But it would take forever to compile since every word out of her mouth is a contradiction of the one before it!! Hahaha!!
TH actually is uncomplimentary when he spoke about her several times. He says she tried to manipulate him and he says there's definitely something wrong with her in the head. I don't believe he's been taken in by her at all. I also think he has no need to antagonize her if he wants more info from her.

That's precisely what confuses me. His reporting can be accurate and factual and then the next time you hear from him he is saying off-the-wall stuff that is contrary to what is real and, much of the time, obvious. I can't figure out why he says some of the stuff he says about Killer Arias--remarks that anyone with half a brain can see are not accurate. He seems to sometimes be trying to find excuses for her evil deeds.
That's precisely what confuses me. His reporting can be accurate and factual and then the next time you hear from him he is saying off-the-wall stuff that is contrary to what is real and, much of the time, obvious. I can't figure out why he says some of the stuff he says about Killer Arias--remarks that anyone with half a brain can see are not accurate. He seems to sometimes be trying to find excuses for her evil deeds.

I have to admit that I only have seen him when he's on the News Now program which is sooooo relaxed. I think he says more personal opinion there than he would as a regular news anchor? I have no idea because I've not seen him elsewhere.
Chiggars, chills, wobbly head, stiff neck here reading tweets etc...

Not informing the public in AZ, has always caused a lot of rumors. If AZ and other states remain this vulnerable, this is what you get, sadly. smh big time.

Hey, but the weather is fine...
Well, now you have me wondering if Arias insisted that Troy report that she has tiny hands. We know it isn't true and we have posted often enough about her big hands. Maybe she didn't like those comments and demanded he say something on the record to set us straight.

Yeah, right. We have eyes; we can see exactly how huge and hideous her murdering hands are!

Hahaha!! We need to ask!! That is totally something she would do, and I think he'd get a kick out of us asking about that!
Snipped by me.

I sat here with my mouth agape a few weeks ago as I read somewhere where Aunt Sue was complaining that Travis' family never apologized to Jodi's family for all the pain he caused (gag) and abuse (double gag) he had heaped upon her.

I love what was posted earlier about victim mentality. I think this is the poster family for that.

I posted that about victim mentality... I'm glad you liked it!!

I always looks things up when I'm trying to figure things out... For me it even helps to look up words we commonly use b/c there can be so much more meaning than what we know... Which was exactly the case when I looked of "victim mentality"!!
I have to chuckle at what I just read over at the JAII site. It's interesting that they think the judge was biased against Jodi. They throw everybody under the bus, Nurmi, Wilmott, everyone. Well I take that back, I did not read anything about MDLR. But the most hilarious thing is that they think if they find the gun it will prove that Jodi didn't kill Travis. Hahahaha.

Or what about the fact that they think that they are going to get this the whole case overturned!!

They have several explanations for how Jodi absolutely, 100% couldn't have killed him... And they think that she was blackmailed into admitting it!!

They really think the NINJAS did it...and their ideas of who the ninjas were is even MORE outrageous!!

Then on top of it all they also still believe the whole DV survivor thing and think Travis was a horrible abuser. They have NO CLUE that was made up just for her defense.

Bottom line: I don't think their deductive reasoning and executive thinking skills up to par.
But see they think it was NOT the grandpa's gun and it was SOMEONE ELSE that did it, so Jodi would not know where it is, but if they can find it they think it will prove that it was NOT the gun that shot Travis and then yeah, she will be set free just like that. hahahaaaaaaa

Bingo!! It's the NINJA'S gun!! (and it's just one more coincidence that the ninja's gun is the same as grandpa's!)
BBM - One good example is how we got to hear testimony (via defense witnesses) that Travis was always 'borrowing money from Jodi", yet we never saw any testimony about their respective bank records, at least that I can recall. I believe he did borrow money from her at one time; to pay for the TWO sets of tires that SHE slashed, which set him back a whopping $2,000.00! I also remember seeing a cheque Jodi gave to Travis for $699.00 (believed to be for airfare). I don't think I'm the only one curious about the state of Jodi's finances preceding the murder. :thinking:
RBBM: Now that you brought up the check, I will post what I came across the other night. Since the first trial, I have always thought what was written in the memo part was "Idaho," not being so nice in the first trial, I said I DA HO (because it fit her so well.) :facepalm: I have posted it again and again, thinking it was Idaho when it was brought up in threads. While listening to the super duper secret testimony of JA, when naming her family members, she says that one of her Dad's Mom lives in Idaho. I bet you, she borrowed $ from Travis for a trip to see her Grandmother in Idaho. Don't know why this has always bugged me. :tantrum:

I feel sorry for the Arias clan, as much as I feel sorry for the Anthony family. Not one ounce of sympathy from me, for their antics and abuse to the victim and the Alexander family. They should have all shut their mouths, let the process take place without perverting the justice system, and making as much $$$$$ off the victims in the meantime. Both families make me sick.

Don't get me wrong, I would stand up for my child. But, I would never lie, cheat, steal, forge, make a profit, sneak artwork, make fun of the victims family, and all the other egregious things they have done.
MissHaley, you are right some people just have their minds made up to do evil and they don't even care that it is wrong. Some know and don't care and some are deluded IMO. I just read a tweet from Timewilltell that was saying they were taking a break because of all the hate and how it needed to stop. But then they go on to say "what did Jesus do when he had haters? He said to forgive them" and then they go on to say "prayers to all those that support Jodi and to the one that do not you will be judged in the end for your actions go back to God's 10 commandments. Please JSS show mercy when you make your decision on April 13. Life with the parole."

So I guess, in their minds, it was OK for JA to kill Travis but WE are all going to be judged because of the 10 commandments?, which I assume they are alluding to "thou shalt not kill"? And there is NO rationale to explain that kind of cray cray thinking. JMHO

This is a big misconception. The 6th commandment actually says "Thou shall not murder". "Murder" is very different than "kill". The definition of "murder" is "premeditated killing with criminal intent and malice".

Here is a good article about this...

Scripture delineates a distinction between killing and murdering. “You shall not kill” is actually not a command found in the Ten Commandments. The command from scripture in the original language actually says “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). The Hebrew word for “murder” literally means “the intentional, premeditated killing of another person with malice.”

Interestingly, most of us are familiar with this definition of murder, because it is reflected in the Penal Codes of our country. In my home state of California, the Penal Code provides this definition of murder:

187. (a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.

Malice is a form of evil intent that separates “murder” from “killing”. Even today there are acceptable forms of killing that lack this kind of evil intent, and these forms of killing exist as exceptions in the murder laws of the United States.

In California, for example, a homicide is justified (according to Penal Code sections 187, 196 and 197) if one of the following conditions is met:

A person kills someone accidentally
A person is trying to defend him or herself and prevent his or her own murder (self-defense)
A person is trying to prevent someone from entering his or her house to commit some violent felony
A person is trying to prevent the murder of someone else (protecting an innocent)

In all these situations, killing is actually legal and justifiable, and exceptions of this nature exist in the Penal Codes of every state in America. Even those who don’t accept the existence of God or the authority of the Bible recognize the necessity for laws like these; laws that allow for deadly force to be used to accomplish some greater good.

This is a big misconception. The 6th commandment actually says "Thou shall not murder". "Murder" is very different than "kill". The definition of "murder" is "premeditated killing with criminal intent and malice".

Here is a good article about this...

Scripture delineates a distinction between killing and murdering. “You shall not kill” is actually not a command found in the Ten Commandments. The command from scripture in the original language actually says “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). The Hebrew word for “murder” literally means “the intentional, premeditated killing of another person with malice.”

Interestingly, most of us are familiar with this definition of murder, because it is reflected in the Penal Codes of our country. In my home state of California, the Penal Code provides this definition of murder:

187. (a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.

Malice is a form of evil intent that separates “murder” from “killing”. Even today there are acceptable forms of killing that lack this kind of evil intent, and these forms of killing exist as exceptions in the murder laws of the United States.

In California, for example, a homicide is justified (according to Penal Code sections 187, 196 and 197) if one of the following conditions is met:

A person kills someone accidentally
A person is trying to defend him or herself and prevent his or her own murder (self-defense)
A person is trying to prevent someone from entering his or her house to commit some violent felony
A person is trying to prevent the murder of someone else (protecting an innocent)

In all these situations, killing is actually legal and justifiable, and exceptions of this nature exist in the Penal Codes of every state in America. Even those who don’t accept the existence of God or the authority of the Bible recognize the necessity for laws like these; laws that allow for deadly force to be used to accomplish some greater good.


I also thought I should add a couple scriptures that explain that, under prescribed circumstances there are occasions when it is morally appropriate to take a life as penalty for capital offenses:

Genesis 9:6 “If the blood of one man is spilled by another, his blood shall be spilled".
Numbers 35:16 "But if he struck him down with an iron object, so that he died, he is a murderer; the murderer shall surely be put to death".
I would personally like to see the idiots montage set to the benny hill theme song. The rediculous clips including the flapping bird, weird water drinking and the shackle shuffle.


I agree! I'm only half joking when I say that I wish they could present a video montage of JA spoof videos and clips of her ridiculous interviews, set to a laugh track. I believe publically humiliating her with her own words and nonsense would be a true punishment for such a control freak.

He has said, numerous times, that he tries to maintain a respect with his subjects so they trust him enough to talk. He doesn't reveal sources, again to maintain trust and he does not report ANYTHING unless it is verified, which is why sometimes he doesn't report on certain issues (MDLR, for example) early on. Maybe that is why some, like yourself, believe that he sees her through those "rose colored classes".

But your digg at FOX was noted.

I agree Troy looks at Jodi through rose-colored lenses. I think he may do a good part of that for ratings for his network. IIRC, he is with FOX. If so, I understand how the whole truth might not be allowed. If he's not with Fox, though, I think he has less of an excuse. It's almost like he tries to report the opposite of what is, sometimes. I mean, her hands being tiny? Not so, by any stretch of the imagination.

I sometimes wonder what makes him tick. Maybe to keep his job he has to kowtow to his bosses. Who knows, really. I do give him a great deal of credit for showing the killer in jail stripes in that interview after her guilty verdict, after promising her he wouldn't. I thought that was just plain great!
I would personally like to see the idiots montage set to the benny hill theme song. The rediculous clips including the flapping bird, weird water drinking and the shackle shuffle.

Popped in to LOL @ dancing' the Shackle Shuffle - the new dance craze sweeping the nation!
It's called critical thinking. As a responsible journalist you need contemplate both sides of the story. In Texas, all colleges must teach critical thinking in all courses as it is a requirement. It is very difficult for me as I can be very biased with things I am passionate about, so I admire those that can do it well, and I think he does it very well.

a little on critical thinking: http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/glossary-of-critical-thinking-terms/496

That's precisely what confuses me. His reporting can be accurate and factual and then the next time you hear from him he is saying off-the-wall stuff that is contrary to what is real and, much of the time, obvious. I can't figure out why he says some of the stuff he says about Killer Arias--remarks that anyone with half a brain can see are not accurate. He seems to sometimes be trying to find excuses for her evil deeds.
Well, now you have me wondering if Arias insisted that Troy report that she has tiny hands. We know it isn't true and we have posted often enough about her big hands. Maybe she didn't like those comments and demanded he say something on the record to set us straight.

Yeah, right. We have eyes; we can see exactly how huge and hideous her murdering hands are!

There is no way TH would report something like that just because JA told him to.

I remember hearing him, in one of those web casts, say that shaking her hand was like shaking a child's hand, but he didn't say child-sized hand. Has he reported that her hands are small on more than that occasion?
I'll take Ryan Owens over TH any day. This is what a reporter should be. Skeptical, questioning, not throwing softballs so a manipulative murderer will still "talk" to him. I'll take a "hater" any day of the week. Objective and not pandering for more stories.
...We later learned that G-pa argued with the arresting officers … went to JA’s employer to gather JA’s time cards, to prove JA COULDN’T have been in Mesa during the murder … then discovered ANOTHER JA lie...
Respectfully snipped for focus

Thanks for the post Shadowboy. I did not know about this. Could you direct me to the place/info where I can read about her grandfather, TIA
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